We have decided to implement Roberts Rules of order bringing order out of the chaos to our Meet and Greet Round Table Broadcast.

During our weekly meeting we will now start to use a simple form of Roberts Rules to keep our meeting orderly so that we don’t waste our time . http://www.robertsrules.org/

We are tired of meetings that waste our time? That is why we have decided to implement a simple form of Roberts Rules in our live Meet and Greet Round Table Broadcast !  For me bringing order out of the chaos started with a very personal mission. Our mission is simple We are dedicated to using  Roberts Rules by helping our members understand how to use Robert’s Rules of Order to get more work done!  Remember, these processes are designed to ensure that everyone has a chance to participate and to share ideas in an orderly manner. Parliamentary procedure should not be used to prevent discussion of important issues This blog post is an overview of Roberts Rules of order. Follow through this presentation to learn the basic process that you will need to be successful in our meetings or convention by using the rules.

Click to listen to our live broadcast.


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Check Out Current Events Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with AntiNewWorldOrderParty on BlogTalkRadio

Roberts Rules

July 8, 2014 at 4:22pm




Obtain the floor (the right to speak) by being the first to stand when the person speaking has finished; state Mr./Madam Chairman. Raising your hand means nothing, and standing while another has the floor is out of order! Must be recognized by the Chair before speaking!Debate can not begin until the Chair has stated the motion or resolution and asked “are you ready for the question?” If no one rises, the chair calls for the vote!Before the motion is stated by the Chair (the question) members may suggest modification of the motion; the mover can modify as he pleases, or even withdraw the motion without consent of the seconder; if mover modifies, the seconder can withdraw the second.The “immediately pending question” is the last question stated by the Chair! Motion/Resolution – Amendment – Motion to PostponeThe member moving the “immediately pending question” is entitled to preference to the floor!No member can speak twice to the same issue until everyone else wishing to speak has spoken to it once!All remarks must be directed to the Chair. Remarks must be courteous in language and deportment – avoid all personalities, never allude to others by name or to motives!The agenda and all committee reports are merely recommendations! When presented to the assembly and the question is stated, debate begins and changes occur!The Rules



Point of Privilege: Pertains to noise, personal comfort, etc. – may interrupt only if necessary!Parliamentary Inquiry: Inquire as to the correct motion – to accomplish a desired result, or raise a point of orderPoint of Information: Generally applies to information desired from the speaker: “I should like to ask the (speaker) a question.”Orders of the Day (Agenda): A call to adhere to the agenda (a deviation from the agenda requires Suspending the Rules)Point of Order: Infraction of the rules, or improper decorum in speaking. Must be raised immediately after the error is madeMain Motion: Brings new business (the next item on the agenda) before the assemblyDivide the Question: Divides a motion into two or more separate motions (must be able to stand on their own)Consider by Paragraph: Adoption of paper is held until all paragraphs are debated and amended and entire paper is satisfactory; after all paragraphs are considered, the entire paper is then open to amendment, and paragraphs may be further amended. Any Preamble can not be considered until debate on the body of the paper has ceased.Amend: Inserting or striking out words or paragraphs, or substituting whole paragraphs or resolutionsWithdraw/Modify Motion: Applies only after question is stated; mover can accept an amendment without obtaining the floorCommit /Refer/Recommit to Committee: State the committee to receive the question or resolution; if no committee exists include size of committee desired and method of selecting the members (election or appointment).Extend Debate: Applies only to the immediately pending question; extends until a certain time or for a certain period of timeLimit Debate: Closing debate at a certain time, or limiting to a certain period of timePostpone to a Certain Time: State the time the motion or agenda item will be resumedObject to Consideration: Objection must be stated before discussion or another motion is statedLay on the Table: Temporarily suspends further consideration/action on pending question; may be made after motion to close debate has carried or is pendingTake from the Table: Resumes consideration of item previously “laid on the table” – state the motion to take from the tableReconsider: Can be made only by one on the prevailing side who has changed position or viewPostpone Indefinitely: Kills the question/resolution for this session – exception: the motion to reconsider can be made this sessionPrevious Question: Closes debate if successful – may be moved to “Close Debate” if preferredInformal Consideration: Move that the assembly go into “Committee of the Whole” – informal debate as if in committee; this committee may limit number or length of speeches or close debate by other means by a 2/3 vote. All votes, however, are formal.Appeal Decision of the Chair: Appeal for the assembly to decide – must be made before other business is resumed; NOT debatable if relates to decorum, violation of rules or order of businessSuspend the Rules: Allows a violation of the assembly’s own rules (except Constitution); the object of the suspension must be specified

National Liberty Alliance : BAR members (attorneys, judges and law professors) claim we the People have no authority to restore Common Law, but they cannot show by what authority they make such a claim, We the People answer them. Letters from NY Court tru counsel

The National Liberty Alliance is an organization trying to organize the Grand Jury system.  Their goal is to educate and organize an election in 3141 counties in the United States of America county to reinstate and initiate the Common Law Grand Jury. It only takes one person to organize the election at which all that attend are invited to join the pool. Each county should eventually find four people (administrators) who will work full time (paid positions) to administrate and orient the jurist. These four people should partnership with the four in each county throughout your state.
BAR members (attorneys, judges and law professors) claim we the People have no authority to restore Common Law, but they cannot show by what authority they make such a claim, We the People answer them. Letters from NY Court tru counsel –Prudinti tru counsel 9-26-13.pdf  Prudinti tru counsel 10-10-13.pdf

Power of the Grand Jury – In a stunning 6 to 3 decision Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority, confirmed that the American grand jury is neither part of the judicial, executive nor legislative branches of government, but instead belongs to the people. It is in effect a fourth branch of government “governed” and administered to directly by and on behalf of the American people, and its authority emanates from the Bill of Rights, see United States -v- Williams.

DUTY OF THE “COMMON LAW” GRAND JURY – If anyone’s unalienable rights have been violated, or removed, without a legal sentence of their peers, from their lands, home, liberties or lawful right, we [the twenty-five] shall straightway restore them. And if a dispute shall arise concerning this matter it shall be settled according to the judgment of the twenty-five Grand Jurors, the sureties of the peace. MAGNA CARTA, JUNE 15, A.D. 1215, 52.
Contact information for the “PRESS ONLY”  (845) 229-0044(845) 229-0044 

By what authority, rebuttal No legal authority.pdf. BAR members (attorneys, judges and law professors) claim we the People have no authority to restore Common Law, but they cannot show by what authority they make such a claim, We the People answer them. Letters from NY Court tru counsel –Prudinti tru counsel 9-26-13.pdf  Prudinti tru counsel 10-10-13.pdf

PHONE – (518) 444-8760(518) 444-8760;    FAX – (518) 943-0247
Court Hearing Thursday April 24, 2014 at 9:3o AM. If you cannot make it please fax, mail and call to let them know we are watching. 

We The People coming together to educate the people to embrace your Republic. Life Liberty and Justice !

Our mission is to restore the people to sovereignty through knowledge, and only then will they be armed with the virtue to take political and judicial power. The people have it in their power to disarm and defeat the enemy of Liberty both foreign and domestic if they only understood the principles of freedom and stand upon them.To take political power is to control our elected representatives, by bringing them into obedience through fear of the people, this is accomplished by understanding the office of & becoming an elected committeemen, and then execute the powers, it’s that simple!To take judicial power is to control our courts by understanding jurisdiction and bringing into subjection all government officers and officials using common law courts by opening courts of record and executing “people” authority, it’s that simple!

But, to successfully apply political and judicial power you must have a sense of justice and mercy which is synonymous with virtue. And to get virtue you need to have a relationship with your creator. If everyone exercised these principles America could shake off the chains of tyranny, reinstate our republic, and bring down the NWO “literally overnight”. This is the only way to save the nation, without power you are powerless!

Join our endeavor and save our Republic, one people at a time!

We are Non Partisan – A partisan person is “one who is blindly or unreasonably devoted to party positions.” Therefore a partisan cannot possibly serve the constitution. George Washington warned us against political parties he said “they only succeed in pitting one group against another”.

The cause of the grassroots movement is the awakening to our constitutional crisis, for it to be engaged in partisan politics would further serve the demise of our constitutional republic. The genius of the progressive movement is their exploitation of partisan politics, which they created, to subvert our constitution. Grassroots groups are natural and spontaneous whose primary objective is to reinstate the constitution, to be partisan would be counter productive.

Traditional power structures are orchestrated and designed to harness grassroots movements “they must always be suspect” and will be proven corrupt if they are partisan – divisive – take control of choosing candidates.
Grassroots are founded local, control is local and most events are local. To collaborate with distant groups are necessary for unity but if events become dictated by them you are no longer grassroots.

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” — Edmund Burke

The question before the People is one of an awful moment to this country. For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery; … Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear… It is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope, we are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? … I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided; and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future, but by the past.

…They are sent over to bind and rivet upon us those chains which the ministry have been so long forging. And what have we to oppose to them? Shall we try argument? Sir, we have been trying that for the last ten years. Have we anything new to offer upon the subject? Nothing.

…Sir, we have done everything that could be done, to avert the storm which is now coming on. We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry. Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrance’s have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne. In vain, after these things, may we indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation. There is no longer any room for hope.

If we wish to be free if we mean to preserve privileges, if we mean not to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained, we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of Hosts is all that is left us!

They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance, by lying supinely on our backs, and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot?

…Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. Three [hundred] millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations; and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard! The war is inevitable²and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come.

Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! — Patrick Henry [short version for the short attention span]

Is America Under Attack From Boston Marathon Bombing To Small Texas Town Fertilizer Plant Explosion And If So By Who?

From the Boston Marathon Massacre to the explosion at a fertilizer plant that rocked a small Texas town near Waco Wednesday night.  It was once said  ”You never want a serious crisis to go to waste”Rahm Emanuel:  You have to ask yourself are we living in the End of days as Jesus Christ spoke about before his return and if so what else should we also expect to happen?   And this gospel [of the Kingdom] must first be published among all nations. “But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that  speak, but the Holy Ghost. “Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death. “And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” (Mark 13:10-13)

Shortly before His crucifixion and resurrection, Jesus Christ delivered a major prophecy of end-time events, recorded in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. He was asked by His disciples: “When will these things be? And what will be the sign of your coming, and of the end of the age?” (Matthew 24:3 ). Jesus responded with a description of conditions and events that would lead up to His second coming. Moreover, He said that when these signs became evident, His return would occur within one generation!

I believe that many of these tragic events are happening are a build up to a 3 World War.  Predicted by the Illuminati s own Albert Pike

This Section Copied from:http://tobefree.com

July 10, 2010

1871 — Satanist and Freemason commander, Albert Pike predicted World War I – III. “The Third World War is to be played out by…”

From: iamthewitness, The Synagogue of Satan 1821-1875.


Albert  Pike
Albert Pike

An American General named, Albert Pike, who had been enticed into the, “Illuminati,” by Guiseppe Mazzini, completes his military blueprint for three world wars and various revolutions throughout the world, culminating into moving this great conspiracy into its final stage. These details are as follows:

  1. The First World War is to be fought for the purpose of destroying the Tsar in Russia, as promised by Nathan Mayer Rothschild in 1815. The Tsar is to be replaced with communism which is to be used to attack religions, predominantly Christianity. The differences between the British and German empires are to be used to foment this war.
  2. The Second World War is to be used to foment the controversy between fascism and political Zionism with the oppression of Jews in Germany a lynchpin in bringing hatred against the German people. This is designed to destroy fascism (which the Rothschilds’ created) and increase the power of political Zionism. This war is also designed to increase the power of communism to the level that it equalled that of united Christendom.
  3. The Third World War is to be played out by stirring up hatred of the Muslim world for the purposes of playing the Islamic world and the political Zionists off against one another. Whilst this is going on, the remaining nations would be forced to fight themselves into a state of mental, physical, spiritual and economic exhaustion.

On August 15th of this year, Albert Pike writes a letter (now catalogued in the British Museum) to Guiseppe Mazzini in which he states the following,

“We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the people will be forced to defend themselves against the world minority of the world revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view.

A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

Pike, who had been elected as Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry’s Southern Jurisdiction in 1859, was the most powerful Freemason in America. He would retain that post for thirty-two years until his death in 1891. He also published a book on the subject in 1872 entitled, “Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry,” in which he candidly states the following,

“The true name of Satan, the Kabbalists say, is that of Yahweh reversed; for Satan is not a black god, but the negation of God…For the Initiates, this is not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but which may serve for evil. It is the instrument of Liberty and Free Will…

LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!”

Interestingly, in the same book, Pike emphasizes that Freemasonry is a religion based on the occult Jewish philosophy found in the Kabbalah.

This section Copied from: http://www.antipasministries.com/

“Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play …”  “If you tell a lie big  enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it …”“The truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, truth is the greatest enemy of the State …”                                                     Dr. Joseph Goebbles.   Minister for Propaganda of Hitler’s Third Reich

The Truth: It’s a shell game
to the elite press.

The main function of today’s elite press is to present a lie as the truth; to depict that which is false as factual!  AND THAT IS CERTAINLY WHAT THE ELITE MEDIA IS DOING TODAY REGARDING ITS REPORTING ON THE ECONOMIC CRISIS THAT HAS TAKEN HOLD OF THE COUNTRY AND THE WORLD.


And it’s not just Marshall who sees bloodshed on the horizon: Gerald  Celente, the head of the Trends Research Institute, the major trend-forecasting agency in the world has recently released a Trend Alert, reporting that,     “The biggest financial bubble in history is being inflated in plain sight,”  and that –

THIS IS THE MOTHER OF ALL BUBBLES, and when it explodes […] it     will signal the end to the boom/bust cycle that has characterized economic  activity throughout the developed world. This is going to be much bigger than the … Real Estate [residential and commercial] bubbles which [recently] hit speculators, investors and financiers … When the ‘Bailout Bubble’ explodes,  the system goes with it.”

Celente continues:

“The phantom dollars, printed out of thin air, backed by nothing … and     producing next to nothing … defines the ‘Bailout Bubble’. Just as with the     other bubbles, so too will this one burst. But unlike [the residential and     commercial] real estate bubbles, when the “Bailout Bubble” pops,     neither the President nor the Federal Reserve will have the fiscal fixes or     monetary policies available to inflate another.”

Celente  then goes on to say something truly remarkable:

GIVEN THE PATTERN OF GOVERNMENTS TO PARLAY EGREGIOUS FAILURES INTO     MEGA-FAILURES, THE CLASSIC TREND THEY FOLLOW, WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS, IS TO     TAKE THEIR NATION TO WAR, and that, while we cannot pinpoint precisely   when the ‘Bailout Bubble’ will burst, we are certain it will. When it [i.e.,  the bailout bubble] … breaks, IT SHOULD BE UNDERSTOOD THAT A MAJOR WAR  WILL FOLLOW.”

