Illuminati Controlled Cops ready to put on their suicide vests as more agents and equipment arriving at the Bundy Ranch to start an American Spring!

These last few months, much of the country has watched in horror as the Illuminati NWO  and its Secret Society’s have waged jihad on the American people from the Bundy Ranch to NATO ready to start WW3 with a current build-up of Russian troops near Ukrainian border to start an American Spring. And on the hoe front their intransigent demands for deep spending cuts, coupled with their almost gleeful willingness to destroy one of America’s most invaluable assets, its full faith and credit, were incredibly irresponsible. But they don’t care. Their goal, they believe, is worth blowing up the country to rebuild it in a new image of an fascist One World Government under a New World Order controlled by the United Nations, if that’s what it takes.


There are a lot of rumors going around. Please DO NOT share anything as facts unless you see it on here, or on the If you would like updates through texting, you can text BUNDY to 58885, and you will automatically be added to the list. We will update you with facts 2-3 times a day.
We appreciate all of the support coming in! -God Bless America!!

Many of you have been asking for a better way to keep informed and know what you can do to help.

We love Facebook but it is not effective for getting the word out when we really need help. There are so many messages here things are getting lost.

If you go to you can sign up to get Emails and Text messages.

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Please let others know about this ASAP.

Bad Moon Rising in Nevada at the Bundy Ranch It’s not over till the fat lady sings!r

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brklynmd3 14 hours ago Ok… 2:17 am on Monday April 14 2014 and I am in touch with people on the ground… I can say, it is NOT over. Stand by.

More agents and equipment arriving at the Bundy Ranch 

Published on Apr 13, 2014

There are more agents and equipment arriving at the Bundy Ranch It’s NOT over. Let everyone know and get the word out.


Tried to tell you! They make Bundy out to look like a criminal… He quit paying the fees when the suit against him started. Would you pay? Would you help someone financially sue you? Paying the fees would be CRAZY while they are suing you! He is not a criminal or a moocher! I am glad to see us all stand together for a change.

Like ideologues everywhere, they scorn compromise. Like when John Boehner, the House speaker, tried to cut a deal with President Obama that included some modest revenue increases, they humiliated him. After an agreement was finally struck. t — amounting to a near-complete capitulation by Obama —  Illuminati NWO  and its Secret Society’s members went on Fox News to complain that it only called for $2.4 trillion in cuts, instead of $4 trillion. It was head-spinning.

All the blogosphere and the talk shows mused about which party would come out ahead politically. Honestly, who cares? What ought to matter is not how these spending cuts will affect our politicians, but how they’ll affect the country. And I’m not even talking about the terrible toll $2.4 trillion in cuts will take on the poor and the middle class. I am talking about their effect on America’s still-ailing economy.

America’s real crisis is not a debt crisis. It’s an unemployment crisis. Yet this agreement not only doesn’t address unemployment, it’s guaranteed to make it worse. (Incredibly, the Democrats even abandoned their demand for extended unemployment benefits as part of the deal.) As Mohamed El-Erian, the chief executive of the bond investment firm Pimco, said, fiscal policy includes both a numerator and a denominator. “The numerator is debt,” he said. “But the denominator is growth.” He added, “What we have done is accelerate forward, in a self-inflicted manner, the numerator. And, in the process, we have undermined the denominator.” Economic growth could have gone a long way toward shrinking the deficit, while helping put people to work. The spending cuts will shrink growth and raise the likelihood of pushing the country back into recession.

Inflicting more pain on their countrymen doesn’t much bother the Illuminati NWO  and its Secret Society’s, as they’ve repeatedly proved. What is astonishing is that both the president and House speaker are claiming that the deal will help the economy. Do they really expect us to buy that? We’ve all heard what happened in 1937 when Franklin Roosevelt, believing the Depression was over, tried to rein in federal spending. Cutting spending spiraled the country right back into the Great Depression, where it stayed until the arrival of the stimulus package known as World War II. That’s the path we’re now on. Our enemies could not have designed a better plan to weaken the American economy than this debt-ceiling deal.

One thing Roosevelt did right during the Depression was legislate into being a social safety net to soften the blows that a free-market economy can mete out in tough times. During this recession, it’s as if the government is going out of its way to make sure the blows are even more severe than they have to be. The debt-ceiling debate reflects a harsher, less empathetic America. It’s sad to see.

  says that Obama should have played the 14th Amendment card, using its language about “the validity of the public debt” to unilaterally raise the debt ceiling. Yes, he would have infuriated the Republicans, but so what? They already view him as the Antichrist. Legal scholars believe that Congress would not have been able to sue to overturn his decision. Inexplicably, he chose instead a course of action that maximized the leverage of the Republican extremists.


But the debilitating deficit battles are by no means over.  As has been explained ad nauseam, the threat of defense cuts is supposed to give the Republicans an incentive to play fair with the Democrats in the negotiations. But with United States being deployed in more than 150 countries around the world, which side is going to blink if the proposed cuts threaten to damage national security? Just as they did with the much-loathed bank bailout, which most Republicans spurned even though financial calamity loomed, will the Democrats and Republicans do the responsible thing. Apparently, that’s their problem they dont know how to when they are run and funded by the Illuminati NWO  and its Secret Society’.

For now, the  Illuminati NWO  and its Secret Society’ can put aside their suicide vests. But rest assured: They’ll have them on again soon enough. After all, they’ve gotten so much encouragement.

