Get your Money Out Of The Bank Now Before Its To Late Global Economic Collapse Is Eminate First Domino Has Fallen EU’s Cyprus!

Hence·forth  the chaos and confusion in the world of banking!  The End game has started Cyprus, and Europe, it comes as no surprise that the previously scheduled Monday bank holiday (aka Green Monday) has been extended into Tuesday.  So all we see in the News is how the Dow keeps going up and the American Economy is picking up steam.  When the truth is that its all just a bunch of hot air.  Anyone who understands the world banking history, knows that history is about to repeats itself it could be with in a few months to a few years a way till the big crash.

Cyprus Bank Holiday extended until Wednesday …to stop runs on the Cyprus Banks   Sound a lot like the great depression with runs on banks  Get ready for new runs on banks That’s what happened to hundreds of banks in the Great Depression.  Much of the Great Depression‘s economic damage was caused directly by bank runs.   I know one thing if I had any money in the bank I would have gotten it out in 2007 before the crash we saw the signs my family and friends on facebook can tell you that!  Oh wait I have not had money in the bank for years.  Its just one big vicious cycle that the Banksters keep playing generation after generation its a world wide  scam and if Jesus Christ was around today he would pick up the whip and go after this den of thief’s the same way kicking them out of his temple our world.

When even JPM says to panic, it may be time to panic. And then we ask why is all of this happening right now, why is even JPMorgan advocating a risk-off posture, and then we recall that every single year in late March, early April Europe comes back front and center with a bang, just as we forecast in “It’s Deja Vu, All Over Again: This Time Is… Completely The Same” and then everything becomes very clear.

Published on Mar 18, 2013

On the Monday, March 18 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the collusion between the EU and IMF in confiscating individuals’ private wealth to ultimately seize control of economies, paving the way for years of dependency on financial dictatorship. On today’s show, Alex invites economic trend forecaster and publisher of the Trends Journal Gerald Celente to discuss the looting of Cypriot bank accounts, and what the future holds for Italy, which may be the next nation to be similarly plundered. We’ll also cover other major headlines and take your calls.

From Kathimerini:

The Cypriot cabinet has declared Tuesday a bank holiday, for fear of capital flight, and this may even be stretched to Wednesday, as depositors are certain to withdraw huge sums from the Cypriot banks after the haircut imposed.

Nicosia postponed from Sunday to Monday the tabling in Parliament of the bill including the measures for the Cypriot bailout – including a bank account haircut and a tax hike on interest and corporate earnings – but the European Central Bank insists on a rapid voting because there are already signs a domino effect will follow across European lenders and markets from Monday.

There is genuine fear of market unrest on Monday morning when stocks may crumble in the eurozone and bank accounts in other southern European bank may suffer.

Skai radio reported on Sunday that the Bank of Greece has sent between 4 and 5 billion euros to Cyprus in order to help Cypriot banks respond to cash requirements by their clients.

So, if the official name of the March 18 holiday was “Green Monday“, will the March 19th ad hoc holiday be called “Red Tuesday“? Inquiring minds want to know.

The price of gold remained approximately in Timeline of U.S. Gold 2007, The yearly average price of gold was $695, with a high of $833 per ounce. and in 2007 the Dow opened the year at 12,459.54 Understand why it crashed by following the timeline of events in 2008 and now today the news is say how strong the Stock Market is doing then why if the Market is on such a bull run at Dow Jones Industrial Average 2 Minute Dow Jones Indices: .DJI – Mar 18 4:35pm ET  Closed at 14452.06 today and the price of Gold is at 1594.00 This is my point if the stock market was on such a bull run why is Gold at still near record highs becase the smart people know that the Federal Reserve System is pumping up the markets by buying American Bonds and T bills Treasury Bills.  Money market investments backed by the U.S. government. Learn more about treasury bills at HowStuffWorks.

Gold Bullion 1,594.00 1,618.00 Upward change 14.10

Even Former US Treasury Official – US Financial System set to Collapse Dr. Paul Craig Roberts – Economist, Co-Founder of Reaganomics & Acclaimed Author Former US Treasury Official  Dr. Paul Craig Roberts  – US Financial System To Collapse

This conspiracy by a group of international elites controls and manipulates governments, industry, and media organizations worldwide. The primary tool they use to dominate nations is the system of central banking. They have a grip on the world economy, deliberately causing inflation and depressions at will. Operatives working for the New World Order placed in high positions in government and industry. The people behind the New World Order are international bankers, in particular the owners of the private banks in the Federal Reserve System and other central banks, and members of the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Group.[1] The New World Order  controls Multinational and global organizations such as the European Union, United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the proposed North American Union. The term gained popularity following its use in the early 1990s by President George H. W. Bush when he referred to his “dream of a New World Order” in his speech to the United States Congress on September 11, 1990.

this section copied from

Four Truths About the U.S. Economy All Investors Should Know

March 18, 2013 in Economics


By for Profit Confidential

Four Truths About the U.S. Economy

Truth #1: At the beginning of 2008, there were 28.22 million people in the U.S. economy on food stamps. Fast-forward to 2012, and the number has increased to 46.60 million—an increase of more than 65%. (Source: United States Department of Agriculture, March 8, 2013.) The number of Americans now on food stamps represents almost 15% of the entire population in the U.S. economy right now.

