Israel and the Palestinians Gaza conflict nothing more than a False flag iron triangle operations designed to deceive the world

I believe that the Israel and Palestinian Gaza conflict is a false flag operation being carried out by Illuminati family’s and Satanic secret society’s to set up World War 3.   The Illuminati family’s control and have infiltrated just about every facet of society they do control key Government offices as well as private corporations through a type of iron triangle. In United States politics, the iron triangle comprises the policy-making relationship among the congressional committees, the bureaucracy, and interest groups.[1]  Illuminati Satanic secret societies, have been behind a wide range of events and disasters going as far back in history as the French Revolution and possibly even farther.

It is a historical fact the Hamas was founded by the Israel government Israel may want to destroy Hamas now. But it played a key role in the group’s creation. According to  “Israel actively supported Hamas” Documents show that Israel was interested in empowering Hamas in attempt to end the first Intifada. During Operation “Protective Edge”, news leaks website WikiLeaks exposes secret documents which were passed between American diplomats in the 1980’s. These documents allegedly show that Israel was interested in enabling Hamas activity in its beginning, intending to weaken the Palestine Liberation Organization and ending the first Intifada.  Hamas was established in 1987, and has its origins in Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood that the United States General Patraeous, the CIA  Creatures of Jesuit Papacy and the Knights of Malta helped to …Israel and Egypt then imposed an economic blockade on Gaza.  Even US Congressman Ron Paul spoke about how  Israel created Hamas to destabilize Arafat who was very powerful at the time.

Army General David Patraeus, 2010

Army General David Patraeus, 2010

Army General David Patraeous is a Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor.  He is beloved by the Jesuits at Georgetown University at the nation’s capital in Washington, District of Columbia Catholics.  General “Betray-us” has spoken at Georgetown several times!  Additionally, the CIA was a creation of the Jesuits in 1947 via the National Security Act signed into law by 33rd Degree “Dirty Harry” Truman!  Since then, the American, British, Soviet/Russian, German, French, Canadian, Israeli, Interpol and all the other intelligence agencies around the world have been working together to form the pope’s modern day Holy Office of the Inquisition!

Thanks to the Mossad, Israel’s “Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks”, the Hamas was allowed to reinforce its presence in the occupied territories. Meanwhile, Arafat’s Fatah Movement for National Liberation as well as the Palestinian Left were subjected to the most brutal form of repression and intimidation.  Let us not forget that it was Israel, which in fact created Hamas. According to Zeev Sternell, historian at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “Israel thought that it was a smart ploy to push the Islamists against the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO)”. The Hamas had built its strength through its various acts of sabotage of the peace process, in a way which was compatible with the interests of the Israeli government. In turn, the latter sought in a number of ways, to prevent the application of the Oslo accords. In other words, Hamas was fulfilling the functions for which it was originally created: to prevent the creation of a Palestinian State. And in this regard, Hamas and Ariel Sharon, see eye to eye; they are exactly on the same wave length. 

A majority of the worlds problems, from poverty to world wars, are the cause of International “satanic secret society,” Banking cartel.  Many or the Worlds religions and their representatives are secretly being controlled by Secret Satanic Society’s such as the most famous Freemasons who have been influencing and trying to control secular society with a Satanic agenda that Albert Pike (December 29, 1809 – April 2, 1891) wrote about in a book he published called Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in 1871. Albert Pike was an American attorney, Confederate officer, writer, and FreemasonAlbert Pike wrote a letter to Giuseppe Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871.  This letter graphically outlined plans for three world wars that were seen as necessary to bring about the One World Order, and we can marvel at how accurately it has predicted events that have already taken place. 

This section Copied from:

Pike’s Letter to Mazzini: It is a commonly believed fallacy that for a short time, the Pike letter to Mazzini was on display in the British Museum Library in London, and it was copied by William Guy Carr, former Intelligence Officer in the Royal Canadian Navy. The British Library has confirmed in writing to me that such a document has never been in their possession. Furthermore, in Carr’s book, Satan, Prince of this World, Carr includes the following footnote:

“The Keeper of Manuscripts recently informed the author that this letter is NOT catalogued in the British Museum Library. It seems strange that a man of Cardinal Rodriguez’s knowledge should have said that it WAS in 1925”.

It appears that Carr learned about this letter from Cardinal Caro y Rodriguez of Santiago, Chile, who wrote The Mystery of Freemasonry Unveiled.

To date, no conclusive proof exists to show that this letter was ever written. Nevertheless, the letter is widely quoted and the topic of much discussion.

Following are apparently extracts of the letter, showing how Three World Wars have been planned for many generations.

“The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the “agentur” (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions.” 2

Students of history will recognize that the political alliances of England on one side and Germany on the other, forged between 1871 and 1898 by Otto von Bismarck, co-conspirator of Albert Pike, were instrumental in bringing about the First World War.

“The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.” 3

After this Second World War, Communism was made strong enough to begin taking over weaker governments. In 1945, at the Potsdam Conference between Truman, Churchill, and Stalin, a large portion of Europe was simply handed over to Russia, and on the other side of the world, the aftermath of the war with Japan helped to sweep the tide of Communism into China.

(Readers who argue that the terms Nazism and Zionism were not known in 1871 should remember that the Illuminati invented both these movements. In addition, Communism as an ideology, and as a coined phrase, originates in France during the Revolution. In 1785, Restif coined the phrase four years before revolution broke out. Restif and Babeuf, in turn, were influenced by Rousseau – as was the most famous conspirator of them all, Adam Weishaupt.)


“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.” 4


Since the terrorist attacks of Sept 11, 2001, world events, and in particular in the Middle East, show a growing unrest and instability between Modern Zionism and the Arabic World. This is completely in line with the call for a Third World War to be fought between the two, and their allies on both sides. This Third World War is still to come, and recent events show us that it is not far off.

We have been given warnings over the years by credible sources such as JFK’s Speech about Secret Societies that probably cost him his life….but, that’s what heroes do like Dwight D. Eisenhower  farewell address  speech on Jan.17,1961 also gives a warning of the military industrial complex that is controlled by the Satanic Zionists secret societies. Military Industrial Complex (MIC): is concept commonly used to refer to policy relationships between governments, national armed forces, and industrial support they obtain from the commercial sector in political approval for research, development, production, use, and support for military training, weapons, equipment, and facilities within the national defense and security policy.

It is our mission to give solutions and a platform to those Patriots who oppose to the Illuminati Satanic agenda of a One World Order.  Anti-Illuminati Party, should God deign to avail us, is to defend and promote real “Liberty and Justice for all,” formed by the wisdom contained in the United States Constitution, particularly its Bill of Rights, and inspired by the U. S. way of “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

– Our strategy for promoting these consists in grassroots educational and political campaigns.
– Crucially, we of the Anti-Illuminati Party reject any unthinkingly trendy denial or politically expedient downplaying of the well-established fact that the N.W.O. Globalists, or “Illuminati,” do in fact occupy key offices and abuse their clout to promote the goals of their élitist cabal.
– Because of their powerful members they can, and in fact do, silence and manipulate the American People.
– To indict, counter, undermine, block and expose these tactics of theirs constitutes our mission, and our lifeblood.

