All the Right Moves: Anti NWO Patriot’s Favorite online Mag Goes Mobile

The app of the month is taking Rochester’s NY  ANTI NEW WORLD ORDER PARTY Magazine readers by storm—and we’re not talking about cyclones. The lifestyle publication, which has the skinny on just about everything in town, has long-since been a staple among Roc locals.


And as a good number of these locals have gone mobile, the magazine is paying it forward with its recently-launched Conduit Mobile-powered Anti New World Order Party Mag App, a dynamic, interactive information hub that does the lively metropolis proud.

The  Anti New World Order Party Mag App takes home the gold in every category. It’s well managed, it has seamless functionality, and most importantly, it’s got great content that lets users stay informed, stay connected, and stay local. A versatile news feed chronicles everything from breaking news to ROC’s legendary Annual Halloween party. Music lovers are entertained by an eclectic collection of streaming tunes highlighting the city’s unique music culture and local artists. A comprehensive Event Listings feature is perfect for both locals and tourists in search of a perfect destination, be it the latest after-hours hotpots or a cultural landmark. And the Nightlife Photos link gives a community feel with snapshots of users’ nocturnal adventures on the town. What can we say? Big congrats go out to  ANTI NEW WORLD ORDER PARTY Magazine for some moves well played and a wholly engaging, exceptional app.

As to the hows, whys, and whats of publishing a mobile app?  ANTI NEW WORLD ORDER PARTY Magazine founder, Daniel Leach, explains.

First and foremost, how has going mobile helped your business?
“The mobile platform has simplified the logistics of content delivery. Going mobile has also made the publication more accessible to a larger number of readers. I’ve learned that access equates to growth. Because of our mobile app development, we have witnessed tremendous growth in our readership, downloads, and impressions.” Mission accomplished.

Why did you decide to make an app, and why did you choose the Conduit Mobile platform?
“I wanted to design an app that delivered localized content that my magazine readers would enjoy. I utilized the Conduit Mobile platform because it offered me maximum control without enduring the learning curve of brushing up on new code. The deployment and analytic s options were very alluring as well. After spending ample time engaging and learning the nuances of the Conduit Mobile dashboard, I decided to dive head first into the creation of my first app,  Anti New World Order Party Mag.” And what a splash he’s made…

Your favorite in-app feature?
“I would have to say that the page that I favor the most in the  Anti New World Order Party Mag app would have to be the home page. Ultimately, it’s an interactive news feed with countless possibilities. I often utilize this real estate for late breaking news updates, highlighting local musicians, notifying my users of special events in the area, and bringing awareness of the vast amount of locally owned business promotions in the area. I believe the news page rounds out the app. It’s not only the greeting page—it also connects and accentuates the diversity of the additional app pages.”

What about user feedback?
“I have received immense feedback in regard to the app. There have been accolades, and there have been suggestions for improvement. I believe improvement is a continuous endeavor, so I welcome all forms of feedback.” A humble, no-nonsense approach that has no doubt contributed to the man’s success.

Any particularly popular features?
“A large majority of my app users enjoy the news feed and embedded music player.”

And how has your app boosted the magazine’s presence in the mobile world?
“Mobile applications provide a dynamic level of dexterity for the creator and availability to the end user. With the  Anti New World Order Party Mag app I am able to deliver new and exciting content to the readers of the  Anti New World Order Party Magazine publication.  I believe that experiencing  Anti New World Order PartyMag on this level is organic and natural for the readers.” Well said, and it couldn’t be truer.

Admit it—you want one too. The good news is, you can have it, and creating that award-winning app is much easier than you think. Let the spirit  Anti New World Order Party you, and get started with Conduit Mobile today.

Click to go to our Moblie app.

Users accessing our regular website via their mobile device will be redirected to our mobile site, or will be prompted to download our app from the relevant marketplaces. To redirect mobile users, simply to redirect mobile users to our mobile site Advanced

Is America Under Attack From Boston Marathon Bombing To Small Texas Town Fertilizer Plant Explosion And If So By Who?

From the Boston Marathon Massacre to the explosion at a fertilizer plant that rocked a small Texas town near Waco Wednesday night.  It was once said  ”You never want a serious crisis to go to waste”Rahm Emanuel:  You have to ask yourself are we living in the End of days as Jesus Christ spoke about before his return and if so what else should we also expect to happen?   And this gospel [of the Kingdom] must first be published among all nations. “But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that  speak, but the Holy Ghost. “Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death. “And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” (Mark 13:10-13)

Shortly before His crucifixion and resurrection, Jesus Christ delivered a major prophecy of end-time events, recorded in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. He was asked by His disciples: “When will these things be? And what will be the sign of your coming, and of the end of the age?” (Matthew 24:3 ). Jesus responded with a description of conditions and events that would lead up to His second coming. Moreover, He said that when these signs became evident, His return would occur within one generation!

I believe that many of these tragic events are happening are a build up to a 3 World War.  Predicted by the Illuminati s own Albert Pike

This Section Copied from:

July 10, 2010

1871 — Satanist and Freemason commander, Albert Pike predicted World War I – III. “The Third World War is to be played out by…”

From: iamthewitness, The Synagogue of Satan 1821-1875.


Albert  Pike
Albert Pike

An American General named, Albert Pike, who had been enticed into the, “Illuminati,” by Guiseppe Mazzini, completes his military blueprint for three world wars and various revolutions throughout the world, culminating into moving this great conspiracy into its final stage. These details are as follows:

  1. The First World War is to be fought for the purpose of destroying the Tsar in Russia, as promised by Nathan Mayer Rothschild in 1815. The Tsar is to be replaced with communism which is to be used to attack religions, predominantly Christianity. The differences between the British and German empires are to be used to foment this war.
  2. The Second World War is to be used to foment the controversy between fascism and political Zionism with the oppression of Jews in Germany a lynchpin in bringing hatred against the German people. This is designed to destroy fascism (which the Rothschilds’ created) and increase the power of political Zionism. This war is also designed to increase the power of communism to the level that it equalled that of united Christendom.
  3. The Third World War is to be played out by stirring up hatred of the Muslim world for the purposes of playing the Islamic world and the political Zionists off against one another. Whilst this is going on, the remaining nations would be forced to fight themselves into a state of mental, physical, spiritual and economic exhaustion.