Interestingly, the “bailout bubble” that Celente was referring to     amounted at the time to $12.8 trillion. As of July, estimates by Bloomberg     put this bubble at nearly double the previous estimate.

I urge you all to take advantage of the time you have left!

[Please see our  article,

He Is Near, at the Door:  Here Comes Antichrist.”]

Matthew 24:34 ). Could this be that generation?

In Matthew 24:22And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
See All…, describing world conditions prior to His second coming, Jesus said that “if that time of troubles were not cut short, no living thing could survive; but for the sake of God’s chosen it will be cut short” (Revised English Bible).

False Flag Operation 04/15/13 Bombing Boston Marathon Massacre the New American Operation Gladio.

Friends yes its breaking news US Government Agents caught red-handed planting the bombs on site in black back packs with men wearing Navy Neal emblems and gear.   As you will see from the photo’s bellow all the evidence is damning.  Its not looking good for the United States special forces.  The question is who will be the patsy this time the guys caught on videos and in the photo or do they have some drugged out mind controlled zombie on stand by to call a Right Wing Christian extremist.

  • There’s an old saying if it looks like a duck, Quacks Like a duck, walks like a duck it’s probably a duck.  Yes friends what we have uncovered in the hours after the Boston Marathon Tax Day, Patriots Day Bombing is looking more like a false flag event,  The question is who was this orchestrated by and why?  Who stands to gain from others pain and sufferings.  My thoughts go back to the Illuminati and the secret Societies that are trying to build a New World Order have the means as in connections and motives to carry out such a tragic event.

    The question you have to ask yourself is why and for what reason.  It was once said  ”You never want a serious crisis to go to waste”Rahm Emanuel:  This gives the Government the reason to do all sorts of things to control people’s lives like putting more troops on the streets or shutting down the internet and putting controls of what you have the ability to search for or what you can say on your blog.

    What I see happening is leading to more invasive TSA presence at sporting events and other gatherings and the Illuminati or NWO flunkies are going to make things so bad that people beg the government to solve the problem of this so-called terrorism.  Patriot groups are being accused from the Mainstream Media and the DOD.  What we are really talking  about is Problem > Reaction > Solution? Also known as The Hegelian Dialectic, or Diocletian’s Theory, it was seen to perfection by the Blair Government in the UK (1997-2007) spin machine it is a basic psychological method, developed in the early 20th Century, of manipulating an agenda, whether it be an individual salesman making a sale, a Government wanting to push through potentially unpopular legislation or a Corporation trying to increase its profit margin.

    Simply Put:

    Problem – Manipulate “customer” reaction by creating a perceived problem, perhaps by leaking stories to the press e.g.: Iraq WMD, Terrorist threat, Global Warming

    Reaction – Your “customer” obviously is concerned by this apparent turn of events and demands help and protection

    Solution – Eh Voila, you come up with the solution to save the day, the same “solution” that you would never have been able to sell before making the customer worried e.g.: 5 years of Iraq war; an endless war on a noun (terror); and people for the first time being willing to pay more taxes and cut back on their consumption to “save the world” all under a false pretext.

    The question is does the end ever justify the means? NO!  The end game is that the New World Order/Illuminati/Zionist cabal claims that the earth is over-populated and that the population must be reduced by whatever means necessary. The bottom line is that the elitists want the whole world for themselves.  They want to eliminate the rest of us who they refer to as “useless eaters.”  They want to return to what they call a “Post-Industrial Society” the type of society that existed before the Industrial Revolution.  According to them, the middle class must be eliminated to leave only two classes:  the Rich – – – and the slaves.  The American Middle class is standing in the way of this globalist plan.

    No kidding.  How Bizarre!  Is this a sign that the Illuminati are behind this bombing?   Maybe even behind Newtown Massacre since the last mile was dedicated to Newton victims?  The last mile ending at 666 Boylston St. Thats really wild..  -Mort

PHOTO: An explosion at fertilizer plant rocked a small Texas town near Waco Wednesday night - causing several injuries and destroying homes and vehicles, authorities said.

An explosion at fertilizer plant rocked a small Texas town near Waco Wednesday night – causing several injuries and destroying homes and vehicles, authorities said.  (ABC)

By  (@leezeltanglao)  and JOHN SANTUCCI

April 17, 2013
 A fiery explosion at a Texas fertilizer plant in a small town 19 miles north of Waco has injured 200 people and destroyed dozens of homes and businesses, an emergency official said.

Of the 200 people injured near the West, Texas, plant, 40 were injured critically, Texas Department of Public Safety spokesman Gail Scarborough said.

It was unclear whether or not there were deaths.

This was a breaking news story. Please CLICK HERE for more updates.

Alternative Currency System Secret Of Who Created Bitcoin Is Of Great Concern Truthers Want To Know Is Bitcoin A NWO Operation?

The bitcoin logo
The bitcoin logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Alternative Currencies is something I have been interested in for awhile now that I have been enlightened about the Federal Reserve system and the IMF or International Monetary Fund run by private corporations who want to run the world and control the New World Order.  I’m working on putting together a page or categories for the best source for Alternative currency‘s or systems of Trade and Barter.  AntiNWOParty is also trying to through our hat in the ring at some point.  We are trying to create our own currency and Trade system for our community.  The Question I and I’m sure many other Truthers want to know is Bitcoin a NWO operation?   Bitcoin is an experimental new digital currency that enables instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world. Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority: managing transactions and issuing money are carried out collectively by the network. Bitcoin is also the name of the open source software which enables the use of this currency. The software is a community-driven open source project, released under the MIT license.  Satoshi Nakamoto is the pseudonymous person or group of people who designed and created the original Bitcoin software, currently known as Bitcoin-Qt.  His involvement in the original Bitcoin software does not appear to extend past mid-2010.
A global currency the exact thing the New World Orders  “end game”.  Despite what we see here about Mr. Nakamoto’s views on central banking (https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Satoshi_Nakamoto), what if he (it?) is really using bitcoin as a test bed for a global currency? With global concerns of hyper-inflation and currency wars, it makes sense to me for something like bitcoin to become successful. What if talk of the “Sheeple” getting “chipped” just means their Bitcoin private addresses will be implanted so they can’t be stolen?


Max keiser says in an interview that there will only be 21 million bitcoins ever made and says nothing at all about them being divisible, it comes off as him trying to mislead people who know nothing about bitcoins to think these will be a rare item adding to the peoples desire to join in ? How can you have a Hard limit of about 21 million Bitcoins and have a global currency with     world population total number of living humans on Earth. As of today, it is estimated to number 7.073 billion by the United States Census Bureau (USCB).[1] The USCB estimates that the world population exceeded 7 billion on March 12, 2012.[2] According to a separate estimate by the United Nations Population Fund, it reached this milestone on October 31, 2011.[3][4][5] 


Peter Van Laer


One Bitcoin is divisible down to eight decimal places. There are really 2,099,999,997,690,000 (just over 2 quadrillion) maximum possible atomic units in the bitcoin design.

The value of “1 BTC” represents 100,000,000 of these. In other words, each is divisible by up to 10^8.

As the value of the unit of 1 BTC grows too large to be useful for day to day transactions, people can start dealing in smaller units, such as milli-bitcoins (mBTC) or micro-bitcoins (μBTC).



This section copied from socialcompare.com


Alternative currency is a term that refers to any currency used as an alternative to the dominant national or multinational currency systems (usually referred to as national or fiat money). Alternative currencies can be created by an individual, corporation, or organization, they can be created by national, state, or local governments, or they can arise naturally as people begin to use a certain commodity as a currency.


Mutual credit is a form of alternative currency, and thus any form of lending that does not go through the banking system can be considered a form of alternative currency. When used in combination with or when designed to work in combination with national or multinational fiat currencies they can be referred to as complementary currency. Most complementary currencies are also local currencies and are limited to a certain region.


Barters are another type of alternative currency. These are actually exchange systems, which only trade items; thus without the use of any currency whatsoever. Finally, LETS is a special form of barter which trades points for items. One point stands for one man-hour of work.


Often there are issues related to paying tax. Some alternative currencies are considered tax-exempt, but most of them are fully taxed as if they were national currency, with the caveat that the tax must be paid in the national currency. The legality and tax-status of alternative currencies varies widely from country to country; some systems in use in some countries would be illegal in others.


List of alternative currencies



The Rise and Fall of Bitcoin




Salvation is from the Jews…and maybe damnation too…

To: Roy Schoeman
Author of Salvation Is from the Jews

My dear Mr. Schoeman,

I am veraciously enjoying your book Salvation Is from the Jews. As happens so often with my Jewish brothers, I find myself so on the same wavelength with your edgy wordsmithing and even sometimes your risqué investigative style that I have to call the experience “spiritually immersive”! Not least owing to our common affinity for sound mysticism and according skepticism of so-called “Churchianity,” Augustino-Calvinist Puritanism and scholasto-Jesuitical sophism, just some of the anacondas strangling Western Christianity in too many quarters. Your Old-New Testament insight about the eldest sons and analogously Israel missing the blessing I find particularly insightful and cannot restrain myself from asking, Is it not at the very least postulable that this principle can apply today to the Roman “See of Peter”? (Some would argue that the Fourth Ecumenical Council at Chalcedon thinks the answer is positively yes.)

On the flip-side, my relish of what you say understandably served to augment my distaste for crucial truths you omit and thereby falsehoods you imply. I am willing to overlook the almost total eclipse of post-biblical Middle Eastern history—your Ashkenazim, your Antiochian Orthodox Christians, your Khazaria, and then in the West your Sephardim and your Rothschilds with their fractional reserve banking cartel with its death-grip on the so-called Renaissance plus “modern times”! I am no Anti-Semite/racist, no Holocaust denier/revisionist and I am fully satisfied that the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is a forgery and that Council of Jamnia never necessarily went down as theorists describe it, and you basically do justice to the wrongness of Mesoretic and other such renderings as well, the contemporary prevalence of depraved esotericism among the astral/noetic rulers (“ascended masters”) of this present darkness and the patent inner workings of occult brotherhoods that masquerade as “charitable fraternities.” (Yet why you abstain from fingering “Catholic” occult equestrian orders and the Jesuits I can’t explain to my satisfaction.) Nay indeed, more than just not being a racist, I consider racial theory a sad and quintessentially unmanly cop-out in the case of Hitler (part-Jewish and one-time art aspirant in a [then as now] Jew-dominated arts community) and all his ilk! No truly spiritual or godly undertaking orders, countenances or even contemplates violence, malice or certainly any evil. But I am a “truther” first and last, all unanswered questions remain for me on the table, and there are questions that loom especially large for serious historical researchers that you leave conspicuously unmentioned.

I am here going to assume that you at any rate regard the “gentile” or ”goy” as at least nominally human, so I won’t even go into the fact that Communism killed between 85 and 100 million and counting to Nazism’s 11 million. Except to ask: At a conservative (but not neoconservative) estimate, how many Jews do you think Communism killed? (I am morally certain that Communism has killed more Jews—leave alone many times more humans!—than Nazism.) And even the suckling babe knows with the crispest clarity that Communism, which is more conspiracy than revolution, was a Jewish aristocrat’s brainchild (or rather Rothschild). We also certainly won’t mention Saul Alinsky, the modern Karl Marx, who holds as his ideological (noetic?) marionettes all our nation’s top leaders. Your otherwise wondrous exposé fails to edify inasmuch as it does not excavate the modern underpinnings of Communism and global banking.

No, we’d best leave that golden calf alone, but what I do want to address, for example, is your failure to name “Nazim,” Zionists and other nationalist types (be they sluggish in the head or thuggish in the heart) who have sharply influenced contemporary U.S. American culture and policy like Werner von Braun, Walt Disney, Ayn Rand and yea G. K. Chesterton.

Most disturbingly of all, while you do mention Hitler’s willingness to spare Jews for export, you fail to mention that, as even Wikipedia admits, “Palestine was the only location to which any Nazi relocation plan succeeded in producing significant results, by means of an agreement begun in 1933 between the Zionist Federation of Germany (die Zionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland) and the Nazi government, the Haavara Agreement” (ostensibly quoted from Dr. Anwar El-Shahawy’s book Allah and Space). In other words, the élite in all quarters do not adhere to the same ideological lines of division they feed the masses. I contend that Nazism, in its inner circles, is not about race and is about the same thinking that set Madame Blavatsky apart, who (until exposed as a charlatan) was more accepted by spiritualists than bloodline-obsessed Masons. It would be hard to overstate her direct influence on Hitler. And in conclusion, it is nearly impossible to exaggerate the extent to which we have been lied to concerning the relationship among socialisms, and particularly between Nazism and Zionsim.

I think your use of the “yeast in the dough” imagery is the reverse of Jesus’ and hence is theologically the most questionable thing in the book thus far, and I stop just short of calling it impious and a total sell-out of the Faith. Jesus was patently not describing the Jewish Race or Religion as the “yeast in the dough” (or salt of the earth or light of the world) but rather his followers as the yeast in the dough that is each nation, Jewish or “Goyish.” The Church is the New Israel. That is the focal point of all Christians. The Jews are become a footnote, albeit a fascinating footnote, and a mysterious tool in prophetic literature in which nothing is clear much less nationalistically applicable. But let’s stop beating around the bush: the Judaizer heresy is just that, a filthy, base and demonic heresy. If emphasizing the Jewish Law is a slap in the face to Christ, how much more emphasizing the Jewish bloodlines!

I take exception, however, to any condemnation of the preservation of Jewish culture within Christian communities. I want to retain my (majority) Irish heritage and saints in how I worship because it makes me the more fully part of the whole Church. I’m told that some “Russian” Orthodox Christians, being of Jewish descent, were let back into Israel and, subsequently, there are Jerusalem parishes that celebrate the Divine Liturgy in Hebrew. I rejoice for them. And yes, they have a special perspective on Jesus being of His same household, and I rejoice with them. I love every chance I get chewing the fat with Jews, however secular, Orthodox or even Hasidic. I love hanging out with Catholics and Protestants. I even sometimes can stand Hindus and even (maybe) Buddhists. Wiccans? Druids? Why not. Mormons? JWs? Seventh Day Adventists? Sure, though obviously we’re bordering on the contrived and probably artificially preserved. Scientology obviously is downright dark, but their members are equally people. And I believe I am a missionary to everyone and everyone is a missionary to me.

