New Alternative social media website for Patriots!

About Social1776
About and are peace making forums that are nonpartisan we are a place where all people can debate their opinions and views left and right or anarchist. While Christian in nature all beliefs are welcome to this platform to debate beliefs and ideas. We believe in liberation through education, because iron sharpens iron, and together we can be the greatest community on earth as is in heaven! Our Social Networking Platform. With our new feature, user can make posts, photos, post video, raise money, fundraising and much more.

1- About our website

Basically we’re a independent non-partisan social media website that formed out of Necessity to survive the cancel culture of big tech censorship. You can thank Facebook for the invention of social 1776. Daniel Leach is the founder of the anti-DeepState Party Anti Illuminati Party an Anti New World Order Party Jesus Christ Party as well as #studio1776 A website that has been completely banned from all main stream social media. Daniel is a patriot constitutional conservative Activists blogger. Call 1(701)339-3131 if you have any questions it’s my personal number.





















How to make the US Post Office prosperous and relevant in the 21 century using the One-Time Pad algorithm!

Every Tuesday I meet with a group of Patriots from the Illumination Society at the Liberty Restaurant in Rochester NY to do a round table radio broadcast discussing topics about Geo politics, religion, Currant events and anything that has to do with Truth Liberty and Justice for all.  We not only talk about problems but as a group we also work on finding solutions to the world problems.  every week we have some of the brightest minds join us at the round table live Broadcast.

The Illumination Society  presents a FREE Movie Night every month showing films that we feel are important for the time in which we live. Films that dig deep into subjects like – The World History – UFO – The New World Order – Spirituality – Prophecy – Science – What’s Happening To Our Food – Agenda 21 – Vaccines and many other subjects.

Our Free Movie Night has been well received by people from all walks of life. People concerned with the things happening in our world today. People that want to know what is happening all around us and what we can do to stand against those that wish to rob us of our freedoms and our God-given rights. Come out and learn about subjects you may or may not be aware of. We hope that our Movie Nights, and our following Q&A time will shed some light on these subjects, and help you to see America’s role in past, present and future history.

We will be presenting the following films on the following dates:
– See more at:

You can also join us in our round table discussion and suggest topics you would like us to discus.

Anti New World Order Party ☼ Global Group

Now to the main point of this blog post today,  We will also have a follow-up to this post.

Original posted on


Communication Privacy
James Adrian


      Many individuals, businesses and other organizations have a legitimate and lawful need to keep some of their information confidential or even absolutely secret from competitors, the press and others. Because email has become vital to timely communication and because email is not secure, encryption is often necessary.

      New employees of large companies are often encouraged to live near the company’s offices. In this kind of setting, privacy for technical and marketing information is convenient. Small organizations such as law offices, medical clinics, Internet businesses, and many others may not find the expertise they need in their local area. These small organizations, of which there are many, need secure communication to avoid the cost of face-to-face meetings. Lacking the funds for routine flights between cities, these organizations are very dependent on the electronic communication of data and ideas. Private medical information, schematic drawings, program source code, marketing plans, and innumerable other types of documents are involved. In such circumstances, strong encryption is needed.

      In many countries, the post office has the legal authority and obligation to enforce privacy for the postal mail. If these postal services were to offer secure email for a reasonable price, small companies would not be at such a disadvantage relative to larger companies.

      Established by the U. S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 7, the United States Postal Service is authorized “To establish post offices and post roads. It also has a long history of adding services as needed, such as commemorative stamps, rural delivery, airmail, one-day delivery, zip codes, self-adhesive stamps, public Internet site, “Forever” stamps, and an iPhone app. Secure communication would add to its revenue (which would help ameliorate its recent shortfalls) and set a good example.

Technical Matters

      To create a secure message, the encryption algorithm must used secret information that cannot be discovered by unauthorized parties. If the encryption relies only on complexity or computational difficulty without involving secret information, the intended message can be discovered by third parties. To third parties, some aspect of the transmission must be unknowable.

