National Liberty Alliance : BAR members (attorneys, judges and law professors) claim we the People have no authority to restore Common Law, but they cannot show by what authority they make such a claim, We the People answer them. Letters from NY Court tru counsel

The National Liberty Alliance is an organization trying to organize the Grand Jury system.  Their goal is to educate and organize an election in 3141 counties in the United States of America county to reinstate and initiate the Common Law Grand Jury. It only takes one person to organize the election at which all that attend are invited to join the pool. Each county should eventually find four people (administrators) who will work full time (paid positions) to administrate and orient the jurist. These four people should partnership with the four in each county throughout your state.
BAR members (attorneys, judges and law professors) claim we the People have no authority to restore Common Law, but they cannot show by what authority they make such a claim, We the People answer them. Letters from NY Court tru counsel –Prudinti tru counsel 9-26-13.pdf  Prudinti tru counsel 10-10-13.pdf

Power of the Grand Jury – In a stunning 6 to 3 decision Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority, confirmed that the American grand jury is neither part of the judicial, executive nor legislative branches of government, but instead belongs to the people. It is in effect a fourth branch of government “governed” and administered to directly by and on behalf of the American people, and its authority emanates from the Bill of Rights, see United States -v- Williams.

DUTY OF THE “COMMON LAW” GRAND JURY – If anyone’s unalienable rights have been violated, or removed, without a legal sentence of their peers, from their lands, home, liberties or lawful right, we [the twenty-five] shall straightway restore them. And if a dispute shall arise concerning this matter it shall be settled according to the judgment of the twenty-five Grand Jurors, the sureties of the peace. MAGNA CARTA, JUNE 15, A.D. 1215, 52.
Contact information for the “PRESS ONLY”  (845) 229-0044(845) 229-0044 

By what authority, rebuttal No legal authority.pdf. BAR members (attorneys, judges and law professors) claim we the People have no authority to restore Common Law, but they cannot show by what authority they make such a claim, We the People answer them. Letters from NY Court tru counsel –Prudinti tru counsel 9-26-13.pdf  Prudinti tru counsel 10-10-13.pdf

PHONE – (518) 444-8760(518) 444-8760;    FAX – (518) 943-0247
Court Hearing Thursday April 24, 2014 at 9:3o AM. If you cannot make it please fax, mail and call to let them know we are watching. 

We The People coming together to educate the people to embrace your Republic. Life Liberty and Justice !

Our mission is to restore the people to sovereignty through knowledge, and only then will they be armed with the virtue to take political and judicial power. The people have it in their power to disarm and defeat the enemy of Liberty both foreign and domestic if they only understood the principles of freedom and stand upon them.To take political power is to control our elected representatives, by bringing them into obedience through fear of the people, this is accomplished by understanding the office of & becoming an elected committeemen, and then execute the powers, it’s that simple!To take judicial power is to control our courts by understanding jurisdiction and bringing into subjection all government officers and officials using common law courts by opening courts of record and executing “people” authority, it’s that simple!

But, to successfully apply political and judicial power you must have a sense of justice and mercy which is synonymous with virtue. And to get virtue you need to have a relationship with your creator. If everyone exercised these principles America could shake off the chains of tyranny, reinstate our republic, and bring down the NWO “literally overnight”. This is the only way to save the nation, without power you are powerless!

Join our endeavor and save our Republic, one people at a time!

We are Non Partisan – A partisan person is “one who is blindly or unreasonably devoted to party positions.” Therefore a partisan cannot possibly serve the constitution. George Washington warned us against political parties he said “they only succeed in pitting one group against another”.

The cause of the grassroots movement is the awakening to our constitutional crisis, for it to be engaged in partisan politics would further serve the demise of our constitutional republic. The genius of the progressive movement is their exploitation of partisan politics, which they created, to subvert our constitution. Grassroots groups are natural and spontaneous whose primary objective is to reinstate the constitution, to be partisan would be counter productive.

Traditional power structures are orchestrated and designed to harness grassroots movements “they must always be suspect” and will be proven corrupt if they are partisan – divisive – take control of choosing candidates.
Grassroots are founded local, control is local and most events are local. To collaborate with distant groups are necessary for unity but if events become dictated by them you are no longer grassroots.

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” — Edmund Burke

The question before the People is one of an awful moment to this country. For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery; … Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear… It is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope, we are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? … I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided; and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future, but by the past.

…They are sent over to bind and rivet upon us those chains which the ministry have been so long forging. And what have we to oppose to them? Shall we try argument? Sir, we have been trying that for the last ten years. Have we anything new to offer upon the subject? Nothing.

…Sir, we have done everything that could be done, to avert the storm which is now coming on. We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry. Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrance’s have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne. In vain, after these things, may we indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation. There is no longer any room for hope.

If we wish to be free if we mean to preserve privileges, if we mean not to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained, we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of Hosts is all that is left us!

They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance, by lying supinely on our backs, and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot?

…Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. Three [hundred] millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations; and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard! The war is inevitable²and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come.

Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! — Patrick Henry [short version for the short attention span]

Illuminati Controlled Cops ready to put on their suicide vests as more agents and equipment arriving at the Bundy Ranch to start an American Spring!

These last few months, much of the country has watched in horror as the Illuminati NWO  and its Secret Society’s have waged jihad on the American people from the Bundy Ranch to NATO ready to start WW3 with a current build-up of Russian troops near Ukrainian border to start an American Spring. And on the hoe front their intransigent demands for deep spending cuts, coupled with their almost gleeful willingness to destroy one of America’s most invaluable assets, its full faith and credit, were incredibly irresponsible. But they don’t care. Their goal, they believe, is worth blowing up the country to rebuild it in a new image of an fascist One World Government under a New World Order controlled by the United Nations, if that’s what it takes.


There are a lot of rumors going around. Please DO NOT share anything as facts unless you see it on here, or on the If you would like updates through texting, you can text BUNDY to 58885, and you will automatically be added to the list. We will update you with facts 2-3 times a day.
We appreciate all of the support coming in! -God Bless America!!