Though I am the staunchest localist you’re ever likely to meet, I can never. Ever. Ever condone nationalism, because it is mass-insanity. I’ve heard a lot of people go on and on about a lot of things. I know an insecure, vacuous rant from a true scholarly thesis (however well calculated the former’s buzzwords to play on the contrived sympathies of my nation’s telehypnotized positivist sanctimonious funk). Every culture that’s old (read decadent) enough never shuts the heck up about some haplessly worldly claim (again, better suited to theater than academia) to being “the most special” or to having bestowed upon the undeserving unwashed and unappreciative “leftovers of genésis” their most vital (sometimes even implying spiritual) flair—and the ones who brag the most tend to offer the least substantive value—so by and large my Jewish (and, God Almighty help us all, “Christian”) Zionist-leaning brethren should get real and get in line because the sun doesn’t rise and set on their hex* deity, certainly no less evil than any swastika or moon, which like the “Nazim,” they flamboyantly procure to cast, and are indeed casting, upon the whole earth.

I say, A hex on our accursed ignorance.

A final question: What if anything did the honest, common “Goys” and Jews (Christian and otherwise) of the earth—especially of the United States—ever do to deserve the endless shower of pseudogodliness that is modern Hebrew Nationalism?

I get that you’re a bit shy—a neurosis you’ve perhaps mistaken for contemplation, toward which your personality, once informed by the truth, could yet lend itself—as well as unconvinced—your at times mumbled reading of your own writing betrays it—but try to hear this: even despite your occasionally poor dynamics a lot of people hang on your words. My father does. Even as I embrace you as a brother, I, with my whole being, request a clarification, at your leisure, of the loose ends I’ve listed above. I ask you to consider writing a sequel if not errata.

Most sincerely,

* Even Wikipedia admits the hexagram has not been in circulation among the Israelites for a day over 2,400 years if that. Not even Solomon in his wildest apostasy used it, much less Great King David. Another disgrace, another lie to the Babel-high pile. As for me, I want no part in Israel’s self-inflicted curses.

All about the International Christian Party

Christian theology and Faith has been around for more than 2000 years and 2012 is the first time that we have seen an attempt to bring the Christian family together to support Christian Political Campaigns on a Global Scale.   If you looking to be part of a truly grassroots Truth and Liberty movement this is a good place to start. 


InternationalChristianParty  is a political ideology that seeks to apply Christian principles to public policy. It emerged in United States of America in the city Rochester NY under the influence of conservatism and Ron Paul’s teachings.   InternationalChristianParty.com is a Non-denominational institution that is not formally aligned with an established denomination, or that remains otherwise officially autonomous.   International Christian Party explicitly rejects the idea of a formalized denominational structure as a matter of principle, holding that each congregation is better off being autonomous.  InternationalChristianParty.com consider ourselves simply “Christians”. Non-denominationalism should not be confused with interdenominationalism, or ecumenism.

The leaders we elect have great influence on our freedoms. They can choose to protect our right to worship and spread the gospel, or they can restrict those rights. They can lead our world toward righteousness or toward moral disaster. Clearly, the more committed Christians that are part of government—whether at the local, state, or federal level—the more our religious freedoms will be guarded. Christians in politics can effect desperately needed changes in the culture. A prime example is William Wilberforce, a 19th century English politician who campaigned for decades to end the abominable slave trade that flourished at that time. His campaign was eventually successful, and he is lauded today for his courage and commitment to Christian principles.

There is nothing wrong with Christians being involved in politics, as long as they remember that we are to be ambassadors for Christ on earth. That is our primary job description and our goal is to appeal to others to be reconciled to God through Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:20 ). Paul tells us that whatever we do, we are to do it for the glory of the Lord, not our own (1 Corinthians 10:31 ; Colossians 3:17 ). If a Christian does seek office, it should only be if he/she can faithfully execute the duties of that office to the glory of God and without compromising Christian principles.

In Romans 13:1-4 we read: “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.”

We must always remember that our “kingdom is not of this world.” (John 18:36). If we become conformed to the ways of this world, how can we then “be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which ye also suffer.” (I Thessalonians 1:5). Are you suffering because you’re resisting the kingdom of Antichrist, or are you committing spiritual fornication by living deliciously with him? (Revelation 18:9). When criminal elements have a position of control and authority within the government, believers have an obligation to resist them–not to twist the scriptures into justification for compliance with an ungodly government. In Damascus, the Jews that had authority under the governmental edict establishing their position (John 11:48) sought to murder Saul (Acts 9:23). Saul escaped over the wall as he left Damascus. That sounds like resistance to me.

In practice, the International Christian Party  is considered conservative on cultural, social and moral issues ( not social conservatism) and advocates a Austrian Economic Society in the economic field (crossing over with Market economy and sabbath economics but based on the family). Jesus made his reputation as a Jewish economist, one with very strong opinions about wealth and property, about the relationship between the rich and the poor.  We believe that the free market, reviled by people who do not understand it, is the most just and humane economic system and the greatest engine of prosperity the world has ever known.  ”There is no theme more common to Jesus’s storytelling than sabbath economics,” he says. ”He promises poor sharecroppers abundance, but threatens absentee landowners and rich householders with judgment.”

In the Nations, where their opponents have traditionally been secularist socialists,  the International Christian  parties are conservative overall.

Like the Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty organization “We believe with Ludwig von Mises, Henry Hazlitt, and F.A. Hayek that central banking distorts economic decisionmaking and misleads entrepreneurs into making unsound investments.  Hayek won the Nobel Prize for showing how central banks’ interference with interest rates sets the stage for economic downturns.  And the central bank’s ability to create money out of thin air transfers wealth from the most vulnerable to those with political pull, since it is the latter who receive the new money before the price increases it brings in its wake have yet occurred.  For economic and moral reasons, therefore, we join the great twentieth-century economists in opposing the Federal Reserve System, which has reduced the value of the dollar by 95 percent since it began in 1913.” Campaign for Liberty

Many members of the International Christian Party identify themselves as liberty-minded individuals, and the organization states that it includes “limited government conservatives, classical liberals, and libertarians.”[21] These individuals are greatly influenced primarily by the works of Ludwig von MisesFriedrich HayekHenry HazlittFrederic BastiatMurray RothbardThomas E. Woods, and Ron Paul.[22]

Our World is going bankrupt, and no sensible proposals are even on the table.

We also believe in a noninterventionist foreign policy.  Inspired by the old Robert Taft wing of the American Republican Party.

Translated from Finnish to English, David Duke: The predominance of Jewish

David Duke: The predominance of Jewish

Article viewed 3 129 times, 23.08.2012Print

David Duke: The predominance of Jewish

The author’s preface

I promise that this book will challenge you. It contains an amazing documentary evidence to set some of the most cherished beliefs challenged.

If you are able to the best of your ability to set aside their prejudices you may have on this subject or even those that you may have about me as a person, you can weigh more equally in this book of ideas and evidence. This is all that a writer can lukijaltaan ask, and I ask it of you. I truly believe that if you seek to keep your mind open, you will be surprised you are reading.

This book’s real power derives its major sources to use to support their claims. In fact, you’ll soon realize that the majority of the Jewish domination of thought and international Zionism to document the Jewish sources. They argue a lot of convincing me of my views on you than anything I could write. I urge you to seek sources that quote, and check them yourself. In my book will take you on a journey with fascinating discoveries in a prohibited topic. I urge you to really bite the bullet to keep your mind open as you study this book you are waiting to topics. It is the only way any of us can find the truth.

Some of the black paint for sure this book by calling it anti-Semitic. However, Native Americans in the history of the ill-treatment received by the study is not considered anti-Americans. No one is talking about the excesses of the Inquisition called anti-Christian. Is anyone against the white Jim Crow’n time to document the history of the southern states?The mass media is full of stories about the dangers of radical Islam. No one is saying that it is against Islam to study impact of Islamic fundamentalism among extremists. This book dares to explore the forbidden territory: Jewish extremists.

This book is not anti-Semitic. It simply examines and documents the strong ethnic fighting for the supremacy of the extremists, the Jewish community has been from ancient times to the present. This book is a witness, and it does so using a mostly Jewish sources, Jewish supremacist materials pursuing the existence of a number of administrative, media and economic power at the highest levels.

Because anyone who deals with this topic, slandered “anti-Semitic”, is of paramount importance that I say, once again, before the start of this debate, that this Book has nothing against the Jewish people as a whole. I respect many individual Jews, in this book is in fact dedicated to the Jew: the late Israel Shahak.

At first sight to the Jewish domination of thinking I can prove to the U.S. White House’s intimate relationship with a very strong, unanimous extremist Jewish groups called Chabad Lubavitch.

What is Chabad Lubavitch? It is a global, ultraortodoksinen and äärimielinen organization, whose members are in each of the world’s leading countries. If the organization is not familiar to you, to believe in racial domination upset you.

Chabad Lubavitch teaches that non-Jews are impure, lower beings whose sole purpose on earth is to serve Jews. Many Chabad Rabbis are of the opinion that the Jews are literally God’s DNA, while the non-Jews are “supernal creation of waste in one . ” Often, they teach that there is no sin, but, in fact, even the righteous to kill a non-Jew, or cheat on him. Some readers may not want to believe this, but any quick search on the internet official Chabad-sides and a large number of the writings of the rabbis of the Chabad-prove every word my message. You’ll notice that all of the Jewish supremacist, is thoroughly documented and supported source references.

Chabad Rabbis and other extremist ortodoksirabbit often write columns for the largest U.S. juutalaislehteen Jewish Week . Here you will find the supremacy of the newspaper, thinking that anyone who has a decent person would call terrible. Let’s examine the following quotes:

What will gojimeihin … Zalman’s attitude was: “Gentile souls are completely different and lower type. They are totally evil, then, without any kind of agreed properties. “… If every simple cell in a Jewish body is a divine heritage, is a part of God, then each dna strand is a part of God. Thus, in the Jewish dna is something special. …

If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver on the passing of innocent non-Jew to save him? The Torah will probably allow it. Jewish life has an infinite value, “he explained. “Jewish life is something infinitely more sacred and unique than non-Jewish life.” – Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh, Jewish Week magazine, the U.S. largest Jewish publication (26/04/1996).

Many Christians would doubt the authenticity of a quote, simply because they could not believe anyone’s religious leader, in fact, say that would be a moral Jew to kill a non-Jew to take the liver. Many public lectures do non-Jews it clear that horror, that Rabbi Ginsburgh claimed that the Jews have a moral right to murder your mother or father, son or daughter, husband or wife, in order to obtain payment of the Jew. An evil opinion simply goes beyond comprehension for most of us, but on the other hand, this statement was made biggest and most popular in the Jewish publication in the United States.

I have been convicted for hate, anti-Semite and a bigot just because I simply quoted Ginsburghia and revealed the Jewish hegemony over-thinking writings and lectures. I have to take this treatment in the media, while Ginsburgh himself has not been just the slightest criticism. His statement was not a lone extremist Jew somewhere in a remote desert in Israel, but it made one from a respected leader of the sect, which is, in fact, banquets and conferences at the White House.

New Republic revealed the Chabad Lubavitch vihantäyteisen not anti-Jewish nature of the article on May 4 number of the day in 1992.

Chabad in the new messianic universalism has some powerful features of ironic, in its mission to non-Jews what comes, and surely the most unpleasant of them concerns Chabad otherwise undisguised and even racial contempt gojimeja point.

In addition, this … non-Jewish characterization inherently evil, spiritually as well as biologically Jews at a lower figure, is not in any way Chabad revised in later writings. ( The New Republic ) 2

“The great Rebbe” is the spiritual leader of Chabad. He was the late Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, which many Jews worship the messiah. Chabad claims that Rabbi Schneerson never committed any sin in his life, and they gathered in their thousands on his grave, waiting for him to rise from the dead. What Rabbi Schneerson said non-Jews?

The following quotes have been taken into the book, which contains a recorded message to his followers called Gatherings of Conversations which was published in Israel in 1965.Their lives in the last three decades, until his death, Rabbi Schneerson was not compromised, he did not change any opinions. What Rabbi Schneerson, taught it became the official doctrine hasidilainen-Lubavitch. What are the non-Jewish will, lubavitchilaisen rebben views are clear:

The difference between the Jewish and non-Jewish person stems from the usual expression: “Let us make a difference.” Thus, we do not have this profound change in which a person is only at a higher level. Rather, we have a case of “let’s make a distinction between” completely different between the two species. This is what I have to say from the body: a Jewish person’s body is completely different than the quality of all the peoples of the world [the members of] the body …

An even greater difference … is that when it comes to the soul. There are two opposing types of souls, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems holiness.

Thus, we ask: Why do non-Jews should be punished if he kills even a non-Jewish fetus, while the Jews should not be punished if he kills a Jewish fetus? The answer can be understood [by the] Jews and non-Jews in general the difference between: Jew was not created as a means of any of the [other] end; itself, he has to be, because of all the [divine] outflows content was created only to serve the Jews. ” 3

Only a few brave Jew has fought Chabad Lubavitch Jewish hegemony over-thinking and non-Jewish anti-racial hatred. One is Dr. Michael Samuel, a former Jewish religious studies professor. In this extract from a letter which he sent to the Board of Directors Chabad-financing the Centre in Montreal, Canada:

My name is Michael Samuel. I am a former Montreal Concordia University Research Professor of Jewish religion, and I have a question for you:

What would you do if a racist cult tried to build a headquarters in the neighborhood? What if that cult would take sights in particular young people, teaching them that all Christians and Muslims:

evil, Satanic creatures from birth (making all the non-Jewish babies “pikkudemoneja”)

are no better than worms

are not really living beings at all, but already “dead”

all of which must be “messiah”, either forcibly convert or subjugate

, and that their sacred duty to hasten this “messiah” inputs in order to achieve non-Jewish forced EXPULSION or oppression as soon as possible.

These are just some of the fanatical messianic cult called “Chabad Lubavitch” racial teachings. This cult, which appears in “authentic Judaism,” has promised nearly one million dollars funding for the Quebec premier Lucien Bouchard government, so that it can build a new religious center in Montreal Cote St. Luciin.

Why you should care issue? Chabad Lubavitch because not only our problem, but it can also be yours. It is extremely powerful, global organization. Its power has so far been frightened of media that is not afraid to reveal the evidence presented here of racism to the public that they are not only accused of anti-Semitism. We desperately need your help with this mediapimennon break. … 4

Dr. Samuel failed in its efforts to prevent the Chabad Lubavitch Center Financial in Montreal. Canada is thrown in jail citizens of a “hate crime” that these are simply criticized by Jewish extremists consensus, but given the Jewish extremist cult that preaches sapekasta non-Jewish anti-hate, 800 $ 000 Canadian tax money. Chabad influence goes much further than just the tax money to receive: they are always willing audience with the world’s most vaikutusvaltaisim-small political leaders to create.

Photo depicts President Bush in extreme mind-the Jewish group Chabad Lubavitch Rabbis. The White House regularly invites Chabad rabbis, celebrate, and even allows them to teach many who work in the Jewish activists. Chabad Lubavitch rabbis often think of prayer in formal board meetings at the White House.

