How to make the US Post Office prosperous and relevant in the 21 century using the One-Time Pad algorithm!

Every Tuesday I meet with a group of Patriots from the Illumination Society at the Liberty Restaurant in Rochester NY to do a round table radio broadcast discussing topics about Geo politics, religion, Currant events and anything that has to do with Truth Liberty and Justice for all.  We not only talk about problems but as a group we also work on finding solutions to the world problems.  every week we have some of the brightest minds join us at the round table live Broadcast.

The Illumination Society  presents a FREE Movie Night every month showing films that we feel are important for the time in which we live. Films that dig deep into subjects like – The World History – UFO – The New World Order – Spirituality – Prophecy – Science – What’s Happening To Our Food – Agenda 21 – Vaccines and many other subjects.

Our Free Movie Night has been well received by people from all walks of life. People concerned with the things happening in our world today. People that want to know what is happening all around us and what we can do to stand against those that wish to rob us of our freedoms and our God-given rights. Come out and learn about subjects you may or may not be aware of. We hope that our Movie Nights, and our following Q&A time will shed some light on these subjects, and help you to see America’s role in past, present and future history.

We will be presenting the following films on the following dates:
– See more at:

You can also join us in our round table discussion and suggest topics you would like us to discus.

Anti New World Order Party ☼ Global Group

Now to the main point of this blog post today,  We will also have a follow-up to this post.

Original posted on


Communication Privacy
James Adrian


      Many individuals, businesses and other organizations have a legitimate and lawful need to keep some of their information confidential or even absolutely secret from competitors, the press and others. Because email has become vital to timely communication and because email is not secure, encryption is often necessary.

      New employees of large companies are often encouraged to live near the company’s offices. In this kind of setting, privacy for technical and marketing information is convenient. Small organizations such as law offices, medical clinics, Internet businesses, and many others may not find the expertise they need in their local area. These small organizations, of which there are many, need secure communication to avoid the cost of face-to-face meetings. Lacking the funds for routine flights between cities, these organizations are very dependent on the electronic communication of data and ideas. Private medical information, schematic drawings, program source code, marketing plans, and innumerable other types of documents are involved. In such circumstances, strong encryption is needed.

      In many countries, the post office has the legal authority and obligation to enforce privacy for the postal mail. If these postal services were to offer secure email for a reasonable price, small companies would not be at such a disadvantage relative to larger companies.

      Established by the U. S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 7, the United States Postal Service is authorized “To establish post offices and post roads. It also has a long history of adding services as needed, such as commemorative stamps, rural delivery, airmail, one-day delivery, zip codes, self-adhesive stamps, public Internet site, “Forever” stamps, and an iPhone app. Secure communication would add to its revenue (which would help ameliorate its recent shortfalls) and set a good example.

Technical Matters

      To create a secure message, the encryption algorithm must used secret information that cannot be discovered by unauthorized parties. If the encryption relies only on complexity or computational difficulty without involving secret information, the intended message can be discovered by third parties. To third parties, some aspect of the transmission must be unknowable.

      Within encryption technology, the embodiment of information unknowable to third parties often takes the form of secret random numbers. These random numbers are used to encrypt messages in such a way as to make decryption of a message impossible without access to those same random numbers.

      Many have said that what one person can encrypt, another can decrypt. This is a myth. TheOne-Time Pad algorithm was proved to be absolutely secure in the writings of Claude Shannon. See “Claude Elwood Shannon – Collected Papers” edited by N. J. A. Sloane and Aaron D. Wyner. In addition to being immune from hacking, this algorithm becomes more convenient as memory devices increase their capacity.

      Claude Shannon proved that any absolutely secure encryption algorithm must posses these characteristics:

      1. The encryption keys must be random numbers of uniform distribution.

      2. The keys must be shared in absolute secrecy by the sender and receiver.

      3. Any key encrypting a message must be as at least as long as that message.

      4. Any key used to encrypt a message must not be reused.

      The one-time pad is a famous encryption algorithm having all of these characteristics. By using a random key comprised of random numbers to encrypt a message (the plain text) with the XOR logical operation, the transmitted result (the ciphertext) is rendered as random as the key. The collection of secret keys is called the pad. Keys are of the same length as that of the messages they encrypt. They are erased immediately after their use. The result is that the actual message is as likely as any other message from the point of view of those attempting to decrypt the message without knowing the secret random numbers.

      Optionally, encrypted messages can be made to appear to be ordinary messages of a different type, such as pictures or sound files or text messages that contain information that is very different form that in the plain text. This process is called Steganography.


      The most important service facilitating secure communication is the shipping of media containing random numbers. The production of truly random numbers for algorithms that encrypt messages by means of random keys is the part of the process most challenging and inconvenient for the customer. The principle service of USPS would be to place random numbers on appropriate media and ship copies to addresses designated by the customer. One shipment might serve the customer for only a few messages or for years worth of messages, depending on the number of random numbers shipped.

      Options may include picking up shipments from the local post office, receiving them in the mailbox, or receiving them at the recipient’s door (possibly by special delivery or with a return receipt).


      Measures which distinguish legitimate from nefarious use of encryption services need not be publicly discussed.


      Please feel free to make suggestions by writing to

The is the only Political Party to take an stand against food derived from GMO.


The is the only political Party to take an stand against food derived from GMO that are harmful to human beings and animal consumption.

The was created for consumers. We believe that everyone has the right to an informed choice about what they eat.   Many people are concerned about the potential health risks of products made using the relatively new technology of genetic modification (to learn more, please see our About GMOs page). The Non-GMO Project respects your right to know what’s in the food you’re eating and the products you’re buying.

That’s why we have created the world first Political Party for GMO avoidance.  The the only independent, third party, Party that officially has backed a platform to ban GMO Food for human consumption.

By supporting participating members who run for office that are enrolled in the AntiGMOParty, you become an essential part of the collaborative effort to ensure that there are non-GMO choices now and in the future.

Do you work in Natural Products Retail? Learn more today, and register your store!