      Within encryption technology, the embodiment of information unknowable to third parties often takes the form of secret random numbers. These random numbers are used to encrypt messages in such a way as to make decryption of a message impossible without access to those same random numbers.

      Many have said that what one person can encrypt, another can decrypt. This is a myth. TheOne-Time Pad algorithm was proved to be absolutely secure in the writings of Claude Shannon. See “Claude Elwood Shannon – Collected Papers” edited by N. J. A. Sloane and Aaron D. Wyner. In addition to being immune from hacking, this algorithm becomes more convenient as memory devices increase their capacity.

      Claude Shannon proved that any absolutely secure encryption algorithm must posses these characteristics:

      1. The encryption keys must be random numbers of uniform distribution.

      2. The keys must be shared in absolute secrecy by the sender and receiver.

      3. Any key encrypting a message must be as at least as long as that message.

      4. Any key used to encrypt a message must not be reused.

      The one-time pad is a famous encryption algorithm having all of these characteristics. By using a random key comprised of random numbers to encrypt a message (the plain text) with the XOR logical operation, the transmitted result (the ciphertext) is rendered as random as the key. The collection of secret keys is called the pad. Keys are of the same length as that of the messages they encrypt. They are erased immediately after their use. The result is that the actual message is as likely as any other message from the point of view of those attempting to decrypt the message without knowing the secret random numbers.

      Optionally, encrypted messages can be made to appear to be ordinary messages of a different type, such as pictures or sound files or text messages that contain information that is very different form that in the plain text. This process is called Steganography.


      The most important service facilitating secure communication is the shipping of media containing random numbers. The production of truly random numbers for algorithms that encrypt messages by means of random keys is the part of the process most challenging and inconvenient for the customer. The principle service of USPS would be to place random numbers on appropriate media and ship copies to addresses designated by the customer. One shipment might serve the customer for only a few messages or for years worth of messages, depending on the number of random numbers shipped.

      Options may include picking up shipments from the local post office, receiving them in the mailbox, or receiving them at the recipient’s door (possibly by special delivery or with a return receipt).


      Measures which distinguish legitimate from nefarious use of encryption services need not be publicly discussed.


      Please feel free to make suggestions by writing to

We have decided to implement Roberts Rules of order bringing order out of the chaos to our Meet and Greet Round Table Broadcast.

During our weekly meeting we will now start to use a simple form of Roberts Rules to keep our meeting orderly so that we don’t waste our time .

We are tired of meetings that waste our time? That is why we have decided to implement a simple form of Roberts Rules in our live Meet and Greet Round Table Broadcast !  For me bringing order out of the chaos started with a very personal mission. Our mission is simple We are dedicated to using  Roberts Rules by helping our members understand how to use Robert’s Rules of Order to get more work done!  Remember, these processes are designed to ensure that everyone has a chance to participate and to share ideas in an orderly manner. Parliamentary procedure should not be used to prevent discussion of important issues This blog post is an overview of Roberts Rules of order. Follow through this presentation to learn the basic process that you will need to be successful in our meetings or convention by using the rules.

Click to listen to our live broadcast.


Check Out Current Events Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with AntiNewWorldOrderParty on BlogTalkRadio
Check Out Current Events Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with AntiNewWorldOrderParty on BlogTalkRadio

Roberts Rules

July 8, 2014 at 4:22pm




Obtain the floor (the right to speak) by being the first to stand when the person speaking has finished; state Mr./Madam Chairman. Raising your hand means nothing, and standing while another has the floor is out of order! Must be recognized by the Chair before speaking!Debate can not begin until the Chair has stated the motion or resolution and asked “are you ready for the question?” If no one rises, the chair calls for the vote!Before the motion is stated by the Chair (the question) members may suggest modification of the motion; the mover can modify as he pleases, or even withdraw the motion without consent of the seconder; if mover modifies, the seconder can withdraw the second.The “immediately pending question” is the last question stated by the Chair! Motion/Resolution – Amendment – Motion to PostponeThe member moving the “immediately pending question” is entitled to preference to the floor!No member can speak twice to the same issue until everyone else wishing to speak has spoken to it once!All remarks must be directed to the Chair. Remarks must be courteous in language and deportment – avoid all personalities, never allude to others by name or to motives!The agenda and all committee reports are merely recommendations! When presented to the assembly and the question is stated, debate begins and changes occur!The Rules