Truth #2: The poverty rate in the U.S. economy also increased in the aftermath of the worst economic condition since the Great Depression. In 2007, the official U.S. poverty rate was 12.5%. By 2011, this rate increased to 15%. We have experienced a 20% flight in the number of Americans living in poverty. (Source: “Poverty and the Great Recession,” The Russell Sage Foundation and The Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality, Stanford University website, October 2012, last accessed March 18, 2013.) As it stands today, about one in every seven Americans is technically poor.

Truth #3: Similarly, job prospects for Americans have declined since the beginning of the financial crisis. In January of 2008, there were 4.2 million job openings in the U.S. economy. As the U.S. Department of Labor reports, in January 2013, there were 3.6 million job openings. (Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis web site, last accessed March 15, 2013.) There are 12 million unemployed individuals in the U.S. economy, with a significant number being jobless for more than six months.

As the U.S. economy faces severe headwinds because of the financial crisis, cities across the U.S. are suffering as well. According to the 2012 census, one in every three counties in the U.S. economy is “dying off” due to weakening economic conditions and an aging population. (Source: Huffington Post, March 15, 2013.)

Truth #4: We have a long way to go before we see any real improvement in the U.S. economy. The only thing that has improved since the financial crisis is the stock market, courtesy of cheap interest rates and extensive paper money printing. Don’t get lured into believing that a rising stock market means economic growth. The stock market and the U.S. economy are moving in opposite directions. Many public companies listed on the key stock indices are already warning investors about troubles ahead, profitability issues.

Sure, the old adage is, “Don’t fight the Fed.” But the stock market utopia can only go on for so long before “regression to the mean” becomes a reality again.

Michael’s Personal Notes:

Looking at the long-term chart of gold bullion and the U.S. dollar, there is an interesting technical chart pattern developing that may help us predict the next move in the greenback and the yellow metal.

In the chart below, the red line represents the U.S. dollar index and the golden line represents gold bullion prices.

$USD US Dollar Index cash settle stock chart

Chart courtesy of

Both the U.S. dollar and gold bullion are going through the formation of the technical chart pattern called the “symmetrical triangle.” This pattern occurs during a trend and is often the result of a consolidation in prices. The majority of instances when the symmetrical triangle pattern emerges eventually result in a continuation of the prior trend.

If you observe closely, the trading ranges in the dollar and gold bullion have been getting smaller since the beginning of 2011. While keeping with their respective trends, they appear to be consolidating. The U.S. dollar has declined, compared to other major currencies. Meanwhile, gold bullion prices have been trending higher—from below $300.00 an ounce to close to $1,600 an ounce.

As I have been harping on about in these pages, the demand for gold bullion is robust, to say the very least. Central banks are rushing toward gold, seeking safety—they have turned into net buyers of the yellow shiny metal. In the last quarter of 2012, they bought the most gold in almost 50 years.

In contrast, by buying gold bullion, central banks may be losing trust in the U.S. dollar. According to a report by the World Gold Council (WGC), in 2000, central banks held 62% of their assets (or reserves) in U.S. dollars. By 2012, that percentage of U.S. dollar holdings decreased to 54% of the reserves. (Source: Market Watch, March 13, 2013.)

It isn’t a hidden fact anymore: the Federal Reserve has been increasing the money supply, as its balance sheet has grown to more than $3.0 trillion and its paper money printing program continues at a rate of $85.0 billion a month. The more paper money the Fed prints, the more vulnerable the greenback becomes.

Time will be the better judge of where the greenback and gold bullion end up, but from the looks of the chart above, the U.S. dollar appears bearish and gold bullion’s future seems bright.

(Want to know what gold stocks are the best buy right now? In our just-released special report, Lombardi’s Second Quarter 2013 Gold Forecast Report, you’ll find our analysis of the U.S. money supply and its implications for gold; current gold supply and demand; central bank activity in the gold market; our specific price projections for gold bullion; our top-five senior gold stock picks; and our top-five junior gold stock picks, all complete with charts. Click here for ordering info.)

What He Said:

“Prepare for the worst economic period ahead that we have seen in years, my dear reader, as that is what I see coming. I’ve written over the past three years how, in the late 1920s, real estate prices fell first before the stock market and how I felt the same would happen this time. Home prices in the U.S. peaked in 2005 and started falling in 2006. The stock market is following suit here in 2008. Is a depression coming? No. How about a severe deflationary recession? Yes!” Michael Lombardi in Profit Confidential, January 21, 2008. Michael started talking about and predicting the economic catastrophe we began experiencing in 2008, long before anyone else.