Click to join our official Facebook page! Anti GMO Party

National Liberty Alliance : BAR members (attorneys, judges and law professors) claim we the People have no authority to restore Common Law, but they cannot show by what authority they make such a claim, We the People answer them. Letters from NY Court tru counsel

The National Liberty Alliance is an organization trying to organize the Grand Jury system.  Their goal is to educate and organize an election in 3141 counties in the United States of America county to reinstate and initiate the Common Law Grand Jury. It only takes one person to organize the election at which all that attend are invited to join the pool. Each county should eventually find four people (administrators) who will work full time (paid positions) to administrate and orient the jurist. These four people should partnership with the four in each county throughout your state.
BAR members (attorneys, judges and law professors) claim we the People have no authority to restore Common Law, but they cannot show by what authority they make such a claim, We the People answer them. Letters from NY Court tru counsel –Prudinti tru counsel 9-26-13.pdf  Prudinti tru counsel 10-10-13.pdf

Power of the Grand Jury – In a stunning 6 to 3 decision Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority, confirmed that the American grand jury is neither part of the judicial, executive nor legislative branches of government, but instead belongs to the people. It is in effect a fourth branch of government “governed” and administered to directly by and on behalf of the American people, and its authority emanates from the Bill of Rights, see United States -v- Williams.

DUTY OF THE “COMMON LAW” GRAND JURY – If anyone’s unalienable rights have been violated, or removed, without a legal sentence of their peers, from their lands, home, liberties or lawful right, we [the twenty-five] shall straightway restore them. And if a dispute shall arise concerning this matter it shall be settled according to the judgment of the twenty-five Grand Jurors, the sureties of the peace. MAGNA CARTA, JUNE 15, A.D. 1215, 52.
Contact information for the “PRESS ONLY”  (845) 229-0044(845) 229-0044 

By what authority, rebuttal No legal authority.pdf. BAR members (attorneys, judges and law professors) claim we the People have no authority to restore Common Law, but they cannot show by what authority they make such a claim, We the People answer them. Letters from NY Court tru counsel –Prudinti tru counsel 9-26-13.pdf  Prudinti tru counsel 10-10-13.pdf

PHONE – (518) 444-8760(518) 444-8760;    FAX – (518) 943-0247
Court Hearing Thursday April 24, 2014 at 9:3o AM. If you cannot make it please fax, mail and call to let them know we are watching. 

We The People coming together to educate the people to embrace your Republic. Life Liberty and Justice !

Our mission is to restore the people to sovereignty through knowledge, and only then will they be armed with the virtue to take political and judicial power. The people have it in their power to disarm and defeat the enemy of Liberty both foreign and domestic if they only understood the principles of freedom and stand upon them.To take political power is to control our elected representatives, by bringing them into obedience through fear of the people, this is accomplished by understanding the office of & becoming an elected committeemen, and then execute the powers, it’s that simple!To take judicial power is to control our courts by understanding jurisdiction and bringing into subjection all government officers and officials using common law courts by opening courts of record and executing “people” authority, it’s that simple!

But, to successfully apply political and judicial power you must have a sense of justice and mercy which is synonymous with virtue. And to get virtue you need to have a relationship with your creator. If everyone exercised these principles America could shake off the chains of tyranny, reinstate our republic, and bring down the NWO “literally overnight”. This is the only way to save the nation, without power you are powerless!

Join our endeavor and save our Republic, one people at a time!

We are Non Partisan – A partisan person is “one who is blindly or unreasonably devoted to party positions.” Therefore a partisan cannot possibly serve the constitution. George Washington warned us against political parties he said “they only succeed in pitting one group against another”.

The cause of the grassroots movement is the awakening to our constitutional crisis, for it to be engaged in partisan politics would further serve the demise of our constitutional republic. The genius of the progressive movement is their exploitation of partisan politics, which they created, to subvert our constitution. Grassroots groups are natural and spontaneous whose primary objective is to reinstate the constitution, to be partisan would be counter productive.

Traditional power structures are orchestrated and designed to harness grassroots movements “they must always be suspect” and will be proven corrupt if they are partisan – divisive – take control of choosing candidates.
Grassroots are founded local, control is local and most events are local. To collaborate with distant groups are necessary for unity but if events become dictated by them you are no longer grassroots.

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” — Edmund Burke

The question before the People is one of an awful moment to this country. For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery; … Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear… It is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope, we are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? … I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided; and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future, but by the past.

…They are sent over to bind and rivet upon us those chains which the ministry have been so long forging. And what have we to oppose to them? Shall we try argument? Sir, we have been trying that for the last ten years. Have we anything new to offer upon the subject? Nothing.

…Sir, we have done everything that could be done, to avert the storm which is now coming on. We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry. Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrance’s have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne. In vain, after these things, may we indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation. There is no longer any room for hope.

If we wish to be free if we mean to preserve privileges, if we mean not to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained, we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of Hosts is all that is left us!

They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance, by lying supinely on our backs, and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot?

…Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. Three [hundred] millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations; and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard! The war is inevitable²and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come.

Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! — Patrick Henry [short version for the short attention span]

Illuminati Controlled Cops ready to put on their suicide vests as more agents and equipment arriving at the Bundy Ranch to start an American Spring!

These last few months, much of the country has watched in horror as the Illuminati NWO  and its Secret Society’s have waged jihad on the American people from the Bundy Ranch to NATO ready to start WW3 with a current build-up of Russian troops near Ukrainian border to start an American Spring. And on the hoe front their intransigent demands for deep spending cuts, coupled with their almost gleeful willingness to destroy one of America’s most invaluable assets, its full faith and credit, were incredibly irresponsible. But they don’t care. Their goal, they believe, is worth blowing up the country to rebuild it in a new image of an fascist One World Government under a New World Order controlled by the United Nations, if that’s what it takes.


There are a lot of rumors going around. Please DO NOT share anything as facts unless you see it on here, or on the If you would like updates through texting, you can text BUNDY to 58885, and you will automatically be added to the list. We will update you with facts 2-3 times a day.
We appreciate all of the support coming in! -God Bless America!!