Many of you have been asking for a better way to keep informed and know what you can do to help.

We love Facebook but it is not effective for getting the word out when we really need help. There are so many messages here things are getting lost.

If you go to you can sign up to get Emails and Text messages.

You will get messages directly from the Bundy’s.
You will not receive a bunch of junk, only important messages when we need immediate help and we will only text message you when critical action is required.

Please let others know about this ASAP.

Bad Moon Rising in Nevada at the Bundy Ranch It’s not over till the fat lady sings!r

Bundy Ranch

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This is the Official Bundy Ranch Page.

brklynmd3 14 hours ago Ok… 2:17 am on Monday April 14 2014 and I am in touch with people on the ground… I can say, it is NOT over. Stand by.

More agents and equipment arriving at the Bundy Ranch 

Published on Apr 13, 2014

There are more agents and equipment arriving at the Bundy Ranch It’s NOT over. Let everyone know and get the word out.


Tried to tell you! They make Bundy out to look like a criminal… He quit paying the fees when the suit against him started. Would you pay? Would you help someone financially sue you? Paying the fees would be CRAZY while they are suing you! He is not a criminal or a moocher! I am glad to see us all stand together for a change.

Like ideologues everywhere, they scorn compromise. Like when John Boehner, the House speaker, tried to cut a deal with President Obama that included some modest revenue increases, they humiliated him. After an agreement was finally struck. t — amounting to a near-complete capitulation by Obama —  Illuminati NWO  and its Secret Society’s members went on Fox News to complain that it only called for $2.4 trillion in cuts, instead of $4 trillion. It was head-spinning.

All the blogosphere and the talk shows mused about which party would come out ahead politically. Honestly, who cares? What ought to matter is not how these spending cuts will affect our politicians, but how they’ll affect the country. And I’m not even talking about the terrible toll $2.4 trillion in cuts will take on the poor and the middle class. I am talking about their effect on America’s still-ailing economy.

America’s real crisis is not a debt crisis. It’s an unemployment crisis. Yet this agreement not only doesn’t address unemployment, it’s guaranteed to make it worse. (Incredibly, the Democrats even abandoned their demand for extended unemployment benefits as part of the deal.) As Mohamed El-Erian, the chief executive of the bond investment firm Pimco, said, fiscal policy includes both a numerator and a denominator. “The numerator is debt,” he said. “But the denominator is growth.” He added, “What we have done is accelerate forward, in a self-inflicted manner, the numerator. And, in the process, we have undermined the denominator.” Economic growth could have gone a long way toward shrinking the deficit, while helping put people to work. The spending cuts will shrink growth and raise the likelihood of pushing the country back into recession.

Inflicting more pain on their countrymen doesn’t much bother the Illuminati NWO  and its Secret Society’s, as they’ve repeatedly proved. What is astonishing is that both the president and House speaker are claiming that the deal will help the economy. Do they really expect us to buy that? We’ve all heard what happened in 1937 when Franklin Roosevelt, believing the Depression was over, tried to rein in federal spending. Cutting spending spiraled the country right back into the Great Depression, where it stayed until the arrival of the stimulus package known as World War II. That’s the path we’re now on. Our enemies could not have designed a better plan to weaken the American economy than this debt-ceiling deal.

One thing Roosevelt did right during the Depression was legislate into being a social safety net to soften the blows that a free-market economy can mete out in tough times. During this recession, it’s as if the government is going out of its way to make sure the blows are even more severe than they have to be. The debt-ceiling debate reflects a harsher, less empathetic America. It’s sad to see.

  says that Obama should have played the 14th Amendment card, using its language about “the validity of the public debt” to unilaterally raise the debt ceiling. Yes, he would have infuriated the Republicans, but so what? They already view him as the Antichrist. Legal scholars believe that Congress would not have been able to sue to overturn his decision. Inexplicably, he chose instead a course of action that maximized the leverage of the Republican extremists.


But the debilitating deficit battles are by no means over.  As has been explained ad nauseam, the threat of defense cuts is supposed to give the Republicans an incentive to play fair with the Democrats in the negotiations. But with United States being deployed in more than 150 countries around the world, which side is going to blink if the proposed cuts threaten to damage national security? Just as they did with the much-loathed bank bailout, which most Republicans spurned even though financial calamity loomed, will the Democrats and Republicans do the responsible thing. Apparently, that’s their problem they dont know how to when they are run and funded by the Illuminati NWO  and its Secret Society’.

For now, the  Illuminati NWO  and its Secret Society’ can put aside their suicide vests. But rest assured: They’ll have them on again soon enough. After all, they’ve gotten so much encouragement.

All the Right Moves: Anti NWO Patriot’s Favorite online Mag Goes Mobile

The app of the month is taking Rochester’s NY  ANTI NEW WORLD ORDER PARTY Magazine readers by storm—and we’re not talking about cyclones. The lifestyle publication, which has the skinny on just about everything in town, has long-since been a staple among Roc locals.


And as a good number of these locals have gone mobile, the magazine is paying it forward with its recently-launched Conduit Mobile-powered Anti New World Order Party Mag App, a dynamic, interactive information hub that does the lively metropolis proud.

The  Anti New World Order Party Mag App takes home the gold in every category. It’s well managed, it has seamless functionality, and most importantly, it’s got great content that lets users stay informed, stay connected, and stay local. A versatile news feed chronicles everything from breaking news to ROC’s legendary Annual Halloween party. Music lovers are entertained by an eclectic collection of streaming tunes highlighting the city’s unique music culture and local artists. A comprehensive Event Listings feature is perfect for both locals and tourists in search of a perfect destination, be it the latest after-hours hotpots or a cultural landmark. And the Nightlife Photos link gives a community feel with snapshots of users’ nocturnal adventures on the town. What can we say? Big congrats go out to  ANTI NEW WORLD ORDER PARTY Magazine for some moves well played and a wholly engaging, exceptional app.

As to the hows, whys, and whats of publishing a mobile app?  ANTI NEW WORLD ORDER PARTY Magazine founder, Daniel Leach, explains.