On August 15th of this year, Albert Pike writes a letter (now catalogued in the British Museum) to Guiseppe Mazzini in which he states the following,

“We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the people will be forced to defend themselves against the world minority of the world revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view.

A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

Pike, who had been elected as Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry’s Southern Jurisdiction in 1859, was the most powerful Freemason in America. He would retain that post for thirty-two years until his death in 1891. He also published a book on the subject in 1872 entitled, “Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry,” in which he candidly states the following,

“The true name of Satan, the Kabbalists say, is that of Yahweh reversed; for Satan is not a black god, but the negation of God…For the Initiates, this is not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but which may serve for evil. It is the instrument of Liberty and Free Will…

LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!”

Interestingly, in the same book, Pike emphasizes that Freemasonry is a religion based on the occult Jewish philosophy found in the Kabbalah.

This section Copied from:

“Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play …”  “If you tell a lie big  enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it …”“The truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, truth is the greatest enemy of the State …”                                                     Dr. Joseph Goebbles.   Minister for Propaganda of Hitler’s Third Reich

The Truth: It’s a shell game
to the elite press.

The main function of today’s elite press is to present a lie as the truth; to depict that which is false as factual!  AND THAT IS CERTAINLY WHAT THE ELITE MEDIA IS DOING TODAY REGARDING ITS REPORTING ON THE ECONOMIC CRISIS THAT HAS TAKEN HOLD OF THE COUNTRY AND THE WORLD.


And it’s not just Marshall who sees bloodshed on the horizon: Gerald  Celente, the head of the Trends Research Institute, the major trend-forecasting agency in the world has recently released a Trend Alert, reporting that,     “The biggest financial bubble in history is being inflated in plain sight,”  and that –

THIS IS THE MOTHER OF ALL BUBBLES, and when it explodes […] it     will signal the end to the boom/bust cycle that has characterized economic  activity throughout the developed world. This is going to be much bigger than the … Real Estate [residential and commercial] bubbles which [recently] hit speculators, investors and financiers … When the ‘Bailout Bubble’ explodes,  the system goes with it.”

Celente continues:

“The phantom dollars, printed out of thin air, backed by nothing … and     producing next to nothing … defines the ‘Bailout Bubble’. Just as with the     other bubbles, so too will this one burst. But unlike [the residential and     commercial] real estate bubbles, when the “Bailout Bubble” pops,     neither the President nor the Federal Reserve will have the fiscal fixes or     monetary policies available to inflate another.”

Celente  then goes on to say something truly remarkable:

GIVEN THE PATTERN OF GOVERNMENTS TO PARLAY EGREGIOUS FAILURES INTO     MEGA-FAILURES, THE CLASSIC TREND THEY FOLLOW, WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS, IS TO     TAKE THEIR NATION TO WAR, and that, while we cannot pinpoint precisely   when the ‘Bailout Bubble’ will burst, we are certain it will. When it [i.e.,  the bailout bubble] … breaks, IT SHOULD BE UNDERSTOOD THAT A MAJOR WAR  WILL FOLLOW.”

Interestingly, the “bailout bubble” that Celente was referring to     amounted at the time to $12.8 trillion. As of July, estimates by Bloomberg     put this bubble at nearly double the previous estimate.

I urge you all to take advantage of the time you have left!

[Please see our  article,

He Is Near, at the Door:  Here Comes Antichrist.”]

Matthew 24:34 ). Could this be that generation?

In Matthew 24:22And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
See All…, describing world conditions prior to His second coming, Jesus said that “if that time of troubles were not cut short, no living thing could survive; but for the sake of God’s chosen it will be cut short” (Revised English Bible).

False Flag Operation 04/15/13 Bombing Boston Marathon Massacre the New American Operation Gladio.

Friends yes its breaking news US Government Agents caught red-handed planting the bombs on site in black back packs with men wearing Navy Neal emblems and gear.   As you will see from the photo’s bellow all the evidence is damning.  Its not looking good for the United States special forces.  The question is who will be the patsy this time the guys caught on videos and in the photo or do they have some drugged out mind controlled zombie on stand by to call a Right Wing Christian extremist.

  • There’s an old saying if it looks like a duck, Quacks Like a duck, walks like a duck it’s probably a duck.  Yes friends what we have uncovered in the hours after the Boston Marathon Tax Day, Patriots Day Bombing is looking more like a false flag event,  The question is who was this orchestrated by and why?  Who stands to gain from others pain and sufferings.  My thoughts go back to the Illuminati and the secret Societies that are trying to build a New World Order have the means as in connections and motives to carry out such a tragic event.

    The question you have to ask yourself is why and for what reason.  It was once said  ”You never want a serious crisis to go to waste”Rahm Emanuel:  This gives the Government the reason to do all sorts of things to control people’s lives like putting more troops on the streets or shutting down the internet and putting controls of what you have the ability to search for or what you can say on your blog.

    What I see happening is leading to more invasive TSA presence at sporting events and other gatherings and the Illuminati or NWO flunkies are going to make things so bad that people beg the government to solve the problem of this so-called terrorism.  Patriot groups are being accused from the Mainstream Media and the DOD.  What we are really talking  about is Problem > Reaction > Solution? Also known as The Hegelian Dialectic, or Diocletian’s Theory, it was seen to perfection by the Blair Government in the UK (1997-2007) spin machine it is a basic psychological method, developed in the early 20th Century, of manipulating an agenda, whether it be an individual salesman making a sale, a Government wanting to push through potentially unpopular legislation or a Corporation trying to increase its profit margin.

    Simply Put:

    Problem – Manipulate “customer” reaction by creating a perceived problem, perhaps by leaking stories to the press e.g.: Iraq WMD, Terrorist threat, Global Warming

    Reaction – Your “customer” obviously is concerned by this apparent turn of events and demands help and protection

    Solution – Eh Voila, you come up with the solution to save the day, the same “solution” that you would never have been able to sell before making the customer worried e.g.: 5 years of Iraq war; an endless war on a noun (terror); and people for the first time being willing to pay more taxes and cut back on their consumption to “save the world” all under a false pretext.