– If sound government is to be restored, all the New World Order Globalists must have all their cheaply-bought authority pulled: “We must remove the weeds from public office: they are choking Freedom and the Tree of Liberty” (Daniel J Leach, Jr.).
– The Anti-Illuminati Party identifies the N.W.O. as “an élitist association that exploits the commoner and violates the United States Republic’s first principles.”
– We deem it imperative that every United Statesman must organize to indict, counter, undermine, block and expose these High Traitors.
– We the members of the Anti-Illuminati Party resolve to support no N.W.O. globalist or Illuminist/Illuminatus in any way or sense.
– Under the “Anti-Illuminati Party” banner we aim to unite those who are too often disenfranchised by the current political climate.

– We of the Anti-Illuminati Party are dedicated to revitalizing our communities by speaking Truth, Hope, Goodwill, Unity and Peace.
– We shall work tirelessly to cultivate “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” wherever and whenever we can.
– To best find and implement solutions to this end, we place a high value on Party-wide collaboration.
– We shall operate lawfully and respectfully in all matters at all times.
– We shall not profit from our endeavors.
– We believe in “Liberty and Justice for all.”
– With the help of God—that is of supreme Love, Light, Spirit and Truth—we shall not waver in this mission to collaborate with all citizens toward the construction of a better community.

 John Fitzgerald “Jack” Kennedy speech also  (May 29, 1917 — November 22, 1963)

This section copied from: Wikipedia 

False flag (or black flag) describes covert military or paramilitary operations designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them. Operations carried out during peace-time by civilian organizations, as well as covert government agencies, may by extension be called false flag operations if they seek to hide the real organization behind an operation. Geraint Hughes uses the term to refer to those acts carried out by “military or security force personnel, which are then blamed on terrorists.”[1]

In its most modern usage, the term may also refer to those events which governments are cognizant of and able to stop but choose to allow to happen (or “stand down”), as a strategy to entangle or prepare the nation for war. Furthermore, the term “false flag terrorism” may even be used in those instances when violence is carried out by groups or organizations which, whether they know it or not, are being supported or controlled by the “victim” nation. deHaven-Smith argues that the terminology has become looser in recent years due to the increasingly complex levels of “duplicity” and “international intrigue” between states.[2] Some argue that false flags are methods used by deep states as a form of deep politics.[3]

The name “false flag” has its origins in naval warfare where the use of a flag other than the belligerent’s true battle flag as a ruse de guerre, before engaging the enemy, has long been acceptable.[4] Such operations are also acceptable in certain circumstances in land warfare, to deceive enemies in similar ways providing that the deception is not perfidious and all such deceptions are discarded before opening fire upon the enemy.

Salvation is from the Jews…and maybe damnation too…

To: Roy Schoeman
Author of Salvation Is from the Jews

My dear Mr. Schoeman,

I am veraciously enjoying your book Salvation Is from the Jews. As happens so often with my Jewish brothers, I find myself so on the same wavelength with your edgy wordsmithing and even sometimes your risqué investigative style that I have to call the experience “spiritually immersive”! Not least owing to our common affinity for sound mysticism and according skepticism of so-called “Churchianity,” Augustino-Calvinist Puritanism and scholasto-Jesuitical sophism, just some of the anacondas strangling Western Christianity in too many quarters. Your Old-New Testament insight about the eldest sons and analogously Israel missing the blessing I find particularly insightful and cannot restrain myself from asking, Is it not at the very least postulable that this principle can apply today to the Roman “See of Peter”? (Some would argue that the Fourth Ecumenical Council at Chalcedon thinks the answer is positively yes.)

On the flip-side, my relish of what you say understandably served to augment my distaste for crucial truths you omit and thereby falsehoods you imply. I am willing to overlook the almost total eclipse of post-biblical Middle Eastern history—your Ashkenazim, your Antiochian Orthodox Christians, your Khazaria, and then in the West your Sephardim and your Rothschilds with their fractional reserve banking cartel with its death-grip on the so-called Renaissance plus “modern times”! I am no Anti-Semite/racist, no Holocaust denier/revisionist and I am fully satisfied that the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is a forgery and that Council of Jamnia never necessarily went down as theorists describe it, and you basically do justice to the wrongness of Mesoretic and other such renderings as well, the contemporary prevalence of depraved esotericism among the astral/noetic rulers (“ascended masters”) of this present darkness and the patent inner workings of occult brotherhoods that masquerade as “charitable fraternities.” (Yet why you abstain from fingering “Catholic” occult equestrian orders and the Jesuits I can’t explain to my satisfaction.) Nay indeed, more than just not being a racist, I consider racial theory a sad and quintessentially unmanly cop-out in the case of Hitler (part-Jewish and one-time art aspirant in a [then as now] Jew-dominated arts community) and all his ilk! No truly spiritual or godly undertaking orders, countenances or even contemplates violence, malice or certainly any evil. But I am a “truther” first and last, all unanswered questions remain for me on the table, and there are questions that loom especially large for serious historical researchers that you leave conspicuously unmentioned.

I am here going to assume that you at any rate regard the “gentile” or ”goy” as at least nominally human, so I won’t even go into the fact that Communism killed between 85 and 100 million and counting to Nazism’s 11 million. Except to ask: At a conservative (but not neoconservative) estimate, how many Jews do you think Communism killed? (I am morally certain that Communism has killed more Jews—leave alone many times more humans!—than Nazism.) And even the suckling babe knows with the crispest clarity that Communism, which is more conspiracy than revolution, was a Jewish aristocrat’s brainchild (or rather Rothschild). We also certainly won’t mention Saul Alinsky, the modern Karl Marx, who holds as his ideological (noetic?) marionettes all our nation’s top leaders. Your otherwise wondrous exposé fails to edify inasmuch as it does not excavate the modern underpinnings of Communism and global banking.

No, we’d best leave that golden calf alone, but what I do want to address, for example, is your failure to name “Nazim,” Zionists and other nationalist types (be they sluggish in the head or thuggish in the heart) who have sharply influenced contemporary U.S. American culture and policy like Werner von Braun, Walt Disney, Ayn Rand and yea G. K. Chesterton.

Most disturbingly of all, while you do mention Hitler’s willingness to spare Jews for export, you fail to mention that, as even Wikipedia admits, “Palestine was the only location to which any Nazi relocation plan succeeded in producing significant results, by means of an agreement begun in 1933 between the Zionist Federation of Germany (die Zionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland) and the Nazi government, the Haavara Agreement” (ostensibly quoted from Dr. Anwar El-Shahawy’s book Allah and Space). In other words, the élite in all quarters do not adhere to the same ideological lines of division they feed the masses. I contend that Nazism, in its inner circles, is not about race and is about the same thinking that set Madame Blavatsky apart, who (until exposed as a charlatan) was more accepted by spiritualists than bloodline-obsessed Masons. It would be hard to overstate her direct influence on Hitler. And in conclusion, it is nearly impossible to exaggerate the extent to which we have been lied to concerning the relationship among socialisms, and particularly between Nazism and Zionsim.

I think your use of the “yeast in the dough” imagery is the reverse of Jesus’ and hence is theologically the most questionable thing in the book thus far, and I stop just short of calling it impious and a total sell-out of the Faith. Jesus was patently not describing the Jewish Race or Religion as the “yeast in the dough” (or salt of the earth or light of the world) but rather his followers as the yeast in the dough that is each nation, Jewish or “Goyish.” The Church is the New Israel. That is the focal point of all Christians. The Jews are become a footnote, albeit a fascinating footnote, and a mysterious tool in prophetic literature in which nothing is clear much less nationalistically applicable. But let’s stop beating around the bush: the Judaizer heresy is just that, a filthy, base and demonic heresy. If emphasizing the Jewish Law is a slap in the face to Christ, how much more emphasizing the Jewish bloodlines!