You are looking in vain for popular mass media and political circles for any serious Jewish hegemony over-thinking condemnation. In fact, George Bush gave up on 27.6.2006, in which he paid tribute to a great rebben, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson memory.Every U.S. president after the death of Rabbi Schneerson has been honored by the extreme liberal Jewish supremacists in the memory. In this tribute to a direct quotation from Rabbi Schneerson about a Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) news agency report, which also shows their influence in American politics.

White House Chabad: Bush is not the weight of Israel

The Bush administration does not force Israel to unilateral concessions, the high-ranking White House officials told representatives of the Lubavitch movement.

Chabad Lubavitch culminates a two-day, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson’s death 12 remembering the anniversary on Wednesday by meeting with Michael Chertoff, Secretary of Homeland Security, and Joshua Bolten, White House Chief of Staff. Both men are Jewish.

Bolten and other White House officials assured the representatives of Chabad, that President Bush never would force Israel to surrender land to the Palestinians without a quid pro quo, the participants said. Bolten said Bush, the Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s leadership in deciding what concessions support. 5

If space permitted, I could put pictures of Chabad-leaders of every president since Richard Nixon. I could show pictures of Chabad leaders, French President Mitterrand, such as the British Prime Minister Tony Blair, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the President of Ukraine Victor Justshenkon and even Russian President Putin.

That kind of Jewish domination of fighting for opinions is not only Chabad bearded fanatics, but also in many public recognition treated as the most influential American Jews. A perfect example is Stephen Stein Light. He served in the U.S. five years of the most largest and most influential Jewish group, the American Jewish Committee, national affairs director. He said the following article on immigration in the national Jewish Journal in October 2001:

I confess it, at least, like thousands of other typical Jewish kids of my generation, I was raised in a Jewish nationalist, even kvasiseparatistiksi. Every summer for two months of my childhood and my youth ten years took part in shaping the character of the Jewish summer camp. There, each morning, I greet foreign flag, dressed in the colors of reflective uniform, sang in the foreign national anthem, learned foreign languages, learned foreign folk songs and dances, and I was taught that Israel was the true homeland. Emigration to Israel was considered the highest virtue, and, like many others in my generation teens, I spent two summers working in Israel on a collective farm at the same time thinking about that possibility.Silently and subconsciously, I was taught the people superiority over non-Jews, who were oppressed us. We were taught to see non-Jews as unreliable outsiders, people who could have expected a sudden outbursts of anger, less emotional, less intelligent and less moral than what we had. We were taught in that bleak history lesson is that we can not trust anyone. … 6

If anyone non-Jewish politician would dare to say that “typical Jewish kids” deliberately taught that they do not really like to be loyal to America but to Israel and the Jews say they are senior non-Jewish people in relation to what the intelligence and morality, the media have condemned him mercilessly and he was driven out of anti-Semitic policies.However, this is the American Jewish Committee’s former director of national affairs direct confession. It should be emphasized that Stein Light’s words have been taken from a Pry up or careless conversation, but they are his carefully chosen words long article he wrote in the Jewish eyes for, called “The Jewish Stake in America’s Changing Demographics” (The Jewish contribution to America’s changing population statistics).

If this is the leading American Jewish right, there is a real threat to the United States.Because if the “typical of his generation, the Jews” are really loyal to Israel, rather than the states in which live, is there not a danger that they could use their influence in the media and in the government to serve the Zionist agenda? This book shows how powerful the Jewish supremacists have used the power to control America’s Middle East policy disaster for American interests. Israel-centric Middle East policy has led to the suffering of America September 11 terrible days of terrorism.

This book shows that the Jews have led us to war in Iraq and the massacre of an accident – the war, which has led to the death of 500 000 Iraqi and paid tens of thousands of Americans wounded or dead, who knows how many billions of dollars and hurt America’s interests around the world. Is still not all become clear that this war went to Israel and not for America?

Anyone with a non-Jewish politician who claimed that some influential Jews are disloyal to the country in which they live, and that they are more loyal to Israel and the Jewish agenda, would clearly uraitsemurhan. And what would be the reaction to George Bush, or anyone driving a white leader, who would say, the belief that the white race is superior?However, for some reason, Stein Light’s report on the blatant Jewish hegemony over-thinking has gained the attention of the media or word of political power in the system.

Any criticism of the Jewish extremist consensus to condemn immediately “antisemitism.” Media’s ongoing horrors of the Holocaust hokeminen has made the term “anti-Semitic” morally the same as if you should massacre. The very word closes the reason and generate more heat than light. The word is grossly overused, it is even used against those who simply protest against Israel’s human rights violations against the Palestinians.

Reluctantly, I started the book by telling you what it is not. The current media climate, however, to force me to do so.

Overwhelming power of the media to distort everything I write, and that’s why I say and I stress here and now, that I do not oppose all Jews, any more than another writer who examines the excesses of the Inquisition, against all Christians. Specifically, thepredominance of Jewish studies over a long period of Jewish supremacist ideology and history, which has had a strong and negative impact on both the Jewish and non-Jewish world.

As soon as the first I want to make it clear that all Jews do not support or share the supremacy of thinking. In fact, many courageous Jews suffer greatly resisting. One of them, an Israeli professor Israel Shahak Dr., was a professor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He offered strong evidence for the Jewish radicals have been relentless war against non-Jews, then stay in Egypt. Dr. Shahak believed that this extreme chauvinism has favored the emergence of a centuries continued to be anti-Semitic reactions, Pharaoh’s pogroms to the horrors that are now called the Holocaust. He argued convincingly that unless both Jews and non-Jews feel free to visit this Jewish supremacist agenda and its power, he is still a serious threat to both Jews and non-Jews.7

This book is not only to show the Jewish supremacist ideology, but also demonstrates that those who embrace this ideology, using the very considerable power in media, government and the global economy. They are sufficiently influential 2000s the first few years to send tens of thousands of American soldiers in death or injury of the Iraq war, which is based on a lie “weapons of mass destruction” and the other lies they have spread without that virtually no one has challenged them in the media. The war was indeed the United States of America against all real benefits. Now those same people are planning new wars and new tragedies to America and the world.

This book is all about our people between risk reduction and hatred. This can not happen until both Jews and non-Jews hear the other side of the Jewish question, point of view, which is not allowed in the modern world.

As I write this preface lines, I sit Colorado Rockies, the mountain, which is named after American aspen tree in whose shade I enjoy now. Wound cylindrical Journal swings easily in a cool breeze, reflecting sunlight and offering me a magical image. Those shimmering through the leaves I can see the snow-capped mountain peaks. Vision is as good for my eyes to my soul. This enigmatic place, I can not see a single human being, only the natural grandeur meets my eyes. Here you can view all the politics, culture, religion, nationalities, ethnicities and racial issues seem very far away. This vantage point of view, the world, and even nature itself affect the calm. However, when I look at the beauty of nature close up, I can see the conflict and the war that leaves clearly overshadow pahimmankin confusion of what humanity can be found.

This will take place on the mountain never-ending struggle against the elements in the element, and the species against species. Wind, rain and snow even out one day these big rocky mountains. Even running stream, extreme serenity symbol for many people, is fighting fiercely against the mountain of his life, which is movement. Indeed, the course of this awesome mountain gives himself up to the smallest creek and other natural erosion for.

When I wrote my note book approaches the two ant standing next to a stone on top of the peach. Another ants is greater and with a quite different way than the other. It outperforms smaller, but that’s just been beaten creature back to the kingdom to report to the large stock of fresh food. Its relatives are trying to return to the aarteelle before its competitors.These two tiny breed can even go to war from that small murusesta. My eyes opened up to the war, which will take place around every corner.

This mountain, trees, shrubs and grasses compete with the sun and life itself. Smaller birds are the eyes of hawks careful in case. Floralla and faunalla is always facing the risk of death due to insects and parasites, which use these to feed on. Up to every form of life within a microscopic war is raging. The closer it is followed, the more intense is the battle.One cubic meter rich soil is more injured, killed, eaten and even exploited and enslaved them as living beings in the world for all people who have had a similar fate. Biologists could provide endless examples of the endless struggle of life and the dominance of life forms between, enough to meet the size of a million books.

Remarkably, however, that it was this brutal billions of years of struggle to survive is produced by the serene beauty that so touches my heart, when I look at the world from here high place. Perhaps this mountain is not so different from that of the eternal struggles of mankind. Racial struggle for human history has played a strong role in human evolution, just like all the natural evolution of life forms. Its impact on mankind is nothing less than breathtaking view from this mountain. It has produced a higher humanity, which has given us such treasures as the Da Vinci’s Madonna and Child , a sublime expression of extreme love of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juulia or Keats poem Ode to a Greek urn.

The eternal struggle created the evolutionary advances that made possible for people like us to put a footprint on the moon. It is becoming increasingly difficult to understand that human beings have walked on the surface of another world, and actually traveled to that golden ball of light, which the human race is watched in amazement for thousands of years. Would these matters have been successful without the evolutionary struggle for survival and dominance, which has driven us up? Can certainly make the argument that it is this life and death battle evolutionary fitness, which produced beautiful love and fulfillment and extreme forms which in turn will give us purpose. This struggle created the beauty of humanity and its creations splendor, just as seemingly cruel Nature created the colorful splendor of this beloved of the mountain can be seen.

Maybe I’m not here in a wonderful natural shape of the image, surrounded by a world that is far from down there in people’s conflicts. Most see a seemingly serene views of nature and never guess the war that rages in its aesthetic covering. There are also those who are not aware of the racial and ethnic wars boiling so mankind on the surface than all to no avail.

I will try to reduce the human race between vihanpitoja and offer a vision of every nation, that they have the right to preserve their heritage and their freedom. If you do not even acknowledge the existence of the war, you can not work to stop it. This book tells the ethnic war that has raged through 3,000 years and is one äärimielinen group has had more humanity.

Although people fantasizing peace-loving nature, the majority of human history, various tribal, ethnic or racial wars. For example, the world’s most widely read book in the Bible, is stored in the Israeli and other Middle Eastern nations of the region between the bloody conflicts in history. It tells us brilliant stories about the war and shocking stories of genocide. Anyone who reads the Old Testament through the eyes of objective criteria, it will be evident to the dominant theme of racial and ethnic domination. There are a number of very direct expressions of ethnic supremacism:

  • · The Israelites are God’s “chosen people of property, the” chosen before all the nations that are upon the earth. 8
  • · Israeli side has the right to control all the other nations, and they were promised that they own and control one day the whole world. 9
  • · The Israelis are flaunting their whole nations and kingdoms By genocide. 10
  • · Israelites are commanded to murder all the people in the countries where going to live, and kill all the nations that do not submit to slavery. 11
  • · Israelis are prohibited from making members of his own people slaves, but are encouraged to enslave non-Israelites, that they can bequeath slaves descendants forever . 12
  • · Israelis are prohibited from contracting mixed marriages. 13

Few people dare to even acknowledge the supremacy of the Bible overtly racial thinking.And those who become aware of the Jewish domination of the extreme way of thinking in the Old Testament, is inclined to believe that such feelings are days of yore, and have no effect on this day. Jewish supremacy , however, shows that the ancient Jewish religion, the strong ethnocentrism has continued to strive to this day. I offer impressive evidence in favor of the supremacy of the Jewish mentality is alive and well in the 2000s. It is a dramatic and growing influence on world events.

It can be said that, as a Christian, I also respect the same domination of the Old Testament books about it. The difference, of course, is that the Christian New Testament represents a significant step away from the old. “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” instead of Jesus Christ taught turn the other cheek. As opposed to the Jewish dominance of Christianity provides a universal salvation.

The Jewish religion bitterly rejected Jesus Christ and has never enjoyed his teachings of love and tolerance. In fact, the Jewish chief priests, Pharisees, not only sought to have Jesus crucified Christ, these leaders guided the Jews to believe in the opposite ideological direction. It can be said that, in addition to the body of Christ crucified, they killed his spirit in our hearts.

It would be wrong to hate or persecute the Jews to their leaders the day of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion because of the central role, but it is important to understand the ideological, religious and ethnic war, who was born in those days.

Christianity since the earliest days of Judaism has become the päävainoaja, because the Pharisees saw Christianity salvation for Jews and Greeks (Gal. 3:28) as a threat to their ethnic purity and supremacy. It should be said that the Jewish religion is the exact opposite of the Muslim faith, which, like Christianity, is also interpreted as a universal message. The Jewish supremacists are not only opposed to Christ himself, but they also mercilessly persecuted His followers, the early Christians.

However, no one spoke openly of him for fear of the Jews. (John 7:13) 14

Because … you too have suffered from your own countrymen the same as they are the Jews, who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and have persecuted us, and are not acceptable to God, but are the enemies of all people, while preventing us from speaking to the Gentiles in their pelastumiseksensa. Thus, they increase in riches satisfy his sins measure. Hatred has already achieved them, until the last volume. (1 Thes. 2:14-16) 15

For the next few centuries, they decreed into law the Jewish oral tradition and took the Babylonian Talmud, the most the most important religious tekstikseen. Universal Jewish Encyclopedia , Encyclopedia of it even exceeds the Torah authority figure. 16 Jesus Christ, representing the interests of the development of a greater love and tolerance only further confirmed the Talmud Torah chauvinism. I’ll be thoroughly documenting this fact, self-Jewish texts and clear quotes from prominent Jews scholars who deal with the purpose of the Talmud. Talmud shameless and repeated references to non-Jews, animals, and “the creation of transcendent waste”, 17 as well as the reports of his enemies for boiling semen and feces, 18 are expressions of racial hatred, which would have been Hitler blush.

I bear witness to this volatile veracity of my statement in this book, and I will show how the mainstream Jewish religious authority such as the non-censored editions of the second most important source of Jewish books, The Jewish Encyclopedia, the Talmud confirms vihantäyteiset and non-Jewish teachings contrary. I also suggest that many of the major Jewish publications, such as the most popular Jewish newspaper in the United States,Jewish Press, still our päivinämme are into these rabid teachings. More than any other newspapers in the Jewish Press the number of Jewish religious and cultural attitudes tone.

One of its main religious authorities is Rabbi Simcha Cohen, who writes instructive Dear Abby -style columns called Halachic Questions . It is not long ago, Rabbi Cohen advised his readers that the Talmud considers non-Jews “animals” (such as the Talmudic writings Gemara Kiddushin 68a and at Metz 114b in outline). 19 In the second paragraph, he speaks about how the Jewish woman is not defined as a prostitute if that engage in pre-marital sex with a Jewish, but she’s a whore, if he has any sexual relations with non-Jewish, even if they are married.