    The question is does the end ever justify the means? NO!  The end game is that the New World Order/Illuminati/Zionist cabal claims that the earth is over-populated and that the population must be reduced by whatever means necessary. The bottom line is that the elitists want the whole world for themselves.  They want to eliminate the rest of us who they refer to as “useless eaters.”  They want to return to what they call a “Post-Industrial Society” the type of society that existed before the Industrial Revolution.  According to them, the middle class must be eliminated to leave only two classes:  the Rich – – – and the slaves.  The American Middle class is standing in the way of this globalist plan.

    No kidding.  How Bizarre!  Is this a sign that the Illuminati are behind this bombing?   Maybe even behind Newtown Massacre since the last mile was dedicated to Newton victims?  The last mile ending at 666 Boylston St. Thats really wild..  -Mort

PHOTO: An explosion at fertilizer plant rocked a small Texas town near Waco Wednesday night - causing several injuries and destroying homes and vehicles, authorities said.

An explosion at fertilizer plant rocked a small Texas town near Waco Wednesday night – causing several injuries and destroying homes and vehicles, authorities said.  (ABC)

By  (@leezeltanglao)  and JOHN SANTUCCI

April 17, 2013
 A fiery explosion at a Texas fertilizer plant in a small town 19 miles north of Waco has injured 200 people and destroyed dozens of homes and businesses, an emergency official said.

Of the 200 people injured near the West, Texas, plant, 40 were injured critically, Texas Department of Public Safety spokesman Gail Scarborough said.

It was unclear whether or not there were deaths.

This was a breaking news story. Please CLICK HERE for more updates.

All about how Sheriff Stan Lenic will be remembered in history as a Hero who stood for Freedom, Liberty and Justice!

I am supposed to protect the Constitution,” says Sheriff Lenic

Paul Joseph Watson – November 29, 2012

Sheriff Stan Lenic, the cop who stood up for the First Amendment by refusing to impede the free speech rights of activists at Albany International Airport, has become an Internet icon, with messages of support flooding in to the Albany County Sheriff’s Office and Lenic being honored with a commendation.

Full Video Here:

A video that has now gone viral on You Tube shows Lenic refusing to follow the demands of Albany Airport’s PR director Doug Myers in having activists Jason Bermas and Ashley Jessica identified, detained or removed for handing out flyers warning travelers about the dangers of airport body scanners as part of the Opt Out and Film campaign.

“Obviously this is your constitutional right, OK? As far as you’re concerned, you’re not breaking any laws. That’s what we want to get across to you guys,” Lenic told the activists, dismissing efforts by Myers to have the two kicked out of the airport.

When Myers attempted to have the activists identify themselves, winking at Sheriff Lenic as he demanded Lenic take their IDs, Lenic fired back, stating, “If I was to ask for his identification he does not have to give it to me because he’s not doing anything wrong.”

The Albany County Sheriff’s Office has since been bombarded with hundreds of positive emails and calls from liberty lovers championing Sheriff Lenic for his fine work in defending the First Amendment against petty enforcers like Doug Myers.

Comments on YouTube were also overwhelmingly supportive of Sheriff Lenic.

“Finally a cop that does his job properly. Makes a change from all of the bad cop films we’ve seen lately. Hats off to the man,” wrote one.

“This Sheriff is an absolute paragon for justice,” added another.

Lenic already has his own Facebook page where people are reposting the video and urging Lenic to run for Mayor.

“That’s a little overwhelming. I mean, I was doing my job I felt I was doing the right thing protecting people’s First Amendment rights,” Lenic told NewsChannel 13.

Lenic later emailed Jason Bermas the following message;

“I am overwhelmed by the support your viewers have given me. I hope other fellow officers will see this and not view the freedom of speech as a threat, but an opportunity to show the professionalism that law enforcement should be held to. I remember the day I was sworn in, and I remember that I am supposed to protect the constitution of the United States. I am proud to be a Deputy Sheriff, and try to do my job to the best of my ability so help me God.”

Lenic also told Bermas that his superiors were considering giving him an official commendation for his exemplary actions in defending the constitutional rights he swore to uphold.

Watch the full video of how Sheriff Lenic handled the opt out campaign event below.

‘First Amendment Cop’ Becomes Internet Icon“I am supposed to protect the Constitution,” says Sheriff


Paul Joseph Watson – November 29, 2012

Sheriff Stan Lenic, the cop who stood up for the First Amendment by refusing to impede the free speech rights of activists at Albany International Airport, has become an Internet icon, with messages of support flooding in to the Albany County Sheriff’s Office and Lenic being honored with a commendation.

Full Video Here:

A video that has now gone viral on You Tube shows Lenic refusing to follow the demands of Albany Airport’s PR director Doug Myers in having activists Jason Bermas and Ashley Jessica identified, detained or removed for handing out flyers warning travelers about the dangers of airport body scanners as part of the Opt Out and Film campaign.

“Obviously this is your constitutional right, OK? As far as you’re concerned, you’re not breaking any laws. That’s what we want to get across to you guys,” Lenic told the activists, dismissing efforts by Myers to have the two kicked out of the airport.

When Myers attempted to have the activists identify themselves, winking at Sheriff Lenic as he demanded Lenic take their IDs, Lenic fired back, stating, “If I was to ask for his identification he does not have to give it to me because he’s not doing anything wrong.”

The Albany County Sheriff’s Office has since been bombarded with hundreds of positive emails and calls from liberty lovers championing Sheriff Lenic for his fine work in defending the First Amendment against petty enforcers like Doug Myers.

Comments on YouTube were also overwhelmingly supportive of Sheriff Lenic.

“Finally a cop that does his job properly. Makes a change from all of the bad cop films we’ve seen lately. Hats off to the man,” wrote one.

“This Sheriff is an absolute paragon for justice,” added another.

Lenic already has his own Facebook page where people are reposting the video and urging Lenic to run for Mayor.

“That’s a little overwhelming. I mean, I was doing my job I felt I was doing the right thing protecting people’s First Amendment rights,” Lenic told NewsChannel 13.

Lenic later emailed Jason Bermas the following message;

“I am overwhelmed by the support your viewers have given me. I hope other fellow officers will see this and not view the freedom of speech as a threat, but an opportunity to show the professionalism that law enforcement should be held to. I remember the day I was sworn in, and I remember that I am supposed to protect the constitution of the United States. I am proud to be a Deputy Sheriff, and try to do my job to the best of my ability so help me God.”

