How to make the US Post Office prosperous and relevant in the 21 century using the One-Time Pad algorithm!

Every Tuesday I meet with a group of Patriots from the Illumination Society at the Liberty Restaurant in Rochester NY to do a round table radio broadcast discussing topics about Geo politics, religion, Currant events and anything that has to do with Truth Liberty and Justice for all.  We not only talk about problems but as a group we also work on finding solutions to the world problems.  every week we have some of the brightest minds join us at the round table live Broadcast.

The Illumination Society  presents a FREE Movie Night every month showing films that we feel are important for the time in which we live. Films that dig deep into subjects like – The World History – UFO – The New World Order – Spirituality – Prophecy – Science – What’s Happening To Our Food – Agenda 21 – Vaccines and many other subjects.

Our Free Movie Night has been well received by people from all walks of life. People concerned with the things happening in our world today. People that want to know what is happening all around us and what we can do to stand against those that wish to rob us of our freedoms and our God-given rights. Come out and learn about subjects you may or may not be aware of. We hope that our Movie Nights, and our following Q&A time will shed some light on these subjects, and help you to see America’s role in past, present and future history.

We will be presenting the following films on the following dates:
– See more at:

You can also join us in our round table discussion and suggest topics you would like us to discus.

Anti New World Order Party ☼ Global Group

Now to the main point of this blog post today,  We will also have a follow-up to this post.

Original posted on


Communication Privacy
James Adrian


      Many individuals, businesses and other organizations have a legitimate and lawful need to keep some of their information confidential or even absolutely secret from competitors, the press and others. Because email has become vital to timely communication and because email is not secure, encryption is often necessary.

      New employees of large companies are often encouraged to live near the company’s offices. In this kind of setting, privacy for technical and marketing information is convenient. Small organizations such as law offices, medical clinics, Internet businesses, and many others may not find the expertise they need in their local area. These small organizations, of which there are many, need secure communication to avoid the cost of face-to-face meetings. Lacking the funds for routine flights between cities, these organizations are very dependent on the electronic communication of data and ideas. Private medical information, schematic drawings, program source code, marketing plans, and innumerable other types of documents are involved. In such circumstances, strong encryption is needed.

      In many countries, the post office has the legal authority and obligation to enforce privacy for the postal mail. If these postal services were to offer secure email for a reasonable price, small companies would not be at such a disadvantage relative to larger companies.

      Established by the U. S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 7, the United States Postal Service is authorized “To establish post offices and post roads. It also has a long history of adding services as needed, such as commemorative stamps, rural delivery, airmail, one-day delivery, zip codes, self-adhesive stamps, public Internet site, “Forever” stamps, and an iPhone app. Secure communication would add to its revenue (which would help ameliorate its recent shortfalls) and set a good example.

Technical Matters

      To create a secure message, the encryption algorithm must used secret information that cannot be discovered by unauthorized parties. If the encryption relies only on complexity or computational difficulty without involving secret information, the intended message can be discovered by third parties. To third parties, some aspect of the transmission must be unknowable.

      Within encryption technology, the embodiment of information unknowable to third parties often takes the form of secret random numbers. These random numbers are used to encrypt messages in such a way as to make decryption of a message impossible without access to those same random numbers.

      Many have said that what one person can encrypt, another can decrypt. This is a myth. TheOne-Time Pad algorithm was proved to be absolutely secure in the writings of Claude Shannon. See “Claude Elwood Shannon – Collected Papers” edited by N. J. A. Sloane and Aaron D. Wyner. In addition to being immune from hacking, this algorithm becomes more convenient as memory devices increase their capacity.

      Claude Shannon proved that any absolutely secure encryption algorithm must posses these characteristics:

      1. The encryption keys must be random numbers of uniform distribution.

      2. The keys must be shared in absolute secrecy by the sender and receiver.

      3. Any key encrypting a message must be as at least as long as that message.

      4. Any key used to encrypt a message must not be reused.

      The one-time pad is a famous encryption algorithm having all of these characteristics. By using a random key comprised of random numbers to encrypt a message (the plain text) with the XOR logical operation, the transmitted result (the ciphertext) is rendered as random as the key. The collection of secret keys is called the pad. Keys are of the same length as that of the messages they encrypt. They are erased immediately after their use. The result is that the actual message is as likely as any other message from the point of view of those attempting to decrypt the message without knowing the secret random numbers.