Marriage with non-Jews can never be sanctified or permit, a relationship classifies the woman zonaksi … ordinary way of speaking interprets the term to refer to the zona prostitute … 20

Another major Jewish publications, the Jewish Chronicle , in an article entitled “Some Carefully and Carelessly Chosen Words” (Some carefully and carelessly selected words), reveals that the Jewish non-Jewish woman used the word is offensive Yiddish word shiksa – meaning “whore,” which will Hebrew word sheigetz (“horror”). The article also pointed out that a small number of non-Jewish girl called shikselke , which means “little female abomination.” 21

Shiksa – the Jewish non-Jewish woman used a term that dates back to “abomination” or “whore” word for sheigetz .

Shikselke – a non-Jewish girl, means “little female abomination.”

How the Jews and the media would react if non-Jews, very generally indicative of Jewish women and young girls, “Jewish whores” and “small Jewish whores”? What would happen to any politician or entertainer, which would suggest the Jewish women and young girls as Jews whores? Will I now be called anti-Semitic, simply because I dare to reveal a vihantäyteisen non-Jews to the report, which has been proven in two influential Jewish newspaper in America?

Talmud extreme ylivaltamieliset teachings have indeed been a powerful factor in preventing the merger of Jewish Christian and Muslim communities. Although Jews have lived only a small minority of non-Jewish countries, more than 3000 years, the most prominent Jewish geneticists and anthropologists are proud to claim that the Jews have retained their distinctive genetic identity. 22 I’ll show how Jewish hegemony over-thinking doctrines of non-Jewish fear and hatred, as well as the allegations of Jewish superiority, are carefully indoctrinated in each generation. Every young Jew learns non-Jews subtle nature of the Pharaoh to Hitler. They are taught that they have been “chosen” to all the peoples of the earth above – probably the ethnic superiority, the ultimate expression of faith.

This work demonstrates how the current official Israeli policy, and many of the leading elements maailmanjuutalaisuuden still embody radically ylivaltamielisiä opinions and practices. The organized Jewish ingredients from around the world are driving tenacious pursuit of their own agendas of domination. Those agendas are often in conflict in their host nations, among whom they live, with the interests.

My assertion that there is a strong, unified, global Jewish domination was pursuing a whole to find confirmation in the proofs, which are mostly Jewish supremacists themselves offer. Their supremacist ideology clearly declare Israel’s foundation, structure and operations of the country, which is unabashedly based on ethnic supremacy. It is a state that has robbed, terrorized and grossly violated Palestinian human and civil rights.

What is the Jewish domination of thinking?

White supremacy-thinking the definition of Random House unabridged Webster’s Dictionary , the dictionary says it means “to believe so superior to other races, and in relation to the maintenance of control in all respects.” Let us apply this definition, and in particular, the term Jewish domination of thinking .

Jewish domination of thinking – I believe, the theory or doctrine that the Jews are superior to any other, and that they should maintain control in all respects.

What is the definition of the first part is, this book brings together strong evidence of how many of the world’s leading Jews are to be believed, the theory or doctrine that they aresuperior to all other nations. I will also show clearly that they seek to control, in all respects other nations . David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister, often called the “George Washington of Israel,” said specifically that he believed the Jewish people, “the moral and intellectual superiority.” 23 This kind of thinking is common Jewish writings from around the world. Imagine the outcry that would occur if the U.S. President declare a belief of the white race of moral and intellectual superiority! The Jewish-dominated world media has protected the Jewish supremacists criticism so effectively that their most famous leader can say such things without fear of repercussions.

The world’s press has expressed indignation, when Ben-Gurion made ​​comments, and his Jewish supremacist exude the prophecies, which Look magazine cited a 1962, followed by any kind of protest. That comment was a prophecy that Israel would sit one day a one world government at the top.

“Jerusalem, the United Nations (a truly United Nations) will build the temple of prophets to serve the continental United Union of all, this will be the Supreme Court of Mankind seat.” 24

It seemed to her cruel ironic Palestinians to their victims, that it does not just become noise when flaunted Terrorist Menachem Begin were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.Begin leuhkii in his book The Revolt (The Rebel), more than two hundred men, women and children massacre of Deir Yassin. 25 World to hunt and catch a suspected Nazi war criminals, but to give a blood-stained Jewish … the Nobel Peace Prize! It is just that the case should be telling us, who really is the highest in the world today.

Another necessary part of the supremacy of thinking about the definition of the meancontrol possession of the other breeds . I maintain that the Jewish supremacists seeking to capture the country where they live. They work together to govern the country’s two most important use of power tools in the modern world, the mass media and the government. This book provides documented evidence of their incredible sovereignty upwards in these sectors. This extreme concentration of power is not only in America but in everyday life in most of the world’s leading countries, including Canada, Britain, Russia, France, Brazil and many others. It is a universal formula that refers to the plan rather than chance.

Israel: The Jewish supremacist state

Israel was born in the Palestinian indigenous massive ethnic cleansing and forced to leave their homelands. The Balfour Declaration of 1917 a Jewish form of Tivat, only ten per cent of the population of the territory that is today’s Israel. Zionist terrorists drove the British out of the country and expelled most of the Palestinian population in the years 1947 and 1948 the Jewish supremacists of Israel was founded. It will still maintain scrupulous care of the Jewish people’s cultural and genetic identity.

Israel protects ethnic inclusions prevailing juutalaiskontrolliaan carefully guarded by the ethnic composition. It bases immigration, genetic standards and limit immigration, almost exclusively, to those persons who are biologically Jews. New York City resident atheist Jew, who has never set foot inside the borders of Israel will receive financial assistance to move to Israel, while hundreds of thousands of Palestinians whose families have lived there for thousands of years, can not return to his region of origin.

Israel is not a “multi-cultural state.” It is unashamedly a Jewish state that is dedicated only to Jewish interests, heritage and religion. It is a country which is home to a large Palestinian minority, and it is also a country with the world’s highest society, there is racial segregation. Jews and Arabs are different schools, different buildings, different neighborhoods and different neighborhoods. Many of these practices adversely affecting the Palestinian population of the Jewish year. For example, the Palestinians are not allowed to join the armed forces of the normal units. A former member of the Israeli Supreme Court, Haim Cohen, described the system, which applies to the Jews and Palestinians in Israel, similar to the Nazi German “Nuremberg Laws”:

… the bitter irony of fate that has led to the same biological and racist laws, which are developed by the Nazis, and that inspired the infamous Nuremberg laws, the basis for Judaism, the definition of the state of Israel. 26

Jewish domination of thinking that dominates Israel receives very little negative publicity around the world. Let’s think about the positive publicity, which may be compared to Israel media unanimous and universal condemnation by the former South African apartheid regime was poured on top. South Africa led to the condemnation of hypocrisy, the American media, which is thoroughly dominated by pursuing the matter of Israel.

I became gradually aware of the Jewish and non-Jewish relations permeable double standards. Jews preach one morality for themselves and other non-Jewish world. Their morale is up racial pride, solidarity, tradition and self-interest driving. But they preached diversity and liberalism for those who saw their competitors. If such a duality had not existed, the Jewish dominated by the American media may:

  • · Support the State of Israel, which spread the Jewish religion in their schools, while the object even singing Christmas songs in American public schools?
  • · Support the State of Israel, which is strictly rotuerotellut schools, residential areas and public facilities for Jews and Arabs, while condemning rotuerotellut schools and residential areas in America, and in South Africa?
  • · Support the State of Israel, which is a strict “only the Jews’ immigration laws, while undermining American efforts over the curb, even illegal immigration?
  • · Support the State of Israel, which allows every citizen of the Jewish position on the machine of a firearm if he or she so wishes, at the same time supports the strict American citizens for small arms?
  • · Support the State of Israel, which openly declare that their mission was of the Jewish people and heritage, while condemning the Palestinians, who want their own state, and whips up the Euro-American who dare to support the western heritage and culture of conservation in America?
  • · Always put the Jewish and non-Jewish relations in the history, so that non-Jews are evil and the Jews of innocent victims, while condemning non-Jews “anti-Semitic” if they dare to defend themselves from a ethnic slander?

Such double standards in the mass media raises other questions. Why in the world press has been so short-sighted when it comes to Israeli ethnic oppression? Is it reasonable to suspect that the bias in the press could be the result of Jewish power? With regard to issues such as Jewish domination, that their power will certainly provide the reason why the press does not use the term Jewish domination but the term white supremacy , yes.And this concept is not even under consideration. Not even when Meir Kahane called Palestinians “turnout as dogs” and advocated the expulsion of all Palestinians forced the Israeli occupied territory, he never referred to the Jewish supremacists.

02/25/1994 American Jew Baruch Goldstein went to the mosque in Hebron and shot olleita Palestinians praying in the machine gun fire, killing 29 Some Jewish groups in America or in Israel have since made ​​Goldstein kind of saint, building shrines to him in America or in Israel. No Goldstein and not to those who have built shrines to him, never to refer to the Jewish supremacists or even “non-anti-Semitic.” 27 On the other hand, if a non-Jew would even dare to quote Haim Cohen’s statement, in which he compares Israel’s Nazi Nuremberg laws to the laws, he is sure to find as soon as they have been labeled “anti-Semitic” in the media.

The world’s governments and media double standards are often quite amazing. President George W. Bush, the World Trade Center on September 11 , 2001, in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks, said that any country that harbors terrorists, will feel the rage of American bombs.

Not long after the adoption of this statement Mr. Bush illallisti Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who is one of the world’s worst terrorists. As the world knows, Sharon has a long history of terrorism and murder, including the responsibility for 1,500 men, women and children in the Sabra and Chatila murder in refugee camps in Lebanon. During the dinner, Mr. Bush has dropped oliiviakaan Mr. Sharon on. Unlike the hapless Afghanistan, no American bombs not been dropped in Tel Aviv on the protection of terrorists. In fact, Israel is not only to protect the terrorists, but it is brought up to the highest in many of their leaders. Sharon is not the first terrorist, who reached the prime minister, some of the worst to ever achieve this are terrorists Begin, Shamir and Barak.

One could argue that the Jewish supremacist state of Israel does not necessarily mean that the diaspora (Jews outside of Israel) have the same Jewish supremacist agenda to drive. However, should take into account the fact that organized Jewry all over the worlddedicated support vehicle in front Jewish supremacist state of Israel. Second, there is sufficient evidence that the Jewish supremacist policy extends far beyond Israel’s borders. Influential Jews in the media and government from around the world frequently act to control other nations, among whom they live.

Global Agenda

Organized Jewry can be clearly shown to have been the world-wide strategic objectives, then the beginning of the last century. For example, in Russia and world Jewry the early 1900s was to their anti-Semitic for its Imperial Russian tsar defeating. Jewish communities around the world supported the Jewish prototype, the establishment of the Communist regime in Russia. They provided most of the funding and the Russian revolution 28 – Revolution, which was actually more than the Jews, led by the Russians.Its main sponsor was actually a New York-based Jewish capitalist and extreme Jewish supremacist, Jacob Schiff. 29

One of the many amazing documentaries, which I quote, the U.S. National Archives. It reveals that the Communist Government of Russia in the first-tion was only 13 ethnic Russians and more than 300 Jews were a total of 384 commissioners. 30 Give this striking fact properly immerse your mind: the Russian Revolution, the first Bolshevik government was only 13 ethnic Russians. London Times in Russia at that time pääkirjeenvaihtaja described it is something less than the Jews committed by “foreign matter maahanhyökkäykseksi” and conquer Russia. 31 The same American said the Russian ambassador, David Francis 32 and American intelligence officers in Russia.Even Winston Churchill described the Russian Revolution bolshevikkijuutalaisten a coup d’état, which was “… stuck to the Russian people, human hair and practically become the indisputable masters of the enormous empire.” 33 This is just a small taste of what’s mind-blowing documents.

A world leader in the national government managed to overthrow (and the ruler of the family’s murder) as part of the global Jewish agenda shows that even the 1900s in the early days they had a major global economic, political and media power. In the years following their power has grown exponentially. Most people are still completely unaware of the very important role of the Jews in the pathogenesis of Bolshevism in Russia, and the spread of communism around the world.

Public lack of knowledge in this area illustrates the influential role of Judaism at the Academy and in the media. How else is so important and easily verifiable historical facts should be kept away from the general knowledge?

It also reveals the incredible unity and co-ordination around the world in an impressive Jewish power, which can be mobilized when each Jewish target. Another example of the power that they use the leading countries in the highest councils, were successful in their efforts to establish the State of Israel. The Balfour Declaration of (a very short time ago, the world learned that the author was in fact a secret Jew), 34 the establishment of Israel and its continued support, as well as the war in Iraq, they have demonstrated their ability to get what they want.

Jewish domination is hypocritical and jealous nature. If the people among whom the Jewish supremacists live, to introduce similar ethnic loyalty and solidarity programs such as the Jewish supremacists are, extremist Jews do not seem to be used to power and control, as they are only a small percentage of the population. Only when the host’s ethnic and nationalistic feelings are repressed, to the Jewish supremacists to gather enough power to achieve the agenda. A clear pattern of Jewish influence in the academy, government and the media aimed at all ethnic solidarity and loyalty among isäntäkansojensa regression, while deliberately encouraging ethnic pride and solidarity among Jews. There is one designed to attempt to weaken the ryhmäsolidaarisuutta Palestinians, British, French, eurooppalaisamerikkalaisten, African-Americans and Muslims in the Arab world. They tend to use what method to share any and weaken his enemies, just as the break up Iraq today. This formula is present in all countries in which only has significant amounts of extremist Jews.

Divide and Conquer

The Jewish supremacists fear and oppose any ethnic solidarity with the exception of his own. In Western countries, they are opposed to continually all the organizations that seek to preserve the interests of European and heritage. In the same way non-European countries, they are constantly working to dismantle the dominance of the ethnic group solidarity and homogeneity. It is part of the Jewish supremacist modus operand to foment diverse immigration and multiculturalism in every country in which they live (except, of course, Israel), because they see the squabbling, heterogeneous society easy prey intensive and well-organized kontrollipyrkimyksilleen. Dr. Stephen Stein Light, a former high-ranking member of the American Jewish Committee, which I quoted earlier, says its amazingly outspoken terms:

Perhaps another generation, an optimistic forecast, the Jewish community is thus in a position where it comes to being able to break down and manage, as well as to go under the selective coalitions that support our agenda. 35

America, they are not only working to weaken the Euro-American solidarity, but they actively opposed the American-African nationalist movements a lot of fish, such as Marcus Garvey movement and the Nation of Islam. Those black organizations simply wanted to preserve their own heritage rather than assimilate into a multicultural society.The Jewish supremacists hypocritical manner only want themselves to be aware of their heritage and special interests. They try to make other groups feel guilty even of pride knowing their own culture. They paint their ethnic pride and unity in other nations the pursuit of hegemony or hostile toward others.