Lenic also told Bermas that his superiors were considering giving him an official commendation for his exemplary actions in defending the constitutional rights he swore to uphold.

Watch the full video of how Sheriff Lenic handled the opt out campaign event below.

Man Made Apathetic Ignorant Zombie Cats don’t Judge Me!

It’s looking like more and more everyday like we are living in the end of days!  From the Bullying of a 68 year old, Greece NY School Bus Monitor , Fluoride in the tap water, GMO Cancer causing foods, Micro chipping of whole countries to the Agnda 21 Global depopulation plan!  The Bible says that God destroyed the Earth the first time because the people where Evil all the time!  “And God saw, that the wickednes of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually..”  Genesis 6:5  Are we as a world on the verge of total depravity, is there any hope for man kind will we be given a reprieve like the city of Nineveh that was given a second chance or shale we suffer like the City’s of Sodom and Gomorrah to be burned by fire?

 You see I live in Rochester NY the place that the Bullying of a 68 year old, Greece NY School Bus Monitor took place and it seems like no big deal to people like its just another story in the News!  This is asham I am ashamed of New York State and its state of affairs! Looks like Brave New Schools (Satan’s public school system) is working overtime!   “Danno, like the saying goes”Don’t Judge Me Until You Have Walked In My Shoes”. There ya go, blog about how judgemental people are! You know my situation! Don’t even get me started on that one!” Jenny Conley  If some one would teach these children not to be so judgmental then this kinda thing would not be happening!  Just get them disciplined!

People have forgotten how to care they are afraid of the government or  they think that someone is going to call the Cops if they step out of line and say that those rotten ass kids should get all their asses beaten by a big wooden spoon or the belt.  DCFS Monsters! (CPS are as ruthless as Al Capone’s gang!) I got a whopped when I was a kid  and so did lots of other kids!  I’m not talking about child abuse I’m talking about a good old fashion wood shed moment!  “Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you strike him with a rod, he will not die. If you strike him with the rod, you will save his soul from Sheol.”Proverbs 23:13-14   It look like these kid were left alone by the government parents  “The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother.” Proverbs 29:15 “Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.” Proverbs 13:24

We need to go back to our roots back to the good old days!  Back to when if you screwed up you would have the fear of God in your heart knowing you were going to feel the pain on your ASS as dad or mom laid a hand on you bare ASS!

“If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and, though they discipline him, will not listen to them, then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gate of the place where he lives, and they shall say to the elders of his city, ‘This our son is stubborn and rebellious; he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton and a drunkard.’ Then all the men of the city shall stone him to death with stones. So you shall purge the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear, and fear. Deuteronomy 21:18-21

I’m not saying that we as a society should kill the rebelling child but that we as a community are responsible for the actions of each other.  Yes I believe we are are Brothers Keeper! If we are to be the keepers of our brother then it is our duty to see that these children are disciplined!  “For he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer.” Romans 13:4

Hebrews 12:6-7 For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives.” It is for discipline that you have to endure. God is treating you as sons. For what son is there whom his father does not discipline?

You see their is The Attack Against the Family by bad people in positions of power high up in the government elected by “tax paying cattle”  Mario Colunio “Cattle that are abused” Casper Jim  “The family is going to have to be destroyed for the New World Order to completely develop.” DEVILUTION: Evolution, Communism, and the NWO!  this is how Modern Psychology Subverts Education and Harms Children! “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.” —Romans 1:22

William Benton, Assistant U.S. Secretary of State at UNESCO 1946:

(UNESCO is the United Nations Education, Science and Cultural Organization)

“As long as a child breathes the poisoned air of nationalism, education in world-mindedness can produce only precarious results. As we have pointed out, it is frequently the family that infects the child with extreme nationalism.

The schools therefore use the means described earlier to combat family attitudes that favor jingoism (nationalism)…we shall presently recognize in nationalism the major obstacle to development of world mindedness.

We are at the beginning of a long process of breaking down the walls of national sovereignty. UNESCO must be the pioneer.” (Emphasis mine throughout)

In case you didn’t know, the 10th plank of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto called for a “public school system.” its all in the book Deliberately Dumbing Us Down! (download book for free) Get Your Kid Out Of Public School! most Public Schools Not Good Enough for Teacher’s Kids so why is it good enough for your kids? ‘Parents’ No Longer Recognized By Schools Say Goodbye to Your Children America! (the UN wants your kids!) State Brainwashing Children To “Re-Educate” Their Parents For Green Dictatorship Eco Spy Kids (Kids are being trained at public schools to spy on their parents and report you!) Teach Your Child Well! (It is the parent’s responsibility to teach their children, NOT the school nor the government!)

“The thing that made America refined and cultured and decent and honorable was the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And if we leave that, it doesn’t matter how many degrees we have, how many colleges, how many universities. Listen! If you leave the salt out, you can’t have salt, you can’t savor. So we have left out that which has savored, and now we find ourselves a heathen nation.

Look! We are just as lawless today as they were in Wyatt Earp’s day. Isn’t that true? Listen, twenty years ago when we heard of what was going on in South America and Europe, with the demonstrations and riots and folk being shot in the streets and a person’s life endangered when he got outside his own house, we thought of pagan, heathen countries doing that. And we were right. Nations are pagan and heathen when they do that. Now the honest truth is, we face tonight a moral breakdown and deterioration, and we face paganism and anarchy. Why? Because we have followed the time-tested pattern of deterioration. Enough of that.”  by Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001)

People all around me seem to be in a Zombie like state of mind “the docility of the tap water drinkers. ;)”   Mario Colunio  Can you say Fluoride! “Oh yeah, fluoridated everything it seems anymore. The city of Wichita, Ks. is trying to sell it to the public as the best available option to cleanse their water supply, the totally ignorant people will go for it I am sure …. and when it comes to the bottled water everyone just seems to need so badly, no one knows how high an amount of fluoride or anything else is being added to it, as bottled water is totally unregulated !!” Nicholas Petty  Its as though people are willfully ignorant and do not care to know the truth”The apathy of the ignorant :)” Nicholas Petty