Point of Privilege: Pertains to noise, personal comfort, etc. – may interrupt only if necessary!Parliamentary Inquiry: Inquire as to the correct motion – to accomplish a desired result, or raise a point of orderPoint of Information: Generally applies to information desired from the speaker: “I should like to ask the (speaker) a question.”Orders of the Day (Agenda): A call to adhere to the agenda (a deviation from the agenda requires Suspending the Rules)Point of Order: Infraction of the rules, or improper decorum in speaking. Must be raised immediately after the error is madeMain Motion: Brings new business (the next item on the agenda) before the assemblyDivide the Question: Divides a motion into two or more separate motions (must be able to stand on their own)Consider by Paragraph: Adoption of paper is held until all paragraphs are debated and amended and entire paper is satisfactory; after all paragraphs are considered, the entire paper is then open to amendment, and paragraphs may be further amended. Any Preamble can not be considered until debate on the body of the paper has ceased.Amend: Inserting or striking out words or paragraphs, or substituting whole paragraphs or resolutionsWithdraw/Modify Motion: Applies only after question is stated; mover can accept an amendment without obtaining the floorCommit /Refer/Recommit to Committee: State the committee to receive the question or resolution; if no committee exists include size of committee desired and method of selecting the members (election or appointment).Extend Debate: Applies only to the immediately pending question; extends until a certain time or for a certain period of timeLimit Debate: Closing debate at a certain time, or limiting to a certain period of timePostpone to a Certain Time: State the time the motion or agenda item will be resumedObject to Consideration: Objection must be stated before discussion or another motion is statedLay on the Table: Temporarily suspends further consideration/action on pending question; may be made after motion to close debate has carried or is pendingTake from the Table: Resumes consideration of item previously “laid on the table” – state the motion to take from the tableReconsider: Can be made only by one on the prevailing side who has changed position or viewPostpone Indefinitely: Kills the question/resolution for this session – exception: the motion to reconsider can be made this sessionPrevious Question: Closes debate if successful – may be moved to “Close Debate” if preferredInformal Consideration: Move that the assembly go into “Committee of the Whole” – informal debate as if in committee; this committee may limit number or length of speeches or close debate by other means by a 2/3 vote. All votes, however, are formal.Appeal Decision of the Chair: Appeal for the assembly to decide – must be made before other business is resumed; NOT debatable if relates to decorum, violation of rules or order of businessSuspend the Rules: Allows a violation of the assembly’s own rules (except Constitution); the object of the suspension must be specified

Rapper Cammy Dee facing terrorism charges and 20 years in prison for writing a rap song that he posted on Facebook!

After you read this kid’s story, you’ll think twice about what you post on Facebook. (And that’s the problem.)

Meet Cameron D'Ambrosio. He's 18 and lives in a small town outside Boston. He wants to be a rapper and calls himself "Cammy Dee" in his YouTube videos.
Meet Cameron D’Ambrosio. He’s 18 and lives in a small town outside Boston. He wants to be a rapper and calls himself “Cammy Dee” in his YouTube videos.

Cammy Dee Facebook Fan Page:

Meet Cameron D’Ambrosio. He’s 18 and lives in a small town outside Boston. He wants to be a rapper and calls himself “Cammy Dee” in his YouTube videos.

Oh, and he’s been locked up without bail for weeks — facing terrorism charges and 20 years in prison — all for something he posted on Facebook.

On May 1st, Cam was skipping school and messing around online. He posted some lyrics that included a vague reference to the Boston Marathon Bombing and called the Whitehouse a “federal house of horror.” Shortly after that he was arrested and charged with Communicating a Terrorist Threat, a felony that carries 20 years in prison.