Karen Hudes Warns the World On the brink of a Currency War and at the edge of World War 3

Karen Hudes


Karen Hudes studied law at Yale Law School and economics at the University of Amsterdam. She worked in the US Export Import Bank of the US from 1980-1985 and in the Legal Department of the World Bank from 1986-2007. She established the Non Governmental Organization Committee of the International Law Section of the American Bar Association and the Committee on Multilateralism and the Accountability of International Organizations of the American Branch of the International Law Association.

In 2007 Karen warned the US Treasury Department and US Congress that the US would lose its right to appoint the President of the World Bank if the current American President of the World Bank did not play by the rules. The 66 year old Gentlemen’s Agreement that Europe would appoint the Managing Director of the IMF and US would appoint the World Bank President ended in 2010.

Bank Corruption

Date: 05-25-13
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Karen Hudes

Joining John B. Wells, former World Bank attorney and whistleblower Karen Hudestalked about how she uncovered corruption in the World Bank.

Who is Karen Hudes?

Karen Hudes studied law at Yale Law School and economics at the University of Amsterdam. She worked in the US Export Import Bank of the US from 1980-1985 and in the Legal Department of the World Bank from 1986-2007. She established the Non Governmental Organization Committee of the International Law Section of the American Bar Association and the Committee on Multilateralism and the Accountability of International Organizations of the American Branch of the International Law Association.

What did Karen Hudes blow the whistle on?

In 2007 Karen warned the US Treasury Department and US Congress that the US would lose its right to appoint the President of the World Bank if the current American President of the World Bank did not play by the rules. The 66 year old Gentlemen’s Agreement that Europe would appoint the Managing Director of the IMF and US would appoint the World Bank President ended in 2010

In 1999 Karen reported the corrupt take-over of the second largest bank in the Philippines. Lucio Tan, a crony of Joseph Estrada, then President of the Philippines, acquired stock owned by government employees in Philippines National Bank (“PNB”) valued more than 10% of PNB’s outstanding capital without disclosure, as required by Philippines securities laws. Tan owned Philippines Airlines, in default on its loans from PNB. The government of the Philippines loaned $493 million to PNB after PNB’s depositors made heavy withdrawals. $200 million of a loan from the World Bank and a $200 million loan from Japan were cancelled. Estrada was ultimately impeached, and in 2007 an anti-corruption court in the Philippines required Estrada to refund graft he had plundered. The Bank’s Country Director in the Philippines reassigned Karen when she asked him to sign a letter warning the Philippines’ government that the Bank could not disburse its loan without a waiver from the Board of Executive Directors since the loan conditionality was not met. The World Bank’s Internal Audit Department refused to correct the satisfactory evaluation of the Bank’s supervision performance or the flawed report of the Institutional Integrity Department to the Audit Committee of the Board of Executive Directors. When the Audit Committee requested an audit of internal controls over financial reporting, KPMG, the external auditors, circumscribed the scope of their audit in violation of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and Generally Accepted Auditing Standards.

Two days after informing the Board’s Audit Committee of the cover-up in the Philippines, Karen was reprimanded and placed on probation. The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs requested the World Bank’s Audit Committee to look into the cover- up. Instead, the Chair of the World Bank’s Audit Committee requested an inquiry into the World Bank’s Institutional Integrity Department. The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations followed up with three letters to the World Bank. The World Bank forged documents and fired Karen in contempt of Congress. The World Bank also fired the Staff Association’s lawyer. The Staff Association stated that what had happened to Karen had damaged staff morale and prevented others from reporting misconduct. The World Bank’s Ethics’ Officer left in frustration after her request for an investigation by the World Bank’s Institutional Integrity Department was turned down.

Mr. Paul Volcker headed the 2007 inquiry into the Institutional Integrity Department. The Volcker Panel was discredited after sixteen staff employed in the Institutional Integrity Department received significant damage awards in compensation for abuses of authority to intimidate them during the Volker Panel investigation. A staff-member of the EU’s anti-fraud agency, Office Lutte Anti-Fraude, on the Volcker Panel wrote to Karen:
“My Director General and I met with a number of European Executive Directors of the World Bank a few weeks ago to discuss the Volcker Panel report. At the meeting there was also discussion about governance issues. My impression was that the European Executive Directors are well apprised of all relevant issues at the Bank and no further comment by OLAF is warranted even if it was within our legal competence.”

Karen informed Senator Bayh, “[t]he ongoing cover-up is an indictment of the probity of US oversight at the Bank and I would encourage the Senate to request GAO to look into it.” Senators Richard Lugar, Evan Bayh and Patrick Leahy requested GAO to investigate “internal resistance to increased transparency and accountability at the World Bank.” In 2008 Karen’s Congressman, Representative Chris Van Hollen, noted “that [Karen’s] claims and concerns have already been provided to the GAO…. and to the relevant congressional committees.” In 2009 GAO stated that it could not commence the inquiry “because of challenges we recently faced in gaining access to World Bank officials.” Senator Lugar asked what was delaying the GAO review during hearings on the World Bank’s capital increase.

Mr. Pieter Stek, then Executive Director for the Netherlands, and Chair of the Board Committee on Development Effectiveness, said:
“In a multilateral institution which should be governed by the rule of law and high standards of probity the charge of concealment from the Board of Executive Directors of information relevant to the exercise of its duty of supervising management and the persecution of the person who brings this to light is extremely serious. If correct, which I believe, this poisonous cocktail undermines good governance and ultimately the effectiveness of the Bank in fulfilling its mandate. I shall continue to assist Ms. Hudes in her efforts to have due process brought to bear, preferably by the Bank itself, on these issues of governance.”