This is a striking example of this divide and rule methodical can be seen in Palestine and Lebanon. The majority of Palestinians and Lebanese are Muslim, but a significant proportion of the Christians. Israel is actively fomented hatred and civil war between Christians and Muslims in the Middle East. One of the reasons why Ariel Sharon organized the slaughter of Lebanese Muslim refugees in the hands of paramilitary falangistijoukkojen 1982, was a bitter hatred and incitement to war among Israel’s Arab enemies. One of Israel’s former Prime Minister, Moshe Mr Sharett, diaries revealed its Fakta, that this was one of Israel päätaktiikoista. 36 countries destabilisointi by encouraging massive multiracial and multireligious immigration, as well as the existing ethnic and religious divisions of promotion within countries, has been a Jewish supremacist long pursued a strategy .

This attempt to break the enemy ethnic solidarity can be explained in the context of the Palestinian people. If the Israeli expulsion of the Palestinians from their homes in fully assimilable to other countries and their host populations and, therefore, lose their Palestinian identity, they and their descendants assimilated certainly not as likely to support the Palestinian cause. If the Jewish populations are not assimilated, they are more likely to support the Jewish state.

At the same time as they try to break other people’s ethnic loyalty, Jewish supremacist driving forces in the media sponsor of the historic anti-Semitism chronic vain repetition.Such a focus is two-fold. First of all, it raises the solidarity between the Jews and the world-wide support for Israel, and secondly, it stimulates collective Jewish hatred of non-Jews in the world and, therefore, reduce the Jewish assimiloitumista. Non-Jewish treachery of Jews endless repetition also protect them from non-Jews from criticism, because if anyone dares to criticize the Jewish hegemony over-thinking, he was painted as morally the same as the Holocaust promoters. Official Holocaust story has reached the religious dimensions, and if anyone questioned even one line of the sacred writings of the Holocaust, he becomes a modern-day heretic, which are now referred to as “deniers”.

Another example of the Jewish supremacist hypocrisy can be seen in mixed marriages on topic. During the presidential campaign, George Bush found themselves speaking in the press disapproval on Bob Jones University, an institution that opposes interracial dating and marriage. Of course, during the election campaign as George Bush than Al Gorekin held a number of mandatory speeches to many Jewish groups. The irony is that every synagogue in America and every major Jewish organization opposes the Jewish mixed marriage with non-Jews. Itself in Israel’s Jewish and non-Jewish inter-marriage is prohibited by law. Of course, this outrageous double standard does not mention America’s supposedly in a fair and free press. Bringing a case to light would not be good PR for Jews.

Of course, all Jews do not support the Jewish supremacist any more than all Germans were Nazis, Hitler’s season, but the fact still remains that organized Jewry has successfully driven agenda that has amassed an incredible power in modern times. The creation of the State of Israel, they have set up the most ethnic group based on the dominance of the state of the world. Even more important is to take into account that they have managed to acquire a terrible big powers many of the world’s leading countries, governments (especially the U.S.), and today they dominate through and through the world of news and entertainment media. Well-documented lukuni media to prove that their power is far greater than you could imagine.

To silence the critics

The extent of Jewish power is precisely the reason why the general public is ignorant of, because those who know about it, also know for its high price, which would have to pay about talking about it openly. Making America so may result in injury or even the reputation of a business loss or unemployment. One telling the truth can lead to threats, intimidation and even physical attacks from groups like the Jewish Defense League. Anti-Defamation League, the organization is always busy blame critic from racial, religious or ethnic intolerance, in defense and at the same time denying Israel’s blatant racism and supremacy of thinking. This Jewish supremacist group can ruin almost any person of their choice, or transactions of a political career.

What is even more dangerous, the Jewish supremacists have now managed to capture a critic from many European countries. They do not at the moment be free to assassinate their critics in the West, as they are the assassination of the hundreds of Palestinian writers, poets and spirit of men all over the Arab world. In Europe today, however, a mere Jewish domination-minded statements quoted in prison you can not know.

Even at this moment is in prison hundreds of dissidents who dared to simply speak or write openly Jewish ethnic intolerance. While the media constantly claims that, unlike the Nazi domination was, we have freedom of speech, at this very moment European countries who are in prison for the sole reason that questioned some of the versions of the Jewish Holocaust.

The Jewish supremacists have worked hard to undermine the ethnic consciousness and a sense of loyalty among Europeans. Nykymediamme political correctness is considered “hate speech” European speech of love to your heritage and the desire to preserve it.Euro-American faith, that there be an right to preserve their way of life. At the same time, I recognize that natural justice to all the world in different groups of people and nationalities.Is not it such as strange that the Palestinians, who are ethnically cleansed from their own country and who have been denied their most fundamental human right, so often presented in the “anti-Semite” and “terrorists”, while the “non-anti-Semitic” Jewish supremacists who have terrorized them and stealing their land, not much criticism in the press of the world.

The Palestinians and the Arab world, residents need to understand that their own source of despair stems from the fact that the Euro-American has been prevented from defending their national interests and traditions, just as the Palestinians are prevented.The Palestinians will never find an exemption to his people before the release of the Euro will find in America Jewish supremacism.

But I’m definitely working on behalf of eurooppalaisamerikkalaisten activist, I respect every people, and take my hat off to the person who wants to maintain their way of life and, more importantly, their own existence ethnic entity. For me, the ethnic survival is the most fundamental of human rights. It is also a fundamental human right of the people to live under the authority of the government and the news and entertainment media that reflects their own core values, traditions, and social as well as economic interests. Debt and the devastating mass media under the auspices of living people is just as oppressed as a foreign occupation government under the rule of the people live.

21. century, the growing Jewish supremacist globalism driven to further reduce all human choices and freedoms. In addition, it endangers peoples cultures, traditions, values, religions, and ethnic identity of road maintenance. Globalism the end result is a huge world government that crushes freedom and diversity of the steamroller flower. The idea that the Board of Directors should represent their own people and no external power, the Declaration of Independence and the United States of America, underlying principle: the right of people to get theirs, announced by the government for their own interests for. The preamble of the U.S. Constitution says it succinctly when it speaks of the government “to ourselves and our posterity . ”

Jews in America the U.S. government places the key management is amazing. President Clinton’s administration a leading Israeli newspaper Maariv reported “warm Jews,” referring to Israel’s interests, loyal to the Jews, to be critical in important positions in U.S. National Security Council. Maariv reported that seven of its eleven members are “warm Jews.” 37

The research was carried out in this book, and the book was written mostly in the Clinton administration time, and as such, it provides a piece of historical time. But do not imagine that a disproportionate Jewish power was reduced by President George Bush’s administration. His presidency began less Jewish näkyvimmissä most positions, but the underlying government bureaucracy, which remains the same in different presidents during the periods of service, is as Jewish as always. A good example is Alan Greenspan, who served as the influential chairman of the Federal Reserve, and both parties in many of the presidents of the time. In his place, perhaps the most influential economic post in the whole world came to Ben Shalom Bernanke, the man who has the privilege of every day of a very important information that could easily enrich his extremist brethren in billions of dollars.

The National Security Council is the Jewish position more and more strengthened by President Bush, the first days of the season. UPI’s Richard Sale wrote 02/28/2003 Zionist Elliott Abrams, “a mixture of staff National Security Council is likely to mean that the United States to take a harder pro-Israel position in the Middle East … Elliot Abrams, a controversial former Reagan administration official with President Bush last December appointed to the national Security Council to treat the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, has removed many of the staff members that are deemed to be neutral in terms of the subject. ” 38

There are thousands of books and films – many of domination-minded Jews, written, produced and marketed by – who condemn racial and ethnic supremacist doctrines and movements of non-Jews alike. Few people, however, the book dares to explore the world’s oldest, strongest and ilkeämielisintä ethnic supremacy-thinking the format: Jewish supremacist. Jews dominated by the mass media is full of stories about the dangers of radical Islam. If these ylivaltamieliset Jews were honest, they could write better-domination of thinking, of which they know best: his own . And, of course, is my assertion that the extremist Jews are much more dangerous than the Muslim extremists, because they have their fingers in virtually the world’s only superpower unbelievably horrendous weapons. In fact, they have used these weapons to support the massive terror against the country that is attacked, we attacked or harmed us in any way: Iraq.

Jewish domination will show exactly how the Jewish supremacists have used the political and media power to force the Americans and other people of his will, even if their agenda clear opposition of those nations real benefits. An excellent example is the war in Iraq.

The war in Iraq

There is no coincidence that the two most Jewish supremacist influence throughout the country, the United States and Britain, invaded Iraq in March 2003. While going to war against Iraq, America fought themselves against. It started a war that would surely cause more hatred and terrorism against the United States, to pay hundreds of billions of dollars, and cause terrible destruction of America’s economic and diplomatic interests at home and abroad. Even more importantly, it was the American armed forces brave fighters, which should never be put at risk other than the American people the real security and freedom, the cold-hearted betrayal.

The most famous and influential long-term supporters of this war are passionate äärisionistit Richard Perle, the Pentagon’s Defence Policy Board chairman, and Paul Wolfowitz. Perle and his wife were also set up JINSA’s, which stands for the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (Jewish Institute for National Security). Perlestä and well-networked Jewish neocon war klikistä became the main Propagandists. Among them were many former Marxists significant as Norman Podhoretz, who opposed the war in Vietnam but who experienced transformation conservative pro-Israel Hawk. Podhoretz has also served as Commentary magazine editor, who is the American Jewish Committee magazine. Other Jewish neo-cons among were Scooter Libby, Elliot Cohen, Douglas Feith, Bill Kristol, David Wurmser, Elliott Abrams, Michael Ledeen, Michael Kagan, Daniel Blumenthal, Michael Rubin, Paul Frum, Henry Kissinger, and even a former Marxist and black panthers supporter David Horowitz .

At one time, in 1996, Perle, Feith and Wurmser were report titled A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (A new start: a strategy to safeguard the kingdom) behind. It called for a war against Iraq, not the United States, but to protect the kingdom of Israel. It was written for the incoming Israeli Likud Party of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. When the children of Israel decided to create once the American war against Iraq, then they had to build a justification for war, so they said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and that America was threatened. The mass media was in this cooperation. Israel, of course, was much to blame for each of the alleged offense as Iraq.But the Jewish supremacists in the media will never make an obvious comparison between the two:

Why go to war against Iraq?

  • · Iraq has weapons of mass destruction.
  • · However, Israel has one of the largest and deadliest arsenal of biological, chemical and nuclear weapons in the world.
  • · Iraq was trying to hinder the UN inspectors.
  • · However, Israel has never even allow any inspection of its vast store of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. Israel prevented the UN investigation concluded the war crimes such as Sabra and Chatila Sharon’s mass murder and massacre in Jenin.
  • · Iraq’s attack on Kuwait against neighbor and occupied it.
  • · However, Israel invaded Lebanon and occupied it brutally for 18 years, killing more than 20 000 civilians and destroying 100 000 homes.
  • · Iraq’s brutal occupation of Iraq, the Kurdish areas.
  • · However, Israel has militarily occupied the three million inhabitants of the West Bank and Gaza for 40 years, a brutal occupation that has killed and crippled tens of thousands of Palestinians, forced many miserable centering (refugee) camps, tortured hundreds of thousands of prisons and deny Palestinians even the most primitive human rights .

Iraq was a danger of the United States.

However, Iraq has never even raised his finger against the United States, while Israel has a long history of terrorism and treachery against the United States, such as the Lavon Affair, the USS Liberty attack and the Pollard spy case.

  • · Iraq had violated UN resolutions, including UN Resolution 1441 .
  • · However, Israel has violated more than three times more UN resolutions than Iraq, including many supported by the United States. For over 40 years Israel has violated UN Resolution 242, which calls for Israel’s complete withdrawal from the West Bank and Gaza.

If the war against Iraq could be a strong case for the offenses, which the Jewish neo-conservatives and the media is to blame, much stronger grounds to provide for war against Israel! The war against Iraq was immoral, hypocritical war that took place in Israel on behalf of the United States of America, and every vital interest in receiving. It is a war that would simply not have been possible without the Jewish supremacists dominance of the government in the media.

Only a simple organized Jewish community in the obvious role of the war in Iraq behind the mention of Congressman Jim Moran, in fact, was forced to resign Democrats head office. Told the Associated Press 03/14/2003: “Representative Jim Moran, a Democrat from Virginia, was forced out of the party on Friday, Director of the American Jewish what he said the role of a possible war with Iraq have risen because of the rage.” 39 It is fascinating to see the Jewish supremacists use the powers at the very same moment when you deny of the existence of control.

All human rights defense

I see the value in the fact that all the people retain their cultural, national, and even genetic heritage. All peoples have the right to retain its own unique identity, including the Jews.This book shows that a large part of the organized working juutalaisjohdosta self-preservation and self-promotion of the goals in front of persistence, while systematically demonizes other national opportunities and breeds that have the courage to act in the same way in front of their own interests.

Their final victory should not be achieved without the loss of freedom, but also for all the peoples of earth’s diverse heritage and culture of destruction. It is my hope that all of us, all the people and groups, while acknowledging our differences in religion, breed, culture, and the new nation – we will work together to defend ourselves from that one incredibly strong domination of thinking, which threatens all of us.

Hypocrisy, the same forces that support the Jewish supremacist, have accused me of ‘White supremacists’. I reject that epithet because, unlike the Jewish supremacists, I do not want power or control of any other race, but I simply want to maintain your my heritage. The recognition that different races have inherent differences in culture, behavior, traditions, and even genetics, does not make anyone supremacists. The belief that every nation has the right to preserve their heritage and to be free from control of others is not the supremacy of thinking. It is the opposite of domination-thinking.Domination is when one attempts to control or group to be above the other. The Jewish supremacists are not only intends to control the Palestinians and the Arab world, they are trying to domination in almost all the countries where they live.

One of the tactics that the Jewish supremacists have used me, and this book is to assert that I am a white supremacist and racist. They do this by constantly referring to the Ku Klux Klan membership of the young man. It is important to point out here that I have not been involved in any Klan with a group of nearly 30 years. Organization funded by the conductor, was also completely legal and non-violent . None of the members of my organization has never been charged or even accused of violence against anyone.

When I left that organization for almost thirty years ago, I said clearly and publicly, that I left it because I did not want to be connected to the organization, which was the hatred and violence in the media image. Then as now, I said clearly that I condemn any person or group that really supports violence, terrorism or hate, whether they’re white, black, Jewish or any ethnic, racial or religious group.

Compare my saamaani treatment in the media of thirty years ago, the politically incorrect thoughts with the treatment that made the big crimes against humanity, such as Israel’s Ariel Sharon with the treatment, or the many murderous kommunistihallintoja who represented the former Communist countries and the power of civil servants who have returned to the treatment of the media.