The post contained no specific threat of violence against any person or group of people, and in the context of the rest of the lyrics and Cams’ rap persona, it was clearly nothing more than a metaphor. A search of Cam’s house found NO evidence that he was planning any violence, but a judge still ordered him held without bail for the next 3 months, pending trial.

Held without bail? For writing a rap song?

A search of Cam’s house found no explosives, weapons, or ANY evidence that he was planning anything other than becoming the next Eminem.

Take a minute to watch the video of one of Cam’s songs to the left, and decide for yourself whether you think he’s a threat to public safety, or just a teenager speaking his mind.

Cam is locked up right now and he needs your help. Civil liberties groups haven’t jumped in to help. The judge has shown severe bias already. Cam’s best shot at justice is to make sure that Authorities in this small town know that the rest of the country is watching, and that we won’t let them set a precedent of arresting teenagers for angsty lyrics.

Slim chance of a fair trial.

It’s not a surprise that the judge in the case felt pressure to come down hard on Cam, since the local media has been quick to sensationalize the story and demonize a harmless teenager.

Before charges were even formally filed, local newspapers were already posting pictures from Cam’s facebook and pointing to “disturbing” posts like “Fuck politics. Fuck Obama. Fuck the government!” and “satanic” imagery (like some image from a metal band’s poster.) All of this is free speech that is 100% protected by the 1st Amendment.

But Fox News went so far as to say that Cam’s facebook profile had images that they “couldn’t show on TV.” They and other media outlets frequently and intentionally printed only a small section of the lyrics that Cam was arrested for allegedly writing, and took them out of context to make rap metaphors sound like a real threat.

The media printed:

“(Expletive) a boston bominb wait till u see the (expletive) I do, I’ma be famous”

The actual line is:

“(Expletive) a boston bominb wait till u see the (expletive) I do, I’ma be famous rapping”

Notice something? The context completely changes the meaning of the line. Suddenly something that sounds like a threat of violence is clearly just bragging about how good Cammy Dee is going to be in the rap game. Last we checked, teenage dreams of grandeur were not a crime.

Here’s the full text according to techdirt of the lyrics Cam posted that are in question.

Massachusetts Law is pretty clear about what constitutes a “terroristic threat”. The statement has to claim that there is a weapon or a bomb, and/or threaten a specific place or location with the intent of causing disruption. Cam comparing his rap aspirations with the amount of media coverage tragedy in Boston got doesn’t even come close.

The Methuen Chief of Police even stated: “I do want to make clear he did not make a specific threat against the school or any particular individuals…”

Cam should be released immediately unless the D.A. can produce some additional evidence as to why he is a threat to anyone.

Cam may not be your favorite rapper. You may not like anything he has to say. But what’s important here is that we defend our right to speak our mind online without fear of the government coming down on us. Methuen is a small town, but if we get them to drop this case, it would be a big victory for free speech. Make sure you sign the petition, and then use the sharing buttons to spread the word to everyone you know.

Will The Real Knights Templar Please Stand Up

Gonfanon2 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Order/Knights of Malta
Knights Templar
Papal Knights
Knights of Columbus
Knights of the Holy Sepulchre
Swiss Guard
Legion of Christ
Opus Dei


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Get Prepared Doomsday is just around the corner.


Prepare for a financial Doomsday

Copied and starred from

Guest Post by Andy from Financial Gooru

Prepare for a financial Doomsday

Many of us are preparing for the end of times; because as we all know it it is a matter of when not if. While many of us out there are preparing for the complete collapse of the world as we know it not many of us are preparing for a Financial Doomsday which will probably happen sooner than nature going haywire on us. So how exactly do we prepare for a financial Doomsday/ Economic collapse.  Through intensive research I have found way that I think will help anyone survive and Economic/ Financial Doomsday.

