8-12-2012 How the Rockefellers blocked the gold CURE for addiction

This is the story on how the Rockefeller Empire blocked gold as a viable treatment for addiction and set up Alcoholics Anonymous to conceal the truth.


This is the story on how the Rockefeller Empire blocked gold as a viable treatment for addiction and set up Alcoholics Anonymous to conceal the truth.

Westernized medicine may have used “sleight of hand” in such a manner that an important bio chemical compound, in the form of a cell salt, would never be considered for use in the twenty first century after the Great Depression.  The reason for hiding this knowledge was important to the secret societies for it had an obligation to building one of the non curative healing modalities, allopathy, into the powerhouse it is today.  This insane, yet very lucrative revenue generating scam is a business that has amassed trillions and is completely reliant on fear based deception.

A question to contemplate is whether there is a mineral so important to health that it is the very key to our existence.  The clues and the answer…

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