I take exception, however, to any condemnation of the preservation of Jewish culture within Christian communities. I want to retain my (majority) Irish heritage and saints in how I worship because it makes me the more fully part of the whole Church. I’m told that some “Russian” Orthodox Christians, being of Jewish descent, were let back into Israel and, subsequently, there are Jerusalem parishes that celebrate the Divine Liturgy in Hebrew. I rejoice for them. And yes, they have a special perspective on Jesus being of His same household, and I rejoice with them. I love every chance I get chewing the fat with Jews, however secular, Orthodox or even Hasidic. I love hanging out with Catholics and Protestants. I even sometimes can stand Hindus and even (maybe) Buddhists. Wiccans? Druids? Why not. Mormons? JWs? Seventh Day Adventists? Sure, though obviously we’re bordering on the contrived and probably artificially preserved. Scientology obviously is downright dark, but their members are equally people. And I believe I am a missionary to everyone and everyone is a missionary to me.

Though I am the staunchest localist you’re ever likely to meet, I can never. Ever. Ever condone nationalism, because it is mass-insanity. I’ve heard a lot of people go on and on about a lot of things. I know an insecure, vacuous rant from a true scholarly thesis (however well calculated the former’s buzzwords to play on the contrived sympathies of my nation’s telehypnotized positivist sanctimonious funk). Every culture that’s old (read decadent) enough never shuts the heck up about some haplessly worldly claim (again, better suited to theater than academia) to being “the most special” or to having bestowed upon the undeserving unwashed and unappreciative “leftovers of genésis” their most vital (sometimes even implying spiritual) flair—and the ones who brag the most tend to offer the least substantive value—so by and large my Jewish (and, God Almighty help us all, “Christian”) Zionist-leaning brethren should get real and get in line because the sun doesn’t rise and set on their hex* deity, certainly no less evil than any swastika or moon, which like the “Nazim,” they flamboyantly procure to cast, and are indeed casting, upon the whole earth.

I say, A hex on our accursed ignorance.

A final question: What if anything did the honest, common “Goys” and Jews (Christian and otherwise) of the earth—especially of the United States—ever do to deserve the endless shower of pseudogodliness that is modern Hebrew Nationalism?

I get that you’re a bit shy—a neurosis you’ve perhaps mistaken for contemplation, toward which your personality, once informed by the truth, could yet lend itself—as well as unconvinced—your at times mumbled reading of your own writing betrays it—but try to hear this: even despite your occasionally poor dynamics a lot of people hang on your words. My father does. Even as I embrace you as a brother, I, with my whole being, request a clarification, at your leisure, of the loose ends I’ve listed above. I ask you to consider writing a sequel if not errata.

Most sincerely,

* Even Wikipedia admits the hexagram has not been in circulation among the Israelites for a day over 2,400 years if that. Not even Solomon in his wildest apostasy used it, much less Great King David. Another disgrace, another lie to the Babel-high pile. As for me, I want no part in Israel’s self-inflicted curses.

All about the Repentance of African President Museveni of Uganda.

President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda meets with...
President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda meets with President Ronald Reagan at the White House, October 1987. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We at stand with and support this move to restore Uganda in the Spirit of Christ.   God says in the Bible that if we confess our sins and repent that he is able to forgive us he also says that he can heal the Land and Nation.  I only hope that the people of the world keep an eye on Uganda and see how good and great the promises of the one and only Holy God really are and follow this path.

” If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 King James Version (KJV)

The President addressed the nation and uttered these words:

“I stand here today to close the evil past, and especially in the last 50 years of our national leadership history and at the threshold of a new dispensation in the life of this nation. I stand here on my own behalf and on behalf of my predecessors to repent. We ask for your forgiveness.”

“We confess these sins, which have greatly hampered our national cohesion and delayed our political, social and economic transformation. We confess sins of idolatry and witchcraft which are rampant in our land. We confess sins of shedding innocent blood, sins of political hypocrisy, dishonesty, intrigue and betrayal.”

Forgive us of sins of pride, tribalism and sectarianism; sins of laziness, indifference and irresponsibility; sins of corruption and bribery that have eroded our national resources; sins of sexual immorality, drunkenness and debauchery; sins of unforgiveness, bitterness, hatred and revenge; sins of injustice, oppression and exploitation; sins of rebellion, insubordination, strife and conflict.”

“We want to dedicate this nation to you so that you will be our God and guide. We want XXXXXX to be known as a nation that fears God and as a nation whose foundations are firmly rooted in righteousness and justice to fulfill what the Bible says in Psalm 33:12: Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. A people you have chosen as your own.”

If these words had been spoken by OUR president, it would be a great day indeed, but alas, they weren’t.  They were spoken by a real Christian President known as Yoweri Museveni of Uganda.  He spoke those words at the National Jubilee Prayers event held to celebrate the nation’s 50th anniversary of their independence from British rule.

The first step to a nation’s restoration is for the leadership to confess and repent of the nation’s sin along with those of the leadership.  Hezekiah repented of his sins and those of the nation.  God cured him of his illness and blessed the nation, until his Manasseh took the throne and did evil in the sight of the Lord.

If America wants to receive the blessings of God that we once had, it has to start with the President.  Barack Obama, who claims to be a Christian, needs to follow the lead of Museveni of Uganda.  He needs to genuinely confess the sins of the nation and himself, then truly repent of those sins and ask God and the people for forgiveness.  Then and only then, will God bless our land.  Until that happens, America is destined to suffer the same fate that Israel did under leaders like Omri and Ahab.

Read more:

All about the International Christian Party

Christian theology and Faith has been around for more than 2000 years and 2012 is the first time that we have seen an attempt to bring the Christian family together to support Christian Political Campaigns on a Global Scale.   If you looking to be part of a truly grassroots Truth and Liberty movement this is a good place to start.

InternationalChristianParty  is a political ideology that seeks to apply Christian principles to public policy. It emerged in United States of America in the city Rochester NY under the influence of conservatism and Ron Paul’s teachings. is a Non-denominational institution that is not formally aligned with an established denomination, or that remains otherwise officially autonomous.   International Christian Party explicitly rejects the idea of a formalized denominational structure as a matter of principle, holding that each congregation is better off being autonomous. consider ourselves simply “Christians”. Non-denominationalism should not be confused with interdenominationalism, or ecumenism.

The leaders we elect have great influence on our freedoms. They can choose to protect our right to worship and spread the gospel, or they can restrict those rights. They can lead our world toward righteousness or toward moral disaster. Clearly, the more committed Christians that are part of government—whether at the local, state, or federal level—the more our religious freedoms will be guarded. Christians in politics can effect desperately needed changes in the culture. A prime example is William Wilberforce, a 19th century English politician who campaigned for decades to end the abominable slave trade that flourished at that time. His campaign was eventually successful, and he is lauded today for his courage and commitment to Christian principles.