Many of you have been asking for a better way to keep informed and know what you can do to help.

We love Facebook but it is not effective for getting the word out when we really need help. There are so many messages here things are getting lost.

If you go to you can sign up to get Emails and Text messages.

You will get messages directly from the Bundy’s.
You will not receive a bunch of junk, only important messages when we need immediate help and we will only text message you when critical action is required.

Please let others know about this ASAP.

Bad Moon Rising in Nevada at the Bundy Ranch It’s not over till the fat lady sings!r

Bundy Ranch

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Cliven Bundy cows Range war BLM News cattle cowboy auction Bundy ranch Federal Government
Ralley picket
This is the Official Bundy Ranch Page.

brklynmd3 14 hours ago Ok… 2:17 am on Monday April 14 2014 and I am in touch with people on the ground… I can say, it is NOT over. Stand by.

More agents and equipment arriving at the Bundy Ranch 

Published on Apr 13, 2014

There are more agents and equipment arriving at the Bundy Ranch It’s NOT over. Let everyone know and get the word out.


Tried to tell you! They make Bundy out to look like a criminal… He quit paying the fees when the suit against him started. Would you pay? Would you help someone financially sue you? Paying the fees would be CRAZY while they are suing you! He is not a criminal or a moocher! I am glad to see us all stand together for a change.

Like ideologues everywhere, they scorn compromise. Like when John Boehner, the House speaker, tried to cut a deal with President Obama that included some modest revenue increases, they humiliated him. After an agreement was finally struck. t — amounting to a near-complete capitulation by Obama —  Illuminati NWO  and its Secret Society’s members went on Fox News to complain that it only called for $2.4 trillion in cuts, instead of $4 trillion. It was head-spinning.

All the blogosphere and the talk shows mused about which party would come out ahead politically. Honestly, who cares? What ought to matter is not how these spending cuts will affect our politicians, but how they’ll affect the country. And I’m not even talking about the terrible toll $2.4 trillion in cuts will take on the poor and the middle class. I am talking about their effect on America’s still-ailing economy.

America’s real crisis is not a debt crisis. It’s an unemployment crisis. Yet this agreement not only doesn’t address unemployment, it’s guaranteed to make it worse. (Incredibly, the Democrats even abandoned their demand for extended unemployment benefits as part of the deal.) As Mohamed El-Erian, the chief executive of the bond investment firm Pimco, said, fiscal policy includes both a numerator and a denominator. “The numerator is debt,” he said. “But the denominator is growth.” He added, “What we have done is accelerate forward, in a self-inflicted manner, the numerator. And, in the process, we have undermined the denominator.” Economic growth could have gone a long way toward shrinking the deficit, while helping put people to work. The spending cuts will shrink growth and raise the likelihood of pushing the country back into recession.

Inflicting more pain on their countrymen doesn’t much bother the Illuminati NWO  and its Secret Society’s, as they’ve repeatedly proved. What is astonishing is that both the president and House speaker are claiming that the deal will help the economy. Do they really expect us to buy that? We’ve all heard what happened in 1937 when Franklin Roosevelt, believing the Depression was over, tried to rein in federal spending. Cutting spending spiraled the country right back into the Great Depression, where it stayed until the arrival of the stimulus package known as World War II. That’s the path we’re now on. Our enemies could not have designed a better plan to weaken the American economy than this debt-ceiling deal.

One thing Roosevelt did right during the Depression was legislate into being a social safety net to soften the blows that a free-market economy can mete out in tough times. During this recession, it’s as if the government is going out of its way to make sure the blows are even more severe than they have to be. The debt-ceiling debate reflects a harsher, less empathetic America. It’s sad to see.

  says that Obama should have played the 14th Amendment card, using its language about “the validity of the public debt” to unilaterally raise the debt ceiling. Yes, he would have infuriated the Republicans, but so what? They already view him as the Antichrist. Legal scholars believe that Congress would not have been able to sue to overturn his decision. Inexplicably, he chose instead a course of action that maximized the leverage of the Republican extremists.


But the debilitating deficit battles are by no means over.  As has been explained ad nauseam, the threat of defense cuts is supposed to give the Republicans an incentive to play fair with the Democrats in the negotiations. But with United States being deployed in more than 150 countries around the world, which side is going to blink if the proposed cuts threaten to damage national security? Just as they did with the much-loathed bank bailout, which most Republicans spurned even though financial calamity loomed, will the Democrats and Republicans do the responsible thing. Apparently, that’s their problem they dont know how to when they are run and funded by the Illuminati NWO  and its Secret Society’.

For now, the  Illuminati NWO  and its Secret Society’ can put aside their suicide vests. But rest assured: They’ll have them on again soon enough. After all, they’ve gotten so much encouragement.

Karen Hudes Warns the World On the brink of a Currency War and at the edge of World War 3

Karen Hudes


Karen Hudes studied law at Yale Law School and economics at the University of Amsterdam. She worked in the US Export Import Bank of the US from 1980-1985 and in the Legal Department of the World Bank from 1986-2007. She established the Non Governmental Organization Committee of the International Law Section of the American Bar Association and the Committee on Multilateralism and the Accountability of International Organizations of the American Branch of the International Law Association.

In 2007 Karen warned the US Treasury Department and US Congress that the US would lose its right to appoint the President of the World Bank if the current American President of the World Bank did not play by the rules. The 66 year old Gentlemen’s Agreement that Europe would appoint the Managing Director of the IMF and US would appoint the World Bank President ended in 2010.

Bank Corruption

Date: 05-25-13
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Karen Hudes

Joining John B. Wells, former World Bank attorney and whistleblower Karen Hudestalked about how she uncovered corruption in the World Bank.

Who is Karen Hudes?

Karen Hudes studied law at Yale Law School and economics at the University of Amsterdam. She worked in the US Export Import Bank of the US from 1980-1985 and in the Legal Department of the World Bank from 1986-2007. She established the Non Governmental Organization Committee of the International Law Section of the American Bar Association and the Committee on Multilateralism and the Accountability of International Organizations of the American Branch of the International Law Association.