Save Money
This one is a bit of a obvious one but I have to put it out there. A shockingly high number of American families are operating without any kind of financial cushion whatsoever.
-According to a Harris Interactive survey taken in 2010, 77 percent of all Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.
-According to one recent survey, one out of every three Americans would not be able to make a mortgage or rent payment next month if they suddenly lost their current job.
This is one reason why so many Americans have lost their homes and why so many Americans have fallen below the poverty level in recent years.  They simply had no cushion.
Last year, 2.6 million more Americans dropped into poverty.  That was the largest increase that we have seen since the U.S. government began keeping statistics on this back in 1959.
Don’t let this happen to you.  At a minimum, everyone out there should have a cushion that will cover at least 6 months worth of expenses.  Preferably, you should have a cushion that will last you at least a year or longer. I know that sounds like a lot but trust me you will love having this around in case something does happen to you and your family.
The easiest way I found to do this is I used to buy a cup of coffee from Quick Trip every morning, it would cost me with tax 2.02 (it was their medium size I think if I remember correctly.). Then one day I really got to thinking how much could I save if I stopped drinking coffee well at least buying it from QT every morning. So I did simple math 2.02×7 is $14.14 a week or $56.56 a month about $678.72 a year! And that was just a cup of coffee I of course cut out eating out, junk food for the most part and I am now saving well over $200 a month and putting all of that into savings. That is just one example of how I did it. I am sure there are many ways out there of saving money I have probably not even thought up of yet and I am talking about small things not drastic. Not to mention the cut of junk food has made me happier and healthier.
 Now I want to be clear with this. This is not your typical investment that I am about to talk about. But rather one more suited towards the fall of an economy and essentially the dollar. The most obvious investment you can make is to buy gold and silver. I think every person in this country is doing that at this point. While that will hold value and its all and good, you can not eat gold and silver. At one point people will want food rather than gold. So a gold and silver investment while good should not be the only investment.
Once the economy fails and everyone is running around trying to figure out what to do and items and resources become scares, everything will start becoming more localized and we will probably move back to a barter system. With that said it will be good to prepare for a barter type of system just in case it ends of that way and even if it doesn’t it will not harm you in any way. Here is what I think you will need in a barter type of system.
1. Water, The single most important item any one person can have. Drinkable water is important to life. While I would stock up a lot on this you can also invest in rain catching gear, water purifying system and other things to make undrinkable water drinkable.
2. Salt, stock up on this and start now. This one little thing that people take for granted everyday will be essential to your survival and a good thing to have in a barter system. Salt is one of the most important thing a person can have in their stock pile period. It is essential for the human body, it makes food yummy, and it can preserve food as well.
3. Spices, you think they are expensive now wait until the economy fails and governments go bankrupt and so do major companies. This one comity that people take for granted will be super rare and expensive. However, most spices and herbs can be grown almost anywhere with a little bit of knowledge.  A good website I found about some spices you can grow are  and these are two very good sites to get you started.
4. Live stock, food is one of those thing you have to have. While you can hunt if you do not have live stock which is a good way to get meat and other foods live stock is more beneficial. It is there when you need it you don’t have to go out and find it hopefully, you can trade it for other animals goods or services, and depending on the animal it will have many uses.
5. Other currency, while it is good to have food water etc it is also a good idea to have some form of other currency available in case you can some how assuming things are not that bad go to another country or that their currency is not completely useless. This is something I would keep around, because I do not like to assume anything like all currency will be useless and you will be trapped in this country. You just never know what life will throw at you and where you might find yourself. Therefore, I think that having some other currency like Euros, Yen, and the Australian dollar to name a few might be useful.
6. Land, I believe that land is one of those things that over time will increase in value even more so than gold. Because scientist have found a way to make artificial gold believe it or not, but they have yet to find a way without lasing our water supply it will grow in value tremendously. Not to mention land is very useful to have because you can grow food on it have life stock and the uses for land are almost limitless. Not to mention if the land has  a natural aquifer.
Like I said not your normal investment portfolio. I could spend so much more time on this but these are the 6 things I think will help you if an economy collapses.
Pay off any debt
Now this one may be a bit tricky to do since many people are having trouble meeting ends meet. But by all means try to pay off any and all debts you may have. I am going to take a guess that banks will want money owed to them if the economy starts failing to keep themselves afloat. Just because the economy fails doesn’t mean our money will be worthless. The great depression is a perfect example of that. Money was not all that worthless still had value just not as much as it does now.  This one again may be hard but I know from personal experience but it has to be done. Many things can happen if the American economy can fail don’t be caught off guard pay off any dept you may have.  I will have a completely separate blog post about this coming up soon. As I have said I was in that boat I have searched for solutions and I have found it through trial and error. I have given the advice to my friends and it worked great for them. So I will dedicate a whole blog post just to that.
Learn a Skill
Learning a skill is good even if the economy is still going strong. But a  carpenter, welder, handyman can be worth their own weight in gold. Knowing how to build and work with your hands will be skills that if the economy goes you can use to barter with. It can be almost any skill just learn one or a trade and master it. I would say master one than have 1000 that you barely know what you are doing.
These are some of things I would recommend. There is so much when it comes to this that I could make this blog post endless, yet I do have to end it at some point. Just remember what can go wrong will go wrong. Do not assume anything prepare for everything. It cant hurt to be ready it can only hurt not to be ready. As we have seen time and time again it is a matter of when not if. If you have any ideas or comments please feel free to post them and let me know how I did or if I missed something important.