There is nothing wrong with Christians being involved in politics, as long as they remember that we are to be ambassadors for Christ on earth. That is our primary job description and our goal is to appeal to others to be reconciled to God through Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:20 ). Paul tells us that whatever we do, we are to do it for the glory of the Lord, not our own (1 Corinthians 10:31 ; Colossians 3:17 ). If a Christian does seek office, it should only be if he/she can faithfully execute the duties of that office to the glory of God and without compromising Christian principles.

In Romans 13:1-4 we read: “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.”

We must always remember that our “kingdom is not of this world.” (John 18:36). If we become conformed to the ways of this world, how can we then “be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which ye also suffer.” (I Thessalonians 1:5). Are you suffering because you’re resisting the kingdom of Antichrist, or are you committing spiritual fornication by living deliciously with him? (Revelation 18:9). When criminal elements have a position of control and authority within the government, believers have an obligation to resist them–not to twist the scriptures into justification for compliance with an ungodly government. In Damascus, the Jews that had authority under the governmental edict establishing their position (John 11:48) sought to murder Saul (Acts 9:23). Saul escaped over the wall as he left Damascus. That sounds like resistance to me.

In practice, the International Christian Party  is considered conservative on cultural, social and moral issues ( not social conservatism) and advocates a Austrian Economic Society in the economic field (crossing over with Market economy and sabbath economics but based on the family). Jesus made his reputation as a Jewish economist, one with very strong opinions about wealth and property, about the relationship between the rich and the poor.  We believe that the free market, reviled by people who do not understand it, is the most just and humane economic system and the greatest engine of prosperity the world has ever known.  ”There is no theme more common to Jesus’s storytelling than sabbath economics,” he says. ”He promises poor sharecroppers abundance, but threatens absentee landowners and rich householders with judgment.”

In the Nations, where their opponents have traditionally been secularist socialists,  the International Christian  parties are conservative overall.

Like the Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty organization “We believe with Ludwig von Mises, Henry Hazlitt, and F.A. Hayek that central banking distorts economic decisionmaking and misleads entrepreneurs into making unsound investments.  Hayek won the Nobel Prize for showing how central banks’ interference with interest rates sets the stage for economic downturns.  And the central bank’s ability to create money out of thin air transfers wealth from the most vulnerable to those with political pull, since it is the latter who receive the new money before the price increases it brings in its wake have yet occurred.  For economic and moral reasons, therefore, we join the great twentieth-century economists in opposing the Federal Reserve System, which has reduced the value of the dollar by 95 percent since it began in 1913.” Campaign for Liberty

Many members of the International Christian Party identify themselves as liberty-minded individuals, and the organization states that it includes “limited government conservatives, classical liberals, and libertarians.”[21] These individuals are greatly influenced primarily by the works of Ludwig von MisesFriedrich HayekHenry HazlittFrederic BastiatMurray RothbardThomas E. Woods, and Ron Paul.[22]

Our World is going bankrupt, and no sensible proposals are even on the table.

We also believe in a noninterventionist foreign policy.  Inspired by the old Robert Taft wing of the American Republican Party.

FBI Arrested and Convicted 52 DEMOCRATS of Voter Fraud

52 DEMOCRATS Arrested and/or Convicted of Voter Fraud so far and Race or the N.A.A.C.P. Wasn’t an Issue

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (16 votes, average:4.63 out of 5)


Proof that voter ID is needed to keep our elections legitimate and fair.  Our elected leaders should be elected fairly by the people and not by the minority voting in names that are not theirs.

This is how the democratic party stays in power and why they do not listen to the people when they are in power because they know they are guaranteed to win no matter how they perform their duties.  God help this country!

8 Arrested for Absentee Voter Fraud in Madison County, Florida

Democrats ~ Jada Woods Williams and Abra Hill Johnson

I am not sure how I missed this one, but here is one to add to the growing list of individuals arrested for actual voter fraud- meaning they voted more than once in an given election.

The NAACP is up in arms over the arrests saying the FBI is some how suppressing minority voters by arresting and charging minorities for actually illegally voting.

7 Democrats Arrested in New York for actual Voter Fraud via Absentee Ballots

Democrats arrested, charged and 4 plead guilty to actual voter fraud in New York via absentee ballots!

12 Democrats have been Charged in Georgia for Absentee Ballot Voter Fraud

NAACP Executive Sentence to 10 Years in Prison for Voting for Obama 10 Times in 2008

While NAACP President Benjamin Jealous lashed out at new state laws requiring photo ID for voting, an NAACP executive sits in prison, sentenced for carrying out a massive voter fraud scheme.

In April 2011, a Tunica County, Miss., jury convicted NAACP official Lessadolla Sowers on 10 counts of fraudulently casting absentee ballots.

4 Wake County, North Carolina Democrats have Admitted to Voting for Obama TWICE Each in 2008

Daytona Beach City Democrat Commissioner and his Campaign Manager arrested for Absentee Ballot Voter Fraud

Derrick Henry Genesis Robinson

see complete story

thank you Scott


US Government and Stanley Inc behind Muslim Video that lead to the murder of a US Ambassador and caused widespread rioting throughout the world.

Once again the Public intelligence analysts have broken wide open the False Flag operation that took place around the world on 09/11/2012 Blamed on a Youtube “Film” Christopher Stevens was ((Not)) killed because of the Innocence of Muslim Movie.  It turns out that  CGI and Stanley Incorporated AKA “NPN” NewsPoliticsNow3 who the US Government uses as a contractors for Advanced engineeringBusiness process managementCommunicationsEnterprise integrationFederal cybersecurityOperational logisticsSystems engineering, and Training put out a altered Version of the original Youtube Movie that the Government says lead to the murder of a US Ambassador and caused widespread rioting throughout the world.  The “Original Video” called The Real Life Of Mohammad posted on July 1st 2012 on Sam Bacile’s YT Channel.

Stanley, now a wholly-owned subsidiary of CGI Federal Inc., provides services to the U.S. federal civilian, defense and intelligence agencies. The combined portfolio of services and solutions enable us to serve as a full-service provider for U.S. federal clients’ mission-essential needs at every stage of program, product and business lifecycle.

CGI’s acquisition of Stanley is part of a plan to profitably double the company’s in three to five years through a combination of acquisitions and organic growth. As a result of this acquisition, CGI joins the ranks of U.S. federal IT contractors with more than                    $1 billion in revenue.



“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustionWe shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.” Albert Pike
September 20, 2012

A popular Youtuber offers his opinion on the Muslim false flag video that supposedly lead to the murder of a US Ambassador and caused widespread rioting throughout the world.

All evidence points to the fact that the release of this movie was absolutely a false flag designed to cause chaos and further divide the populace.

From Youtube Video Description:

UPDATE: Glen Beck reported that the Embassy staff were communicating via a gaming forum!

Go to “DarthF3TT” channel on YT and will notice that out of 11 videos, NINE of them are [Gaming Videos] ONE is the Innocence of Muslims and TWO are about the Embassy Killings.

Here is the link!!!

UPDATE: Look who created this now deleted page. This url was captured via a Google Cache trying to sell the Christopher Stevens was killed because of the Innocence of Muslim “Film”, look who posted it!

“NPN” NewsPoliticsNow3…

Please follow the links in the order in which listed and come to your own conclusions!