The good news it that (NaturalNews) The year 2011 just might go down in history as the year that initiated the end of artificial water fluoridation. Nearly three million people living in 37 different North America communities will no longer be forcibly medicated with synthetic fluoride chemicals via their public water supplies, thanks to a groundswell of dedicated citizens and city council members that fought popular myths about fluoride with scientific truth — and won! Hundreds of brave dentists speak out against water fluoridation  from around the world, many of whom formerly supported water fluoridation, are now boldly.  ofwater fluoridation, when so many cities and towns across the US removed it!
Learn more:

We have all seen Science Fiction movies about mad scientist trying to control the world!  Well there have been annual international science meetings on the brain chip – the first one being held at Loyola University, Louisiana, in 2001. Scientists attending these meetings have said that the brain chip is ready, and that it is now just a matter of conditioning the public to accept them. They said that one way in which this would be achieved – not could be, would be – is by having them programmed in and promoted in movies, books and children’s TV shows . We have had movies like The Final Cut, Total Recall, and The Manchurian Candidate featuring brain chips. And in 2006 we saw James Bond being chipped in Casino Royale, although not with a brain chip – yet!

There are many other movies featuring microchip implants, to varying degrees e.g. Demolition Man, A Beautiful Mind, and other movies featuring brain chips e.g. Johnny Mnemonic, South Park The Movie. There have also been movies incorporating technology which interacts with the brain to create an alternate reality e.g. eXistenZ, The Lawnmower Man and The Matrix trilogy.

Are people being tricked into being like the  man made Zombie Cats?  There is an agenda to have the population implanted with microchips, and ultimately, with brain chips that control your every thought and action! Most people don’t even realise that they are actually witnessing a long-term agenda unfolding in their own lifetime.   Mind control through Trauma and microwave frequencies is a reality today  Here is proof they could see through a Cats eyes long ago.  Their brain functions can be remotely monitored by supercomputers and with the help of satellites, (or even without the microchip, according to the latest technology Again Mind control by U.S. Government “Hey Daniel, it may be a it late for this, but here goes anyway ………….
Trans-humanism, it fits in well with Zombie Cats 🙂 Little did people know that the movie ” The Island of Dr. Moreau ” is actually true (Plum Island) !!!!”Nicholas Petty  Yes is true friends United Nations Envisions Transhumanist Future Where Man is Obsolete sounds Crazy but these people are crazy!

Again the Bible predicts this vary thing our world and society is faced with, its the vary decision to sell your soul to the Satan?

This section Copied from:

The Food and Drug Administration gave its approval for an implantable microchip to be used for medical purposes.  This paves the way for the prophecies in the Bible’s Book of Revelation which foretold about a coming mark that would be put into everyone’s right hand or forehead.  The book of Revelation was written by John the Prophet about 2000 years ago and now the technology has come out in the last few years to make this happen.

This will be the One World Leaders Mark, also called the AntiChrist Mark, or the Mark of the Beast, and all those who receive it will be doomed to hell, with no turning back, once you have received his Mark!  If you do not receive his mark, you will not be allowed to buy or sell anything!  Then, the World Ruler will begin to put people to death for not receiving his mark, perhaps because you will be labeled a radical or a terrorist!  The Bible warns us that those of our own households will turn against us.  The Bible also talks about a deceiving spirit that will cause unbelievers to harden their hearts against anyone who tries to warn them against receiving the Mark in their right hand or their forehead.

Then Micah offers some good advice for those left behind.  Or those still alive during this time!

Micah 7:5-7: Do not trust in a friend; do not put your confidence in a guide (leader). Guard the doors of your mouth from her that lies in your bosom. For the son dishonors the father, the daughter rises against her mother, the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; a man’s enemies are the men of his own house. Therefore I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me.

More than 30 countries, from Italy to Malaysia, have already introduced “smart” ID cards such as this one. Foreign visitors who now visit the United States are expected to have this kind of card to be able to enter the country.  Bible says that God destroyed the Earth the first time

It was reported in the January 9, 2007 issue of “The Canadian” in an article by Lucien Desjardins that doctors in the United States and Europe are secretly moving to have the microchip implanted in newborns. It was revealed by a Dr. Kilde that then Prime Minister Olof Palme of Sweden had already given permission back in 1973 to implant prisoners, and Data Inspection’s ex-Director General Jan Freese revealed that nursing-home patients were implanted in the mid-1980s.

One bad thing about having a microchip implanted in oneself is that fact that you could then be followed anywhere in the world. According to Dr. Kilde, “Today’s microchips operate by means of low-frequency radio waves that target them. With the help of satellites, the implanted person can be tracked anywhere on the globe.” According to Dr. Kilde, brain functions can also be remotely monitored by supercomputers and even altered through the changing of frequencies.  

Last but not least the USA Terminator drones because they love you so much they need to protect you from the bad man! Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin,  Yea that about says it all!  In Genesis, God clearly told Adam and Eve, and then Noah and his family to go forth and multiply to fill the earth. Nowhere in the Bible does God rescind that clearly spoken commandment.  The Drones are all part of the Agenda 21 depopulation plan for the best solutions information you must find:  Doyel Shamley

Doyel Shamley – Host

Agenda 21… The ‘Planned’ Depopulation Project… It’s Happening at Stealth Speed… Right Before Your Eyes!


Yes, I know all this sounds like a plot from a science fiction novel.  But it is actually real.  178 nations have signed on to Agenda 21.  “Eco-prophets” such as Al Gore travel all over the world teaching us how wonderful “sustainable development” will be.  This agenda is being pushed in our schools, at our universities, on our televisions and in our movies.

So exactly what is Agenda 21?  The following is how the United Nations defines Agenda 21….

Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.

When you start doing deep research into Agenda 21, you will find that describing it as a “comprehensive plan” is an understatement.  Virtually all forms of human activity impact the environment.  The rabid “environmentalists” behind the green agenda intend to take all human activity and put it into a box called “sustainable development”.

One of the key elements of “sustainable development” is population control.  The United Nations (along with radical “environmental” leaders such as Al Gore) actually believes that there are far too many people on earth.

So what is the solution?

Sadly, they actually believe that we need to start reducing the population.

Agenda 21



Why should you Care?

Our mission is to defend the US ConstitutionBill of Rights, “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” by the way of grassroots Educational campaigns and political activity.