David Brooks wrote:
“Then there are violations, when someone intentionally breaks the rules. Errors can be very hard for outsiders to detect. It was people inside the companies who were most likely to report fraud, because they have local knowledge. And yet 80 percent of these whistleblowers regret having reported the crimes because of the negative consequences they suffered. This is not the way to treat people who detect error.”


United States Court of Appeals


  • Appellant,
  • v.
  • AND
  • Appellees
No. 11-7109


11/14/2011 View Details Motion filed by International Bank for Reconstruction and Development for summary affirmance.
12/02/2011 View Details
Response in Opposition filed by Karen Hudes
12/12/2011 View Details Reply filed by International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development to response
3/8/2012 View Details Per Curiam Order filed denying motion for summary affirmance
3/9/2012 View Details Clerk’s Order filed directing party to file briefing format
4/23/2012 View Details Motion filed by Karen Hudes to extend time to file response to court order.
5/2/2012 View Details Motion filed by Karen Hudes to extend time to file response
7/9/2012 View Details Court’s 6/15/2012 offer of mediation turned down by IBRD, KPMG, Aetna and Schreiber.
8/06/2012 View Details
Karen Hudes’ Opening Brief
9/05/2012 View Details Brief filed by International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
9/05/2012 View Details Brief filed by KPMG
9/05/2012 View Details Brief filed by Aetna
9/05/2012 View Details Brief filed by Schreiber
7/9/2012 View Details Court’s Order Scheduling Oral Argument for November 6, 2012
9/19/2012 View Details Karen Hudes’ Reply Brief
11/2/2012 View Details Court Order Cancelling Oral Arguments
11/20/2012 View Details Unpublished Opinion Affirming District Court
1/19/2012 View Details Request to Judicial Conference to correct court records


  • Karen Hudes
  • 5203 Falmouth Road
  • Bethesda, MD 20816,
  • Plaintiff,
  • vs.
  • Aetna Life Insurance Company
  • 151 Farmington Avenue
  • Hartford, CT 06156,
  • Mark E. Schreiber
  • Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge
  • 111 Huntington Avenue
  • Boston, MA 02199-7613,
  • International Bank for Recon-
  • struction and Development,
  • 1818 H Street, N.W.
  • Washington, DC 20433,
  • c/o The Corporation Trust Company
  • 1209 Orange Street
  • Wilmington, DE 19801,
  • and
  • John and Jane Does 1-99,
  • Defendants.
Civil No.: 10-1444 JEB

CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 1:10-cv-01444-JEB

04/13/2010 View Details
RESPONSE to Motion re 15 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction filed by Karen Hudes. Replies due by 04/30/2010. (elts, Deputy Clerk) [Transferred from Maryland on 8/26/2010.] (Entered: 04/30/2010)
01/17/2011 View Details Memorandum in opposition to re 58 MOTION to Dismiss and Sever MOTION to Sever MOTION for Hearing, 57 MOTION to Dismiss Second Amended Complaint, 59 MOTION to DismissPlaintiffs Second Amended Complaint, 54 MOTION to Dismiss Plaintiff’s Second Amended Complaint filed by KAREN HUDES. (Attachments: # 1 Memorandum in Support, # 2 Exhibit)(Hudes, Karen) (Entered: 01/17/2011)
08/30/2011 View Details ORDER granting 54 Aetna Life Ins. Co.’s Motion to Dismiss; granting 57 Mark Schreiber’s Motion to Dismiss; granting 58 KPMG’s Motion to Dismiss; granting 59 IBRD’s Motion to Dismiss. The Court ORDERS that: (1) Defendants’ Motions to Dismiss are GRANTED WITH PREJUDICE as to all federal claims against all Defendants, and as to Plaintiff’s wrongful-termination claim against the World Bank; and (2) Defendants’ Motions to Dismiss are GRANTED WITHOUT PREJUDICE as to all other Maryland and state common-law claims. Signed by Judge James E. Boasberg on 8/30/2011. (lcjeb1) (Entered: 08/30/2011) Hudes v. Aetna Life Ins. Co., et al, 806 F. Supp 2d 180

Get your Money Out Of The Bank Now Before Its To Late Global Economic Collapse Is Eminate First Domino Has Fallen EU’s Cyprus!

Hence·forth  the chaos and confusion in the world of banking!  The End game has started Cyprus, and Europe, it comes as no surprise that the previously scheduled Monday bank holiday (aka Green Monday) has been extended into Tuesday.  So all we see in the News is how the Dow keeps going up and the American Economy is picking up steam.  When the truth is that its all just a bunch of hot air.  Anyone who understands the world banking history, knows that history is about to repeats itself it could be with in a few months to a few years a way till the big crash.

Cyprus Bank Holiday extended until Wednesday …to stop runs on the Cyprus Banks   Sound a lot like the great depression with runs on banks  Get ready for new runs on banks That’s what happened to hundreds of banks in the Great Depression.  Much of the Great Depression‘s economic damage was caused directly by bank runs.   I know one thing if I had any money in the bank I would have gotten it out in 2007 before the crash we saw the signs my family and friends on facebook can tell you that!  Oh wait I have not had money in the bank for years.  Its just one big vicious cycle that the Banksters keep playing generation after generation its a world wide  scam and if Jesus Christ was around today he would pick up the whip and go after this den of thief’s the same way kicking them out of his temple our world.

When even JPM says to panic, it may be time to panic. And then we ask why is all of this happening right now, why is even JPMorgan advocating a risk-off posture, and then we recall that every single year in late March, early April Europe comes back front and center with a bang, just as we forecast in “It’s Deja Vu, All Over Again: This Time Is… Completely The Same” and then everything becomes very clear.