The “Original Video” called The Real Life Of Mohammad posted on July 1st 2012 on Sam Bacile’s YT Channel

Movie name changed to “Innocence of Muslims” posted on September 11 2012 by Youtube user NewsPoliticsNow3

Youtube page NewsPoliticsNow sporting a [TM] Trademark to the right of their name

Youtube page NewsPoliticsLeaks appears to be associated with NewsPoliticsNow notice the trademark listed to the right

Trademark search results for NewsPoliticsNow…

Trademark results for NewsPoliticsLeaks…

Image search for NPN…

Image search for NPL…

Results for Stanley Inc,_Inc.

It has been brought to my attention that Youtube has shielded everyone’s age within the past 24 hours.

Again, I wanted to thank “TheAntiPC” for your original video pointing out the facts on how the Muslim Movie was posted months ago, for it is your video, that made me really look into this situation!

Be ready for the Bank Run of 2012 Global Financial Meltdown

Bank Run
Bank Run!

Daniel J Leach

I have been saying that the Global Financial Meltdown was just around the corner for years now!  It finally looks like we are on the verge of this happening this year.  I would not be surprised if this happens in October 2012!  This is a case of history repeating itself! “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” George Santayana

   A bank run occurs when a large number of bank customers withdraw their deposits because they believe the bank might fail. As more people withdraw their deposits, the likelihood of default increases, and this encourages further withdrawals. This can destabilize the bank to the point where it faces bankruptcy.[1]

The stock market crash of October 1929 left the American public highly nervous and at the time, making it the largest single bank failure in American history.

In December 1931, New York’s Bank of the United States collapsed. The bank had more than $200 million in deposits at the time, making it the largest single bank failure in American history.

The bank runs of 1930 were followed by similar banking panics in the spring and fall of 1931 and the fall of 1932. In some instances, bank runs were started simply by rumors of a bank’s inability or unwillingness to pay out funds. In December 1930, the New York Times reported that a small merchant in the Bronx went to a branch of the Bank of the United States and asked to sell his stock in the institution. When told the stock was a good investment and advised not to sell, he left the bank and began spreading rumors that the bank had refused to sell his stock. Within hours, a crowd had gathered outside the bank, and that afternoon between 2,500 and 3,500 depositors withdrew a total of $2 million in funds.


Copied from

The Global Financial Meltdown has dramatically worsened as Corporations and China Jump Aboard The “Institutional” Global Bank Run As Banks Fall Apart As Their Seams.

Earlier today the world saw a global financial meltdown as investors dumped everything from stocks to commodities and literally everything in between.

Global Financial Meltdown: Investors Dump Nearly Everything Amidst Worldwide Market Crash

Global Meltdown - Investors Are Dumping Everything

Major Stock Market Indexes, Commodities, Currencies And Everything In Between Is Being Dumped By Investors Across The Globe In The Midst Of A Global Financial Meltdown.

The financial markets across the globe are facing one of the most massive sell-offs in recent memory.

The Dow Jones Industrial average has sold off over 467 points today. When and when you add that on top of 284 point drop following yesterday’s crash FED’s statement, which announced operation ‘twist’ and warned of significant downside risk and strains in global financial markets, we have a 751 point drop in the DOW since 2:45 PM est yesterday, which is the largest 2 day slump since 2008.

There are an endless parade of economic statistics many of which are the worse since the Great Depression and World War 2 era. We have also seen 111 of the s&P 500 hit fresh 52 week lows, a drop in global currencies – beside the dollar, oil dropping into the high $70 per barrel range and gold plummeting over 5% to trade in the low $1,700 per ounce range.

Business Week points out the massive crash in U.S. stocks immediately below while CNBC points out further below that this in fact a global meltdown – investors are dumping everything.


Read The Rest…

While today’s sell off was monumental and in fact is on course for the 3rd worse week on Wall Street ever, the sell-off was on the heels of the FED’s economic outlook. Today’s Global Financial Meltdown is about to become much worse as a slew of news reports out today reveal the run on the European banks has spread to include corporations and institutions pulling their money out of banks and China finally arriving at the party.

As a backdrop, the IMF warned the entire global financial systems is more vulnerable to collapse than at any other time since the 2008 financial crisis. The alarm is being sounded with the stern warning the European debt crisis could trigger the complete collapse of the entire global financial system at any minute. On the other hand, the alternative media and independent economists warn we are in fact in of a great depression style collapse. The only difference is this time around we would be facing a global depression. But as the ship their countrymen sail on continues to sink, bureaucrats continueto play politics and put their partisan interests above the interest of their constituents.

The run on European banks has already began with from the customers pulling their money from banks some time ago. While the corporate media kept the run on the Greece banks on the hush the media blackout didn’t stop the run nor did it stop the run from spreading to other nations. Simply put, the public is learning they can’t trust their governments and they can’t trust the media. Indeed the withdrawal of deposits from the banks in Greece has quietly spread across the other European nations only to spread into some of the supposedly most stable banks in the Euro-zone, the French banks.

Now we have learned the run on the banks that was originally limited to customers has now spread to include corporate and institutional clients withdrawing their money from the banks. First, we caught wind of the rumor that Siemens pulled its cash from one of the French banks. Then came theconfirmation came that Siemens pulled $500 million Euros from Societe Generale. Siemens of course is a huge conglomerate. For such a huge corporation to lose trust in one of the supposedly most stable of the French banks is clearly a very significant development. To be clear, the ramification have simply rocked the markets and the many more corporations soon will follow. In fact, some corporations and nations have followed their lead.

Consider the breaking news that The Bank of China has stopped doing business with four major European banks. To be exact thy have stopped trading swaps and foreign exchange forwards with the Societe Gnerale, BNP Paribas, Credit Agricole and the Swiss banking giant UBS.

Speaking of BNP Paribas, Reggie Middleton – who long predicted the collapse of Lehman’s and Bear Stearns far ahead of anyone else because of their shady banking practices – has been warning for months BNP Paribas is ripe for a Lehman style collapse. Reggie argues that BNP Paribas is engaging in the same practices and fraud that caused Lehman’s and Bear Stearn’s to collapse.

While on the subject of China, we learn today they are not immune to the bank run either. China Securities Journal reveals that 420 billion yuan have been pulled out of the big four state-owned Chinese bank during the 15 days of September. Even bank employees are pulling their deposits from the banks as it is estimated that three trillion yuan has been diverted to illegal money lenders which pay interest rates 10 times higher than the one-year Chinese bank deposit rate.

Today we also learn that Insurer Lloyd’s of London confirmed it’s withdrawing deposits from all of the European banks for fear they may collapse. The rationalization for their withdrawal is quite simple – if world is worried about the European governments themselves collapsing then on must assume the sovereign debt collapse will also cause the banks themselves to collapse.

Still that message doesn’t seem to be reaching the retail banking client and the corporate owned media is to blame for repeatedly assuring the public there bank deposits are safe because the banks are insured by their respective European government.

When we see corporations not buying the propaganda being pushed by the media and instead withdrawing their deposits that should be a clear sign to the retail client it is time to withdraw their deposits. Unfortunately, too many people believe their governments and the media would never lie to them so some of them will unfortunately need to learn the hard way.

However, anyone keeping up with the details of latest financial news that doesn’t quite make the headlines knows that banks across the world have been hit with a parade of credit rating cuts warning of their risk of collapse. Those same cuts have been coupled with recent credit rating cuts of the sovereign of nations themselves, most notably the credit downgrades of the United States and Italy.