First and foremost, how has going mobile helped your business?
“The mobile platform has simplified the logistics of content delivery. Going mobile has also made the publication more accessible to a larger number of readers. I’ve learned that access equates to growth. Because of our mobile app development, we have witnessed tremendous growth in our readership, downloads, and impressions.” Mission accomplished.

Why did you decide to make an app, and why did you choose the Conduit Mobile platform?
“I wanted to design an app that delivered localized content that my magazine readers would enjoy. I utilized the Conduit Mobile platform because it offered me maximum control without enduring the learning curve of brushing up on new code. The deployment and analytic s options were very alluring as well. After spending ample time engaging and learning the nuances of the Conduit Mobile dashboard, I decided to dive head first into the creation of my first app,  Anti New World Order Party Mag.” And what a splash he’s made…

Your favorite in-app feature?
“I would have to say that the page that I favor the most in the  Anti New World Order Party Mag app would have to be the home page. Ultimately, it’s an interactive news feed with countless possibilities. I often utilize this real estate for late breaking news updates, highlighting local musicians, notifying my users of special events in the area, and bringing awareness of the vast amount of locally owned business promotions in the area. I believe the news page rounds out the app. It’s not only the greeting page—it also connects and accentuates the diversity of the additional app pages.”

What about user feedback?
“I have received immense feedback in regard to the app. There have been accolades, and there have been suggestions for improvement. I believe improvement is a continuous endeavor, so I welcome all forms of feedback.” A humble, no-nonsense approach that has no doubt contributed to the man’s success.

Any particularly popular features?
“A large majority of my app users enjoy the news feed and embedded music player.”

And how has your app boosted the magazine’s presence in the mobile world?
“Mobile applications provide a dynamic level of dexterity for the creator and availability to the end user. With the  Anti New World Order Party Mag app I am able to deliver new and exciting content to the readers of the  Anti New World Order Party Magazine publication.  I believe that experiencing  Anti New World Order PartyMag on this level is organic and natural for the readers.” Well said, and it couldn’t be truer.

Admit it—you want one too. The good news is, you can have it, and creating that award-winning app is much easier than you think. Let the spirit  Anti New World Order Party you, and get started with Conduit Mobile today.

Click to go to our Moblie app.

Users accessing our regular website via their mobile device will be redirected to our mobile site, or will be prompted to download our app from the relevant marketplaces. To redirect mobile users, simply to redirect mobile users to our mobile site Advanced

From Filioque to global slavery in three easy steps?

As Christian theology took a new turn in Western Europe’s financial rise, so did anthropology. It is much easier to maintain a vertical power structure and a comfortable economic status quo when God is seen less as Father (in any generous Gospel sense) and more as a dispassionate Judge or Architect. A quite-content-thank-you-very-much ruling-class élite is far better served by a doctrine of a purely eschatalogical reward, not a noetic transcendence, and so the Bible was misunderstood and the Fathers all but forgotten, even monasticism supplanted by scholasticism. For intellectuals who are “all cerebrum” make for a considerably more reliable middle class to buffer the upper from the lower class (though arguably not vice-versa) than monks who are “all naval.” And then we went even further by exalting philosophy, then the natural sciences, eventually announcing to the common man that he was indeed just splendidly arranged inanimate particles, rendering his deeds meaningless, matriarchy superior to patriarchy, and death the only honest course of action. And thus did the leisurely cabal construct the ultimate empire mind-set. Interestingly, this was the view the leading sorcerers held all along, but not because they for one instant entertained Newtonism or Darwinism or any of the so-called “scientific theories” they were pleased to feed a by-design spiritually and then intellectually starved populace, whose dignity they regard as you might regard the livestock that is your deli meat.

More on industry-geared education.

More on Eastern Orthodoxy.

Found Hidden Inside DNA Sequence Message From God

Message From God Found Hidden Inside DNA Sequence

Feb. 01, 2013

imagesResearchers at Harvard University announced today that they have found what appears to be a message from God written inside the human genome.

In a little-explored section of non-coding DNA, a team of top geneticists discovered a 22-word snippet of ancient Aramaic in which God confirms his existence and his role in creating life on Earth.

The stunning finding represents nearly irrefutable evidence of God‘s existence and his role in creating the process of evolution by natural selection.

The message was discovered when researchers noticed strange mathematical patterns appearing within a certain section of the genome.


For Heaven’s Sake

“We knew the patterns weren’t naturally occurring,” explains Charles Watson, the lead scientist on the project, “but we couldn’t come up with any convincing explanation for them.

“On a whim,  we started cross referencing the patterns with language databases,” he explains, “and we were shocked to find that the patterns corresponded to ancient Aramaic.”

Stunned by its discovery, the team contacted language experts familiar with Aramaic – the language Jesus Christ spoke in daily life.

Entirely decoded, the message reads: “Hello my children. This is Yahweh, the one true Lord. You have found creation’s secret. Now share it peacefully with the world.”

Yahweh is the biblical name for the Judeo-Christian god.

Inherit The Earth

The findings will be published in the journal Nature next month, and are expected to provoke the biggest scientific controversy since Charles Darwin published his theory of natural selection in 1859.

“This doesn’t mean that the theory of evolution is wrong,” says Watson.  “It’s just incomplete. It seems that in reality the Judeo-Christian god actually started the whole process.

“And instead of just telling us about natural selection, he left a hidden signature that we could find 200,000 years later when we invented the right technology. It makes total sense really.

“Before this discovery I was a committed atheist. Now I’m a devout Christian. This is exactly the kind of proof I needed to ease my doubts.”

In addition to its profound impact on science, the news is set to revolutionize the world of comparative religion.

“I think the message clearly indicates that God wants us to co-exist peacefully with our fellow human beings,” says Janice Taylor, a bishop in the Anglican Church.

However, other Christian denominations have a different interpretation of the scientists’ findings.

“Clearly this means our God is the one true God and that we should exterminate rival religions,” says Frank Page, leader of the conservative Southern Baptist Convention. “Now that we have truth on our side, I think it’s time we start a new crusade.”