What did Karen Hudes blow the whistle on?

In 2007 Karen warned the US Treasury Department and US Congress that the US would lose its right to appoint the President of the World Bank if the current American President of the World Bank did not play by the rules. The 66 year old Gentlemen’s Agreement that Europe would appoint the Managing Director of the IMF and US would appoint the World Bank President ended in 2010

In 1999 Karen reported the corrupt take-over of the second largest bank in the Philippines. Lucio Tan, a crony of Joseph Estrada, then President of the Philippines, acquired stock owned by government employees in Philippines National Bank (“PNB”) valued more than 10% of PNB’s outstanding capital without disclosure, as required by Philippines securities laws. Tan owned Philippines Airlines, in default on its loans from PNB. The government of the Philippines loaned $493 million to PNB after PNB’s depositors made heavy withdrawals. $200 million of a loan from the World Bank and a $200 million loan from Japan were cancelled. Estrada was ultimately impeached, and in 2007 an anti-corruption court in the Philippines required Estrada to refund graft he had plundered. The Bank’s Country Director in the Philippines reassigned Karen when she asked him to sign a letter warning the Philippines’ government that the Bank could not disburse its loan without a waiver from the Board of Executive Directors since the loan conditionality was not met. The World Bank’s Internal Audit Department refused to correct the satisfactory evaluation of the Bank’s supervision performance or the flawed report of the Institutional Integrity Department to the Audit Committee of the Board of Executive Directors. When the Audit Committee requested an audit of internal controls over financial reporting, KPMG, the external auditors, circumscribed the scope of their audit in violation of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and Generally Accepted Auditing Standards.

Two days after informing the Board’s Audit Committee of the cover-up in the Philippines, Karen was reprimanded and placed on probation. The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs requested the World Bank’s Audit Committee to look into the cover- up. Instead, the Chair of the World Bank’s Audit Committee requested an inquiry into the World Bank’s Institutional Integrity Department. The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations followed up with three letters to the World Bank. The World Bank forged documents and fired Karen in contempt of Congress. The World Bank also fired the Staff Association’s lawyer. The Staff Association stated that what had happened to Karen had damaged staff morale and prevented others from reporting misconduct. The World Bank’s Ethics’ Officer left in frustration after her request for an investigation by the World Bank’s Institutional Integrity Department was turned down.

Mr. Paul Volcker headed the 2007 inquiry into the Institutional Integrity Department. The Volcker Panel was discredited after sixteen staff employed in the Institutional Integrity Department received significant damage awards in compensation for abuses of authority to intimidate them during the Volker Panel investigation. A staff-member of the EU’s anti-fraud agency, Office Lutte Anti-Fraude, on the Volcker Panel wrote to Karen:
“My Director General and I met with a number of European Executive Directors of the World Bank a few weeks ago to discuss the Volcker Panel report. At the meeting there was also discussion about governance issues. My impression was that the European Executive Directors are well apprised of all relevant issues at the Bank and no further comment by OLAF is warranted even if it was within our legal competence.”

Karen informed Senator Bayh, “[t]he ongoing cover-up is an indictment of the probity of US oversight at the Bank and I would encourage the Senate to request GAO to look into it.” Senators Richard Lugar, Evan Bayh and Patrick Leahy requested GAO to investigate “internal resistance to increased transparency and accountability at the World Bank.” In 2008 Karen’s Congressman, Representative Chris Van Hollen, noted “that [Karen’s] claims and concerns have already been provided to the GAO…. and to the relevant congressional committees.” In 2009 GAO stated that it could not commence the inquiry “because of challenges we recently faced in gaining access to World Bank officials.” Senator Lugar asked what was delaying the GAO review during hearings on the World Bank’s capital increase.

Mr. Pieter Stek, then Executive Director for the Netherlands, and Chair of the Board Committee on Development Effectiveness, said:
“In a multilateral institution which should be governed by the rule of law and high standards of probity the charge of concealment from the Board of Executive Directors of information relevant to the exercise of its duty of supervising management and the persecution of the person who brings this to light is extremely serious. If correct, which I believe, this poisonous cocktail undermines good governance and ultimately the effectiveness of the Bank in fulfilling its mandate. I shall continue to assist Ms. Hudes in her efforts to have due process brought to bear, preferably by the Bank itself, on these issues of governance.”

David Brooks wrote:
“Then there are violations, when someone intentionally breaks the rules. Errors can be very hard for outsiders to detect. It was people inside the companies who were most likely to report fraud, because they have local knowledge. And yet 80 percent of these whistleblowers regret having reported the crimes because of the negative consequences they suffered. This is not the way to treat people who detect error.”


United States Court of Appeals


  • Appellant,
  • v.
  • AND
  • Appellees
No. 11-7109


11/14/2011 View Details Motion filed by International Bank for Reconstruction and Development for summary affirmance.
12/02/2011 View Details
Response in Opposition filed by Karen Hudes
12/12/2011 View Details Reply filed by International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development to response
3/8/2012 View Details Per Curiam Order filed denying motion for summary affirmance
3/9/2012 View Details Clerk’s Order filed directing party to file briefing format
4/23/2012 View Details Motion filed by Karen Hudes to extend time to file response to court order.
5/2/2012 View Details Motion filed by Karen Hudes to extend time to file response
7/9/2012 View Details Court’s 6/15/2012 offer of mediation turned down by IBRD, KPMG, Aetna and Schreiber.
8/06/2012 View Details
Karen Hudes’ Opening Brief
9/05/2012 View Details Brief filed by International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
9/05/2012 View Details Brief filed by KPMG
9/05/2012 View Details Brief filed by Aetna
9/05/2012 View Details Brief filed by Schreiber
7/9/2012 View Details Court’s Order Scheduling Oral Argument for November 6, 2012
9/19/2012 View Details Karen Hudes’ Reply Brief
11/2/2012 View Details Court Order Cancelling Oral Arguments
11/20/2012 View Details Unpublished Opinion Affirming District Court
1/19/2012 View Details Request to Judicial Conference to correct court records