Lake Ontario has Secret Underwater Military Base


English: Map of Lake Ontario. Category:Michiga...
English: Map of Lake Ontario. Category:Michigan maps (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Recently I was talking with two different sources that will remain anonymous to protect the identification from possible government prosecution about Underground area 51 sites around the world.  I was told that Lake Ontario had one from Co-worker who was an ex Marine who was a Military Police who protected that base.  It was said that if threat of Nuclear War ever broke out that this is one the place that the US president would go.  He said that the area is protected by the US Coast Guard and US Military.


The second source is a friends mother who dated a high up government official who bragged to her about this secret underwater military base, under Lake Ontario that he was aware of,  He said that if anything was to happen during the Cold war with the Russians   like a Nuclear War was to go hot that he and his family would be protected from nuclear fall out at that underwater base!


Now I have no first hand knowledge of this underwater base only hearsay, but I have no reason to believe that these two people would have any reason to lie to me or about this place.  Neither of these people knew of each other and about talking to me about this underwater base.  So I have done some of my own research into this topic and have given my research results on this blog post.  Happy hunting!  If you have any evidence or knowledge of this please feel free to contact me about this and we can add your info to this post!


This section copied from


According to Malcolm Williams, researcher for the Northeastern UFO Organization, infrared photos taken in the dark of night from the shores of Lake Ontario show all sorts of anomalies which cannot be either conventional aircraft or meteorological phenomena. Taken on various occasions, the photos show a pattern of lights in the sky which are definitely under intelligent control as they zig zag from one position to another in the heavens. One photo shows an object actually resting on top of the water, apparently about ready to make a plunge beneath Lake Ontario.


Many of the photos taken by Malcolm Williams, a former member of the Royal Astronomical Association, were done from a position which would indicate that the main area of interest is over the lake between Oakville and Toronto. This theory is supported by Harry Picken, an aeronautical engineer, pilot, and past president of Genair Ltd., a St. Catharine’s aircraft research firm. Picken, who owns a home right on the banks of the lake, has been keeping tabs on the aerial movements near his property for years. One of the most peculiar things the engineer has noticed is that the lights are usually orange, a color foreign to aircraft lights. “The orange color indicates to me a high sodium content in the light source. Sodium is never used in conventional aircraft lighting,” he further points out.


Both Harry Picken and Malcolm Williams believe that the UFO activity over Lake Ontario is somehow related to the fact that a high voltage hydro generating station is located at nearby Lakeview. The UFOs have been seen repeatedly to lift up from the lake and head in the direction of the plant.