Salvation is from the Jews…and maybe damnation too…

To: Roy Schoeman
Author of Salvation Is from the Jews

My dear Mr. Schoeman,

I am veraciously enjoying your book Salvation Is from the Jews. As happens so often with my Jewish brothers, I find myself so on the same wavelength with your edgy wordsmithing and even sometimes your risqué investigative style that I have to call the experience “spiritually immersive”! Not least owing to our common affinity for sound mysticism and according skepticism of so-called “Churchianity,” Augustino-Calvinist Puritanism and scholasto-Jesuitical sophism, just some of the anacondas strangling Western Christianity in too many quarters. Your Old-New Testament insight about the eldest sons and analogously Israel missing the blessing I find particularly insightful and cannot restrain myself from asking, Is it not at the very least postulable that this principle can apply today to the Roman “See of Peter”? (Some would argue that the Fourth Ecumenical Council at Chalcedon thinks the answer is positively yes.)

On the flip-side, my relish of what you say understandably served to augment my distaste for crucial truths you omit and thereby falsehoods you imply. I am willing to overlook the almost total eclipse of post-biblical Middle Eastern history—your Ashkenazim, your Antiochian Orthodox Christians, your Khazaria, and then in the West your Sephardim and your Rothschilds with their fractional reserve banking cartel with its death-grip on the so-called Renaissance plus “modern times”! I am no Anti-Semite/racist, no Holocaust denier/revisionist and I am fully satisfied that the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is a forgery and that Council of Jamnia never necessarily went down as theorists describe it, and you basically do justice to the wrongness of Mesoretic and other such renderings as well, the contemporary prevalence of depraved esotericism among the astral/noetic rulers (“ascended masters”) of this present darkness and the patent inner workings of occult brotherhoods that masquerade as “charitable fraternities.” (Yet why you abstain from fingering “Catholic” occult equestrian orders and the Jesuits I can’t explain to my satisfaction.) Nay indeed, more than just not being a racist, I consider racial theory a sad and quintessentially unmanly cop-out in the case of Hitler (part-Jewish and one-time art aspirant in a [then as now] Jew-dominated arts community) and all his ilk! No truly spiritual or godly undertaking orders, countenances or even contemplates violence, malice or certainly any evil. But I am a “truther” first and last, all unanswered questions remain for me on the table, and there are questions that loom especially large for serious historical researchers that you leave conspicuously unmentioned.

I am here going to assume that you at any rate regard the “gentile” or ”goy” as at least nominally human, so I won’t even go into the fact that Communism killed between 85 and 100 million and counting to Nazism’s 11 million. Except to ask: At a conservative (but not neoconservative) estimate, how many Jews do you think Communism killed? (I am morally certain that Communism has killed more Jews—leave alone many times more humans!—than Nazism.) And even the suckling babe knows with the crispest clarity that Communism, which is more conspiracy than revolution, was a Jewish aristocrat’s brainchild (or rather Rothschild). We also certainly won’t mention Saul Alinsky, the modern Karl Marx, who holds as his ideological (noetic?) marionettes all our nation’s top leaders. Your otherwise wondrous exposé fails to edify inasmuch as it does not excavate the modern underpinnings of Communism and global banking.

No, we’d best leave that golden calf alone, but what I do want to address, for example, is your failure to name “Nazim,” Zionists and other nationalist types (be they sluggish in the head or thuggish in the heart) who have sharply influenced contemporary U.S. American culture and policy like Werner von Braun, Walt Disney, Ayn Rand and yea G. K. Chesterton.

Most disturbingly of all, while you do mention Hitler’s willingness to spare Jews for export, you fail to mention that, as even Wikipedia admits, “Palestine was the only location to which any Nazi relocation plan succeeded in producing significant results, by means of an agreement begun in 1933 between the Zionist Federation of Germany (die Zionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland) and the Nazi government, the Haavara Agreement” (ostensibly quoted from Dr. Anwar El-Shahawy’s book Allah and Space). In other words, the élite in all quarters do not adhere to the same ideological lines of division they feed the masses. I contend that Nazism, in its inner circles, is not about race and is about the same thinking that set Madame Blavatsky apart, who (until exposed as a charlatan) was more accepted by spiritualists than bloodline-obsessed Masons. It would be hard to overstate her direct influence on Hitler. And in conclusion, it is nearly impossible to exaggerate the extent to which we have been lied to concerning the relationship among socialisms, and particularly between Nazism and Zionsim.

I think your use of the “yeast in the dough” imagery is the reverse of Jesus’ and hence is theologically the most questionable thing in the book thus far, and I stop just short of calling it impious and a total sell-out of the Faith. Jesus was patently not describing the Jewish Race or Religion as the “yeast in the dough” (or salt of the earth or light of the world) but rather his followers as the yeast in the dough that is each nation, Jewish or “Goyish.” The Church is the New Israel. That is the focal point of all Christians. The Jews are become a footnote, albeit a fascinating footnote, and a mysterious tool in prophetic literature in which nothing is clear much less nationalistically applicable. But let’s stop beating around the bush: the Judaizer heresy is just that, a filthy, base and demonic heresy. If emphasizing the Jewish Law is a slap in the face to Christ, how much more emphasizing the Jewish bloodlines!