      Optionally, encrypted messages can be made to appear to be ordinary messages of a different type, such as pictures or sound files or text messages that contain information that is very different form that in the plain text. This process is called Steganography.


      The most important service facilitating secure communication is the shipping of media containing random numbers. The production of truly random numbers for algorithms that encrypt messages by means of random keys is the part of the process most challenging and inconvenient for the customer. The principle service of USPS would be to place random numbers on appropriate media and ship copies to addresses designated by the customer. One shipment might serve the customer for only a few messages or for years worth of messages, depending on the number of random numbers shipped.

      Options may include picking up shipments from the local post office, receiving them in the mailbox, or receiving them at the recipient’s door (possibly by special delivery or with a return receipt).


      Measures which distinguish legitimate from nefarious use of encryption services need not be publicly discussed.


      Please feel free to make suggestions by writing to

All about how Sheriff Stan Lenic will be remembered in history as a Hero who stood for Freedom, Liberty and Justice!

I am supposed to protect the Constitution,” says Sheriff Lenic

Paul Joseph Watson – November 29, 2012

Sheriff Stan Lenic, the cop who stood up for the First Amendment by refusing to impede the free speech rights of activists at Albany International Airport, has become an Internet icon, with messages of support flooding in to the Albany County Sheriff’s Office and Lenic being honored with a commendation.

Full Video Here:

A video that has now gone viral on You Tube shows Lenic refusing to follow the demands of Albany Airport’s PR director Doug Myers in having activists Jason Bermas and Ashley Jessica identified, detained or removed for handing out flyers warning travelers about the dangers of airport body scanners as part of the Opt Out and Film campaign.

“Obviously this is your constitutional right, OK? As far as you’re concerned, you’re not breaking any laws. That’s what we want to get across to you guys,” Lenic told the activists, dismissing efforts by Myers to have the two kicked out of the airport.

When Myers attempted to have the activists identify themselves, winking at Sheriff Lenic as he demanded Lenic take their IDs, Lenic fired back, stating, “If I was to ask for his identification he does not have to give it to me because he’s not doing anything wrong.”

The Albany County Sheriff’s Office has since been bombarded with hundreds of positive emails and calls from liberty lovers championing Sheriff Lenic for his fine work in defending the First Amendment against petty enforcers like Doug Myers.

Comments on YouTube were also overwhelmingly supportive of Sheriff Lenic.

“Finally a cop that does his job properly. Makes a change from all of the bad cop films we’ve seen lately. Hats off to the man,” wrote one.

“This Sheriff is an absolute paragon for justice,” added another.

Lenic already has his own Facebook page where people are reposting the video and urging Lenic to run for Mayor.

“That’s a little overwhelming. I mean, I was doing my job I felt I was doing the right thing protecting people’s First Amendment rights,” Lenic told NewsChannel 13.

Lenic later emailed Jason Bermas the following message;

“I am overwhelmed by the support your viewers have given me. I hope other fellow officers will see this and not view the freedom of speech as a threat, but an opportunity to show the professionalism that law enforcement should be held to. I remember the day I was sworn in, and I remember that I am supposed to protect the constitution of the United States. I am proud to be a Deputy Sheriff, and try to do my job to the best of my ability so help me God.”

Lenic also told Bermas that his superiors were considering giving him an official commendation for his exemplary actions in defending the constitutional rights he swore to uphold.

Watch the full video of how Sheriff Lenic handled the opt out campaign event below.

‘First Amendment Cop’ Becomes Internet Icon“I am supposed to protect the Constitution,” says Sheriff


Paul Joseph Watson – November 29, 2012

Sheriff Stan Lenic, the cop who stood up for the First Amendment by refusing to impede the free speech rights of activists at Albany International Airport, has become an Internet icon, with messages of support flooding in to the Albany County Sheriff’s Office and Lenic being honored with a commendation.

Full Video Here:

A video that has now gone viral on You Tube shows Lenic refusing to follow the demands of Albany Airport’s PR director Doug Myers in having activists Jason Bermas and Ashley Jessica identified, detained or removed for handing out flyers warning travelers about the dangers of airport body scanners as part of the Opt Out and Film campaign.

“Obviously this is your constitutional right, OK? As far as you’re concerned, you’re not breaking any laws. That’s what we want to get across to you guys,” Lenic told the activists, dismissing efforts by Myers to have the two kicked out of the airport.