Adding to the bleak reality a global financial collapse may be imminent is the fact that 9 Banks failed last years EU stress test and another 16 barely passed the test. Yet instead of being proactive and shoring up capital to assure the survival of financial turmoil, we have seen many banks continue to conduct business in absolute denial they were at risk. In ignorance of reality the banks have sat around for over a year knowing they are at risk of collapse while doing little to nothing the improve their situation. Why should they act? They know when shit hits the fan taxpayers will be bent over the barrel and be forced to give the banks billions in bailouts from which the executives will collect lavish bonuses.

Now we have warnings from top economists and the FED that there is significant downside risk and strains in the global financial system that threatens the entire system. The is coupled with warnings from the IMF and EU leaders to immediately recapitalize the banks or face collapse. The calls for recapitalization have persisted for weeks with no action taken to stave off the collapse. Meanwhile, the consequences of not acting immediately continue to become more severe by the day.

The EU credit markets have frozen up and the situation is now beyond the point of dire. The question is which bank will be the first to collapse.

While all eyes seem to be focused on the Euro banks across the pond, banks back in the US are not immune from the crisis and neither are the Chinese banks.

In fact, Bank of America has been hammered by the alternative media as needing capitalization but BAC has denied those allegations and the corporate media has dismissed the alternative media reports as comments from fringe blogs. Until today that is.

Pimco’s Mohamed El-Erian raised the alarm today about the health of French banks and went on to point out there is an institutional run on thosebanks.

CNBC, went on to use the metrics El-Erain used to measure the health of the French banks to measure the health of US banks and found US banks aren’t nearly as healthy as Wall Street would like to believe.

Truth about Austerity Measures and Bailouts It’s Just Money for The Illuminati Family’s!

Austerity Measures and Bailouts are just payments to the Illuminati Family’s by way or proxy!  First the Banksters get Nations in dept by loans and bailouts that can not be paid back, like what is happening in America.  Second The Nation makes governmental cuts like what is happening in EUROPE  aka stealing pensions , cutting services like Parks, Police Teachers Firemen ect ect! Then the Government sells off Parks Government owned property, Roads Water ways Parks ect ect to the Illuminati Bankster Familys AKA the MOBSTERS!

This is all part of the (The Hegelian Dialectic) aka The Problem Reaction Solution method!  .. the Illuminati family’s or the ruling elite create a problem, anticipating in advance the reaction that the population will have to the problem and then have the prepared Solution!  Example an Global Economic Melt down.  The after the people react and demand a solution to the created problems that was the  desired agenda of the ruling elite.  Then and only then the Pre prepared agenda of the Global Elite Banksters  presented as the solution such as a one world Governmental Monetary system or Global Governmental system to fix the problem. 

The bad part about this conspiracy is that along with the reaction to the problem the population becomes violent, in protesting the Austerity Measures implemented by the Governments!  And once again (The Hegelian Dialectic) comes into place with  FEMA Camps AKA Concentration Camps for the protesters dissidents and homeless people effected by the Illuminati s Global Agenda 

In economicsausterity is a policy of deficit-cutting, lower spending, and a reduction in the amount of benefits and public servicesprovided.[1] Austerity policies are often used by governments to reduce their deficit spending[2] while sometimes coupled with increases in taxes to pay back creditors to reduce debt.[3] “Austerity” was named the word of the year by Merriam-Webster in 2010.[4]

The Expansionary fiscal contraction hypothesis is the economic theory that explores whether government austerity can result in economic expansion. This hypothesis indicates that expansion from austerity is very limited and occurs only during periods when consumption is not constrained.



[edit]Reasons for undertaking austerity measures

Austerity measures are typically taken if there is a threat that a government cannot honor its debt liabilities. Such a situation may arise if a government has borrowed in foreign currencies that they have no right to issue or they have been legally forbidden from issuing their own currency. In such a situation, banks may lose trust in a government’s ability and/or willingness to pay and either refuse to roll over existing debts or demand extremely high interest rates. In such situations, inter-governmental institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) may demand austerity measures in exchange for functioning as a lender of last resort. When the IMF requires such a policy, the terms are known as ‘IMF conditionalities‘.

[edit]Typical effects

Development projects, welfare, and other social spending are common programs that are targeted for cuts: Taxes, port and airport fees, train and bus fares are common sources of increased user fees.

In many cases, austerity measures have been associated with protest movements claiming significant decline in standard of living. A case in point is the nation of Greece. The financial crisis—particularly the austerity package put forth by the EU and the IMF— was met with great anger by the Greek public, leading to riots and social unrest. On 27 June 2011, trade union organizations commenced a forty-eight hour labor strike in advance of a parliamentary vote on the austerity package, the first such strike since 1974. Massive demonstrations were organized throughout Greece, intended to pressure parliament members into voting against the package. The second set of austerity measures was approved on 29 June 2011, with 155 out of 300 members of parliament voting in favor. However, one United Nations official warned that the second package of austerity measures in Greece could pose a violation of human rights.[5]


Austerity programs can be controversial. In the Overseas Development Institute briefing paper “The IMF and the Third World” the ODI addresses five major complaints against the IMF’s austerity ‘conditionalities’. These complaints include these measures being “anti-developmental”, “self-defeating”, and “they tend to have an adverse impact on the poorest segments of the population”. In many situations, austerity programs are implemented by countries that were previously under dictatorial regimes, leading to criticism that the citizens are forced to repay the debts of their oppressors.[6][7][8]

Economist Richard D. Wolff has stated that instead of cutting government programs and raising taxes, austerity should be attained by collecting (taxes) from non-profit multinational corporations, churches, and private tax-exempt institutions such as universities, which currently pay no taxes at all.[9]

In 2009, 2010, and 2011, workers and students in Greece and other European countries demonstrated against cuts to pensions, public services and education spending as a result of government austerity measures.[10][11] Following the announcement of plans to introduce austerity measures in Greece, massive demonstrations were witnessed throughout the country, aimed at pressing parliamentarians to vote against the austerity package. In Athens alone 19 arrests were made while 46 civilians and 38 policemen had been injured by June 29, 2011. The third round austerity has been approved by the Greece parliament on February 12, 2012 and has met strong opposition especially in the cities of Athens and Thessaloniki where the police have clashed with demonstrators.

Opponents argue that austerity measures tend to depress economic growth, which ultimately causes governments to lose more money in tax revenues. In countries with already anemic economic growth, austerity can engender deflation which inflates existing debt. This can also cause the country to fall into a liquidity trap, causing credit markets to freeze up and unemployment to increase. Opponents point to cases in Ireland and Spain in which austerity measures instituted in response to financial crises in 2009 proved ineffective in combating public debt, and placing those countries at risk of defaulting in late 2010.[12]

[edit]The “Age of Austerity”

The term “Age of austerity” was popularized by British Conservative leader David Cameron in his keynote speech to the Conservative party forum in Cheltenham on April 26, 2009, when he committed to put an end to what he called years of excessive government spending.[13] [14]

[edit]Word of the year

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary named the word “austerity” as its “Word of the Year” for 2010 because of the number of web searches this word generated that year. According to the president and publisher of the dictionary, “austerity had more than 250,000 searches on the dictionary’s free online [website] tool” and the spike in searches “came with more coverage of the debt crisis”.[15]

[edit]Examples of austerity

This section is in a list format that may be better presented using prose. You can help by converting this section to prose, if appropriateEditing help is available. (June 2011)

Anti-austerity protests, chiefly taking the form of massive street protests by those affected by them and some of them also involving a greater or lesser degree of militancy, have happened regularly across various countries, especially on the European continent, since the onset of the present-day worldwide financial crisis. The phenomena are, collectively, decidedly separate, conceptually, from the austerity measures themselves, even though the enactment of the latter is a prerequisite for the former. This is because they are of the sizes they are; that they cut across age groups (e.g., both students and older workers) and other demographics; that they can incorporate many different types of actions in many different segments of a given country’s economy including education funding, infrastructure funding, manufacturing, aviation, social welfare, and many many others; and that the phenomenon of austerity, when explained by itself, is inadequate to properly encompass the phenomenon of widespread opposition to it, and that opposition’s nuances and fluctuations.