I take exception, however, to any condemnation of the preservation of Jewish culture within Christian communities. I want to retain my (majority) Irish heritage and saints in how I worship because it makes me the more fully part of the whole Church. I’m told that some “Russian” Orthodox Christians, being of Jewish descent, were let back into Israel and, subsequently, there are Jerusalem parishes that celebrate the Divine Liturgy in Hebrew. I rejoice for them. And yes, they have a special perspective on Jesus being of His same household, and I rejoice with them. I love every chance I get chewing the fat with Jews, however secular, Orthodox or even Hasidic. I love hanging out with Catholics and Protestants. I even sometimes can stand Hindus and even (maybe) Buddhists. Wiccans? Druids? Why not. Mormons? JWs? Seventh Day Adventists? Sure, though obviously we’re bordering on the contrived and probably artificially preserved. Scientology obviously is downright dark, but their members are equally people. And I believe I am a missionary to everyone and everyone is a missionary to me.

Though I am the staunchest localist you’re ever likely to meet, I can never. Ever. Ever condone nationalism, because it is mass-insanity. I’ve heard a lot of people go on and on about a lot of things. I know an insecure, vacuous rant from a true scholarly thesis (however well calculated the former’s buzzwords to play on the contrived sympathies of my nation’s telehypnotized positivist sanctimonious funk). Every culture that’s old (read decadent) enough never shuts the heck up about some haplessly worldly claim (again, better suited to theater than academia) to being “the most special” or to having bestowed upon the undeserving unwashed and unappreciative “leftovers of genésis” their most vital (sometimes even implying spiritual) flair—and the ones who brag the most tend to offer the least substantive value—so by and large my Jewish (and, God Almighty help us all, “Christian”) Zionist-leaning brethren should get real and get in line because the sun doesn’t rise and set on their hex* deity, certainly no less evil than any swastika or moon, which like the “Nazim,” they flamboyantly procure to cast, and are indeed casting, upon the whole earth.

I say, A hex on our accursed ignorance.

A final question: What if anything did the honest, common “Goys” and Jews (Christian and otherwise) of the earth—especially of the United States—ever do to deserve the endless shower of pseudogodliness that is modern Hebrew Nationalism?

I get that you’re a bit shy—a neurosis you’ve perhaps mistaken for contemplation, toward which your personality, once informed by the truth, could yet lend itself—as well as unconvinced—your at times mumbled reading of your own writing betrays it—but try to hear this: even despite your occasionally poor dynamics a lot of people hang on your words. My father does. Even as I embrace you as a brother, I, with my whole being, request a clarification, at your leisure, of the loose ends I’ve listed above. I ask you to consider writing a sequel if not errata.

Most sincerely,

* Even Wikipedia admits the hexagram has not been in circulation among the Israelites for a day over 2,400 years if that. Not even Solomon in his wildest apostasy used it, much less Great King David. Another disgrace, another lie to the Babel-high pile. As for me, I want no part in Israel’s self-inflicted curses.

Will The Real Knights Templar Please Stand Up

Gonfanon2 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Order/Knights of Malta
Knights Templar
Papal Knights
Knights of Columbus
Knights of the Holy Sepulchre
Swiss Guard
Legion of Christ
Opus Dei


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All about the Repentance of African President Museveni of Uganda.

President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda meets with...
President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda meets with President Ronald Reagan at the White House, October 1987. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We at stand with and support this move to restore Uganda in the Spirit of Christ.   God says in the Bible that if we confess our sins and repent that he is able to forgive us he also says that he can heal the Land and Nation.  I only hope that the people of the world keep an eye on Uganda and see how good and great the promises of the one and only Holy God really are and follow this path.

” If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 King James Version (KJV)

The President addressed the nation and uttered these words:

“I stand here today to close the evil past, and especially in the last 50 years of our national leadership history and at the threshold of a new dispensation in the life of this nation. I stand here on my own behalf and on behalf of my predecessors to repent. We ask for your forgiveness.”

“We confess these sins, which have greatly hampered our national cohesion and delayed our political, social and economic transformation. We confess sins of idolatry and witchcraft which are rampant in our land. We confess sins of shedding innocent blood, sins of political hypocrisy, dishonesty, intrigue and betrayal.”

Forgive us of sins of pride, tribalism and sectarianism; sins of laziness, indifference and irresponsibility; sins of corruption and bribery that have eroded our national resources; sins of sexual immorality, drunkenness and debauchery; sins of unforgiveness, bitterness, hatred and revenge; sins of injustice, oppression and exploitation; sins of rebellion, insubordination, strife and conflict.”