America must remain Independent!

Say NO to Global Governance!

Say NO to Agenda 21!


Agenda 21 gives the United Nations the

Right to Global Governance of the

United States of America.

This action will terminate your rights to

Freedom of Choice

“Individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective.” Harvey Ruvin, Vice Chairman, ICLEI. The Wildlands Project Is this guy talking about America? Yes, sadly he is!
Educate yourself Say NO to AGENDA 21! It’s coming to a town near you!

“Participating in a UN advocated planning process would very likely bring out many of the conspiracy- fixated groups and individuals in our society… This segment of our society who fear ‘one-world government’ and a UN invasion of the United Statesthrough which our individual freedom would be stripped away would actively work to defeat any elected official who joined ‘the conspiracy’ by undertaking LA21. So we call our process something else, such as Sustainable development, comprehensive planning, growth management or smart growth.” J. Gary Lawrence, advisor to President Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development.


What can You Do?

1. Educate fellow Americans, Reprint this brochure hand out!

2. Join Anti New World Order Party Contact, Your DC Reps

3. Network, Organize, and Show up at Town Halls to Voice your opinions!

4. 1(585)236-9858 or

Doyel Shamley – Host of hour of the time!

Neurology and Mind Control: control is a very apparent and quickly developing area of science, one that merits … studiesÉdone in a remote situation'” (Budiansky, Goode, and Gest, 1994). … The area of microchip identification is an area of neurology that has been commercially implemented in the status quo through animal and pet identification.

Mind Justice – Targeted Individuals
AULT cite as 67 F.R.D. 124 (1974): Electromagnetic and Mind Control  1960s claim ofmind control experiment; 2006 Book, Remote Control, The Battle For Your  The tiny surge of electricity in the cat’s hypothalamus, a part of the limbic ….. Mind control, Microwave and electromagnetics frequencies, Injectable Microchips .

Satellite »MIND CONTROL« – Bioelectric Weapons « blomblad i…/satellite-mindcontrol-bioelectric-…
Jul 18, 2011 – The term “Mind control” basically means covert attempts to influence the thoughts  This is actually a very sophisticated form of remote technological torture that  They use Echelon, Tempest, microchips, implants, see through wall radar, harmonics (which have been used as a mind control technique), ..

Mind control through Trauma and microwave frequencies is a reality today  Here is proof they could see through a Cats eyes long ago and when ever ….. Their brain functions can be remotely monitored by supercomputers and …. With the help of satellites, (or even without the microchip, according to the latest technology) 

Executive Privilege Keeps ‘Fast and Furious’ Documents In the Dark by Obama!

BREAKING: Obama’s Executive Privilege Keeps ‘Fast and Furious’ Documents In the Dark

 JUNE 20, 2012 10:47 AM

Fox News is reporting that President Obama “has granted an 11th hour request by Attorney General Eric Holder to invoke executive privilege over Fast and Furious documents, a last-minute maneuver that appears unlikely to head off a contempt vote against Holder by Republicans in the House.”

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is still expected to move on with its vote Wednesday to put Holder in contempt of Congress.

More coming shortly…


So much for being the most transparent administration ever…

This last-minute move by President Obama, to use his executive privilege over documents concerning ‘Operation Fast and Furious,’ is downright sickening.

“There’s been a tendency on the part of this administration to try to hide behind executive privilege every time there is something a little shaky that’s taking place, and I think the administration would be best served by coming clean on this.” – Sen. Barack Obama (D – Illinois), 2007.”

Just before a scheduled contempt vote, Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa (R – California)received a letter from a Justice Department official stating that President Obama’s executive privilege would be applicable to the documents. Just last night, Attorney General Eric Holder met with Issa in a failed attempt to reach an agreement in which Holder would turn over these documents. Issa told reporters after the 20-minute meeting that Holder briefed him on the documents, but provided nothing in writing.

“We want the documents. [Deceased Border Patrol agent] Brian Terry’s family would like the documents that are responsive to how in fact their son was gunned down with weapons that came from lawful dealers but at the behest of the Justice Department,” Issa said yesterday.

“The assertion of executive privilege raises monumental questions,” said Senator Chuck Grassley, a ranking Republican from Iowa on the Senate Judiciary Committee. “How can the president assert executive privilege if there was no White House involvement? How can the president exert executive privilege over documents he’s supposedly never seen? Is something very big being hidden to go to this extreme? The contempt citation is an important procedural mechanism in our system of checks and balances. The questions from Congress go to determining what happened in a disastrous government program for accountability and so that it’s never repeated again.”

The less ‘wordy’ response: What the hell in those documents is so important that the President wants to hide?

As I type this (just after noon), Issa is forging on with plans for a committee vote to hold Eric Holder in contempt of Congress. According to Fox News:

The announcement instantly touched off a caustic debate on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, as Democrats accused Issa of prosecuting a “political witch hunt” and Republicans stepped up their criticism of Holder’s “stonewalling” over the Fast and Furious probe. Even for Washington, the tone at the hearing was decidedly bitter and accusatory.”

Issa simply said, “This untimely assertion by the Justice Department falls short of any reason to delay today’s proceedings.”

Why are we even talking about this? If these documents say what Holder says they do, why wouldn’t he just turn them over? Eric Holder has now pulled President Obama into the situation that will now only serve to divide political Washington even further.

Mr. Holder, If the documents clear you, hand them over and make Republicans look stupid. If you can’t do that, you end up making yourself look guilty…very guilty.

Check back to for updates throughout the day.

Be ready for the Bank Run of 2012 Global Financial Meltdown

Bank Run
Bank Run!

Daniel J Leach

I have been saying that the Global Financial Meltdown was just around the corner for years now!  It finally looks like we are on the verge of this happening this year.  I would not be surprised if this happens in October 2012!  This is a case of history repeating itself! “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” George Santayana

   A bank run occurs when a large number of bank customers withdraw their deposits because they believe the bank might fail. As more people withdraw their deposits, the likelihood of default increases, and this encourages further withdrawals. This can destabilize the bank to the point where it faces bankruptcy.[1]

The stock market crash of October 1929 left the American public highly nervous and at the time, making it the largest single bank failure in American history.