  • Karen Hudes
  • 5203 Falmouth Road
  • Bethesda, MD 20816,
  • Plaintiff,
  • vs.
  • Aetna Life Insurance Company
  • 151 Farmington Avenue
  • Hartford, CT 06156,
  • Mark E. Schreiber
  • Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge
  • 111 Huntington Avenue
  • Boston, MA 02199-7613,
  • International Bank for Recon-
  • struction and Development,
  • 1818 H Street, N.W.
  • Washington, DC 20433,
  • c/o The Corporation Trust Company
  • 1209 Orange Street
  • Wilmington, DE 19801,
  • and
  • John and Jane Does 1-99,
  • Defendants.
Civil No.: 10-1444 JEB

CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 1:10-cv-01444-JEB

04/13/2010 View Details
RESPONSE to Motion re 15 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction filed by Karen Hudes. Replies due by 04/30/2010. (elts, Deputy Clerk) [Transferred from Maryland on 8/26/2010.] (Entered: 04/30/2010)
01/17/2011 View Details Memorandum in opposition to re 58 MOTION to Dismiss and Sever MOTION to Sever MOTION for Hearing, 57 MOTION to Dismiss Second Amended Complaint, 59 MOTION to DismissPlaintiffs Second Amended Complaint, 54 MOTION to Dismiss Plaintiff’s Second Amended Complaint filed by KAREN HUDES. (Attachments: # 1 Memorandum in Support, # 2 Exhibit)(Hudes, Karen) (Entered: 01/17/2011)
08/30/2011 View Details ORDER granting 54 Aetna Life Ins. Co.’s Motion to Dismiss; granting 57 Mark Schreiber’s Motion to Dismiss; granting 58 KPMG’s Motion to Dismiss; granting 59 IBRD’s Motion to Dismiss. The Court ORDERS that: (1) Defendants’ Motions to Dismiss are GRANTED WITH PREJUDICE as to all federal claims against all Defendants, and as to Plaintiff’s wrongful-termination claim against the World Bank; and (2) Defendants’ Motions to Dismiss are GRANTED WITHOUT PREJUDICE as to all other Maryland and state common-law claims. Signed by Judge James E. Boasberg on 8/30/2011. (lcjeb1) (Entered: 08/30/2011) Hudes v. Aetna Life Ins. Co., et al, 806 F. Supp 2d 180

Is America Under Attack From Boston Marathon Bombing To Small Texas Town Fertilizer Plant Explosion And If So By Who?

From the Boston Marathon Massacre to the explosion at a fertilizer plant that rocked a small Texas town near Waco Wednesday night.  It was once said  ”You never want a serious crisis to go to waste”Rahm Emanuel:  You have to ask yourself are we living in the End of days as Jesus Christ spoke about before his return and if so what else should we also expect to happen?   And this gospel [of the Kingdom] must first be published among all nations. “But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that  speak, but the Holy Ghost. “Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death. “And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” (Mark 13:10-13)

Shortly before His crucifixion and resurrection, Jesus Christ delivered a major prophecy of end-time events, recorded in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. He was asked by His disciples: “When will these things be? And what will be the sign of your coming, and of the end of the age?” (Matthew 24:3 ). Jesus responded with a description of conditions and events that would lead up to His second coming. Moreover, He said that when these signs became evident, His return would occur within one generation!

I believe that many of these tragic events are happening are a build up to a 3 World War.  Predicted by the Illuminati s own Albert Pike

This Section Copied from:

July 10, 2010

1871 — Satanist and Freemason commander, Albert Pike predicted World War I – III. “The Third World War is to be played out by…”

From: iamthewitness, The Synagogue of Satan 1821-1875.


Albert  Pike
Albert Pike

An American General named, Albert Pike, who had been enticed into the, “Illuminati,” by Guiseppe Mazzini, completes his military blueprint for three world wars and various revolutions throughout the world, culminating into moving this great conspiracy into its final stage. These details are as follows:

  1. The First World War is to be fought for the purpose of destroying the Tsar in Russia, as promised by Nathan Mayer Rothschild in 1815. The Tsar is to be replaced with communism which is to be used to attack religions, predominantly Christianity. The differences between the British and German empires are to be used to foment this war.
  2. The Second World War is to be used to foment the controversy between fascism and political Zionism with the oppression of Jews in Germany a lynchpin in bringing hatred against the German people. This is designed to destroy fascism (which the Rothschilds’ created) and increase the power of political Zionism. This war is also designed to increase the power of communism to the level that it equalled that of united Christendom.
  3. The Third World War is to be played out by stirring up hatred of the Muslim world for the purposes of playing the Islamic world and the political Zionists off against one another. Whilst this is going on, the remaining nations would be forced to fight themselves into a state of mental, physical, spiritual and economic exhaustion.

On August 15th of this year, Albert Pike writes a letter (now catalogued in the British Museum) to Guiseppe Mazzini in which he states the following,

“We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the people will be forced to defend themselves against the world minority of the world revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view.

A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

Pike, who had been elected as Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry’s Southern Jurisdiction in 1859, was the most powerful Freemason in America. He would retain that post for thirty-two years until his death in 1891. He also published a book on the subject in 1872 entitled, “Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry,” in which he candidly states the following,

“The true name of Satan, the Kabbalists say, is that of Yahweh reversed; for Satan is not a black god, but the negation of God…For the Initiates, this is not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but which may serve for evil. It is the instrument of Liberty and Free Will…

LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!”

Interestingly, in the same book, Pike emphasizes that Freemasonry is a religion based on the occult Jewish philosophy found in the Kabbalah.

This section Copied from:

“Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play …”  “If you tell a lie big  enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it …”“The truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, truth is the greatest enemy of the State …”                                                     Dr. Joseph Goebbles.   Minister for Propaganda of Hitler’s Third Reich

The Truth: It’s a shell game
to the elite press.