Anti-austerity actions are varied, ongoing, and can be either sporadic and loosely-organised or longer-term and tightly-organised. Theycontinue as of the present day. Recent upheavals in Tunisia and in Egypt in 2011 were originally largely anti-austerity and anti-unemployment before turning into wider social revolutions.

Most recently, the global and still-spreading Occupy movement has arguably been the most noticeable physical enactment of anti-austerity and populist sentiment.




Austerity is mainly noticed by a country when its aspects (usually known as ‘cuts’) are implemented unilaterally and forcibly (a “hatchet job“) rather than through a more careful strategy of creeping normalcy wherein such cuts are made to seem reasonable, or at least tolerable. Austerity is usually only referred to by that name when it is part of a sweeping package or packages of reforms that have the openly-admitted effect of great or even complete overhaul of major aspects of a society’s socioeconomic core facilities, programs and/or services. Because of this nature, austerity programs in general often are virulently opposed by the populations experiencing them, as they tend to have an impact on the poorest segments of the population. Those who are pro-austerity (who usually refer to the process as “deficit reduction”) usually counter that these poorest segments of the population would also suffer the most should a debt crisisoccur[citation needed], an argument rejected by most anti-austerity individuals.

Prior to the 2010 European sovereign debt crisis, in many situations, austerity programs were implemented by countries that were previously under dictatorial regimes (e.g., Portugal, Greece, Spain), leading to criticism that the citizens are forced to repay the debts of their oppressors.[1][2][3] In Greece, for example, the current austerity measures are popularly viewed as a combination of leftover policies of the 1967-1974 military dictatorship in that country on the one hand, and the “betrayal” of socialist principles by the current parliamentary-majority Panhellenic Socialist Movement on the other hand, due to that party’s wholesale enactment of extremely severe austerity measures in the country, which most everyday Greeks conceive of as intensely right-wing in nature, at least when compared to the party’s officially-stated core beliefs.[citation needed]

In the present-day enactments of various “austerity budgets”, however, a prior history of dictatorship is not necessarily a precondition for the implementation of such a budget by a given government. Examples of countries implementing severe austerity measures without a history of what the world’s mainstream media would typically consider a ‘dictatorship’, include the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, the latter of which witnessed its housing market completely (rather than partially as elsewhere) collapse, and the Republic eventually appealing for a massive bailout from the International Monetary Fund, “in exchange for” implementation of a very severe austerity programme. The austerity measures and the terms of the IMF bailout became major aspects of the 2008–2011 Irish financial crisis, and popular anger over these issues played a very major role in the loss of governmental power of Fianna Fáil to opposition parties in the 2011 Irish general election. The loss was so complete and so total for Fianna Fáil that many commentators remarked that the results were “historic”. Fine Gael and the Labour Party entered in to a coalition government with one another, and Fine Gael’s leaders have vowed to re-negotiate the terms of the IMF bailout so that austerity can be slowed or stopped and the Irish economy can be given a chance to grow again.[4] Sinn Féin, which for the first time also won a notable percentage in the election, has called for a nationwide referendum over whether the bailout agreement should be scrapped altogether, but this suggestion has been met with dismissal by officials.[5]

Austerity in most European countries, including Spain and Italy — where there have been massive anti-austerity protests, wildcat strikes, and union-organized industrial actions of various types at semi-regular intervals since late 2008, earning for the most part massive worldwide media attention — is by no means limited to what could be the ‘expected’ areas of the economy that might in theory experience direct penalties as a result of gross mismanagement, such as financial institutions. In fact, financial institutions rarely, if ever, truly receive such ‘punishment’ by a country’s government; austerity-like levies could perfectly well be imposed on them for causing, or helping to cause, the crisis that leads to the austerity measures in the first place, but typically are not. Instead, it is argued (chiefly by people engaging in anti-austerity protests, but also some economists as well) that rather than ‘punish’ the banks and others truly responsible for the crisis, the government is instead ‘punishing’ regular people for the ‘crimes’ of others, namely the ‘elite’ and/or greedy professional money-handlers engaging in market manipulation.


100,000 peaceful anti-austerity protesters in front of the parliament of Greece on 29 June 2011.