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Inc., located in Washington, DC, or Denver, CO?

Recently John McGuire and I went to the monthly liberty-oriented Movie Nite that the Hope For Rochester Ministry organizes, and as is tradition I streamed the presentation Which You Are You? (a.k.a. Who Are You?, a.k.a. What the Frequently Unanswered Questions?) onto our YouTube Channel, which you can find together with Bernie Wheater‘s presentation that followed in which he showed a short PowerPointed lesson on how the “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Inc.” corporate fake shadow-government hides inside our original and legitimate Government and has been used incrementally to strip you of all your rights (I exaggerate not) by making you legally someone other than who you think you are (if common law were in force), namely making you a corporate slave. So John, healthy skeptic that he is, started doing his own research (as Bernie had encouraged us all to do) and found out some really interesting data that we thought you should all probably know about. I have know for years about the Sovereign Citizen Movement (that John is just starting to find out about) and the Shadow Corporate De Facto Government. De facto is Latin for in fact, and in political terms it indicates a government that may have seized power unlawfully. They may not be constitutionally appointed, but are in fact. De jure is the opposite. A de facto government is supported by the people of the state and not by a constitution. A de jure governing body, on the other hand, is supported by a constitution currently in force. Or a de jure government is officially recognized by the constitution and other (neighboring) states, and sometimes even supranational and inter-governmental institutions. De facto governments are not recognized. De facto governments are caused, for example, by a revolution within (i.e. incited by the people of the state). This is what John wrote:

“I can’t believe no one is talking about this. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Inc., is in Evergreen, CO, a mere half-hour drive from the Denver Mint, the single largest producer of coins in the world! Does it get any shadier than this?”

Published on Jun 27, 2012

EXECUTIVE ORDER, NATIONAL DEFENSE RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS in Words… Obama Executive Order Seizes U.S. Infrastructure & Citizens for Military Preparedness & Slavery Details Explained Video!… The Defense Production Act of 1950. The Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act that effortlessly passed the House and the Senate is a law that most Americans don’t know about but could put them behind bars for up to 10 years. The law states it is a prosecutable offense to without lawful authority enter a building or grounds of a special event of national significance or enter a building or grounds where the President or other person protected by the Secret Service is or will be temporarily visiting. Your Employers “Gov’t Servants “can kill you legally for no reason “or if you know the TRUTH”. If you don’t fire them your DEAD ! Legalizing Holocaust. Under National Defense Authorization Act S 1867 U.S. military can (1) arrest U.S. Citizens without any charges (or evidence) (2) Can do it secretly (Just disappear you) (3) Can hold you indefinitely (4) With No Right to a Trial. (5) Can torture. (6) Can assassinate U.S. Citizens. Stop them NOW or DIE ! Your All Terrorists(TRUTHERS), going to take Gov’t Word No DUE Process ! National Defense Authorization Act S 1867… S 1867 NDAA End of Human Rights Petition…… FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. Martial Law Bill Passes Congress Allows Military to Arrest, Permanently Detain, Torture, Kill American Citizens without Trial. The National Defense Authorization Act. America is a War Zone. Romney Ron Paul .Know who runs the World the Federal Reserve system was fraudulently created & it’s Counterfeiting Notes “the Dollar” is illegal & Unconstitutional. Become a Freeman on the Land & know the Deceptions of the Law. Statues & Acts are not law & need your consent (like stating your name or showing ID) Don’t enter the Law Society. lawyer society unalienable rights commerce maritime admiralty common ucc uniform commercial code contract consent civil corruption central bank karma reincarnation enlightenment united states passport legal fiction register court judge property imf wto foreclosure social security Medicaid Medicare debt consent blacks law society sovereignty Osama bin laden death Al Qaeda terrorist haarp chemtrails fema coast to coast am gas oil price middle east 2012 conspiracy terror food crisis gold silver revolution inflation Ron Paul Obama zeitgeist disaster riots protests jobs alex jones prison planet info wars nature corporation wikileaks climate change police state meditation constitutional Jesus Christ ufo’s aliens tea party rand paul Jesse Ventura David Icke max Kaiser Mayan spirituality free Tibet china tyranny terrorism consciousness world war 3 Buddhism Tao Zen god truth justice knowledge wise slavery history freedom fluoride peace love history terrorism occupation information deception paradigm matrix law America recession inflation economy stock market bush depression nwo space mac mind control Hinduism meditation Egypt Libya Jews Israel Mayan new York 911 lies conspiracy theory sovereign state imf wto world bank apply federal reserve slavery Islamic Yemen Pakistan Afghanistan Syria Saudi Arabia Persians Sunni Shiite Islam Iran Iraq Israel 9/11 maritime admiralty law Monsanto seeds farms fda fbi cia homeland security sovereignty graham Hancock Peter Shiff sovereignty earthquake tsunami nuclear japan radiation precession of the equinox prophecy revelation apocalypse rapture bible Christian Pakistan Fukushima default debt stock market crash Peter Schiff max Kaiser rt Oath Keepers tsar ion Occupy Wall Street End the Fed Alan Watts truth movement we are the 99% we are change anonymous marine soldier occupy marines a new alliance Tear Gas OWS Zuccotti park TSA

Ever Wonder why having that Birth Certificate was so important? Why a Certified Certificate of Live Birth from the Hospital wasn’t sufficient enough? I didn’t have a Birth Certificate until I was 12 years old, when suddenly it was required to play Bobbysocks, even after already joining the previous year. Some time in the 1980’s, it was required that you have a Social Security Number for your children in order to claim them on your taxes. Of course, a Birth Certificate is required to obtain an SSN. This video is posted for educational purposes only. No copyright infringement intended.

