Illuminati Controlled Cops ready to put on their suicide vests as more agents and equipment arriving at the Bundy Ranch to start an American Spring!

These last few months, much of the country has watched in horror as the Illuminati NWO  and its Secret Society’s have waged jihad on the American people from the Bundy Ranch to NATO ready to start WW3 with a current build-up of Russian troops near Ukrainian border to start an American Spring. And on the hoe front their intransigent demands for deep spending cuts, coupled with their almost gleeful willingness to destroy one of America’s most invaluable assets, its full faith and credit, were incredibly irresponsible. But they don’t care. Their goal, they believe, is worth blowing up the country to rebuild it in a new image of an fascist One World Government under a New World Order controlled by the United Nations, if that’s what it takes.


There are a lot of rumors going around. Please DO NOT share anything as facts unless you see it on here, or on the If you would like updates through texting, you can text BUNDY to 58885, and you will automatically be added to the list. We will update you with facts 2-3 times a day.
We appreciate all of the support coming in! -God Bless America!!

Many of you have been asking for a better way to keep informed and know what you can do to help.

We love Facebook but it is not effective for getting the word out when we really need help. There are so many messages here things are getting lost.

If you go to you can sign up to get Emails and Text messages.

You will get messages directly from the Bundy’s.
You will not receive a bunch of junk, only important messages when we need immediate help and we will only text message you when critical action is required.

Please let others know about this ASAP.

Bad Moon Rising in Nevada at the Bundy Ranch It’s not over till the fat lady sings!r

Bundy Ranch

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brklynmd3 14 hours ago Ok… 2:17 am on Monday April 14 2014 and I am in touch with people on the ground… I can say, it is NOT over. Stand by.

More agents and equipment arriving at the Bundy Ranch 

Published on Apr 13, 2014

There are more agents and equipment arriving at the Bundy Ranch It’s NOT over. Let everyone know and get the word out.


Tried to tell you! They make Bundy out to look like a criminal… He quit paying the fees when the suit against him started. Would you pay? Would you help someone financially sue you? Paying the fees would be CRAZY while they are suing you! He is not a criminal or a moocher! I am glad to see us all stand together for a change.

Like ideologues everywhere, they scorn compromise. Like when John Boehner, the House speaker, tried to cut a deal with President Obama that included some modest revenue increases, they humiliated him. After an agreement was finally struck. t — amounting to a near-complete capitulation by Obama —  Illuminati NWO  and its Secret Society’s members went on Fox News to complain that it only called for $2.4 trillion in cuts, instead of $4 trillion. It was head-spinning.

All the blogosphere and the talk shows mused about which party would come out ahead politically. Honestly, who cares? What ought to matter is not how these spending cuts will affect our politicians, but how they’ll affect the country. And I’m not even talking about the terrible toll $2.4 trillion in cuts will take on the poor and the middle class. I am talking about their effect on America’s still-ailing economy.

America’s real crisis is not a debt crisis. It’s an unemployment crisis. Yet this agreement not only doesn’t address unemployment, it’s guaranteed to make it worse. (Incredibly, the Democrats even abandoned their demand for extended unemployment benefits as part of the deal.) As Mohamed El-Erian, the chief executive of the bond investment firm Pimco, said, fiscal policy includes both a numerator and a denominator. “The numerator is debt,” he said. “But the denominator is growth.” He added, “What we have done is accelerate forward, in a self-inflicted manner, the numerator. And, in the process, we have undermined the denominator.” Economic growth could have gone a long way toward shrinking the deficit, while helping put people to work. The spending cuts will shrink growth and raise the likelihood of pushing the country back into recession.

Inflicting more pain on their countrymen doesn’t much bother the Illuminati NWO  and its Secret Society’s, as they’ve repeatedly proved. What is astonishing is that both the president and House speaker are claiming that the deal will help the economy. Do they really expect us to buy that? We’ve all heard what happened in 1937 when Franklin Roosevelt, believing the Depression was over, tried to rein in federal spending. Cutting spending spiraled the country right back into the Great Depression, where it stayed until the arrival of the stimulus package known as World War II. That’s the path we’re now on. Our enemies could not have designed a better plan to weaken the American economy than this debt-ceiling deal.

One thing Roosevelt did right during the Depression was legislate into being a social safety net to soften the blows that a free-market economy can mete out in tough times. During this recession, it’s as if the government is going out of its way to make sure the blows are even more severe than they have to be. The debt-ceiling debate reflects a harsher, less empathetic America. It’s sad to see.

  says that Obama should have played the 14th Amendment card, using its language about “the validity of the public debt” to unilaterally raise the debt ceiling. Yes, he would have infuriated the Republicans, but so what? They already view him as the Antichrist. Legal scholars believe that Congress would not have been able to sue to overturn his decision. Inexplicably, he chose instead a course of action that maximized the leverage of the Republican extremists.


But the debilitating deficit battles are by no means over.  As has been explained ad nauseam, the threat of defense cuts is supposed to give the Republicans an incentive to play fair with the Democrats in the negotiations. But with United States being deployed in more than 150 countries around the world, which side is going to blink if the proposed cuts threaten to damage national security? Just as they did with the much-loathed bank bailout, which most Republicans spurned even though financial calamity loomed, will the Democrats and Republicans do the responsible thing. Apparently, that’s their problem they dont know how to when they are run and funded by the Illuminati NWO  and its Secret Society’.