“We want to dedicate this nation to you so that you will be our God and guide. We want XXXXXX to be known as a nation that fears God and as a nation whose foundations are firmly rooted in righteousness and justice to fulfill what the Bible says in Psalm 33:12: Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. A people you have chosen as your own.”

If these words had been spoken by OUR president, it would be a great day indeed, but alas, they weren’t.  They were spoken by a real Christian President known as Yoweri Museveni of Uganda.  He spoke those words at the National Jubilee Prayers event held to celebrate the nation’s 50th anniversary of their independence from British rule.

The first step to a nation’s restoration is for the leadership to confess and repent of the nation’s sin along with those of the leadership.  Hezekiah repented of his sins and those of the nation.  God cured him of his illness and blessed the nation, until his Manasseh took the throne and did evil in the sight of the Lord.

If America wants to receive the blessings of God that we once had, it has to start with the President.  Barack Obama, who claims to be a Christian, needs to follow the lead of Museveni of Uganda.  He needs to genuinely confess the sins of the nation and himself, then truly repent of those sins and ask God and the people for forgiveness.  Then and only then, will God bless our land.  Until that happens, America is destined to suffer the same fate that Israel did under leaders like Omri and Ahab.

Read more:

All about how Sheriff Stan Lenic will be remembered in history as a Hero who stood for Freedom, Liberty and Justice!

I am supposed to protect the Constitution,” says Sheriff Lenic

Paul Joseph Watson – November 29, 2012

Sheriff Stan Lenic, the cop who stood up for the First Amendment by refusing to impede the free speech rights of activists at Albany International Airport, has become an Internet icon, with messages of support flooding in to the Albany County Sheriff’s Office and Lenic being honored with a commendation.

Full Video Here:

A video that has now gone viral on You Tube shows Lenic refusing to follow the demands of Albany Airport’s PR director Doug Myers in having activists Jason Bermas and Ashley Jessica identified, detained or removed for handing out flyers warning travelers about the dangers of airport body scanners as part of the Opt Out and Film campaign.

“Obviously this is your constitutional right, OK? As far as you’re concerned, you’re not breaking any laws. That’s what we want to get across to you guys,” Lenic told the activists, dismissing efforts by Myers to have the two kicked out of the airport.

When Myers attempted to have the activists identify themselves, winking at Sheriff Lenic as he demanded Lenic take their IDs, Lenic fired back, stating, “If I was to ask for his identification he does not have to give it to me because he’s not doing anything wrong.”

The Albany County Sheriff’s Office has since been bombarded with hundreds of positive emails and calls from liberty lovers championing Sheriff Lenic for his fine work in defending the First Amendment against petty enforcers like Doug Myers.

Comments on YouTube were also overwhelmingly supportive of Sheriff Lenic.

“Finally a cop that does his job properly. Makes a change from all of the bad cop films we’ve seen lately. Hats off to the man,” wrote one.

“This Sheriff is an absolute paragon for justice,” added another.

Lenic already has his own Facebook page where people are reposting the video and urging Lenic to run for Mayor.

“That’s a little overwhelming. I mean, I was doing my job I felt I was doing the right thing protecting people’s First Amendment rights,” Lenic told NewsChannel 13.

Lenic later emailed Jason Bermas the following message;

“I am overwhelmed by the support your viewers have given me. I hope other fellow officers will see this and not view the freedom of speech as a threat, but an opportunity to show the professionalism that law enforcement should be held to. I remember the day I was sworn in, and I remember that I am supposed to protect the constitution of the United States. I am proud to be a Deputy Sheriff, and try to do my job to the best of my ability so help me God.”

Lenic also told Bermas that his superiors were considering giving him an official commendation for his exemplary actions in defending the constitutional rights he swore to uphold.

Watch the full video of how Sheriff Lenic handled the opt out campaign event below.

‘First Amendment Cop’ Becomes Internet Icon“I am supposed to protect the Constitution,” says Sheriff


Paul Joseph Watson – November 29, 2012

Sheriff Stan Lenic, the cop who stood up for the First Amendment by refusing to impede the free speech rights of activists at Albany International Airport, has become an Internet icon, with messages of support flooding in to the Albany County Sheriff’s Office and Lenic being honored with a commendation.

Full Video Here:

A video that has now gone viral on You Tube shows Lenic refusing to follow the demands of Albany Airport’s PR director Doug Myers in having activists Jason Bermas and Ashley Jessica identified, detained or removed for handing out flyers warning travelers about the dangers of airport body scanners as part of the Opt Out and Film campaign.

“Obviously this is your constitutional right, OK? As far as you’re concerned, you’re not breaking any laws. That’s what we want to get across to you guys,” Lenic told the activists, dismissing efforts by Myers to have the two kicked out of the airport.