USC “law” is fictional law. It is 100% color of law no matter how the “government” put it. ALL, and I mean ALL of our judges and representative are not qualified by the constitution to even be in office remember that these people CHOOSE to take an OATH to those “laws” by their own recognition (see 18 USC 1918, 18 USC 241, 18 USC 242, 5 USC 7311, 18 USC 1621 and 5 USC 3333.)
<a>Gnarly Carly</a>
On March 28th, 1861 Congress adjourned sine die and never has reconvened de jure…

What you think is the Government of the United States of America is, in fact, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC., and the Congress and Senate are STOCKHOLDERS or CORPORATE OFFICERS. The real United States of America Government died (sine die) and never returned.

The original 13th Amendment prohibits “Esquires” (Attorneys) from holding positions of public office. Read the only one I could find,inside Texas, and look at the date!!!!! ..1819 not recognized by the CORPORATE (defacto) UNITED STATES.

U.S. Citizens were declared enemies of the U.S. CORPORATION by F.D.R. by Executive Order No. 2040 and ratified by Congress on March 9th, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, resulting in use of the Rules of Land Warfare being part and party to their Constitution. ‘FOR THEIR PROTECTION’

F.D.R. changed the meaning of The Trading with the Enemy Act of December 6th, 1917 by changing the word “without” to CITIZENS “within” the United States. The multi-nation Bankruptcy and Great Depression changed our world. The Bankers and Attornies of England took over completely. Thank you F.D.R. …you are hereby assigned 2nd in line to the burn pile…ain’t enough duck tape for that guy!!

Today, almost all mothers unknowingly inform on their own babies. Take a look at the so-called “Birth Certificate” CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH where the mother signs and you’ll see the title of the box stating in small print: “MOTHER OR OTHER INFORMANT.”

The word “OTHER” makes the mother an “informant.” By signing the “Birth Certificate” as an informer, she contracts with the government putting her child and her child’s future labor AND SERVICE IN THE ARMED FORCES as collateral for the national debt (servitude-slavery.)

Is America Under Attack From Boston Marathon Bombing To Small Texas Town Fertilizer Plant Explosion And If So By Who?

From the Boston Marathon Massacre to the explosion at a fertilizer plant that rocked a small Texas town near Waco Wednesday night.  It was once said  ”You never want a serious crisis to go to waste”Rahm Emanuel:  You have to ask yourself are we living in the End of days as Jesus Christ spoke about before his return and if so what else should we also expect to happen?   And this gospel [of the Kingdom] must first be published among all nations. “But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that  speak, but the Holy Ghost. “Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death. “And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” (Mark 13:10-13)

Shortly before His crucifixion and resurrection, Jesus Christ delivered a major prophecy of end-time events, recorded in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. He was asked by His disciples: “When will these things be? And what will be the sign of your coming, and of the end of the age?” (Matthew 24:3 ). Jesus responded with a description of conditions and events that would lead up to His second coming. Moreover, He said that when these signs became evident, His return would occur within one generation!

I believe that many of these tragic events are happening are a build up to a 3 World War.  Predicted by the Illuminati s own Albert Pike

This Section Copied from:

July 10, 2010

1871 — Satanist and Freemason commander, Albert Pike predicted World War I – III. “The Third World War is to be played out by…”

From: iamthewitness, The Synagogue of Satan 1821-1875.


Albert  Pike
Albert Pike

An American General named, Albert Pike, who had been enticed into the, “Illuminati,” by Guiseppe Mazzini, completes his military blueprint for three world wars and various revolutions throughout the world, culminating into moving this great conspiracy into its final stage. These details are as follows:

  1. The First World War is to be fought for the purpose of destroying the Tsar in Russia, as promised by Nathan Mayer Rothschild in 1815. The Tsar is to be replaced with communism which is to be used to attack religions, predominantly Christianity. The differences between the British and German empires are to be used to foment this war.
  2. The Second World War is to be used to foment the controversy between fascism and political Zionism with the oppression of Jews in Germany a lynchpin in bringing hatred against the German people. This is designed to destroy fascism (which the Rothschilds’ created) and increase the power of political Zionism. This war is also designed to increase the power of communism to the level that it equalled that of united Christendom.
  3. The Third World War is to be played out by stirring up hatred of the Muslim world for the purposes of playing the Islamic world and the political Zionists off against one another. Whilst this is going on, the remaining nations would be forced to fight themselves into a state of mental, physical, spiritual and economic exhaustion.

On August 15th of this year, Albert Pike writes a letter (now catalogued in the British Museum) to Guiseppe Mazzini in which he states the following,

“We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the people will be forced to defend themselves against the world minority of the world revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view.

A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

Pike, who had been elected as Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry’s Southern Jurisdiction in 1859, was the most powerful Freemason in America. He would retain that post for thirty-two years until his death in 1891. He also published a book on the subject in 1872 entitled, “Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry,” in which he candidly states the following,

“The true name of Satan, the Kabbalists say, is that of Yahweh reversed; for Satan is not a black god, but the negation of God…For the Initiates, this is not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but which may serve for evil. It is the instrument of Liberty and Free Will…

LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!”

Interestingly, in the same book, Pike emphasizes that Freemasonry is a religion based on the occult Jewish philosophy found in the Kabbalah.

This section Copied from:

“Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play …”  “If you tell a lie big  enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it …”“The truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, truth is the greatest enemy of the State …”                                                     Dr. Joseph Goebbles.   Minister for Propaganda of Hitler’s Third Reich

The Truth: It’s a shell game
to the elite press.

The main function of today’s elite press is to present a lie as the truth; to depict that which is false as factual!  AND THAT IS CERTAINLY WHAT THE ELITE MEDIA IS DOING TODAY REGARDING ITS REPORTING ON THE ECONOMIC CRISIS THAT HAS TAKEN HOLD OF THE COUNTRY AND THE WORLD.


And it’s not just Marshall who sees bloodshed on the horizon: Gerald  Celente, the head of the Trends Research Institute, the major trend-forecasting agency in the world has recently released a Trend Alert, reporting that,     “The biggest financial bubble in history is being inflated in plain sight,”  and that –

THIS IS THE MOTHER OF ALL BUBBLES, and when it explodes […] it     will signal the end to the boom/bust cycle that has characterized economic  activity throughout the developed world. This is going to be much bigger than the … Real Estate [residential and commercial] bubbles which [recently] hit speculators, investors and financiers … When the ‘Bailout Bubble’ explodes,  the system goes with it.”