Published on Mar 18, 2013

On the Monday, March 18 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the collusion between the EU and IMF in confiscating individuals’ private wealth to ultimately seize control of economies, paving the way for years of dependency on financial dictatorship. On today’s show, Alex invites economic trend forecaster and publisher of the Trends Journal Gerald Celente to discuss the looting of Cypriot bank accounts, and what the future holds for Italy, which may be the next nation to be similarly plundered. We’ll also cover other major headlines and take your calls.

From Kathimerini:

The Cypriot cabinet has declared Tuesday a bank holiday, for fear of capital flight, and this may even be stretched to Wednesday, as depositors are certain to withdraw huge sums from the Cypriot banks after the haircut imposed.

Nicosia postponed from Sunday to Monday the tabling in Parliament of the bill including the measures for the Cypriot bailout – including a bank account haircut and a tax hike on interest and corporate earnings – but the European Central Bank insists on a rapid voting because there are already signs a domino effect will follow across European lenders and markets from Monday.

There is genuine fear of market unrest on Monday morning when stocks may crumble in the eurozone and bank accounts in other southern European bank may suffer.

Skai radio reported on Sunday that the Bank of Greece has sent between 4 and 5 billion euros to Cyprus in order to help Cypriot banks respond to cash requirements by their clients.

So, if the official name of the March 18 holiday was “Green Monday“, will the March 19th ad hoc holiday be called “Red Tuesday“? Inquiring minds want to know.

The price of gold remained approximately in Timeline of U.S. Gold 2007, The yearly average price of gold was $695, with a high of $833 per ounce. and in 2007 the Dow opened the year at 12,459.54 Understand why it crashed by following the timeline of events in 2008 and now today the news is say how strong the Stock Market is doing then why if the Market is on such a bull run at Dow Jones Industrial Average 2 Minute Dow Jones Indices: .DJI – Mar 18 4:35pm ET  Closed at 14452.06 today and the price of Gold is at 1594.00 This is my point if the stock market was on such a bull run why is Gold at still near record highs becase the smart people know that the Federal Reserve System is pumping up the markets by buying American Bonds and T bills Treasury Bills.  Money market investments backed by the U.S. government. Learn more about treasury bills at HowStuffWorks.

Gold Bullion 1,594.00 1,618.00 Upward change 14.10

Even Former US Treasury Official – US Financial System set to Collapse Dr. Paul Craig Roberts – Economist, Co-Founder of Reaganomics & Acclaimed Author Former US Treasury Official  Dr. Paul Craig Roberts  – US Financial System To Collapse

This conspiracy by a group of international elites controls and manipulates governments, industry, and media organizations worldwide. The primary tool they use to dominate nations is the system of central banking. They have a grip on the world economy, deliberately causing inflation and depressions at will. Operatives working for the New World Order placed in high positions in government and industry. The people behind the New World Order are international bankers, in particular the owners of the private banks in the Federal Reserve System and other central banks, and members of the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Group.[1] The New World Order  controls Multinational and global organizations such as the European Union, United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the proposed North American Union. The term gained popularity following its use in the early 1990s by President George H. W. Bush when he referred to his “dream of a New World Order” in his speech to the United States Congress on September 11, 1990.

this section copied from

Four Truths About the U.S. Economy All Investors Should Know

March 18, 2013 in Economics


By for Profit Confidential

Four Truths About the U.S. Economy

Truth #1: At the beginning of 2008, there were 28.22 million people in the U.S. economy on food stamps. Fast-forward to 2012, and the number has increased to 46.60 million—an increase of more than 65%. (Source: United States Department of Agriculture, March 8, 2013.) The number of Americans now on food stamps represents almost 15% of the entire population in the U.S. economy right now.

Truth #2: The poverty rate in the U.S. economy also increased in the aftermath of the worst economic condition since the Great Depression. In 2007, the official U.S. poverty rate was 12.5%. By 2011, this rate increased to 15%. We have experienced a 20% flight in the number of Americans living in poverty. (Source: “Poverty and the Great Recession,” The Russell Sage Foundation and The Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality, Stanford University website, October 2012, last accessed March 18, 2013.) As it stands today, about one in every seven Americans is technically poor.

Truth #3: Similarly, job prospects for Americans have declined since the beginning of the financial crisis. In January of 2008, there were 4.2 million job openings in the U.S. economy. As the U.S. Department of Labor reports, in January 2013, there were 3.6 million job openings. (Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis web site, last accessed March 15, 2013.) There are 12 million unemployed individuals in the U.S. economy, with a significant number being jobless for more than six months.

As the U.S. economy faces severe headwinds because of the financial crisis, cities across the U.S. are suffering as well. According to the 2012 census, one in every three counties in the U.S. economy is “dying off” due to weakening economic conditions and an aging population. (Source: Huffington Post, March 15, 2013.)

Truth #4: We have a long way to go before we see any real improvement in the U.S. economy. The only thing that has improved since the financial crisis is the stock market, courtesy of cheap interest rates and extensive paper money printing. Don’t get lured into believing that a rising stock market means economic growth. The stock market and the U.S. economy are moving in opposite directions. Many public companies listed on the key stock indices are already warning investors about troubles ahead, profitability issues.

Sure, the old adage is, “Don’t fight the Fed.” But the stock market utopia can only go on for so long before “regression to the mean” becomes a reality again.

Michael’s Personal Notes:

Looking at the long-term chart of gold bullion and the U.S. dollar, there is an interesting technical chart pattern developing that may help us predict the next move in the greenback and the yellow metal.

In the chart below, the red line represents the U.S. dollar index and the golden line represents gold bullion prices.