When Myers attempted to have the activists identify themselves, winking at Sheriff Lenic as he demanded Lenic take their IDs, Lenic fired back, stating, “If I was to ask for his identification he does not have to give it to me because he’s not doing anything wrong.”

The Albany County Sheriff’s Office has since been bombarded with hundreds of positive emails and calls from liberty lovers championing Sheriff Lenic for his fine work in defending the First Amendment against petty enforcers like Doug Myers.

Comments on YouTube were also overwhelmingly supportive of Sheriff Lenic.

“Finally a cop that does his job properly. Makes a change from all of the bad cop films we’ve seen lately. Hats off to the man,” wrote one.

“This Sheriff is an absolute paragon for justice,” added another.

Lenic already has his own Facebook page where people are reposting the video and urging Lenic to run for Mayor.

“That’s a little overwhelming. I mean, I was doing my job I felt I was doing the right thing protecting people’s First Amendment rights,” Lenic told NewsChannel 13.

Lenic later emailed Jason Bermas the following message;

“I am overwhelmed by the support your viewers have given me. I hope other fellow officers will see this and not view the freedom of speech as a threat, but an opportunity to show the professionalism that law enforcement should be held to. I remember the day I was sworn in, and I remember that I am supposed to protect the constitution of the United States. I am proud to be a Deputy Sheriff, and try to do my job to the best of my ability so help me God.”

Lenic also told Bermas that his superiors were considering giving him an official commendation for his exemplary actions in defending the constitutional rights he swore to uphold.

Watch the full video of how Sheriff Lenic handled the opt out campaign event below.

FBI Arrested and Convicted 52 DEMOCRATS of Voter Fraud

52 DEMOCRATS Arrested and/or Convicted of Voter Fraud so far and Race or the N.A.A.C.P. Wasn’t an Issue

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (16 votes, average:4.63 out of 5)


Proof that voter ID is needed to keep our elections legitimate and fair.  Our elected leaders should be elected fairly by the people and not by the minority voting in names that are not theirs.

This is how the democratic party stays in power and why they do not listen to the people when they are in power because they know they are guaranteed to win no matter how they perform their duties.  God help this country!

8 Arrested for Absentee Voter Fraud in Madison County, Florida

Democrats ~ Jada Woods Williams and Abra Hill Johnson

I am not sure how I missed this one, but here is one to add to the growing list of individuals arrested for actual voter fraud- meaning they voted more than once in an given election.

The NAACP is up in arms over the arrests saying the FBI is some how suppressing minority voters by arresting and charging minorities for actually illegally voting.

7 Democrats Arrested in New York for actual Voter Fraud via Absentee Ballots

Democrats arrested, charged and 4 plead guilty to actual voter fraud in New York via absentee ballots!

12 Democrats have been Charged in Georgia for Absentee Ballot Voter Fraud

NAACP Executive Sentence to 10 Years in Prison for Voting for Obama 10 Times in 2008

While NAACP President Benjamin Jealous lashed out at new state laws requiring photo ID for voting, an NAACP executive sits in prison, sentenced for carrying out a massive voter fraud scheme.

In April 2011, a Tunica County, Miss., jury convicted NAACP official Lessadolla Sowers on 10 counts of fraudulently casting absentee ballots.

4 Wake County, North Carolina Democrats have Admitted to Voting for Obama TWICE Each in 2008

Daytona Beach City Democrat Commissioner and his Campaign Manager arrested for Absentee Ballot Voter Fraud

Derrick Henry Genesis Robinson

see complete story

thank you Scott


US Government and Stanley Inc behind Muslim Video that lead to the murder of a US Ambassador and caused widespread rioting throughout the world.

Once again the Public intelligence analysts have broken wide open the False Flag operation that took place around the world on 09/11/2012 Blamed on a Youtube “Film” Christopher Stevens was ((Not)) killed because of the Innocence of Muslim Movie.  It turns out that  CGI and Stanley Incorporated AKA “NPN” NewsPoliticsNow3 who the US Government uses as a contractors for Advanced engineeringBusiness process managementCommunicationsEnterprise integrationFederal cybersecurityOperational logisticsSystems engineering, and Training put out a altered Version of the original Youtube Movie that the Government says lead to the murder of a US Ambassador and caused widespread rioting throughout the world.  The “Original Video” called The Real Life Of Mohammad posted on July 1st 2012 on Sam Bacile’s YT Channel.

Stanley, now a wholly-owned subsidiary of CGI Federal Inc., provides services to the U.S. federal civilian, defense and intelligence agencies. The combined portfolio of services and solutions enable us to serve as a full-service provider for U.S. federal clients’ mission-essential needs at every stage of program, product and business lifecycle.

CGI’s acquisition of Stanley is part of a plan to profitably double the company’s in three to five years through a combination of acquisitions and organic growth. As a result of this acquisition, CGI joins the ranks of U.S. federal IT contractors with more than                    $1 billion in revenue.