Celente continues:

“The phantom dollars, printed out of thin air, backed by nothing … and     producing next to nothing … defines the ‘Bailout Bubble’. Just as with the     other bubbles, so too will this one burst. But unlike [the residential and     commercial] real estate bubbles, when the “Bailout Bubble” pops,     neither the President nor the Federal Reserve will have the fiscal fixes or     monetary policies available to inflate another.”

Celente  then goes on to say something truly remarkable:

GIVEN THE PATTERN OF GOVERNMENTS TO PARLAY EGREGIOUS FAILURES INTO     MEGA-FAILURES, THE CLASSIC TREND THEY FOLLOW, WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS, IS TO     TAKE THEIR NATION TO WAR, and that, while we cannot pinpoint precisely   when the ‘Bailout Bubble’ will burst, we are certain it will. When it [i.e.,  the bailout bubble] … breaks, IT SHOULD BE UNDERSTOOD THAT A MAJOR WAR  WILL FOLLOW.”

Interestingly, the “bailout bubble” that Celente was referring to     amounted at the time to $12.8 trillion. As of July, estimates by Bloomberg     put this bubble at nearly double the previous estimate.

I urge you all to take advantage of the time you have left!

[Please see our  article,

He Is Near, at the Door:  Here Comes Antichrist.”]

Matthew 24:34 ). Could this be that generation?

In Matthew 24:22And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
See All…, describing world conditions prior to His second coming, Jesus said that “if that time of troubles were not cut short, no living thing could survive; but for the sake of God’s chosen it will be cut short” (Revised English Bible).

False Flag Operation 04/15/13 Bombing Boston Marathon Massacre the New American Operation Gladio.

Friends yes its breaking news US Government Agents caught red-handed planting the bombs on site in black back packs with men wearing Navy Neal emblems and gear.   As you will see from the photo’s bellow all the evidence is damning.  Its not looking good for the United States special forces.  The question is who will be the patsy this time the guys caught on videos and in the photo or do they have some drugged out mind controlled zombie on stand by to call a Right Wing Christian extremist.

  • There’s an old saying if it looks like a duck, Quacks Like a duck, walks like a duck it’s probably a duck.  Yes friends what we have uncovered in the hours after the Boston Marathon Tax Day, Patriots Day Bombing is looking more like a false flag event,  The question is who was this orchestrated by and why?  Who stands to gain from others pain and sufferings.  My thoughts go back to the Illuminati and the secret Societies that are trying to build a New World Order have the means as in connections and motives to carry out such a tragic event.

    The question you have to ask yourself is why and for what reason.  It was once said  ”You never want a serious crisis to go to waste”Rahm Emanuel:  This gives the Government the reason to do all sorts of things to control people’s lives like putting more troops on the streets or shutting down the internet and putting controls of what you have the ability to search for or what you can say on your blog.

    What I see happening is leading to more invasive TSA presence at sporting events and other gatherings and the Illuminati or NWO flunkies are going to make things so bad that people beg the government to solve the problem of this so-called terrorism.  Patriot groups are being accused from the Mainstream Media and the DOD.  What we are really talking  about is Problem > Reaction > Solution? Also known as The Hegelian Dialectic, or Diocletian’s Theory, it was seen to perfection by the Blair Government in the UK (1997-2007) spin machine it is a basic psychological method, developed in the early 20th Century, of manipulating an agenda, whether it be an individual salesman making a sale, a Government wanting to push through potentially unpopular legislation or a Corporation trying to increase its profit margin.

    Simply Put:

    Problem – Manipulate “customer” reaction by creating a perceived problem, perhaps by leaking stories to the press e.g.: Iraq WMD, Terrorist threat, Global Warming

    Reaction – Your “customer” obviously is concerned by this apparent turn of events and demands help and protection

    Solution – Eh Voila, you come up with the solution to save the day, the same “solution” that you would never have been able to sell before making the customer worried e.g.: 5 years of Iraq war; an endless war on a noun (terror); and people for the first time being willing to pay more taxes and cut back on their consumption to “save the world” all under a false pretext.

    The question is does the end ever justify the means? NO!  The end game is that the New World Order/Illuminati/Zionist cabal claims that the earth is over-populated and that the population must be reduced by whatever means necessary. The bottom line is that the elitists want the whole world for themselves.  They want to eliminate the rest of us who they refer to as “useless eaters.”  They want to return to what they call a “Post-Industrial Society” the type of society that existed before the Industrial Revolution.  According to them, the middle class must be eliminated to leave only two classes:  the Rich – – – and the slaves.  The American Middle class is standing in the way of this globalist plan.

    No kidding.  How Bizarre!  Is this a sign that the Illuminati are behind this bombing?   Maybe even behind Newtown Massacre since the last mile was dedicated to Newton victims?  The last mile ending at 666 Boylston St. Thats really wild..  -Mort

PHOTO: An explosion at fertilizer plant rocked a small Texas town near Waco Wednesday night - causing several injuries and destroying homes and vehicles, authorities said.

An explosion at fertilizer plant rocked a small Texas town near Waco Wednesday night – causing several injuries and destroying homes and vehicles, authorities said.  (ABC)

By  (@leezeltanglao)  and JOHN SANTUCCI

April 17, 2013
 A fiery explosion at a Texas fertilizer plant in a small town 19 miles north of Waco has injured 200 people and destroyed dozens of homes and businesses, an emergency official said.

Of the 200 people injured near the West, Texas, plant, 40 were injured critically, Texas Department of Public Safety spokesman Gail Scarborough said.

It was unclear whether or not there were deaths.

This was a breaking news story. Please CLICK HERE for more updates.

***BREAKING NEWS*** red-handed: Boston Marathon massacre Ending at 666 Boylston St. suspects photo- & videographed, US Gov’t covering up, a new American Operation Gladio

False Flag Operation 04/15/13 Bombing Boston Marathon Massacre the New American Operation Gladio.