The main function of today’s elite press is to present a lie as the truth; to depict that which is false as factual!  AND THAT IS CERTAINLY WHAT THE ELITE MEDIA IS DOING TODAY REGARDING ITS REPORTING ON THE ECONOMIC CRISIS THAT HAS TAKEN HOLD OF THE COUNTRY AND THE WORLD.


And it’s not just Marshall who sees bloodshed on the horizon: Gerald  Celente, the head of the Trends Research Institute, the major trend-forecasting agency in the world has recently released a Trend Alert, reporting that,     “The biggest financial bubble in history is being inflated in plain sight,”  and that –

THIS IS THE MOTHER OF ALL BUBBLES, and when it explodes […] it     will signal the end to the boom/bust cycle that has characterized economic  activity throughout the developed world. This is going to be much bigger than the … Real Estate [residential and commercial] bubbles which [recently] hit speculators, investors and financiers … When the ‘Bailout Bubble’ explodes,  the system goes with it.”

Celente continues:

“The phantom dollars, printed out of thin air, backed by nothing … and     producing next to nothing … defines the ‘Bailout Bubble’. Just as with the     other bubbles, so too will this one burst. But unlike [the residential and     commercial] real estate bubbles, when the “Bailout Bubble” pops,     neither the President nor the Federal Reserve will have the fiscal fixes or     monetary policies available to inflate another.”

Celente  then goes on to say something truly remarkable:

GIVEN THE PATTERN OF GOVERNMENTS TO PARLAY EGREGIOUS FAILURES INTO     MEGA-FAILURES, THE CLASSIC TREND THEY FOLLOW, WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS, IS TO     TAKE THEIR NATION TO WAR, and that, while we cannot pinpoint precisely   when the ‘Bailout Bubble’ will burst, we are certain it will. When it [i.e.,  the bailout bubble] … breaks, IT SHOULD BE UNDERSTOOD THAT A MAJOR WAR  WILL FOLLOW.”

Interestingly, the “bailout bubble” that Celente was referring to     amounted at the time to $12.8 trillion. As of July, estimates by Bloomberg     put this bubble at nearly double the previous estimate.

I urge you all to take advantage of the time you have left!

[Please see our  article,

He Is Near, at the Door:  Here Comes Antichrist.”]

Matthew 24:34 ). Could this be that generation?

In Matthew 24:22And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
See All…, describing world conditions prior to His second coming, Jesus said that “if that time of troubles were not cut short, no living thing could survive; but for the sake of God’s chosen it will be cut short” (Revised English Bible).

False Flag Operation 04/15/13 Bombing Boston Marathon Massacre the New American Operation Gladio.

Friends yes its breaking news US Government Agents caught red-handed planting the bombs on site in black back packs with men wearing Navy Neal emblems and gear.   As you will see from the photo’s bellow all the evidence is damning.  Its not looking good for the United States special forces.  The question is who will be the patsy this time the guys caught on videos and in the photo or do they have some drugged out mind controlled zombie on stand by to call a Right Wing Christian extremist.

  • There’s an old saying if it looks like a duck, Quacks Like a duck, walks like a duck it’s probably a duck.  Yes friends what we have uncovered in the hours after the Boston Marathon Tax Day, Patriots Day Bombing is looking more like a false flag event,  The question is who was this orchestrated by and why?  Who stands to gain from others pain and sufferings.  My thoughts go back to the Illuminati and the secret Societies that are trying to build a New World Order have the means as in connections and motives to carry out such a tragic event.

    The question you have to ask yourself is why and for what reason.  It was once said  ”You never want a serious crisis to go to waste”Rahm Emanuel:  This gives the Government the reason to do all sorts of things to control people’s lives like putting more troops on the streets or shutting down the internet and putting controls of what you have the ability to search for or what you can say on your blog.

    What I see happening is leading to more invasive TSA presence at sporting events and other gatherings and the Illuminati or NWO flunkies are going to make things so bad that people beg the government to solve the problem of this so-called terrorism.  Patriot groups are being accused from the Mainstream Media and the DOD.  What we are really talking  about is Problem > Reaction > Solution? Also known as The Hegelian Dialectic, or Diocletian’s Theory, it was seen to perfection by the Blair Government in the UK (1997-2007) spin machine it is a basic psychological method, developed in the early 20th Century, of manipulating an agenda, whether it be an individual salesman making a sale, a Government wanting to push through potentially unpopular legislation or a Corporation trying to increase its profit margin.

    Simply Put:

    Problem – Manipulate “customer” reaction by creating a perceived problem, perhaps by leaking stories to the press e.g.: Iraq WMD, Terrorist threat, Global Warming

    Reaction – Your “customer” obviously is concerned by this apparent turn of events and demands help and protection

    Solution – Eh Voila, you come up with the solution to save the day, the same “solution” that you would never have been able to sell before making the customer worried e.g.: 5 years of Iraq war; an endless war on a noun (terror); and people for the first time being willing to pay more taxes and cut back on their consumption to “save the world” all under a false pretext.

    The question is does the end ever justify the means? NO!  The end game is that the New World Order/Illuminati/Zionist cabal claims that the earth is over-populated and that the population must be reduced by whatever means necessary. The bottom line is that the elitists want the whole world for themselves.  They want to eliminate the rest of us who they refer to as “useless eaters.”  They want to return to what they call a “Post-Industrial Society” the type of society that existed before the Industrial Revolution.  According to them, the middle class must be eliminated to leave only two classes:  the Rich – – – and the slaves.  The American Middle class is standing in the way of this globalist plan.

    No kidding.  How Bizarre!  Is this a sign that the Illuminati are behind this bombing?   Maybe even behind Newtown Massacre since the last mile was dedicated to Newton victims?  The last mile ending at 666 Boylston St. Thats really wild..  -Mort

PHOTO: An explosion at fertilizer plant rocked a small Texas town near Waco Wednesday night - causing several injuries and destroying homes and vehicles, authorities said.