$USD US Dollar Index cash settle stock chart

Chart courtesy of

Both the U.S. dollar and gold bullion are going through the formation of the technical chart pattern called the “symmetrical triangle.” This pattern occurs during a trend and is often the result of a consolidation in prices. The majority of instances when the symmetrical triangle pattern emerges eventually result in a continuation of the prior trend.

If you observe closely, the trading ranges in the dollar and gold bullion have been getting smaller since the beginning of 2011. While keeping with their respective trends, they appear to be consolidating. The U.S. dollar has declined, compared to other major currencies. Meanwhile, gold bullion prices have been trending higher—from below $300.00 an ounce to close to $1,600 an ounce.

As I have been harping on about in these pages, the demand for gold bullion is robust, to say the very least. Central banks are rushing toward gold, seeking safety—they have turned into net buyers of the yellow shiny metal. In the last quarter of 2012, they bought the most gold in almost 50 years.

In contrast, by buying gold bullion, central banks may be losing trust in the U.S. dollar. According to a report by the World Gold Council (WGC), in 2000, central banks held 62% of their assets (or reserves) in U.S. dollars. By 2012, that percentage of U.S. dollar holdings decreased to 54% of the reserves. (Source: Market Watch, March 13, 2013.)

It isn’t a hidden fact anymore: the Federal Reserve has been increasing the money supply, as its balance sheet has grown to more than $3.0 trillion and its paper money printing program continues at a rate of $85.0 billion a month. The more paper money the Fed prints, the more vulnerable the greenback becomes.

Time will be the better judge of where the greenback and gold bullion end up, but from the looks of the chart above, the U.S. dollar appears bearish and gold bullion’s future seems bright.

(Want to know what gold stocks are the best buy right now? In our just-released special report, Lombardi’s Second Quarter 2013 Gold Forecast Report, you’ll find our analysis of the U.S. money supply and its implications for gold; current gold supply and demand; central bank activity in the gold market; our specific price projections for gold bullion; our top-five senior gold stock picks; and our top-five junior gold stock picks, all complete with charts. Click here for ordering info.)

What He Said:

“Prepare for the worst economic period ahead that we have seen in years, my dear reader, as that is what I see coming. I’ve written over the past three years how, in the late 1920s, real estate prices fell first before the stock market and how I felt the same would happen this time. Home prices in the U.S. peaked in 2005 and started falling in 2006. The stock market is following suit here in 2008. Is a depression coming? No. How about a severe deflationary recession? Yes!” Michael Lombardi in Profit Confidential, January 21, 2008. Michael started talking about and predicting the economic catastrophe we began experiencing in 2008, long before anyone else.

Cell Phones WiIl Hurt you! (Everywhere) Privacy you no longer have!

English: Mobile phone evolution Русский: Эволю...
English: Mobile phone evolution Русский: Эволюция мобильных телефонов (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


After reviewing just the basic programs that you need to operate a smart phone…when you go to applications, for example and look at google states they have right to go into your mail, look at your documents and alter (even if it is confidential) , change your contacts or even delete contacts, have access to your text message and pictures, they can even use your text and phone to call and send messages. So with that said…they have access to your mail by default because you have to use that program on your phone to be activated for most functions on your phone to work properly.
If you go through all the programs you have on your phone before adding more apps, they all say pretty much the same thing. But look at the big picture…where are these phone made (China, Japan, Korea)! Government employees are using these phones just as much as anyone else..what can be worse then countries that are making these phones have access to sensitive material including personal information that can be of use in sensitive ways including…where they are, their pictures, their contacts and their email documents.
Now your family members are adding app after app with location settings needing to be active on the devices for them to be of service. With that said there is apps and even programs that someone can see all cell phones in that area so a possible predator can single out possible victims. What about some family members who take pictures of their drivers license, SSN and other highly personal information for identity theft to be easy..not alone..logging into bank which you are allowing the manufacture to have access to with your passwords and all. Also think about this, these apps also are being allowed to turn on your video camand recorder on your cell at any given time to listen and look at your surroundings. They do not have to inform you when they do, what they alter or delete or whom they give your information to. Also keep in mind that a lot of the apps are created by criminals that are making it legal to commit crimes against you by just getting their free app.So the matter of this news story, if we buy these cell phones from a company ..just say Sprint, shouldn’t they be liability for use licensing with the apps for the purpose of the basic operation of the phone and not carried over to us making ourselves liable for any misuse of our privacy in which will will not know? Should the consumer buying the cell phone have licensing right to know when an invasion by the app provider went into the phone and made changes?

For another quick check of what your allowing your cell phone maker to do to you…go to settings, then look at what system your phone uses..Android system for example, click that and read of the privacy you no longer have!

Let me not to forget to mention the negative heath effects Cell phones can have on your body because of the radiation-emitting  device inside of cell phones that allow it to transmit the communication signals

By Dr. Mercola

If you’re an avid cell phone user who refuses to believe that holding this radiation-emitting device next to your head poses a potential health risk, take note…

Italy‘s supreme court has ruled that a man’s brain tumor is, in fact, linked to his heavy cell phone use.

Heavy Cell Phone Use Caused Business Exec’s Tumor

The court’s assessment included studies by Professor Lennart Hardell of Sweden, stating they had more cases, involved long-term use and were independent (as opposed to Interphone’s industry funding). Hardell has found that those who begin using cell phones heavily as teenagers have 4 to 5 times more brain cancer as young adults!