“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustionWe shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.” Albert Pike
September 20, 2012

A popular Youtuber offers his opinion on the Muslim false flag video that supposedly lead to the murder of a US Ambassador and caused widespread rioting throughout the world.

All evidence points to the fact that the release of this movie was absolutely a false flag designed to cause chaos and further divide the populace.

From Youtube Video Description:

UPDATE: Glen Beck reported that the Embassy staff were communicating via a gaming forum!

Go to “DarthF3TT” channel on YT and will notice that out of 11 videos, NINE of them are [Gaming Videos] ONE is the Innocence of Muslims and TWO are about the Embassy Killings.

Here is the link!!!

UPDATE: Look who created this now deleted page. This url was captured via a Google Cache trying to sell the Christopher Stevens was killed because of the Innocence of Muslim “Film”, look who posted it!

“NPN” NewsPoliticsNow3…

Please follow the links in the order in which listed and come to your own conclusions!

The “Original Video” called The Real Life Of Mohammad posted on July 1st 2012 on Sam Bacile’s YT Channel

Movie name changed to “Innocence of Muslims” posted on September 11 2012 by Youtube user NewsPoliticsNow3

Youtube page NewsPoliticsNow sporting a [TM] Trademark to the right of their name

Youtube page NewsPoliticsLeaks appears to be associated with NewsPoliticsNow notice the trademark listed to the right

Trademark search results for NewsPoliticsNow…

Trademark results for NewsPoliticsLeaks…

Image search for NPN…

Image search for NPL…

Results for Stanley Inc,_Inc.

It has been brought to my attention that Youtube has shielded everyone’s age within the past 24 hours.

Again, I wanted to thank “TheAntiPC” for your original video pointing out the facts on how the Muslim Movie was posted months ago, for it is your video, that made me really look into this situation!

Get Prepared Doomsday is just around the corner.


Prepare for a financial Doomsday

Copied and starred from

Guest Post by Andy from Financial Gooru

Prepare for a financial Doomsday

Many of us are preparing for the end of times; because as we all know it it is a matter of when not if. While many of us out there are preparing for the complete collapse of the world as we know it not many of us are preparing for a Financial Doomsday which will probably happen sooner than nature going haywire on us. So how exactly do we prepare for a financial Doomsday/ Economic collapse.  Through intensive research I have found way that I think will help anyone survive and Economic/ Financial Doomsday.