Friends yes its breaking news US Government Agents caught red-handed planting the bombs on site in black back packs with men wearing Navy Neal emblems and gear.   As you will see from the photo’s bellow all the evidence is damning.  Its not looking good for the United States special forces.  The question is who will be the patsy this time the guys caught on videos and in the photo or do they have some drugged out mind controlled zombie on stand by to call a Right Wing Christian extremist.

Boston Marathon Bombing Police Radio 4/15/13

Listen Closely from 00:19 to 00:24 and again at 11:30 to 11:35 call for help announcing Boston Street and Fairfield Street you will hear an Offer say! “We have devises here I need officers here”.

Published on Apr 15, 2013
Boston Marathon Bombing Police Radio 4/15/13 also News Media Channels Full length recording at… Recording by Audio provided by
Posted by dogcicle at1:00 AM

  • There’s an old saying if it looks like a duck, Quacks Like a duck, walks like a duck it’s probably a duck.  Yes friends what we have uncovered in the hours after theBoston Marathon Tax Day, Patriots Day Bombing is looking more like a false flag event,  The question is who was this orchestrated by and why?  Who stands to gain from others pain and sufferings.  My thoughts go back to the Illuminati and the secret Societies that are trying to build a New World Order have the means as in connections and motives to carry out such a tragic event.

    The question you have to ask yourself is why and for what reason.  It was once said  ”You never want a serious crisis to go to waste”Rahm Emanuel:  This gives the Government the reason to do all sorts of things to control people’s lives like putting more troops on the streets or shutting down the internet and putting controls of what you have the ability to search for or what you can say on your blog.

    What I see happening is leading to more invasive TSA presence at sporting events and other gatherings and the Illuminati or NWO flunkies are going to make things so bad that people beg the government to solve the problem of this so-called terrorism.  Patriot groups are being accused from the Mainstream Media and the DOD.  What we are really talking  about is Problem > Reaction > Solution? Also known as The Hegelian Dialectic, or Diocletian’s Theory, it was seen to perfection by the Blair Government in the UK (1997-2007) spin machine it is a basic psychological method, developed in the early 20th Century, of manipulating an agenda, whether it be an individual salesman making a sale, a Government wanting to push through potentially unpopular legislation or a Corporation trying to increase its profit margin.

    Simply Put:

    Problem – Manipulate “customer” reaction by creating a perceived problem, perhaps by leaking stories to the press e.g.: Iraq WMD, Terrorist threat, Global Warming

    Reaction – Your “customer” obviously is concerned by this apparent turn of events and demands help and protection

    Solution – Eh Voila, you come up with the solution to save the day, the same “solution” that you would never have been able to sell before making the customer worried e.g.: 5 years of Iraq war; an endless war on a noun (terror); and people for the first time being willing to pay more taxes and cut back on their consumption to “save the world” all under a false pretext.

    The question is does the end ever justify the means? NO!  The end game is that the New World Order/Illuminati/Zionist cabal claims that the earth is over-populated and that the population must be reduced by whatever means necessary. The bottom line is that the elitists want the whole world for themselves.  They want to eliminate the rest of us who they refer to as “useless eaters.”  They want to return to what they call a “Post-Industrial Society” the type of society that existed before the Industrial Revolution.  According to them, the middle class must be eliminated to leave only two classes:  the Rich – – – and the slaves.  The American Midle class is standing in the way of this globalist plan.

    No kidding.  How Bizarre!  Is this a sign that the Illuminati are behind this bombing?   Maybe even behind Newtown Massacre since the last mile was dedicated to Newton victims?  The last mile ending at 666 Boylston St. Thats really wild..  -Mort

    Is this a sign that the Illuminati are behind this bombing?   Maybe even behind Newtown Massacre since the last mile was dedicated to Newton victims?  The last mile ending at 666 Boylston St. Thats really wild.
    Is this a sign that the Illuminati are behind this bombing? Maybe even behind Newtown Massacre since the last mile was dedicated to Newton victims? The last mile ending at 666 Boylston St. Thats really wild.
    The presence of “Craft” operatives on scene at the Boston marathon bombing is an  absolute bombshell of a news story.
    The presence of “Craft” operatives on scene at the Boston marathon bombing is an absolute bombshell of a news story. and wearing the “Craft” hat with the skull symbol:

    Media refuses to acknowledge existence of private military contractors on  the scene

    But the real story — and perhaps the biggest story of all — has  been blown wide open, first by researchers at, and then covered by Anthony  Gucciardi, Paul Joseph Watson and Alex  Jones. It reveals that there were private military contractors with  backpacks operating at the scene. As you can see from the above image, these private military operatives are both  wearing the exact same uniforms: tan BDUs, tan military boots, dark jackets, communications gear and black  backpacks.  This “skull” symbol just happens to be the symbol of a group of military  contractors called “The Craft.”

    The following picture shows former group  member Chris Kyle (who was recently murdered, by the way), sitting with his  sniper rifle and wearing the “Craft” hat with the skull symbol:  But an even better look at the symbol comes from the  Craft’s own website, where training photos show the symbol with great clarity: “The Craft” has a reputation of being something like an “elite Blackwater,” and  the presence of “Craft” operatives on scene at the Boston marathon bombing is an  absolute bombshell of a news story.