Although journalists to write about the former communists so than in Western Europe itäisessäkin and interview them, rarely none of them are presented “as a former communist.” While men like Nelson Mandela were involved in the terrorist bomb attacks as a young man, he was never shown to the public television Nelson Mandela, “a former terrorist.” Although Ariel Sharon was found responsible for up to 1200 by the Commission of the Israeli Palestinian man, woman and child murder Sabrassa and Chatila, he can not demonstrate a “war criminal” Ariel Sharon.

While the media is not able to say that I would never hurt one single person, the headline of the press often, and almost always start with the new news articles about me in the style of David Duke, a former KKK leader, and does not say anything substantial my career 30 years after that time. I will not show the right title at the representative , as is common in the former representatives, senators and presidents of the case. They would rather use tukehtuisivat as legitimate and hard-earned my rank, Dr. David Duke. They will certainly say, best-selling author David Duke . Just like the former kukluxklaanilainen David Duke would read your birth. Senator Robert Byrd, a former Klan leader, who has subsequently taken and voted for Israel’s hundreds of times in the Senate, and he is aU.S. Senator Robert Byrd, is a former kukluxklanilainen Robert Byrd . George Bush is a former drug user. He was not present, like George Bush, “the former kokapää”.

This fact, in the distant past disclosure of which is fair enough, just as it would any public figure case, but note that when someone is a friend of Zionism, his controversial past becomes a mere footnote, but when he is against Zionism, his past comes from the title. I truly believe that if the political career would have gone and sold the American extremist-minded Jews or Israel, the Jewish media have changed condemnations of praise. I can see their käsientaputtelunsa. , is not it fantastic that David Duke has got over his past , they would say.

Press does not mention the fact that, in fact, won the 1988 Democratic Vice President New Hampshire primary, causing more than 60 percent of the vote. In 1989, the Republican campaigns, and I won the election unleashed the House of Representatives in Louisiana. The state, which is roughly the size of Austria, both geographically and demographically, governor and U.S. senator elections won more than 60 percent of the votes eurooppalaisamerikkalaisten at each of the elections. In the presidential election in 1992, I received more votes in some repub-dirt like a bunch of primaries in a much better financed sitting Republican senators. In 1996, I won the election in the county as a member of the Executive Committee of the largest Republican district of Louisiana. Other 13 elected members later unanimously elected me chairman of the date on which the server until the year 2000. Then I spent a few years in Eastern Europe, and I went to study in Ukraine’s largest university MAUP’s, where I got a full doctorate in history.

I have been invited to lecture at the university, and more than a hundred, I have traveled the world, speaking Zionist crimes of Palestinian and other Middle Eastern nations, and the terrible loss suffered by the Zionist control of our foreign policy has caused the United States. Exposing Israeli terrorist attacks against the United States Lavon Affair , and their attacks on the USS Liberty. I warned that the Israeli agent Jonathan Pollard’s fraud should be repeated, and long before the September 11 The terrorist attacks, said that the American policy dictated by Israel would lead to terrorism and major damage to the Americans.

September 11 After a day and before the start of the war in Iraq revealed it to the obvious truth that Saddam did not have weapons of mass destruction and the powerful extremist Jews were preparing a war in Iraq, the U.S. media and government.

In November 2002, a few months before the war began, the magazine Newsweekrevealed in the Periscope section the U.S. State Department had threatened to take the media rights from the Al Jazeera – the satellite news channel, if it julkeaisi to interview me on prime-time program. Al Jazeera boldly interviewed me, however, but within a month I was informed that äärisionisti Michael Chertoff was authorized by the federal charges against me for tax and other financial issues. I spent 13 months gulagissa America (more on this, see Chapter 11).

Far from it, that I would be discouraged, imprisonment only renewed dedication for my work, writing or speaking the biggest threat to the freedom and peace, the international Zionism. Liberalization of finishing the doctorate my studies and I have since given lectures at universities across Europe, America and the Middle East, and built a controversial best-known antisionistina my reputation in the world.

Valued at Harvard University JF Kennedy School of Government published in 2006, Professors Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer paper titled “Israel and U.S. Foreign Policy” (Israel and U.S. foreign policy). Zionists such as Alan Dershowitz condemned it, saying that it is simply a copy of my website, and people “would be written by David Duke.” Far from canceling Walt and Mears Heimer claims Dershowitz’s comments have only strengthened my own research dential value, because he shows that most professors in the U.S. value-intensive universities have now embraced my position. In this book, you’ll see why.

In 2006, I was invited to speak to the Holocaust conference in Iran’s capital, Tehran. My remarks focused on the freedom of expression of critical need for all scenes and shamefulness of European laws that will put people in prison for their opinions and to vote at the expression of his or her conscience. I met with Iran’s outspoken president, Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and thus in the front row, the Zionist influence over the media and government officials have raised passions in a catastrophic war against Iran on behalf of törkeillä lies and continuous “wipe Israel off the map” wrong interpretation.

I am dedicated to world peace, freedom and independence, my own, and indeed to all nations. All peoples have the right to preserve the unique traditions nal purpose. Jewish domination is still the greatest threat to those ideals, and to all the nations.

Much of this book has been autobiography My Awakening. , it is a story of personal journey of awakening of the reality of the Jewish supremacists. You can find the real power in many direct quotations of important Jewish sources, all of which are carefully documented hundreds of reference to literature, so that they can carry out themselves.

The Jewish domination of the dissertation in the form of autobiography. It is a story of awakening, “the Jewish question” – the awakening, which began when I was a young man in the late 1960s. Most of the basic understanding was already in place by the end of that decade, but a lot of my knowledge has deepened over the last 30 years. Since the 1960s, have become much more available to the scientific and political material. In telling of awakening I do not try to give the reader the impression that all the material and studies that quote would have been available in the 1960s. I weave telling the modern information and documentation, so that the reader has the advantage to get the latest information.Also, clarity and order focus on one main area of awakening at a time, even if the notice of the life is not so lovely parts. The reader will detect some repetitions Jewish quotations that I think are particularly revealing. They are reproduced as they are particularly relevant to more than one topic.

I would also be remiss if I did would add that I write “doctrine” or “I found out,” I do not take credit for the original research work, because of my knowledge of these subjects came from myriad authors and their books and articles. I owe them just as much as many of my friends and tukijoilleni, who have taught me a precise understanding and tiedollaan, who have purchased their own awakening. Gather, organize, analyze and comment on the material, which have been collected by scholars and writers from ancient times to the present day.

Now, the Preface is ready, I have to close my note book and settle down Aspen mountain.In doing so, I realize that I do not leave behind Nature, because its laws are continuing human conflicts in the world below me. The battle of life and the freedom of mankind, there are different groups of people as surely as it exists in every form of life and energy in this mountain.

Participation in the fight of your life and the freedom of my people is as natural as crystalline stream flow down from the next mountain. My hope is that the Europeans, the Palestinians, and indeed all nations of the world allowed the most fundamental of human rights: the right to live – to preserve their own unique culture, freedom and identity. To do so, they must oppose the domination of Earth’s most extreme thinking: Jewish supremacy.

I’d be a fool if I did not involve a danger to your my spirit, my reputation and the freedom that I have in front of me exposing Jewish supremacist. But the Euro-American loyal, patriotic American citizen and also as one who sincerely hopes justice for all people of the world – my duty is clear.

So I walked down the mountain, Aspen, I see a stream next to me. It goes its own way. So what I am doing.

David Duke

A former member of the House of Representatives

Louisiana, United States of America




New Republic. (1992). May 4

2 Ibid.

3 Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky. (1999). Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel.Pluto Press, p B8-62.

4 Samuel, Michael. (1999) email sent to major government Organizations Opposing Funding of Chabad Lubavitch religious center in Montreal. Oct. 23.

Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) (2006) White House Thurs Chabad: Bush will not press Israel. June 27, 2006.

6 Stein Light, Stephen. (2001). , The Jewish Stake in America’s Changing Demography: Reconsidering a Misguided Immigration Policy. Washington, DC: Center for Immigration

Studies. October.

7 Shahak, I. (1994). Jewish History, Jewish Religion. Boulder, Colorado. Pluto Press.

8 Bible. 5 Genesis 7:6 (In the 1933 Synod, introduced by translation).

9 The Book of Jubilees 32:18-20.

10 Bible. Joos. 6:21, Josh. 10:37; 5 Deuteronomy 20:16 (the 1933 Synod, introduced by translation).

11 Bible. 5. Deuteronomy 20:10-18 (the 1933 Synod, introduced by translation).

12 Bible. 3. Deuteronomy 25:44-46 (the 1933 Synod, introduced by translation).

13 Bible. 5. Deuteronomy 7:2-3, Ezra 9:12 (In the 1933 Synod, introduced by translation).

14 Bible. John 7:13 (in 1938, the council introduced by the translation).

15 Bible. 1. Tess. 2:14-16 (in 1938, the council introduced by the translation).

16 Universal Jewish Encyclopedia , “Authority” on page 637

17 New Republic. (1992). May.

18 Simon, M. Trans. (1936). 57a Gitti. London. Soncino Press. p 261

19 The Jewish Press. (1988). Feb. 19. 10A.

20 The Jewish Press . (1988). Feb. 19. 8C.

21 Bermant, C. (1991). Some Carefully and Carelessly Chosen Words, Jewish Chronicle. May 17

22 Frank, Geyla (1997).

23 Hertzberg, Hirt A. & Manheimer, A. (1998). Relax. It’s Okay to be the Chosen People. Reform Judaism . May.

24 Look Magazine . (1962). January 16

25 Begin, M. (1964). The Revolt: The Story of the Irgun . Tel-Aviv: Hadar Pub. p 162

26 Badi, J. (1960). Fundamental Laws of the State of Israel. New York. p 156

27 Reuters News Service (1998). Israelis Now Hold Worship Services at Grave of Their Hero, Baruch Goldstein June 17

28 Journal American New York (1949). February 3

29 Andelman, MS (1974). Thurs Eliminate the Opiate . New York-Tel Aviv: Zahav.LTD. 26.

30 U.S. National Archives. (1919). Record Group 120: Records of the American Expeditionary Forces, June 9

31 U.S. National Archives. (1919). Record Group 120: Records of the American Expeditionary Forces, June 9

32 Francis, DR (1921). Russia From the American Embassy. New York: C. Scribner’s Sons. p 214

33 Churchill, W. (1920). Zionism versus Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Seoul of the Jewish People. Illustrated Sunday Herald. 08/02/1920.

34 Associated Press Online. (1999). Balfour Author Was a Jew.

35 Stein Light, Stephen. (2001). , The Jewish Stake in America’s Changing Demography: Reconsidering a Misguided Immigration Policy. Washington, DC: Center for Immigration

Studies. October.

36 Rokach, L. (1980). Israel’s Sacred Terrorism . Bellmont, Mass.: Assoc. Arab American University Grads.

37 Bar-Yosef, Avinoam. (1994). The Jews Who Run Clinton’s Court. Maariv.09/02/1994.

38 Sale, Richard. (2003). Staff Change Means Mideast Policy Shift. UPI article in the Washington Times newspaper on 28.2.2003.

39 Associated Press. (2003). Moran Forced To Quit Democratic Post. March 14

Why Do We Need Local Money?

Why Do We Need Local Money?.

Transition Network UK

[Foreword to the book ‘Local Money‘]

The power of holding your community’s own money.

September 2009, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton. On a beautiful evening with just the first hint of autumn in the air, hundreds of people are packed into the large room for the launch of the Brixton Pound. In the days running up to the launch, the media was full of stories about the currency; it even made the front page of the BBC website on the day. Alongside explanations of how it is intended to work and interviews with advocates were mainstream economists who, somewhat patronisingly, assured readers that this could never really work and that it was all tremendously naive and foolish. Clearly that was a sentiment that those gathered in the hall, and the 70 traders already keen to accept the notes, had chosen to overlook – or, more likely, would fervently disagree with. This event was both a celebration of the new currency and, perhaps most importantly, of Brixton itself.

Derrick Anderson, the Chief Executive of the local council, which had partly funded the initiative, told the audience that he would be using Brixton Pounds, that he hoped they would become ‘the currency of choice for Brixton’, and that he was delighted that this was a good news story about the area. When I spoke to him later, I explored with him how deep the commitment of the council to this new currency would actually run. Would it accept the currency in payment of Council Tax? Would it accept rent from stallholders in Brixton Pounds? The answer to both questions was yes: a national first.

At the end of the evening, the notes themselves were unveiled to rapturous applause. Each note featured a prominent Brixtonian, chosen via a community-wide ‘Vote the Note’ poll. They showed Vincent Van Gogh on the £20 note; C. L. R. James, a local historian, political theorist and cricket writer on the £10 note; Gaia theorist James Lovelock on the £5 noteand Olive Morris, Brixton Black Women’s Group founder, on the £1. Morris had died at the age of 27, and some members of her family were present to see this extraordinary memorial to her life and work.

At the end of the evening, people brought the first notes into circulation, and the Brixton Pound was now a reality, ready to take its place in the tills of Brixton. But is this legal? Will it work? And, perhaps most importantly, why would anyone bother?

The emergence of Transition currencies

In 2006, I attended a talk by economist Bernard Lietaer at Schumacher College. He said two things that stuck with me: firstly, that localisation was impossible without having a local currency; secondly, that that local currency had to be designed in such a way that businesses would use it. I was familiar with models such as time banks and Local Exchange Trading Schemes (I had been a member of a few different LETS schemes), but I left Lietaer’s talk thinking that something else was needed. A few days later, I visited a local film company whose offices used to be the Totnes Bank. Lovingly framed and hanging on the wall was an 1810 Totnes banknote – a beautiful handwritten document, which had been legal tender in the town. What would happen, I wondered, if we printed some new ones? If we got a few shops to agree to take them and just ran it for three months and saw where they went? Would we be allowed, or would we suffer dawn raids from the Bank of England and be stuffed into a small and rather unpleasant room in the Tower of Londonreserved exclusively for those who print their own money? The answer to all those questions was a big ‘no idea’, but in the Transition movement that is rarely a reason for inaction. From the moment when 150 people first sat in St John’s Church waving their freshly minted Totnes Pounds, the first for almost 200 years, the idea of communities printing their own money has, as Peter North so lucidly narrates in this book, grown rapidly.

First came Lewes in Sussex, then Stroud, then Brixton, and now several other places have their own schemes on the drawing board. Each currency learns from the previous ones in a wonderful iterative way, and each currency is fiercely of its place. They are all bold, thought-provoking and charming, and they all embody an important principle of not waiting for permission to initiate the process of relocalisation. They couldn’t have come at a more timely moment.

Why do we need local money?

In spite of the Queen’s musing aloud in early 2009 as to why no one had seen the economic meltdown coming, many people had been only too aware that economics, as currently practised, is designed to draw money upwards, does nothing to stop the poor getting poorer and everything to help the rich get richer, and has no loyalty to communities or individuals. A common national unit of exchange – sterling – is, of course, extremely useful, as it enables national trade. Yet its weaknesses are such that it needs a complementary currency running alongside it. Some transactions can be in one; some in another.