Just 50 Minutes of Cell Phone Use Alters Your Brain

Even if you don’t use a cell phone for hours each day, research by leading brain imaging researcher Nora D. Volkow, MD of the National Institutes of Health, revealed that after just 50 minutes of cell phone exposure, the emitted radiation increases brain cell activity in the region closest to the cell phone antenna.1 The exact health effects of that increased brain activity are as of yet unknown, but the study effectively debunked the myth in U.S. government research circles that cell phone radiation at non-thermal levels is incapable of causing biological change.

So keep using your cell phone if you don’t give a crap about your health and the Antichrist NWO Global Government spying on you.  And when your sitting in a NDDA Death Camp don’t call me to get you out and fix your brain. I tried to tell you but you didn’t listen you brainwashed boot licking Zombie’s

All about NWO Connections The Good The Bad The Ugly!


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 CATEGORY: Business, Government

Dalai Lama 14th incarnation of the Dalai Lama
Bill Clinton 42nd US President, 1993-2001
George W. Bush 43rd US President, 2001-09
Barack Obama 44th President of the United States
Woody Allen Annie Hall
George Stephanopoulos Bill Clinton’s communications director
Leon Black Billionaire, Apollo Management
Naomi Campbell Black Panther
Jacques Villeneuve Canadian Formula-1, Indy car racer
Katie Couric CBS Evening News
Leslie H. Wexner CEO of Limited Brands
Joseph A. Hafner, Jr. CEO of Riviana Foods, 1984-2005
Charlie Rose Charlie Rose Show
Chelsea Handler Chelsea Lately
Roman Polanski Chinatown
Danny Hillis Co-Founder, Thinking Machines
David H. Koch Conservative philanthropist, Koch heir
Matt Groening Creator of The Simpsons
Nadia Bjorlin Days of Our Lives
Bruce Willis Die Hard
Peter Mandelson EU Commissioner for Trade
Sarah Ferguson Fergie, Duchess of York
George Soros Financial speculator
Nelson Mandela Former President of South Africa
Richard Branson Founder of Virgin chain
David Rockefeller Founder of the Trilateral Commission
Anton LaVey Founder, Church of Satan
Cate Blanchett Galadriel in LOTR
Heidi Klum German supermodel
Bill Richardson Governor of New Mexico
Nancy Sinatra Has boots made for walkin’
Charles Manson Helter Skelter
Tom Ford Influential Gucci designer
Frank Sinatra It’s Frank’s world, we just live in it
Alan Dershowitz Lawyer, represented Klaus von Bulow
Susan Atkins Manson Family
Michael Bloomberg Mayor of New York City
Sandy Berger National Security Advisor for Bill Clinton
Zbigniew Brzezinski National Security Advisor, 1977-81
Brad Pitt Ocean’s Eleven
Mort Zuckerman Owner, New York Daily News
Sharon Tate Polanski’s wife murdered by Manson family
Maurice Strong Power executive, environmentalist
Ilham Aliyev President of Azerbaijan
Thomas S. Johnson President of Chemical Bank, 1983-89
Vladimir Putin President of Russia, 2000-08
Ehud Barak Prime Minister of Israel, 1999-2001
David R. Hunter Progressive fund advisor
Queen Beatrix I Queen of the Netherlands
Jeffrey E. Epstein Reclusive money manager
Ralph Fiennes Red Dragon
Flavio Briatore Renault F1 Team, dates models
Mia Farrow Rosemary’s Baby
Chris Tucker Rush Hour
Conrad K. Harper Simpson Thatcher & Bartlett
Ken Starr Special Prosecutor, Clinton’s impeachment
Ronald W. Burkle Supermarket Billionaire
Donald Trump The Donald
Prince Andrew The Duke of York
Kevin Spacey The Usual Suspects
Leonardo DiCaprio Titanic
Toby Young Toby Young writes about Toby Young
Angelina Jolie Tomb Raider
Tony Blair UK Prime Minister, 1997-2007
George J. Mitchell US Middle East Envoy
Hillary Clinton US Secretary of State
Henry Kissinger US Secretary of State, 1973-77
Lawrence H. Summers US Treasury Secretary, 1999-2001
Al Gore US Vice President under Clinton
Katharine Graham Washington Post publisher, 1966-79
Bill Ayers Weather Underground
Bernardine Dohrn Weather Underground leader
Michelle Obama Wife of Barack Obama

Be ready for the Bank Run of 2012 Global Financial Meltdown

Bank Run
Bank Run!

Daniel J Leach

I have been saying that the Global Financial Meltdown was just around the corner for years now!  It finally looks like we are on the verge of this happening this year.  I would not be surprised if this happens in October 2012!  This is a case of history repeating itself! “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” George Santayana

   A bank run occurs when a large number of bank customers withdraw their deposits because they believe the bank might fail. As more people withdraw their deposits, the likelihood of default increases, and this encourages further withdrawals. This can destabilize the bank to the point where it faces bankruptcy.[1]

The stock market crash of October 1929 left the American public highly nervous and at the time, making it the largest single bank failure in American history.

In December 1931, New York’s Bank of the United States collapsed. The bank had more than $200 million in deposits at the time, making it the largest single bank failure in American history.

The bank runs of 1930 were followed by similar banking panics in the spring and fall of 1931 and the fall of 1932. In some instances, bank runs were started simply by rumors of a bank’s inability or unwillingness to pay out funds. In December 1930, the New York Times reported that a small merchant in the Bronx went to a branch of the Bank of the United States and asked to sell his stock in the institution. When told the stock was a good investment and advised not to sell, he left the bank and began spreading rumors that the bank had refused to sell his stock. Within hours, a crowd had gathered outside the bank, and that afternoon between 2,500 and 3,500 depositors withdrew a total of $2 million in funds.