    Yet the mainstream media absolutely  refuses to mention it at all. Ever wonder why?Because as usual, you  are being spoon-fed a cesspool of lies by the mainstream media — an  institution of false information that has already decided to make sure the  aftermath of this event follows a predetermined outcome of blaming patriots…  even if it means fabricating, ignoring or selectively deleting  evidence.Whatever happened to the era when the media’s job was to ask  questions? Now that job rests solely with the alternative media — the only  institution that still has the integrity to question the official cover stories  and get to the bottom of real-world events.
    Trowbridge wrote:
    On April 1, 2013 I attended training in La Junta, Colorado hosted by the Colorado State Patrol (CSP). The training was from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm and covered two topics, Sovereign Citizens, and Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs. I was pretty familiar with motorcycle gangs but since we often deal with the so-called sovereign citizen groups I was interested to see what they had to say. The group consisted of police officers, deputies, and CSP troopers. There were about 20 people in attendance. Trooper Joe Kluczynski taught a 2-hour section on sovereign citizens. Kluczynski spent most of his two hours focusing on how, in his view and apparently the view of Homeland Security, people turn to the sovereign citizen movement. Kluczynski started off by saying there are probably some sovereign citizens in this room and gave a generalized list of those groups that have sovereign citizen views. Among those groups, Kluczynski had listed, were those who believe America was founded on godly principles, Christians who take the Bible literally, and “fundamentalists”. Kluczynski did not explain what he meant by “fundamentalists” but from the context it was clear he was referring again to those who took the Bible literally or “too seriously.
    “BOSTON BOMBINGS: Hmm…another April massacre. It might be interesting to note that the Oklahoma City bombing occurred this week, the Columbine massacre occurred this week, the Waco tragedy occurred this week, the VA Tech massacre occurred this week. COINCIDENCE?? I think not. The list goes on….The American Revolution began this week, so did the American Civil War, and the Bosnian War. Still think this is coincidence? Add the Rwandan Genocide and the Armenian Genocide to the list. Also, Abraham Lincoln was shot this week. This is just the beginning of the list. Still think this is all crazed conspiracy theory?? Well, before you come to any conclusions, you may want to check out the satanic ritual calendar. The month of April is full of satanic high holy days. This is not mere chance folks. This is not a coincidence. There are very dark powers at work here. We need to be on our knees, crying out to God, warring in prayer against these demonic forces.” – Russ Dizdar

    SHARE THIS PHOTO BEFORE IS DELETED! Facebook keeps deleting this picture of this person lurking on the Roof over the Boston Marathon as the explosions happened! Share before is flagged… something sinister is going on with this incident..
    this picture of this person lurking on the Roof over the Boston Marathon as the explosions happened! Share before is flagged… something sinister is going on with this incident..
    this picture of this person lurking on the Roof over the Boston Marathon as the explosions happened! Share before is flagged… something sinister is going on with this incident..

    SHARE THIS PHOTO BEFORE IS DELETED! Facebook keeps deleting this picture of this person lurking on the Roof over the Boston Marathon as the explosions happened! Share before is flagged… something sinister is going on with this incident..



    The Boston Globe announced that there would be a controlled explosion today as a part of police bomb squad drill. Fascinatingly this happened concurrently to today’s bombing.Here is the link to the Boston Globe’s announcement on Twitter. I have verified it myself and am providing a link. Announcement is timestamped.

Boston Bombing Culprits Found?
April 17, 2013


This article was posted: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 at 12:09 pm

Moms And Dads Need To know Why (((I Love Pink))) By Victorias Secret is sickening and Satanic.


The fashion industry is deeply steeped in Illuminati symbolism and hot new young child like models are constantly recruited to make this symbolism “fashionable”. Victorias Secret is a perfect example of this, as exemplified by the Victorias Secrets  I Love Pink Fashion line the Illuminati’s favorite international fashion Symbolism is that of Pedophilia and Sex with Children. You only have to use your brain to figure out what the words imply when it says I love Pink and its not talking about the color Pink can you say In English slangthe pink refers to the vagina.[29 

victorias-dirty-secret  Victoria’s Secret might pretend that Pink is aimed at women 18-24, but as most of … I love the thongs – and I never thought I’d ever say that. …. the average middle-class mom doesn’t know the slang meaning of PINK, If that’s not enough, there are also television shows in the works that are the Hollywood equivalent of occult dabbling, and pop singers using satanic imagery to promote their music.The occult revival of the late 1960s notwithstanding, there seems to exist a periodic need in this fair country to become enamored of satanism every decade and a half, give or take.  In the 1980s, there were daycare centers reportedly run by devil-worshipping pedophiles, and an evil network of child-killing Satanists taking over America.

PINK Nation

In sexuality

  • Whereas Jewish people were forced to wear a yellow star of David under Nazi rule, men imprisoned on accusations of homosexuality were forced to wear a pink triangle. Nowadays, a pink triangle (usually pointing up, and rendered inhot pink contrary to Nazi usage in which the triangle was pointing down and rendered in regular pink) is often worn with pride.[26]
  • Dutch newsgroup about homosexuality is called nl.roze (roze being the Dutch word for pink), while in BritainPink News is a leading gay newspaper and online news service. There is a magazine called Pink for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community which has different editions for various metropolitan areas.[27] In France Pink TV is an LGBT cable channel.
  • In business, the pink pound or pink dollar refers to the spending power of the LGBT community.[28] Advertising agencies sometimes call the gay market the pink economy.
  • Though long discontinued, the now mainstream gay-oriented magazine The Advocate for many years of its early history featured a sometimes sizable section of personal ads and mostly sexually oriented ads printed on pink paper and referred to as “the pink pages.” As the gay rights movement gained increased mainstream momentum and public acceptance, and as the magazine itself became less underground and was distributed more widely on newsstands in “middle America,” the publishers made the section more easily removable for those who preferred not to view/keep it with the main body of the magazine. The Advocate eventually ceased to include the “pink pages” when in 1992, they spun off a separate magazine called Advocate Classifieds which continued until about 2000 when the classified ads went on the Internet.
  • In English slangthe pink refers to the vagina.[29]
  • In Russian, pink (розовыйrozovyj) is used to refer to lesbians, and light blue (голубойgoluboj) refers to gay men.[30]

This section copied:

This issue of French Vogue features a truly disturbing photo shoot featuring young girls (around 6 years old) in heavy make-up, high heels and designer clothes. Some pictures actually “sexualize” these girls by placing them in strange settings.

Notice the presence of feline prints in many photos – a reference Sex Kitten programming (aka Beta Programming). Lost of innocence, premature sexualization, awkward settings, ritual abuse, blank stares…the pics truly reek of mind controlled children.

“Cadeaux” means “gifts” and, in the context of this last pic, the term takes a truly sickening meaning.

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