An explosion at fertilizer plant rocked a small Texas town near Waco Wednesday night – causing several injuries and destroying homes and vehicles, authorities said.  (ABC)

By  (@leezeltanglao)  and JOHN SANTUCCI

April 17, 2013
 A fiery explosion at a Texas fertilizer plant in a small town 19 miles north of Waco has injured 200 people and destroyed dozens of homes and businesses, an emergency official said.

Of the 200 people injured near the West, Texas, plant, 40 were injured critically, Texas Department of Public Safety spokesman Gail Scarborough said.

It was unclear whether or not there were deaths.

This was a breaking news story. Please CLICK HERE for more updates.

Get Prepared Doomsday is just around the corner.


Prepare for a financial Doomsday

Copied and starred from

Guest Post by Andy from Financial Gooru

Prepare for a financial Doomsday

Many of us are preparing for the end of times; because as we all know it it is a matter of when not if. While many of us out there are preparing for the complete collapse of the world as we know it not many of us are preparing for a Financial Doomsday which will probably happen sooner than nature going haywire on us. So how exactly do we prepare for a financial Doomsday/ Economic collapse.  Through intensive research I have found way that I think will help anyone survive and Economic/ Financial Doomsday.

Save Money
This one is a bit of a obvious one but I have to put it out there. A shockingly high number of American families are operating without any kind of financial cushion whatsoever.
-According to a Harris Interactive survey taken in 2010, 77 percent of all Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.
-According to one recent survey, one out of every three Americans would not be able to make a mortgage or rent payment next month if they suddenly lost their current job.
This is one reason why so many Americans have lost their homes and why so many Americans have fallen below the poverty level in recent years.  They simply had no cushion.
Last year, 2.6 million more Americans dropped into poverty.  That was the largest increase that we have seen since the U.S. government began keeping statistics on this back in 1959.
Don’t let this happen to you.  At a minimum, everyone out there should have a cushion that will cover at least 6 months worth of expenses.  Preferably, you should have a cushion that will last you at least a year or longer. I know that sounds like a lot but trust me you will love having this around in case something does happen to you and your family.
The easiest way I found to do this is I used to buy a cup of coffee from Quick Trip every morning, it would cost me with tax 2.02 (it was their medium size I think if I remember correctly.). Then one day I really got to thinking how much could I save if I stopped drinking coffee well at least buying it from QT every morning. So I did simple math 2.02×7 is $14.14 a week or $56.56 a month about $678.72 a year! And that was just a cup of coffee I of course cut out eating out, junk food for the most part and I am now saving well over $200 a month and putting all of that into savings. That is just one example of how I did it. I am sure there are many ways out there of saving money I have probably not even thought up of yet and I am talking about small things not drastic. Not to mention the cut of junk food has made me happier and healthier.
 Now I want to be clear with this. This is not your typical investment that I am about to talk about. But rather one more suited towards the fall of an economy and essentially the dollar. The most obvious investment you can make is to buy gold and silver. I think every person in this country is doing that at this point. While that will hold value and its all and good, you can not eat gold and silver. At one point people will want food rather than gold. So a gold and silver investment while good should not be the only investment.
Once the economy fails and everyone is running around trying to figure out what to do and items and resources become scares, everything will start becoming more localized and we will probably move back to a barter system. With that said it will be good to prepare for a barter type of system just in case it ends of that way and even if it doesn’t it will not harm you in any way. Here is what I think you will need in a barter type of system.
1. Water, The single most important item any one person can have. Drinkable water is important to life. While I would stock up a lot on this you can also invest in rain catching gear, water purifying system and other things to make undrinkable water drinkable.
2. Salt, stock up on this and start now. This one little thing that people take for granted everyday will be essential to your survival and a good thing to have in a barter system. Salt is one of the most important thing a person can have in their stock pile period. It is essential for the human body, it makes food yummy, and it can preserve food as well.
3. Spices, you think they are expensive now wait until the economy fails and governments go bankrupt and so do major companies. This one comity that people take for granted will be super rare and expensive. However, most spices and herbs can be grown almost anywhere with a little bit of knowledge.  A good website I found about some spices you can grow are  and these are two very good sites to get you started.
4. Live stock, food is one of those thing you have to have. While you can hunt if you do not have live stock which is a good way to get meat and other foods live stock is more beneficial. It is there when you need it you don’t have to go out and find it hopefully, you can trade it for other animals goods or services, and depending on the animal it will have many uses.
5. Other currency, while it is good to have food water etc it is also a good idea to have some form of other currency available in case you can some how assuming things are not that bad go to another country or that their currency is not completely useless. This is something I would keep around, because I do not like to assume anything like all currency will be useless and you will be trapped in this country. You just never know what life will throw at you and where you might find yourself. Therefore, I think that having some other currency like Euros, Yen, and the Australian dollar to name a few might be useful.
6. Land, I believe that land is one of those things that over time will increase in value even more so than gold. Because scientist have found a way to make artificial gold believe it or not, but they have yet to find a way without lasing our water supply it will grow in value tremendously. Not to mention land is very useful to have because you can grow food on it have life stock and the uses for land are almost limitless. Not to mention if the land has  a natural aquifer.
Like I said not your normal investment portfolio. I could spend so much more time on this but these are the 6 things I think will help you if an economy collapses.
Pay off any debt
Now this one may be a bit tricky to do since many people are having trouble meeting ends meet. But by all means try to pay off any and all debts you may have. I am going to take a guess that banks will want money owed to them if the economy starts failing to keep themselves afloat. Just because the economy fails doesn’t mean our money will be worthless. The great depression is a perfect example of that. Money was not all that worthless still had value just not as much as it does now.  This one again may be hard but I know from personal experience but it has to be done. Many things can happen if the American economy can fail don’t be caught off guard pay off any dept you may have.  I will have a completely separate blog post about this coming up soon. As I have said I was in that boat I have searched for solutions and I have found it through trial and error. I have given the advice to my friends and it worked great for them. So I will dedicate a whole blog post just to that.
Learn a Skill
Learning a skill is good even if the economy is still going strong. But a  carpenter, welder, handyman can be worth their own weight in gold. Knowing how to build and work with your hands will be skills that if the economy goes you can use to barter with. It can be almost any skill just learn one or a trade and master it. I would say master one than have 1000 that you barely know what you are doing.
These are some of things I would recommend. There is so much when it comes to this that I could make this blog post endless, yet I do have to end it at some point. Just remember what can go wrong will go wrong. Do not assume anything prepare for everything. It cant hurt to be ready it can only hurt not to be ready. As we have seen time and time again it is a matter of when not if. If you have any ideas or comments please feel free to post them and let me know how I did or if I missed something important.