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The Global Financial Meltdown has dramatically worsened as Corporations and China Jump Aboard The “Institutional” Global Bank Run As Banks Fall Apart As Their Seams.

Earlier today the world saw a global financial meltdown as investors dumped everything from stocks to commodities and literally everything in between.

Global Financial Meltdown: Investors Dump Nearly Everything Amidst Worldwide Market Crash

Global Meltdown - Investors Are Dumping Everything

Major Stock Market Indexes, Commodities, Currencies And Everything In Between Is Being Dumped By Investors Across The Globe In The Midst Of A Global Financial Meltdown.

The financial markets across the globe are facing one of the most massive sell-offs in recent memory.

The Dow Jones Industrial average has sold off over 467 points today. When and when you add that on top of 284 point drop following yesterday’s crash FED’s statement, which announced operation ‘twist’ and warned of significant downside risk and strains in global financial markets, we have a 751 point drop in the DOW since 2:45 PM est yesterday, which is the largest 2 day slump since 2008.

There are an endless parade of economic statistics many of which are the worse since the Great Depression and World War 2 era. We have also seen 111 of the s&P 500 hit fresh 52 week lows, a drop in global currencies – beside the dollar, oil dropping into the high $70 per barrel range and gold plummeting over 5% to trade in the low $1,700 per ounce range.

Business Week points out the massive crash in U.S. stocks immediately below while CNBC points out further below that this in fact a global meltdown – investors are dumping everything.


Read The Rest…

While today’s sell off was monumental and in fact is on course for the 3rd worse week on Wall Street ever, the sell-off was on the heels of the FED’s economic outlook. Today’s Global Financial Meltdown is about to become much worse as a slew of news reports out today reveal the run on the European banks has spread to include corporations and institutions pulling their money out of banks and China finally arriving at the party.

As a backdrop, the IMF warned the entire global financial systems is more vulnerable to collapse than at any other time since the 2008 financial crisis. The alarm is being sounded with the stern warning the European debt crisis could trigger the complete collapse of the entire global financial system at any minute. On the other hand, the alternative media and independent economists warn we are in fact in of a great depression style collapse. The only difference is this time around we would be facing a global depression. But as the ship their countrymen sail on continues to sink, bureaucrats continueto play politics and put their partisan interests above the interest of their constituents.

The run on European banks has already began with from the customers pulling their money from banks some time ago. While the corporate media kept the run on the Greece banks on the hush the media blackout didn’t stop the run nor did it stop the run from spreading to other nations. Simply put, the public is learning they can’t trust their governments and they can’t trust the media. Indeed the withdrawal of deposits from the banks in Greece has quietly spread across the other European nations only to spread into some of the supposedly most stable banks in the Euro-zone, the French banks.

Now we have learned the run on the banks that was originally limited to customers has now spread to include corporate and institutional clients withdrawing their money from the banks. First, we caught wind of the rumor that Siemens pulled its cash from one of the French banks. Then came theconfirmation came that Siemens pulled $500 million Euros from Societe Generale. Siemens of course is a huge conglomerate. For such a huge corporation to lose trust in one of the supposedly most stable of the French banks is clearly a very significant development. To be clear, the ramification have simply rocked the markets and the many more corporations soon will follow. In fact, some corporations and nations have followed their lead.

Consider the breaking news that The Bank of China has stopped doing business with four major European banks. To be exact thy have stopped trading swaps and foreign exchange forwards with the Societe Gnerale, BNP Paribas, Credit Agricole and the Swiss banking giant UBS.

Speaking of BNP Paribas, Reggie Middleton – who long predicted the collapse of Lehman’s and Bear Stearns far ahead of anyone else because of their shady banking practices – has been warning for months BNP Paribas is ripe for a Lehman style collapse. Reggie argues that BNP Paribas is engaging in the same practices and fraud that caused Lehman’s and Bear Stearn’s to collapse.

While on the subject of China, we learn today they are not immune to the bank run either. China Securities Journal reveals that 420 billion yuan have been pulled out of the big four state-owned Chinese bank during the 15 days of September. Even bank employees are pulling their deposits from the banks as it is estimated that three trillion yuan has been diverted to illegal money lenders which pay interest rates 10 times higher than the one-year Chinese bank deposit rate.

Today we also learn that Insurer Lloyd’s of London confirmed it’s withdrawing deposits from all of the European banks for fear they may collapse. The rationalization for their withdrawal is quite simple – if world is worried about the European governments themselves collapsing then on must assume the sovereign debt collapse will also cause the banks themselves to collapse.

Still that message doesn’t seem to be reaching the retail banking client and the corporate owned media is to blame for repeatedly assuring the public there bank deposits are safe because the banks are insured by their respective European government.

When we see corporations not buying the propaganda being pushed by the media and instead withdrawing their deposits that should be a clear sign to the retail client it is time to withdraw their deposits. Unfortunately, too many people believe their governments and the media would never lie to them so some of them will unfortunately need to learn the hard way.

However, anyone keeping up with the details of latest financial news that doesn’t quite make the headlines knows that banks across the world have been hit with a parade of credit rating cuts warning of their risk of collapse. Those same cuts have been coupled with recent credit rating cuts of the sovereign of nations themselves, most notably the credit downgrades of the United States and Italy.