In December 1931, New York’s Bank of the United States collapsed. The bank had more than $200 million in deposits at the time, making it the largest single bank failure in American history.

The bank runs of 1930 were followed by similar banking panics in the spring and fall of 1931 and the fall of 1932. In some instances, bank runs were started simply by rumors of a bank’s inability or unwillingness to pay out funds. In December 1930, the New York Times reported that a small merchant in the Bronx went to a branch of the Bank of the United States and asked to sell his stock in the institution. When told the stock was a good investment and advised not to sell, he left the bank and began spreading rumors that the bank had refused to sell his stock. Within hours, a crowd had gathered outside the bank, and that afternoon between 2,500 and 3,500 depositors withdrew a total of $2 million in funds.


Copied from

The Global Financial Meltdown has dramatically worsened as Corporations and China Jump Aboard The “Institutional” Global Bank Run As Banks Fall Apart As Their Seams.

Earlier today the world saw a global financial meltdown as investors dumped everything from stocks to commodities and literally everything in between.

Global Financial Meltdown: Investors Dump Nearly Everything Amidst Worldwide Market Crash

Global Meltdown - Investors Are Dumping Everything

Major Stock Market Indexes, Commodities, Currencies And Everything In Between Is Being Dumped By Investors Across The Globe In The Midst Of A Global Financial Meltdown.

The financial markets across the globe are facing one of the most massive sell-offs in recent memory.

The Dow Jones Industrial average has sold off over 467 points today. When and when you add that on top of 284 point drop following yesterday’s crash FED’s statement, which announced operation ‘twist’ and warned of significant downside risk and strains in global financial markets, we have a 751 point drop in the DOW since 2:45 PM est yesterday, which is the largest 2 day slump since 2008.

There are an endless parade of economic statistics many of which are the worse since the Great Depression and World War 2 era. We have also seen 111 of the s&P 500 hit fresh 52 week lows, a drop in global currencies – beside the dollar, oil dropping into the high $70 per barrel range and gold plummeting over 5% to trade in the low $1,700 per ounce range.

Business Week points out the massive crash in U.S. stocks immediately below while CNBC points out further below that this in fact a global meltdown – investors are dumping everything.


Read The Rest…

While today’s sell off was monumental and in fact is on course for the 3rd worse week on Wall Street ever, the sell-off was on the heels of the FED’s economic outlook. Today’s Global Financial Meltdown is about to become much worse as a slew of news reports out today reveal the run on the European banks has spread to include corporations and institutions pulling their money out of banks and China finally arriving at the party.

As a backdrop, the IMF warned the entire global financial systems is more vulnerable to collapse than at any other time since the 2008 financial crisis. The alarm is being sounded with the stern warning the European debt crisis could trigger the complete collapse of the entire global financial system at any minute. On the other hand, the alternative media and independent economists warn we are in fact in of a great depression style collapse. The only difference is this time around we would be facing a global depression. But as the ship their countrymen sail on continues to sink, bureaucrats continueto play politics and put their partisan interests above the interest of their constituents.

The run on European banks has already began with from the customers pulling their money from banks some time ago. While the corporate media kept the run on the Greece banks on the hush the media blackout didn’t stop the run nor did it stop the run from spreading to other nations. Simply put, the public is learning they can’t trust their governments and they can’t trust the media. Indeed the withdrawal of deposits from the banks in Greece has quietly spread across the other European nations only to spread into some of the supposedly most stable banks in the Euro-zone, the French banks.

Now we have learned the run on the banks that was originally limited to customers has now spread to include corporate and institutional clients withdrawing their money from the banks. First, we caught wind of the rumor that Siemens pulled its cash from one of the French banks. Then came theconfirmation came that Siemens pulled $500 million Euros from Societe Generale. Siemens of course is a huge conglomerate. For such a huge corporation to lose trust in one of the supposedly most stable of the French banks is clearly a very significant development. To be clear, the ramification have simply rocked the markets and the many more corporations soon will follow. In fact, some corporations and nations have followed their lead.

Consider the breaking news that The Bank of China has stopped doing business with four major European banks. To be exact thy have stopped trading swaps and foreign exchange forwards with the Societe Gnerale, BNP Paribas, Credit Agricole and the Swiss banking giant UBS.

Speaking of BNP Paribas, Reggie Middleton – who long predicted the collapse of Lehman’s and Bear Stearns far ahead of anyone else because of their shady banking practices – has been warning for months BNP Paribas is ripe for a Lehman style collapse. Reggie argues that BNP Paribas is engaging in the same practices and fraud that caused Lehman’s and Bear Stearn’s to collapse.

While on the subject of China, we learn today they are not immune to the bank run either. China Securities Journal reveals that 420 billion yuan have been pulled out of the big four state-owned Chinese bank during the 15 days of September. Even bank employees are pulling their deposits from the banks as it is estimated that three trillion yuan has been diverted to illegal money lenders which pay interest rates 10 times higher than the one-year Chinese bank deposit rate.

Today we also learn that Insurer Lloyd’s of London confirmed it’s withdrawing deposits from all of the European banks for fear they may collapse. The rationalization for their withdrawal is quite simple – if world is worried about the European governments themselves collapsing then on must assume the sovereign debt collapse will also cause the banks themselves to collapse.

Still that message doesn’t seem to be reaching the retail banking client and the corporate owned media is to blame for repeatedly assuring the public there bank deposits are safe because the banks are insured by their respective European government.

When we see corporations not buying the propaganda being pushed by the media and instead withdrawing their deposits that should be a clear sign to the retail client it is time to withdraw their deposits. Unfortunately, too many people believe their governments and the media would never lie to them so some of them will unfortunately need to learn the hard way.

However, anyone keeping up with the details of latest financial news that doesn’t quite make the headlines knows that banks across the world have been hit with a parade of credit rating cuts warning of their risk of collapse. Those same cuts have been coupled with recent credit rating cuts of the sovereign of nations themselves, most notably the credit downgrades of the United States and Italy.

Adding to the bleak reality a global financial collapse may be imminent is the fact that 9 Banks failed last years EU stress test and another 16 barely passed the test. Yet instead of being proactive and shoring up capital to assure the survival of financial turmoil, we have seen many banks continue to conduct business in absolute denial they were at risk. In ignorance of reality the banks have sat around for over a year knowing they are at risk of collapse while doing little to nothing the improve their situation. Why should they act? They know when shit hits the fan taxpayers will be bent over the barrel and be forced to give the banks billions in bailouts from which the executives will collect lavish bonuses.