Save Money
This one is a bit of a obvious one but I have to put it out there. A shockingly high number of American families are operating without any kind of financial cushion whatsoever.
-According to a Harris Interactive survey taken in 2010, 77 percent of all Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.
-According to one recent survey, one out of every three Americans would not be able to make a mortgage or rent payment next month if they suddenly lost their current job.
This is one reason why so many Americans have lost their homes and why so many Americans have fallen below the poverty level in recent years.  They simply had no cushion.
Last year, 2.6 million more Americans dropped into poverty.  That was the largest increase that we have seen since the U.S. government began keeping statistics on this back in 1959.
Don’t let this happen to you.  At a minimum, everyone out there should have a cushion that will cover at least 6 months worth of expenses.  Preferably, you should have a cushion that will last you at least a year or longer. I know that sounds like a lot but trust me you will love having this around in case something does happen to you and your family.
The easiest way I found to do this is I used to buy a cup of coffee from Quick Trip every morning, it would cost me with tax 2.02 (it was their medium size I think if I remember correctly.). Then one day I really got to thinking how much could I save if I stopped drinking coffee well at least buying it from QT every morning. So I did simple math 2.02×7 is $14.14 a week or $56.56 a month about $678.72 a year! And that was just a cup of coffee I of course cut out eating out, junk food for the most part and I am now saving well over $200 a month and putting all of that into savings. That is just one example of how I did it. I am sure there are many ways out there of saving money I have probably not even thought up of yet and I am talking about small things not drastic. Not to mention the cut of junk food has made me happier and healthier.
 Now I want to be clear with this. This is not your typical investment that I am about to talk about. But rather one more suited towards the fall of an economy and essentially the dollar. The most obvious investment you can make is to buy gold and silver. I think every person in this country is doing that at this point. While that will hold value and its all and good, you can not eat gold and silver. At one point people will want food rather than gold. So a gold and silver investment while good should not be the only investment.
Once the economy fails and everyone is running around trying to figure out what to do and items and resources become scares, everything will start becoming more localized and we will probably move back to a barter system. With that said it will be good to prepare for a barter type of system just in case it ends of that way and even if it doesn’t it will not harm you in any way. Here is what I think you will need in a barter type of system.
1. Water, The single most important item any one person can have. Drinkable water is important to life. While I would stock up a lot on this you can also invest in rain catching gear, water purifying system and other things to make undrinkable water drinkable.
2. Salt, stock up on this and start now. This one little thing that people take for granted everyday will be essential to your survival and a good thing to have in a barter system. Salt is one of the most important thing a person can have in their stock pile period. It is essential for the human body, it makes food yummy, and it can preserve food as well.
3. Spices, you think they are expensive now wait until the economy fails and governments go bankrupt and so do major companies. This one comity that people take for granted will be super rare and expensive. However, most spices and herbs can be grown almost anywhere with a little bit of knowledge.  A good website I found about some spices you can grow are  and these are two very good sites to get you started.
4. Live stock, food is one of those thing you have to have. While you can hunt if you do not have live stock which is a good way to get meat and other foods live stock is more beneficial. It is there when you need it you don’t have to go out and find it hopefully, you can trade it for other animals goods or services, and depending on the animal it will have many uses.
5. Other currency, while it is good to have food water etc it is also a good idea to have some form of other currency available in case you can some how assuming things are not that bad go to another country or that their currency is not completely useless. This is something I would keep around, because I do not like to assume anything like all currency will be useless and you will be trapped in this country. You just never know what life will throw at you and where you might find yourself. Therefore, I think that having some other currency like Euros, Yen, and the Australian dollar to name a few might be useful.
6. Land, I believe that land is one of those things that over time will increase in value even more so than gold. Because scientist have found a way to make artificial gold believe it or not, but they have yet to find a way without lasing our water supply it will grow in value tremendously. Not to mention land is very useful to have because you can grow food on it have life stock and the uses for land are almost limitless. Not to mention if the land has  a natural aquifer.
Like I said not your normal investment portfolio. I could spend so much more time on this but these are the 6 things I think will help you if an economy collapses.
Pay off any debt
Now this one may be a bit tricky to do since many people are having trouble meeting ends meet. But by all means try to pay off any and all debts you may have. I am going to take a guess that banks will want money owed to them if the economy starts failing to keep themselves afloat. Just because the economy fails doesn’t mean our money will be worthless. The great depression is a perfect example of that. Money was not all that worthless still had value just not as much as it does now.  This one again may be hard but I know from personal experience but it has to be done. Many things can happen if the American economy can fail don’t be caught off guard pay off any dept you may have.  I will have a completely separate blog post about this coming up soon. As I have said I was in that boat I have searched for solutions and I have found it through trial and error. I have given the advice to my friends and it worked great for them. So I will dedicate a whole blog post just to that.
Learn a Skill
Learning a skill is good even if the economy is still going strong. But a  carpenter, welder, handyman can be worth their own weight in gold. Knowing how to build and work with your hands will be skills that if the economy goes you can use to barter with. It can be almost any skill just learn one or a trade and master it. I would say master one than have 1000 that you barely know what you are doing.
These are some of things I would recommend. There is so much when it comes to this that I could make this blog post endless, yet I do have to end it at some point. Just remember what can go wrong will go wrong. Do not assume anything prepare for everything. It cant hurt to be ready it can only hurt not to be ready. As we have seen time and time again it is a matter of when not if. If you have any ideas or comments please feel free to post them and let me know how I did or if I missed something important.


The Beginning Of The End for Republican Party The RNC “Scripted” Rules Change

Tea Party supporters
Tea Party supporters (Photo credit: Gage Skidmore)

If you are a Patriotic American like me you should be Mad as Hell!  Yes I can say I am Mad about the direction this country is headed, Dept, Wars, Lies, Violence in the street and on Top of that, we have evidence that the outcome of the vote at the RNC Rule Change was clearly scripted so that Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner could read right off the  TelePrompter the results of the fake Vote!  Remember what Joe Stalin had to say about voting: ‘It doesn’t matter who votes, it matters who counts the votes.’  It look like the Republican Party leader is looking more like Joe Stalin than George Washington!

 We can clearly see this is the Beginning of the End of the Republican Party!  The time has come for the true conservative grassroots Tea Party Patriots to build a New Party.  The Anti New World Order Party is the true American Independence Party of the future.  We must restore the American way of life, liberty and  pursuit of Happiness.  Join us pick up your campaigning with a true American Patriotic Political Party the Anti New World Order Party Join the Revolution 1776 Never Ended the fight for freedom has only just begun!

  “In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.”
Mark Twain

Official portrait of United States House Speak...
Official portrait of United States House Speaker (R-Ohio). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Republican Party (United States)
Republican Party (United States) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Ben Swann Reality Check takes a look at how the most controversial rule change in party history was not legitimately passed.


Reality Check: RNC Rule Change Starting A Republican Civil War?

Posted: Aug 30, 2012 6:49 PM Updated: Aug 30, 2012 6:49 PM

By Ben Swann

(FOX19) – Mitt Romney accepts the Republican nomination tonight. While that should be the highlight of the convention, it is quickly being overshadowed by the shocking steps taken by Republican leadership.

We told you earlier this week about rule changes that would strip Republican grassroots from having a say in the future.

Tonight, evidence that the outcome of the vote on those rules was scripted and Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner may have played right along.

Is a civil war now breaking out in the Republican party?

Tonight, a Reality Check you won’t see anywhere else.

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