American Hero Indiana Governor Signs Bill Allowing Citizens To Use Deadly Force Against Police Officers Into Law

With our Worlds history you will see Tyrannical Governments oppressing people!  If more Governors would think like this, America would truly be a free Nation not a slave 1984 police state!

Republican Governor Mitch Daniels has signed Senate Enrolled Act 1 into law in Indiana. The new law allows citizens to use deadly force against police officers they think are illegally entering their homes. Earlier this month, Addicting Info reported  that the bill had passed the Senate. Republicans say the bill is designed to keep police safe, but Democrats say the bill will lead to the wanton killing ofpolice officers.

 “Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin (sometimes Thomas Jefferson)

 “When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.” Thomas Jefferson

“The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” Thomas Jefferson  

“Laws that forbid the carrying of arms…disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes… Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.” (Quoting Cesare Beccaria)

“The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it.” Thomas Jefferson

“I am not a friend to a very energetic government. It is always oppressive. I have sworn on the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty.” Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson Quotes, to me this seems to make the most sense of why this Law is a good Idea.  But as you will see in the story that I found on my facebook page disagree’s with our founding fathers Wise men who truly understood Freedom and Liberty!

“In a state of tranquillity, wealth, and luxury, our descendants would forget the arts of war* and the noble activity and zeal which made their ancestors invincible. Every art of corruption would be employed to loosen the bond of union which renders our resistance formidable. When the spirit of liberty, which now animates our hearts and gives success to our arms*, is extinct, our numbers will accelerate our ruin and render us easier victims to tyranny.  If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom—go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!”
Note that Adams and the Founding Fathers believed they were engaged in a defensive war against tyranny.


Indiana Governor Signs Bill Allowing Citizens To Use Deadly Force Against Police Officers Into Law

March 23, 2012


Republican Governor Mitch Daniels has signed Senate Enrolled Act 1 into law in Indiana. The new law allows citizens to use deadly force against police officers they think are illegally entering their homes. Earlier this month, Addicting Info reported  that the bill had passed the Senate. Republicans say the bill is designed to keep police safe, but Democrats say the bill will lead to the wanton killing ofpolice officers.

Rep. Craig Fry, a Democrat, says the bill “is going to cause people to die and it’s too late after somebody dies for a jury to sort it out. Somebody’s going to die, whether it’s a police officer or an individual who thinks a police officer is entering their home unlawfully. People are going to die.”

Fry’s colleague, Democratic Rep. Linda Lawson, a former police captain, says the bill would create an “open season on law enforcement,” and it is opposed by “1,250 state police officers and 14,000 men and women in blue, brown and green.”

The new law reverses a state Supreme Court ruling that homeowners do not have the right to use force against law enforcement officials who they believe are illegally entering their homes. According to the Evansville Courier Press, an Evansville resident fought a police officer who followed him into his house during a domestic dispute call. “The state Supreme Court found that officers sometimes enter homes without warrants for reasons protected by the law, such as pursuing suspects or preventing the destruction of evidence. In these situations, we find it unwise to allow a homeowner to adjudge the legality of police conduct in the heat of the moment,” the court said. “As we decline to recognize a right to resist unlawful police entry into a home, we decline to recognize a right to batter a police officer as a part of that resistance.”

While announcing his decision to sign the bill into law, Governor Daniels tried to claim that the law doesn’t declare an open season on police officers.

“Today is an important day to say: Indiana’s outstanding law enforcement officers put their lives on the line every day to protect all Hoosiers. The right thing to do is cooperate with them in every way possible. This law is not an invitation to use violence or force against law enforcement officers. In fact, it restricts when an individual can use force, specifically deadly force, on an officer, so don’t try anything. Chances are overwhelming you will be breaking the law and wind up in far worse trouble as a result.”

But Governor Daniels is merely attempting to put political spin on a bad bill. Indeed, Daniels admits that he nearly vetoed it precisely because the bill could be grossly misinterpreted and could lead to killings of police and citizens. This law is basically a loophole for citizens to kill police officers and claim self-defense. There are many people out there who think no police officers have the right to enter homes or property, even if there is a warrant.

As the state Supreme Court said, sometimes police officers have to enter homes to prevent the destruction of evidence or to prevent someone from grabbing a weapon in their home to use against police or someone else. Sometimes police must pursue suspects in their homes. But this bill reverses that ruling and gives those suspects the legal authority to slay police officers. It’s the equivalent of Florida’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ law that led to the killing of Trayvon Martin. In that incident, George Zimmerman believed he had the legal right to gun down a kid for walking through the neighborhood simply for being a young African American male strolling around the community at night. Zimmerman, believing the innocent boy to be a threat, followed him and then shot him to death. Because of the Florida law, Zimmerman remains a free man because he can claim self-defense. This Indiana law will allow people to do the same thing to police officers on their property and in their homes. It makes the already dangerous job of law enforcement even more dangerous and will ultimately lead to the legal murder of police officers who are just trying to do their job.

2 thoughts on “American Hero Indiana Governor Signs Bill Allowing Citizens To Use Deadly Force Against Police Officers Into Law

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  1. So grossly wrong on the Trayvon Martin case and this law. Trayvon Martin attacked Zimmerman who had lost sight of Trayvon and was returning to his vehicle. You can clearly hear Martin ask Zimmerman on the 911 tape, “Do you have a problem.”, Zimmerman, “No”, Martin, “You do now.”. Trayvon broke Zimmerman’s nose, slammed his head into the ground leaving a gash that required stitches and was beating him. You can hear Zimmerman screaming for help then a single gunshot. You make it sound like he hunted him down like an animal and shot him. He shot in self defense, stand your ground doesn’t even come into play. With regards to this law, if an officer is entering your home illegally they’re no better and far more dangerous than any other criminal.

  2. Reblogged this on and commented:
    With our Worlds history you will see Tyrannical Governments oppressing people! If more Governors would think like this, America would truly be a free Nation not a slave 1984 police state!

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