When Myers attempted to have the activists identify themselves, winking at Sheriff Lenic as he demanded Lenic take their IDs, Lenic fired back, stating, “If I was to ask for his identification he does not have to give it to me because he’s not doing anything wrong.”

The Albany County Sheriff’s Office has since been bombarded with hundreds of positive emails and calls from liberty lovers championing Sheriff Lenic for his fine work in defending the First Amendment against petty enforcers like Doug Myers.

Comments on YouTube were also overwhelmingly supportive of Sheriff Lenic.

“Finally a cop that does his job properly. Makes a change from all of the bad cop films we’ve seen lately. Hats off to the man,” wrote one.

“This Sheriff is an absolute paragon for justice,” added another.

Lenic already has his own Facebook page where people are reposting the video and urging Lenic to run for Mayor.

“That’s a little overwhelming. I mean, I was doing my job I felt I was doing the right thing protecting people’s First Amendment rights,” Lenic told NewsChannel 13.

Lenic later emailed Jason Bermas the following message;

“I am overwhelmed by the support your viewers have given me. I hope other fellow officers will see this and not view the freedom of speech as a threat, but an opportunity to show the professionalism that law enforcement should be held to. I remember the day I was sworn in, and I remember that I am supposed to protect the constitution of the United States. I am proud to be a Deputy Sheriff, and try to do my job to the best of my ability so help me God.”

Lenic also told Bermas that his superiors were considering giving him an official commendation for his exemplary actions in defending the constitutional rights he swore to uphold.

Watch the full video of how Sheriff Lenic handled the opt out campaign event below.


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An international naval coalition becomes the world’s last hope for survival as they engage a hostile alien force in this epic action-adventure. Stars Taylor Kitsch and Liam Neeson.

Do Not Give Up, Do Not Give In; Give back!

By Daniel J Leach

Anti New World Order Party
Freedom and Liberty

We are beginning to see the great Silent Majority begin to awaken to the Global Agenda of the New World Order! From the Tea Party to the Occupy Movement the seeds of Liberty are beginning to take root and grow a great Liberty Tree. “In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot” (Mark Twain).

As a Truth Seeker, Patriot and Political activist in this modern-day internet social networking arena, I find myself relating to the greatest of Patriots and Freedom fighters the world has ever known! Our world’s history is full of people who stood up for the Truth: “If you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth” (Gandhi), and were rejected for going against society’s norms or so-called “truths” of that time in which they lived!  Even the Lord Jesus Christ, God of the Universe, was rejected by his own! “And they were offended in Him. But Jesus said unto them, “A prophet is not without honor, save in his own country, and in his own house” (Jesus Christ,

The Battle that we fight for as Truth-Tellers or Patriots is for the Minds and Hearts of Men, for the masses, for those who are blinded by the lies, “The function of a civil resistance is to provoke response, and we will continue to provoke until they respond or change the law. They are not in control; we are” (Gandhi). “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him” (Bible). Truth cannot be won with a sword or by a bomb,  But with the Education and Knowledge comes Freedom and Liberty! There are those who will curse you and call you all kinds of names because you want to speak the Truth! “In a time of universal deceit telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act” (George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four, italics added).

They the uninformed masses of people ignorant and starving for the truth will call you Crazy or a Conspiracy Theorist, not really understanding that they themselves are truly under Mind Control or NLP (Nero Linguistic Programming). They will defend the lies even unto death, slaves to the lie suffering from a form of Mass-Stockholm syndrome The Syndrome has also been explained in evolutionary terms by a phenomenon sometimes referred to as Capture-bonding.

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (King James Bible).

Even Einstein was called Crazy “Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance. (Albert Einstein). “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win” (Mahatma Gandhi). “Whenever I despair, I remember that the way of truth and love has always won. There may be tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they may seem invincible, but in the end, they always fail. Think of it: always.” (Gandhi).

I find it encouraging that others have come before me to lay the seeds of Truth that enable Justice, Liberty and Freedom for all! “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” (Thomas Jefferson).

I am reminded of a quote from  the speech “Citizenship in a Republic” Theodore Roosevelt delivered at the Sorbonne, in Paris, France on 23 April, 1910 called,


It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

Download PDF of complete speech

As I learn more about the great men in our world’s history who stood against injustice and for the Truth and Justice for all men great and small, rich and poor! I find a inner strength to face those who would carry out such atrocities and to be bold even unto death!

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