Lake Ontario has Secret Underwater Military Base


English: Map of Lake Ontario. Category:Michiga...
English: Map of Lake Ontario. Category:Michigan maps (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Recently I was talking with two different sources that will remain anonymous to protect the identification from possible government prosecution about Underground area 51 sites around the world.  I was told that Lake Ontario had one from Co-worker who was an ex Marine who was a Military Police who protected that base.  It was said that if threat of Nuclear War ever broke out that this is one the place that the US president would go.  He said that the area is protected by the US Coast Guard and US Military.


The second source is a friends mother who dated a high up government official who bragged to her about this secret underwater military base, under Lake Ontario that he was aware of,  He said that if anything was to happen during the Cold war with the Russians   like a Nuclear War was to go hot that he and his family would be protected from nuclear fall out at that underwater base!


Now I have no first hand knowledge of this underwater base only hearsay, but I have no reason to believe that these two people would have any reason to lie to me or about this place.  Neither of these people knew of each other and about talking to me about this underwater base.  So I have done some of my own research into this topic and have given my research results on this blog post.  Happy hunting!  If you have any evidence or knowledge of this please feel free to contact me about this and we can add your info to this post!


This section copied from


According to Malcolm Williams, researcher for the Northeastern UFO Organization, infrared photos taken in the dark of night from the shores of Lake Ontario show all sorts of anomalies which cannot be either conventional aircraft or meteorological phenomena. Taken on various occasions, the photos show a pattern of lights in the sky which are definitely under intelligent control as they zig zag from one position to another in the heavens. One photo shows an object actually resting on top of the water, apparently about ready to make a plunge beneath Lake Ontario.


Many of the photos taken by Malcolm Williams, a former member of the Royal Astronomical Association, were done from a position which would indicate that the main area of interest is over the lake between Oakville and Toronto. This theory is supported by Harry Picken, an aeronautical engineer, pilot, and past president of Genair Ltd., a St. Catharine’s aircraft research firm. Picken, who owns a home right on the banks of the lake, has been keeping tabs on the aerial movements near his property for years. One of the most peculiar things the engineer has noticed is that the lights are usually orange, a color foreign to aircraft lights. “The orange color indicates to me a high sodium content in the light source. Sodium is never used in conventional aircraft lighting,” he further points out.


Both Harry Picken and Malcolm Williams believe that the UFO activity over Lake Ontario is somehow related to the fact that a high voltage hydro generating station is located at nearby Lakeview. The UFOs have been seen repeatedly to lift up from the lake and head in the direction of the plant.


Over the years, many odd occurrences have taken place in and around Lake Ontario. In his book, “The Great Lakes Triangle,” Jay Gourley tells of several air mishaps in this very locale, adding substance to the theory that something totally “alien” is operating in and around this body of water.


“There is little doubt that the pilot of the twin jet CF-101 Canadian Air Force interceptor, number 18112, knew he was in trouble on August 23, 1954,” Gourley states in his well researched reference work on the subject. “He was near Ajax, Ontario, on the north shore of Lake Ontario. He bailed out. He explained later that the aircraft became impossible to control. Publicly, the Canadian Defense Headquarters refused to reveal the cause of the accident. The official cause is classified secret. I have seen this secret file. It says the scientists who studied the case could not determine what caused the jet to become unmanageable.” It could be that UFOs utilizing highly magnetized equipment beneath the surface could have accidentally or purposely pulled the aircraft out of the sky.





United States Coast Guard Seal, in correct PMS...
United States Coast Guard Seal, in correct PMS colors. This emblem shall only be used in accordance with the Coast Guard Heraldry Manual, and is not to be reproduced commercially without prior approval of the U.S. Coast Guard. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Satellite photo of Round Lake, Renfrew County,...
Satellite photo of Round Lake, Renfrew County, Ontario. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Early map of Lake Ontario
Early map of Lake Ontario (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Lake Ontario NASA
Lake Ontario NASA (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


A retired secret service agent admits to the public about the underground tunnel system at 5:10 in this video:






Anti New World Order Party and We Are Change Rochester Monthly Meetup for May 2012

  • (((Meet UP)))AntiNWOParty (((Meet-UP))) Broadcast Live for those who cant make it out but would still like to attend the Meetup. to find us:

    Anti New World Order Party, Hope For Rochester Ministry, Campaign For Liberty and We Are Change Rochester along with the Rochester Tea Party organizations will be Networking

    Illuminati – Christianity – Prophecy – Islam & The New World Order

    All of these things have affected or are affecting life in America and her place in history. America was the greatest nation to ever rise on the face of the earth. It was no accident that America came to be, or the time period in which she did. We hope that this Meet-Up, and our Q&A panels will shed some light on these subjects, and help you to see America’s role in past, present and future history.

    Admission is Free! Donations are welcome, but in no way requried.

    Doors open at 2:30 PM, Meet-up starts at 3:15 PM. Come early and visit the tables of some of our sponsors as they share information about their ministries.

    “Anti New World Order Party, in solidarity with the and We Are Change Rochester want our leaders to be our servants. The “New World Order” is, by all the evidence, ruling our country in defiance of the United States Constitution!”

    Mission: to recruit, educate and motivate American citizens at the grassroots level to perform their constitutionally definded role in the governance , by providing opportunities, knowledge and training to ensure limited constitutional governance.

 Please RSVP

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