  • The May–July 2011 Greek protests, also known as the “Indignant Citizens Movement” or the “Greek indignados”, started demonstrating throughout Greece on 25 May 2011;[6] the movement’s largest demonstration was on 5 June, with 300,000 people gathering in front of the Greek Parliament,[7] while the organizers put the number to 500,000.[8] The protests lasted for over a month without any violent incidents, while on 29 June 2011, amid a violent police crackdown and accusations of police brutality by international media and Amnesty International,[9][10][11][12][13][14][15] the square was evacuated but demonstrations continued the next day despite the crackdown;[16][17] they officially ended on 7 August 2011,[18] but resumed in October.
  • The 2011 Spanish protests, whose participants are sometimes referred to as the “indignados“, are a series of ongoing anti-austerity demonstrations in Spain that rose to prominence beginning on 15 May 2011; thus, the movement is also sometimes referred to as the May 15 or M-15 movement as well. It is a collection of several different instances of continuous demonstrations countrywide, with a common origin in internet social networks and the Democracia Real Ya web presence, along with 200 other small associations.[19]
  • In late March 2011 the Portuguese Prime Minister resigned a few hours after the latest austerity bill he backed was rejected by the rest of government. The government called that particular austerity round unacceptable.[20] In his resignation speech, Jose Socrates expressed concern that an IMF bailout akin to Greece and Ireland would now be unavoidable.
  • In mid-March 2011 the British Medical Association held an emergency meeting at which it broadly decided to emphatically oppose pending legislation in the British Parliament, the Health and Social Care Bill, that would overhaul the functioning of the National Health Service. Dr Layla Jader, a public health physician, said: “The NHS needs evolution not revolution – these reforms are very threatening to the future of the NHS. If they go through, our children will look back and say how could you allow this to happen?” And Dr Barry Miller, an anaethetist from Bolton, added: “The potential to do phenomenal damage is profound. I haven’t seen any evidence these proposals will improve healthcare in the long-term.”[21] There have also been various grassroots groups of UK citizenry virulently opposing the pending new bill, including NHS Direct Action,[22] 38 Degrees,[23] and the trade union Unite.[24]
  • One of the United Kingdom‘s most severe austerity measures came into the force of law on 9 December 2010: spending for higher education and tuition subsidies and assistance in English universities — historically rather substantial in scale — was cut by an astounding total of 80%.[25] That announcement and its implications, which included a near-tripling of student tuition fees from their previous levels[26] up to a new ceiling of £9000/year, led to a huge backlash amongst students who almost immediately took to the streets over various non-sequential days against this announcement, squaring off with police on several occasions including an instance where some students angrily entered the Conservative headquarters and smashed windows and destroyed its interior.[27]On the day of the passage of the measure itself, there was an explosion of street violence by enraged students and their allies, especially in London. There is an ongoing law enforcement investigation into, and even active pursuing of,[28] the participants of the violence over the various protest days, with particular attention focusing on the moments when a number of protesters successfully attacked a royal car driving on its way to a London event,[29] although they did not injure its occupants. Shouts of “off with their heads” were reportedly heard.[30] On 25 March 2011, Charlie Gilmour, son of Pink Floyd guitarist David Gilmour, became one of the more high-profile individuals to be officially charged in relation to those events.[31] As a result of these protests, a number of groups formed to combat the austerity measures that began with the cuts to higher education. One such example is Bloomsbury Fightback!, which is a group of radical students and workers in Bloomsbury, London, centred around the Bloomsbury Colleges in theUniversity of London and focusing on organising around education and employment issues, of which many are the result of the austerity measures, .
  • The group UK Uncut is one outgrowth of the anger felt by average citizens at austerity, albeit the group focuses not so much on combating the cuts themselves as on demanding that the rich, rather than the poor, pay the shortfalls causing the austerity in the first place — a sort of “tax the rich” movement. UK Uncut attempts to organise flash mob protests inside the highest-profile buildings of the businesses of the rich people avoiding tax or paying less than they should.
  • Around the same time as the heating-up of the England protests (but before the passing of the bill), students in Italy occupied theleaning tower of Pisa in a similar protest regarding its own educational system.[32]
  • On 27 November 2010, a massive protest against pending austerity took place in Dublin;[33] The Irish Examiner news service also reports on a 7 December 2010 clash around the Dáil where protesters threw smoke bombs and flares at police.[34] Additionally, La Scala in Italy experienced a clash on 8 December 2010 including scuffles with police.[35]
  • More generally, throughout 2009 and 2010, workers and students in Greece and other European countries demonstrated against cuts to pensions, public services and education spending as a result of government austerity measures.[36] There was a brief airport strike in Spain in December 2010, and assorted brief “general strike”-like actions in France have taken place, particularly around the very controversial plan of the French government to raise the retirement age from 60 to 62, a proposal which eventually successfully passed.
  • Further protests have since taken place in Greece and elsewhere, have continued throughout 2011 and 2012,[37] including in Nigeriawith major large street clashes against the withdrawal of fuel subsidies. There was also a major protest in London by UK groups from across that country on 26 March 2011,[38] centred around a protest call initially made by the Trades Union Congress but subsequently involving many other groups. In general, the UK’s round of austerity measures, or “cuts”, from April 2011 onward are understood by most of the population to be, as an aggregated phenomenon, the worst withdrawal of public services since those services’ foundings, in the early 20th century and the post-World War II era. The coalition government currently in power in Britain repeatedly reassures the public that these public sector cuts will be replaced by a “Big Society” underpinned by charitiesstart-up businesses and private enterprise. Critics counter on the one hand that such a model is effective back-door privatisation, and on the other hand that even assuming the “Big Society” is a genuine populist initiative, it still fails conceptually, since the very charities and start-up businesses touted in this model are also the ones being severely slashed or eliminated by the new austerity-fuelled economics of the government.
  • Participants in more militant forms of protest engaged in during the 26th March demonstration, who in total only comprised 1,500 people out of the estimated 250,000-500,000 total participants, have been relentlessly attacked by the government as “mindless thugs”[39] with the UK’s mainstream media including the BBC generally supporting this perception. This remains the case even though the fundamental seriousness of damage thus far remains debatable; much reporting seems to have focused on the smashing of a Santander bank branch’s glass entranceway doors by largely anarchist activists, who would have also been behind the simultaneous destruction of several automated teller machines and the scrawling of “class war” in graffiti on neighbouring walls — rather than destruction of infrastructure such as roads, bridges, schools or homes that would have indisputably comprised terrorismby any objective measure. There are those who would therefore argue that the activists, even if misguided in their actions, still technically only targeted the institutions (i.e., banks) perceived responsible for the cuts, and did not cross the line into more general mayhem. Nevertheless, the Home Secretary Theresa May vociferously advocates the review by authorities of UK terrorism law to determine whether the Metropolitan Police can legally extend their own powers of arrest and detention using those provisions. Talk of the approximately 1,500 people involved in the militant aspects of the anti-cuts march almost totally eclipsed the more general event of up to half a million peaceable, albeit still angry, protesters who say they have very real, very personal grievances against the government’s cuts plans.


Economist Richard D. Wolff has stated that instead of cutting government programs and raising taxes, austerity should be attained by collecting from non-profit multinational corporations, churches, and private tax-exempt institutions such as universities, which currently pay no taxes at all.[40] Groups like UK Uncut and the campaigners for a Robin Hood tax argue for a “tax the banks” strategy that is similar, as well as to argue that the banks and corporations severely underpay the taxes they already owe, and need to stop tax-dodging.

There are also those like Nobel Prize laureate Paul Krugman, who argue that austerity measures tend to be counterproductive when applied to the populations and programs they are usually applied to.[41] This argument holds that austerity measures tend not to revitalize economies by ‘getting people off of benefits and back to work,’ and similar, but rather that austerity simply depresses economic growth wholesale, which ultimately causes governments to lose more money in tax revenues than they would have if they had not enacted the austerity and instead created jobs and new infrastructure and industries. In countries with already anemic economic growth, austerity can engender deflation which inflates existing debt. This can also cause the country to fall into a liquidity trap, causing credit markets to freeze up and unemployment to increase. Advocates of these positions point to cases in Ireland and Spain in which austerity measures instituted in response to financial crises in 2009 proved ineffective in combating public debt and the countries got in ever more dire financial straits as 2010 and 2011 progressed.[42]


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Anti New World Order Party and We Are Change Rochester Monthly Meetup for May 2012

  • (((Meet UP)))AntiNWOParty (((Meet-UP))) Broadcast Live for those who cant make it out but would still like to attend the Meetup. to find us:

    Anti New World Order Party, Hope For Rochester Ministry, Campaign For Liberty and We Are Change Rochester along with the Rochester Tea Party organizations will be Networking

    Illuminati – Christianity – Prophecy – Islam & The New World Order

    All of these things have affected or are affecting life in America and her place in history. America was the greatest nation to ever rise on the face of the earth. It was no accident that America came to be, or the time period in which she did. We hope that this Meet-Up, and our Q&A panels will shed some light on these subjects, and help you to see America’s role in past, present and future history.

    Admission is Free! Donations are welcome, but in no way requried.

    Doors open at 2:30 PM, Meet-up starts at 3:15 PM. Come early and visit the tables of some of our sponsors as they share information about their ministries.

    “Anti New World Order Party, in solidarity with the and We Are Change Rochester want our leaders to be our servants. The “New World Order” is, by all the evidence, ruling our country in defiance of the United States Constitution!”

    Mission: to recruit, educate and motivate American citizens at the grassroots level to perform their constitutionally definded role in the governance , by providing opportunities, knowledge and training to ensure limited constitutional governance.

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