Over the years, many odd occurrences have taken place in and around Lake Ontario. In his book, “The Great Lakes Triangle,” Jay Gourley tells of several air mishaps in this very locale, adding substance to the theory that something totally “alien” is operating in and around this body of water.


“There is little doubt that the pilot of the twin jet CF-101 Canadian Air Force interceptor, number 18112, knew he was in trouble on August 23, 1954,” Gourley states in his well researched reference work on the subject. “He was near Ajax, Ontario, on the north shore of Lake Ontario. He bailed out. He explained later that the aircraft became impossible to control. Publicly, the Canadian Defense Headquarters refused to reveal the cause of the accident. The official cause is classified secret. I have seen this secret file. It says the scientists who studied the case could not determine what caused the jet to become unmanageable.” It could be that UFOs utilizing highly magnetized equipment beneath the surface could have accidentally or purposely pulled the aircraft out of the sky.





United States Coast Guard Seal, in correct PMS...
United States Coast Guard Seal, in correct PMS colors. This emblem shall only be used in accordance with the Coast Guard Heraldry Manual, and is not to be reproduced commercially without prior approval of the U.S. Coast Guard. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Satellite photo of Round Lake, Renfrew County,...
Satellite photo of Round Lake, Renfrew County, Ontario. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Early map of Lake Ontario
Early map of Lake Ontario (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Lake Ontario NASA
Lake Ontario NASA (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


A retired secret service agent admits to the public about the underground tunnel system at 5:10 in this video:






Nine people ,hit by Police gunfire going after a Shooting Suspect!

Empire State Building Shooting: More Fodder for Gun-grabbers
August 24, 2012

A suspect with what CNN describes as a “large gun” was killed by police after he apparently shot ten people outside New York City’s Empire State Building this morning. Witnesses described the weapon as a “sawed-off shotgun.”

Police say the shooting is not terror related. “The Post said the shooting stemmed from a dispute between co-workers. The paper’s Web site said it was unclear what sparked the deadly argument,” according to the Washington Post.

New York’s mayor Michael Bloomberg will undoubtedly exploit the tragedy and call for further restrictions on the Second Amendment.

Government gun-grabbers will once again emerge from the woodwork and call for outlawing firearms as details of the murder swirl around a sensationalism hungry establishment media still salivating over the Sikh temple and Colorado theater murders.

I AM THE TEA PARTY! Thousands Will See Just How 1984ish You Really Are Towards Free Thought, Speech!

I AM THE TEA PARTY! Sounds to me like Thesis antithesis synthesis New World Orders Hegelian Dialectic and my comment was removed!
I AM THE TEA PARTY! Hum I posted to this post that this sounds to me like Thesis antithesis synthesis New World Orders Hegelian Dialectic and my comment was removed!


So I was on my Facebook today and I replied to a post by the I AM THE TEA PARTY! profile that I am subscribed to as a follower and the following happened after I replied that this sounds to me like Thesis antithesis synthesis New World Orders Hegelian Dialectic with a link to a blog that I found doing a Google search about the subject  Hegelian Dialectic and my post was removed.  The following is what I did after my post was removed from the posted link.  You can see the rest of the story if you read on!
I AM THE TEA PARTY! · 61,774 like this

about an hour ago via mobile · 

  • ‎”Finding common ground is quite a bit different then compromise. We want to find common ground with those on the other side. We just will not bend on our principles and ignore the constitution!”- I AM THE TEA PARTY!

This is how I after my comment was deleted from the thread that I replied back to  I AM THE TEA PARTY!  So I re-posted this information and said the following:

“Hum I posted to this post that this sounds to me like Thesis antithesis synthesis New World Orders Hegelian Dialectic and my comment was removed!”    Do this again and I will blog about being removed from your group for telling the truth as I see it! Do this and let me tell you thousands will see just how 1984ish you really are towards free thought, speech!” Daniel J Leach 
You can find this thread at the below link! Well anyways thanks for reading my rant!