Now we have warnings from top economists and the FED that there is significant downside risk and strains in the global financial system that threatens the entire system. The is coupled with warnings from the IMF and EU leaders to immediately recapitalize the banks or face collapse. The calls for recapitalization have persisted for weeks with no action taken to stave off the collapse. Meanwhile, the consequences of not acting immediately continue to become more severe by the day.

The EU credit markets have frozen up and the situation is now beyond the point of dire. The question is which bank will be the first to collapse.

While all eyes seem to be focused on the Euro banks across the pond, banks back in the US are not immune from the crisis and neither are the Chinese banks.

In fact, Bank of America has been hammered by the alternative media as needing capitalization but BAC has denied those allegations and the corporate media has dismissed the alternative media reports as comments from fringe blogs. Until today that is.

Pimco’s Mohamed El-Erian raised the alarm today about the health of French banks and went on to point out there is an institutional run on thosebanks.

CNBC, went on to use the metrics El-Erain used to measure the health of the French banks to measure the health of US banks and found US banks aren’t nearly as healthy as Wall Street would like to believe.

American Hero Indiana Governor Signs Bill Allowing Citizens To Use Deadly Force Against Police Officers Into Law

With our Worlds history you will see Tyrannical Governments oppressing people!  If more Governors would think like this, America would truly be a free Nation not a slave 1984 police state!

Republican Governor Mitch Daniels has signed Senate Enrolled Act 1 into law in Indiana. The new law allows citizens to use deadly force against police officers they think are illegally entering their homes. Earlier this month, Addicting Info reported  that the bill had passed the Senate. Republicans say the bill is designed to keep police safe, but Democrats say the bill will lead to the wanton killing ofpolice officers.

 “Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin (sometimes Thomas Jefferson)

 “When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.” Thomas Jefferson

“The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” Thomas Jefferson  

“Laws that forbid the carrying of arms…disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes… Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.” (Quoting Cesare Beccaria)

“The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it.” Thomas Jefferson

“I am not a friend to a very energetic government. It is always oppressive. I have sworn on the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty.” Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson Quotes, to me this seems to make the most sense of why this Law is a good Idea.  But as you will see in the story that I found on my facebook page disagree’s with our founding fathers Wise men who truly understood Freedom and Liberty!

“In a state of tranquillity, wealth, and luxury, our descendants would forget the arts of war* and the noble activity and zeal which made their ancestors invincible. Every art of corruption would be employed to loosen the bond of union which renders our resistance formidable. When the spirit of liberty, which now animates our hearts and gives success to our arms*, is extinct, our numbers will accelerate our ruin and render us easier victims to tyranny.  If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom—go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!”
Note that Adams and the Founding Fathers believed they were engaged in a defensive war against tyranny.


Indiana Governor Signs Bill Allowing Citizens To Use Deadly Force Against Police Officers Into Law

March 23, 2012


Republican Governor Mitch Daniels has signed Senate Enrolled Act 1 into law in Indiana. The new law allows citizens to use deadly force against police officers they think are illegally entering their homes. Earlier this month, Addicting Info reported  that the bill had passed the Senate. Republicans say the bill is designed to keep police safe, but Democrats say the bill will lead to the wanton killing ofpolice officers.

Rep. Craig Fry, a Democrat, says the bill “is going to cause people to die and it’s too late after somebody dies for a jury to sort it out. Somebody’s going to die, whether it’s a police officer or an individual who thinks a police officer is entering their home unlawfully. People are going to die.”

Fry’s colleague, Democratic Rep. Linda Lawson, a former police captain, says the bill would create an “open season on law enforcement,” and it is opposed by “1,250 state police officers and 14,000 men and women in blue, brown and green.”

The new law reverses a state Supreme Court ruling that homeowners do not have the right to use force against law enforcement officials who they believe are illegally entering their homes. According to the Evansville Courier Press, an Evansville resident fought a police officer who followed him into his house during a domestic dispute call. “The state Supreme Court found that officers sometimes enter homes without warrants for reasons protected by the law, such as pursuing suspects or preventing the destruction of evidence. In these situations, we find it unwise to allow a homeowner to adjudge the legality of police conduct in the heat of the moment,” the court said. “As we decline to recognize a right to resist unlawful police entry into a home, we decline to recognize a right to batter a police officer as a part of that resistance.”

While announcing his decision to sign the bill into law, Governor Daniels tried to claim that the law doesn’t declare an open season on police officers.

“Today is an important day to say: Indiana’s outstanding law enforcement officers put their lives on the line every day to protect all Hoosiers. The right thing to do is cooperate with them in every way possible. This law is not an invitation to use violence or force against law enforcement officers. In fact, it restricts when an individual can use force, specifically deadly force, on an officer, so don’t try anything. Chances are overwhelming you will be breaking the law and wind up in far worse trouble as a result.”

But Governor Daniels is merely attempting to put political spin on a bad bill. Indeed, Daniels admits that he nearly vetoed it precisely because the bill could be grossly misinterpreted and could lead to killings of police and citizens. This law is basically a loophole for citizens to kill police officers and claim self-defense. There are many people out there who think no police officers have the right to enter homes or property, even if there is a warrant.

As the state Supreme Court said, sometimes police officers have to enter homes to prevent the destruction of evidence or to prevent someone from grabbing a weapon in their home to use against police or someone else. Sometimes police must pursue suspects in their homes. But this bill reverses that ruling and gives those suspects the legal authority to slay police officers. It’s the equivalent of Florida’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ law that led to the killing of Trayvon Martin. In that incident, George Zimmerman believed he had the legal right to gun down a kid for walking through the neighborhood simply for being a young African American male strolling around the community at night. Zimmerman, believing the innocent boy to be a threat, followed him and then shot him to death. Because of the Florida law, Zimmerman remains a free man because he can claim self-defense. This Indiana law will allow people to do the same thing to police officers on their property and in their homes. It makes the already dangerous job of law enforcement even more dangerous and will ultimately lead to the legal murder of police officers who are just trying to do their job.

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