The very thing that sterling is designed to do, i.e. enable and stimulate trading between people and businesses, it often fails to do – especially in times of economic contraction. Money often feels like something ‘done to’ communities. The large corporate chains that now dominate the nation’s high streets are like mining operations, extracting the potential wealth of communities and siphoning it away to shareholders and executive bonuses. It is a vicious cycle: people buy from chain stores, less money goes to local businesses, less money circulates locally, local businesses struggle, and we end up with identical high streets up and down the land – what the new economics foundation calls ‘Clone Town Britain’. A local currency is an intervention that can, it is hoped, start to reverse that trend, building trade for local businesses, creating a mindfulness that means people start to choose local shops over chains, and encouraging them to get out and discover the independent traders in their community.

Money and resilience

Central to Transition is the concept of resilience. This is the concept, originally from ecology, that systems – whether businesses, settlements or entire nations – tend to be more or less able to withstand shocks from the outside. Although just-in-time distribution systems allow us to have access to a dazzling array of foodstuffs and other goods (much of which our great-grandparents wouldn’t have even been able to name), we are left with an economy with little inbuilt resilience. The whole system is highly oil-vulnerable. Price volatility, or worse still, actual shortages, are things we are hugely unprepared for and could be devastating.

In the middle of the nineteenth century, when there was no welfare state and some business owners still paid their employees in a far less ethical form of local currency, one that could be spent only in their own stores, the question of ‘plugging the leaks’ in local economies was not hypothetical: it was, for many communities, a matter of survival. The Cooperative movement emerged, inviting people to invest inwards into their communities; to invest in local jobs and local businesses. It was hugely successful, and its legacy is still with us today. As the scale of the UK’s debt, incurred through years of living beyond our means and the 2008 bailing out of the banks, becomes clear, and the scale of the cuts in public spending that they will necessitate also emerges into reality, we find ourselves needing models and approaches to do the same thing again. Communities will find themselves needing each other again, after years of being able to get by without knowing your neighbours and the very idea of community being pilloried.

Where all this might lead

So where might all this end up, if local currency becomes a key element of our daily lives? One could imagine a situation where several of the approaches Peter outlines here sit alongside our ongoing relationship with sterling. A significant proportion of our weekly shop would be done with local businesses, which, in turn, would encourage them to seek out local suppliers, leading to an explosion of local market gardening and other local manufacturing.

Alongside the printed currencies, we may also make use of time banks, and we may be members of a local credit union. For loans, we may talk to the credit union, or we might visit a website such as zopa.com and borrow direct from other people, with no bank in the middle. Any surplus money that we want to invest, we are now able to invest in local shares or bond issues, which raise the capital for our locally owned energy company to begin installing renewables, or for local food-growing initiatives to secure access to land. There may well be all kinds of evolutions that we can only speculate on at this stage, such as local electronic cards or even the idea of currencies that are stored on our mobile phones. Perhaps there will be regional currencies, as can already be found in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. What is key is that as humanity begins its inevitable shift away from energy-intensive, globalised, corporate economics to a more human-scale, localised version, the way we ‘do’ money will need to catch up. This book identifies a number of possible tools, and doubtless there are many more yet to be thought of.

The Cheerful Disclaimer

What Peter has done here is write a book that is a clear and deeply researched practical guide for you to get started, laying out of some of the tools that increased economic localisation will need. He brings to this project many years of insight and observation of local currencies around the world, and I hope that you will find the result both fascinating and thrilling. It is important at this stage to bring in what we call ‘The Cheerful Disclaimer’. If you are reading this book thinking that local currencies, the Transition idea, projects like the Brixton Pound, are all tried-and-tested things that we can guarantee will definitely work, think again. Transition is an iterative process, a collaborative process of learning as we go along, of sharing successes and failures, of people being bold and trying things out, and learning from what has gone before.

At this time in history when things are changing so fast, this kind of innovative thinking and creativity is something that can really come only from communities, who are able to innovate and experiment in highly imaginative ways. Although this book does not come with a guarantee of success, it does come with the firm belief that what we need to do, what has the most chance of enabling a successful Transition, is to harness engaged optimism. What does engaged optimism look like? The currencies discussed in this book are all just one approach; perhaps just initial experiments from which other, better-refined, approaches will emerge. What they do, though, is give a physical form to that sense of engaged optimism: a tangible statement of a community’s intent.

Moving forward

The Transition movement has developed a power and a speed to its vital momentum around the world. As I write, there are well over 200 formal initiatives and thousands more at earlier stages. Will they all produce their own currencies, and indeed do they need to? Probably not. What they will no doubt do, though, is continue to innovate, and it is that spirit of innovation that we hope this book captures. Having attended the launches of the Totnes, Lewes and Brixton Pounds (I was unable to make the Stroud one), I was struck by the fact that they were all characterised by being incredibly energetic and dynamic occasions. You get a sense at these events of a latent power that governments can’t tap, but which rather can be ‘unleashed’ only by those communities themselves.

This book was preceded by Local Food, which set out an array of things that Transition Initiatives can do to start building resilience around food, seeing this as an opportunity to rethink many basic assumptions in a very creative way. It sought to give Transition food groups the best possible start and save them reinventing too many wheels. This book does much the same, capturing from across the Transition network, as well as from the many projects that preceded and which run in parallel to it, best practice as it is currently understood in relation to alternative currencies.

You don’t need to wait for anyone’s permission to initiate local money. Its potential as a tool for relocalisation is something we are only just starting to grasp. One of the key things for a successful local currency scheme is trust. People use sterling because they know it and they trust it. Without trust, money is meaningless. However, the process of building trust in the currency is also one of building trust in local traders, and of local people learning to trust one another again.

Ultimately, the best thing about these schemes is simply that they are more fun; they feel better. Shopping with 40 Brixton, Totnes, Lewes or Stroud Pounds, you still return home with £40 worth of shopping, but what you leave behind you is a far more virtuous cycle of money cycling around locally, supporting local businesses, local traders and so on. Local currencies are, in effect, ‘mindful money’. Our daily actions can make a huge difference, and local currencies can become a very powerful, and far-reaching, fact of everyday life. This book celebrates those who have taken the first steps to create them.

Labor Ready and the Tescor Survey is a Joke! I will never use that Company again!

As you can see in this blog that many people have taken the Tescor Survey for Labor Ready and have failed the personality test, and have been turned away from working a job!  The Tescor Survey is a behavioral psychological assessment and integreity test designed to be a pre-employment tool for many types of businesses.  I also went to Labor Ready looking for work, whereas I was told to take a Tescor Survey before employment could be offered. I took the survey, which asked about theft, drug use, anger issues, RACE, etc. When I finished, I was told I wasn’t qualified for employment!

I am a very honest person, and answered accordingly, of which I should have had no problems. I am a NY State Licensed Security Guard that has had to pass drug tests and background checks so there should have been nothing negative on my part. One of the Questions that raised a red flag to me was. Have you ever had to physically had to defend your self? These are all yes or no questions.  I was honest and said yes!

When I was around 25 years old I was in the small City of Batavia on a pay phone talking with my dad when I was jumped by a gang of teenagers who hit me from behind with a glass bottle to my head.  I got away from them and ran to the nearest store to call the cops for help!  Labor Ready is suppose to be the leading multinational source of dependable labor for companies in a variety of industries.

I have Used Labor Ready in the past to hire guys for work but after the way I was treated I will no longer do business with a company that treats good hard working Americans that way, when I really needed a job and Labor Ready was a Last resort ditch effort to pay the bills and feed my family and I was turned away because of a silly survey shame on you Labor Ready I hope that this Blog takes a bite out of your bad business Practices!  You should really change your way of hiring!  When I walk in and see drunks and thugs getting a job before me something is not good with your company!

Labor ready

Posted: 2010-07-27 by  rebelwithacause
Tescor Survey
Complaint Rating:  100 % with 16 votes

Company information:
Labor Ready
4345 S. Anthony Blvd.
Fort WayneIndiana
United States
Phone: 260-745-4577

I went to Labor Ready looking for work, whereas I was told to take a Tescor Survey before employment could be offered. I took the survey, which asked about theft, drug use, anger issues, RACE, etc. When I finished, I was told I wasn’t qualified for employment! I am a very honest person, and answered accordingly, of which I should have had no problems. Nothing negative on my part. When I asked Julie why I was disqualified, she informed me that she didn’t have that info, and that I should contact Tescor. I looked them up on the computer when I got home, called them, and was informed that Julie at Labor Ready lied to me about having this info! The representitive from Tescor (Merchants Information Solutions) told me that Labor Ready “would” have that info, and to contact them back. When I called Labor Ready back, I got the same response from Julie! She said she didn’t have that info. Obviously, someone is lying, and I have a legal right to know why I was disqualified based on my answers!!!
  14th of Nov, 2010 by   xwerkers   0 Votes
I have worked for L.R. of and on for over ten years so when they started using tescor I was already in the system I failed this test at another agency thier survey asked “If you saw someone steeling on the job would you report it” “If you saw someone doing drugs on the job would you report it” truthfully, I would mind my own business but that answer is wrong.wrong answers to questions like these caused me to fail the survey . And isnt it more like a test. I never heard of failing a survey. These test are unfair and just used to eliminate people so that agencies dont have to spend money giving an interview . I could go on and onabout how bad labor ready is. I came in one morning from a night job and they asked to work another job because they were short of people they took us in the L.R. van I decided to take a nap when I awoke we where crossing a picket line. News cameras, politicans, protesters everywhere. later that night they went to LR to slash tiers and cut brakelines on the van.

  5th of Feb, 2011 by   unbelievable49   0 Votes
This just happened to my brother-in-law. As my sister told it… He was in the office with three Hispanics, all of whom received applications without taking this “survey”. My brother-in-law completed the survey and without any discussion was told he didn’t qualify. This is outrageous, as he has done everything from hands-on construction to running crews or full projects. He may have been “over-qualified” for what they had, but he would have taken any work. He has been unemployed for 2 years and the family needs him to work just as much as an “unskilled” laborer.

  30th of Apr, 2011 by   jonathan terry   0 Votes
i had the same problem ii took the survey and was told i didn’t qualify and was told by the that she didn’t know why the shit is ridicolus i went out to get a hard copy of my resume by the time i came back i was told that guess i gotta be on crank or fighting everyone to get a job i mean 1 question was what did i think my skill level was in a hand to hand fight what the hell does that got to do with getting a job i guess if i had said yeah im going to come to work late show up drunk and high robbed the employer blind and punch the boss in the face i’d be employed go figure its a bunch of bullshit!

  20th of May, 2011 by   Brock Rhoads   0 Votes
I just went to L.R. and was given the same bullshit. I am a very good worker and need a job but for some reason all they want is to hire drunk ass, stoned out of the mind, immigrant prize fighters.This in my opinion is offensive and prejudiced and I think that this test needs to be stopped or L.R. needs to be shut down and investigated or they need to be boycotted until they stop that stupid test.Everyone that has been affected by this and told that L.R. does not know why they were disqualified needs to get together on a class action lawsuit to at least make it so that they have to inform people why they were disqualified to work there when at least half of the questions should have no bearing on qualification for employment.Why do they need to know your skill level in fighting or how many times you have had to defend yourself physically unless they are gonna give you a job as a mma fighter or put you in an underground cock fight.It is one of the biggest loads of bullshit that I have ever been privy to witness.

  13th of Jul, 2011 by   roy jenkins   0 Votes
Get this sraight LABOR READY YOU WILL PUT ME TO WORK OR FACE MY RATH Im getting tired of you hiring a bunch of fkn bums drugies or whatever you clowns hire your so called bullshit survey and a bunch of fkn wetbacks go to work with a spick behind the desk we can start getting rid of these fkers one way or another a bunch of spineless white trash too scared to speak up will not be tolorated much longer so get your fkd up bullshit survey out of the system and hire qualified people who are willing to take huge paycuts just so we can go to work and stop hearing all this bullshit about anybody but spicks and wetbacks are willing to do but nobody else will tus will be youur only warning

  27th of Jul, 2011 by   TC911   0 Votes
My 19 year old son who is very smart and has been looking for a job went to the LR and took this stupid test. First of all we have never been on welfare, got food stamps, or done drugs, and to ask all these to someone who is trying to get an honest job is absurd. He was given questions unrelated to a career and more ludicrous topics then told he failed, but no reason could be given as to why he failed. Told come back in a year and take it again. Why should he have to wait a year, even the DMV gives you a 24 hr retake. These people are jokes, unfair and this test is unfair. When someone is already down on their luck, depressed over being unemployed and then you throw them questions of “how would you handle hand to hand combat” blah blah blah, , , I pray everyday for my son to get a job and succeed and I know he will! I also know it wont break him/us from trying and this TESCOR SURVEY is for clowns! What do they do for people with A.D.D. Dyslexia, Asbergers Synrome, according to the HEPA Federal Laws this type of Labor Temp Service is violating several terms. So I advise anyone else that ends up going to the Labor Ready Service and takes their 73 question to test to make some noise if they also say you failed for no reason.

  28th of Mar, 2012 by   arunkumarad   0 Votes
tescor is seriosly supid. fuck the labour ready .i have worked for them for almost a year .but i was disqualified …im honest and calm person if anyone starts a company without tescor i would move on o it. the cleark said said she wrote the test and failed but she is in laboiour ready…

  3rd of Apr, 2012 by   T.Qclevelandoh   0 Votes
Today my boyfriend came in and said that he didnt quailfied for labor ready because of a survey. first i could of sworn that a survey was YOUR opinion right? well in this case its not. he was asked the question if someone in the work place tried to fight you would you fight them back? he answered rarely. he failed that SURVEY because he answer that question wrong i guess. what is this? it sounds like a scheme right? something needs to be done about this because people are getting jhiped out of what is rightfully theirs… what i would say is say no to everything no use your common sense… even though you wouldnt let anybody beat you up in the work place and what does fighting have to do with it anyway… what they should be asking is what kind of experience do you have or where do you see yourself in the next five years… they know that they are wrong and god dont like ugly so better believe ya’ll they will get what they are looking for… just keep your heads up and stay focused because when on door close’s another door opens… and most of the time when you get a job from them they are shiity and try to do you wron g in the end. example my mothers boyfriend went through labor ready for a job before they had the “SURVEY” and the job he works at now hes been working at for years and he became the top seller in his job but they rufuse to give him a raise… they wont promote him and barely give him hours, so he’s like what is the point working for them… dont worry the problem will be solved you know why because its them thats making a bad name for themselves… so like i said. keep cool and stay focused. it will come for all of you.. might not be when you want it but it will happen JUST HAVE FAITH… and if you know anybody that needs a job warn them aboiut labor ready so they dont have to go through the same thing…

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