What the timeline is for the shit to start hitting the fan in 2012

By: Nicholas Petty

Hey Daniel
A friend of mine wrote me tonight and asked if I had any idea of what the timeline was for the shit to start hitting the fan. The following is an excerpt from my reply. I will post it to my blog and maybe yours as well, but let me know if you feel it good enough to do so before I actually do that…..
Well it is hard to know exactly what their timeline is, but from what I have gathered this year is supposed to be big in a lot of ways. Agenda 21 is supposed to go into effect by the end of the year, SUPPOSED TO, but you never know what might change. I think this is why they are meeting in Rio this year, to work out the final details & etc (if everyone agrees on things and is ready on their part).
2012, a year for events I guess. They say the war with Iran will begin this year, there is a lot being said about another False Flag Event this year too, another 9/11 in other words. The Illuminati works by numbers and both the number 9 & 11 are very important to them. On 9/11/1990 George H.W. Bush announced the New World Order; on 9/11/2001 we had the Twin Towers False Flag Event, now we await 9/11/2012 … each of these exactly 11 years apart.
The number 11 is a sacred number to them as it is based on a Solar Year. 1 Solar Year = 11 of our years, and runs from Solar Maximum to Solar Maximum. the present Solar Year has seen some of the biggest solar flares recorded, and maximum is still 3 months off more or less (today until Sept 11th). The timing always coincides with solar max. But, it is always possible for other calculations to come into play and effect dates and times. They use numerology Adam.
There is a lot of concern about this year Olympic Games, this concerns possible Terrorism or so they would have us believe. Of course it is all planned and carried out by their operatives; this is why it will be a False Flag Event. The fingers will point to whomever they want it to, and most likely this will be Iran.
The second scenario is their False Alien Invasion, which is possible as well. I know they will do it, I’m just not sure when. They will use this to unite the world against a common enemy, and to remove any of our remaining Rights. Well actually both this and or the event during the Olympics.
If for some reason nothing occurs during the Olympics, something will take place before the years end, and everyone seems to be in agreement on this. 2013 also will have a lot taking place as well. They are really pushing for things to happen lately, and I think that they are tired of waiting to achieve their goals. Their greed extends to time itself now in my opinion.
But then, just as they are manipulating us, they themselves are being manipulated. They have been allowed to believe that they have the power, that they are as gods, in control and in charge of it all. BUT THEY ARE WRONG…………..
When you worship Lucifer as G-D, and gain knowledge and power through Fallen Angels, you are not getting it for free, there is always a price. Now they have done this for a LONG LONG time, and have not had to pay up yet, unless you consider your own manipulation to be the payment. These people, the Illuminati and their kind, are SO intelligent, SO smart, and in all of that they are stupid. They have been caught in the very webs of illusion that they spin.
Greed, the lust for things, is a potent trap, and one into which they have fallen. No man truly possesses power, for power possesses him. A man may think he has power, and may have it for awhile, but eventually it slips through his fingers; for it was never his in the first place. People such as this are ALLOWED to believe they have power, but that is an illusion, and their greed and ego will not allow them to see this.
Power is a possession of spiritual beings, G-D, and the Angels both true and fallen. We do not need to worry about G-D and His Angels playing us as fools, but we do need to worry about those which are fallen. And THEY (the Illuminati & etc.) who would rule this world are only pawns being played by those Angels which are fallen.
And this my friend is why they have been in a hurry lately, They are being manipulated to bring about a chain of events which will result in the appearance of the False Messiah. This has been the goal of the Fallen Angels for a VERY LONG time. And the ” hurry ” is because as it is written ” His time draws short, and his end is near ” So full speed ahead to the destruction of G-D’s greatest creation, mankind !!! If he can’t win, then he is going to take as many of us down with him as he can. Lucifer hates mankind with a passion!!!
Well there you have it….. It can stand on its own, or any one part can be expanded on. Let me know what you think.
Later my friend

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