Adding to the bleak reality a global financial collapse may be imminent is the fact that 9 Banks failed last years EU stress test and another 16 barely passed the test. Yet instead of being proactive and shoring up capital to assure the survival of financial turmoil, we have seen many banks continue to conduct business in absolute denial they were at risk. In ignorance of reality the banks have sat around for over a year knowing they are at risk of collapse while doing little to nothing the improve their situation. Why should they act? They know when shit hits the fan taxpayers will be bent over the barrel and be forced to give the banks billions in bailouts from which the executives will collect lavish bonuses.

Now we have warnings from top economists and the FED that there is significant downside risk and strains in the global financial system that threatens the entire system. The is coupled with warnings from the IMF and EU leaders to immediately recapitalize the banks or face collapse. The calls for recapitalization have persisted for weeks with no action taken to stave off the collapse. Meanwhile, the consequences of not acting immediately continue to become more severe by the day.

The EU credit markets have frozen up and the situation is now beyond the point of dire. The question is which bank will be the first to collapse.

While all eyes seem to be focused on the Euro banks across the pond, banks back in the US are not immune from the crisis and neither are the Chinese banks.

In fact, Bank of America has been hammered by the alternative media as needing capitalization but BAC has denied those allegations and the corporate media has dismissed the alternative media reports as comments from fringe blogs. Until today that is.

Pimco’s Mohamed El-Erian raised the alarm today about the health of French banks and went on to point out there is an institutional run on thosebanks.

CNBC, went on to use the metrics El-Erain used to measure the health of the French banks to measure the health of US banks and found US banks aren’t nearly as healthy as Wall Street would like to believe.

NDAA Law is Struck down a Victory for Freedom and Liberty!

On Wednesday, activists and journalists across America rejoiced in a federal judge’s ruling that the National Defense Authorization Act is unconstitutional. The judge sided with the plaintiffs when it came to section 1021 of the act, which allows for the military to indefinitely detain Americans at home and abroad without due process. But now Congress is seeking to create a new NDAA. On Friday, the US House of Representatives approved the 2013 NDAA and even shot down an amendment that would cancel the indefinite detention provisions. Carl Mayer, attorney for The Mayer Law Group representing the plaintiffs, joins us for more on the NDAA.

Khazar Empire


Who is is pushing NDAA and all the police state legislation: LIEBERMAN, LEVIN, FEINSTEIN, BOXER, SCHUMER, CANTOR. ALL the head chairs of ALL the house and senate committees are kazarian JEWS Who runs the fed? kazarian JEWS, Ben SHALOM Bernanke , Alan Greenspan and most of the federal reserve governors are kazarian JEWS, 70% of the top positions at GOLDMAN Sachs are kazarian JEWS, who do you think orchestrated the financial crisis? CFTC=Garry gentler=kazarian JEW

Unfortunately for the people of the world everything is going according to the New World Order Plan. But what is this New World Order Plan? In a nutshell the Plan is this. The Dark Agenda of the secret planners of the New World Order is to reduce the world’s population to a “sustainable” level “in perpetual balance with nature” by a ruthless Population Control Agenda via Population and Reproduction Control. A Mass Culling of the People via Planned Parenthood, toxic adulteration of water and food supplies, release of weaponised man-made viruses, man-made pandemics, mass vaccination campaigns and a planned Third World War. Then, the Dark Agenda will impose upon the drastically reduced world population a global feudal-fascist state with a World Government, World Religion, World Army, World Central Bank, World Currency and a micro-chipped population. In short, to kill 90% of the world’s population and to control all aspects of the human condition and thus rule everyone, everywhere from the cradle to the grave.

Its a done deal! United States dollar No Longer world reserve currency!

By:Daniel J Leach

“Nothing Happens That Hasn’t Been Planned ” Franklin Roosevelt

Decentralized money, does not mean its out of government control. What we need free market money, where the market sets the values and picks what the currency. The reason why gold and silver are the best is they follow the Principle of Sound Money (google it). Banks should be ran like any other business. They are free to enter without the control of the government. This means less regulations and more freedom.

All the fiat and T-bills are going to come back to the U.S and European Union. Economy going to implode hardcore, the ‘West’ is going to fight this as hard as possible, they will not accept it until they are forced to realize their defeat.

RON PAUL was RIGHT! This CAN be good for the US because MAYBE this will wake the American people up and stop them from watching the BOOB TUBE!  So the question is who makes up the new fiat paper money and then collects the interest on it. Same crap different mob.  Its called the IMF.

I see a future where the US plus the Europeans on one side and the BRICS on the other side engaging in a non ending economic cold war that may turn into indirect military confrontations using proxy countries like Syria, Iran, Israel and others. The rest of the world will create a non aligned economic and political movement. You are dreaming if you think the US will ultimately go down. They will always create a situation where they will come on top.

What I have detected, in the Video are mis-leading in this report. In saying World Bank & IMF has outlived its “USEFUL”ness and a New World BRICs Bank, is deceptive, because what they don’t explicitly say, is that the Federal Reserve Bank, will have to bail out any of those BRIC bank “loans” [that never get paid back] with USA denominated dollars. So the USA taxpayer will still be on the hook. WE MUST get back to silver and gold, and close the Federal Reserve Bank.

The fact that these countries are now talking about and getting ready to leave the US Dollar and it’s crooked IMF behind is now showing that these people have both guts and brains. The American people could learn valuable lessons from them regarding how to get an allegedly crooked president and monetary banking system out of their country and out or their lives.

This is the best news and the first true sign of hope I’ve seen in ions.

stbartels12 in reply to DoppelplusDeldenk (Show the comment) 5 hours ago

It’s a done deal! Wonder when the gov’t is going to let everyone know they just lost their power!!

BYE BYE DOLLAR IT WAS FUN ! USA dollar NO LONGER world reserve currency! 

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