For now, the  Illuminati NWO  and its Secret Society’ can put aside their suicide vests. But rest assured: They’ll have them on again soon enough. After all, they’ve gotten so much encouragement.

All about how Sheriff Stan Lenic will be remembered in history as a Hero who stood for Freedom, Liberty and Justice!

I am supposed to protect the Constitution,” says Sheriff Lenic

Paul Joseph Watson – November 29, 2012

Sheriff Stan Lenic, the cop who stood up for the First Amendment by refusing to impede the free speech rights of activists at Albany International Airport, has become an Internet icon, with messages of support flooding in to the Albany County Sheriff’s Office and Lenic being honored with a commendation.

Full Video Here:

A video that has now gone viral on You Tube shows Lenic refusing to follow the demands of Albany Airport’s PR director Doug Myers in having activists Jason Bermas and Ashley Jessica identified, detained or removed for handing out flyers warning travelers about the dangers of airport body scanners as part of the Opt Out and Film campaign.

“Obviously this is your constitutional right, OK? As far as you’re concerned, you’re not breaking any laws. That’s what we want to get across to you guys,” Lenic told the activists, dismissing efforts by Myers to have the two kicked out of the airport.

When Myers attempted to have the activists identify themselves, winking at Sheriff Lenic as he demanded Lenic take their IDs, Lenic fired back, stating, “If I was to ask for his identification he does not have to give it to me because he’s not doing anything wrong.”

The Albany County Sheriff’s Office has since been bombarded with hundreds of positive emails and calls from liberty lovers championing Sheriff Lenic for his fine work in defending the First Amendment against petty enforcers like Doug Myers.

Comments on YouTube were also overwhelmingly supportive of Sheriff Lenic.

“Finally a cop that does his job properly. Makes a change from all of the bad cop films we’ve seen lately. Hats off to the man,” wrote one.

“This Sheriff is an absolute paragon for justice,” added another.

Lenic already has his own Facebook page where people are reposting the video and urging Lenic to run for Mayor.

“That’s a little overwhelming. I mean, I was doing my job I felt I was doing the right thing protecting people’s First Amendment rights,” Lenic told NewsChannel 13.

Lenic later emailed Jason Bermas the following message;

“I am overwhelmed by the support your viewers have given me. I hope other fellow officers will see this and not view the freedom of speech as a threat, but an opportunity to show the professionalism that law enforcement should be held to. I remember the day I was sworn in, and I remember that I am supposed to protect the constitution of the United States. I am proud to be a Deputy Sheriff, and try to do my job to the best of my ability so help me God.”

Lenic also told Bermas that his superiors were considering giving him an official commendation for his exemplary actions in defending the constitutional rights he swore to uphold.

Watch the full video of how Sheriff Lenic handled the opt out campaign event below.

‘First Amendment Cop’ Becomes Internet Icon“I am supposed to protect the Constitution,” says Sheriff


Paul Joseph Watson – November 29, 2012

Sheriff Stan Lenic, the cop who stood up for the First Amendment by refusing to impede the free speech rights of activists at Albany International Airport, has become an Internet icon, with messages of support flooding in to the Albany County Sheriff’s Office and Lenic being honored with a commendation.

Full Video Here:

A video that has now gone viral on You Tube shows Lenic refusing to follow the demands of Albany Airport’s PR director Doug Myers in having activists Jason Bermas and Ashley Jessica identified, detained or removed for handing out flyers warning travelers about the dangers of airport body scanners as part of the Opt Out and Film campaign.

“Obviously this is your constitutional right, OK? As far as you’re concerned, you’re not breaking any laws. That’s what we want to get across to you guys,” Lenic told the activists, dismissing efforts by Myers to have the two kicked out of the airport.

When Myers attempted to have the activists identify themselves, winking at Sheriff Lenic as he demanded Lenic take their IDs, Lenic fired back, stating, “If I was to ask for his identification he does not have to give it to me because he’s not doing anything wrong.”

The Albany County Sheriff’s Office has since been bombarded with hundreds of positive emails and calls from liberty lovers championing Sheriff Lenic for his fine work in defending the First Amendment against petty enforcers like Doug Myers.

Comments on YouTube were also overwhelmingly supportive of Sheriff Lenic.

“Finally a cop that does his job properly. Makes a change from all of the bad cop films we’ve seen lately. Hats off to the man,” wrote one.

“This Sheriff is an absolute paragon for justice,” added another.

Lenic already has his own Facebook page where people are reposting the video and urging Lenic to run for Mayor.

“That’s a little overwhelming. I mean, I was doing my job I felt I was doing the right thing protecting people’s First Amendment rights,” Lenic told NewsChannel 13.

Lenic later emailed Jason Bermas the following message;

“I am overwhelmed by the support your viewers have given me. I hope other fellow officers will see this and not view the freedom of speech as a threat, but an opportunity to show the professionalism that law enforcement should be held to. I remember the day I was sworn in, and I remember that I am supposed to protect the constitution of the United States. I am proud to be a Deputy Sheriff, and try to do my job to the best of my ability so help me God.”

Lenic also told Bermas that his superiors were considering giving him an official commendation for his exemplary actions in defending the constitutional rights he swore to uphold.

Watch the full video of how Sheriff Lenic handled the opt out campaign event below.

All About Sovereign Silver The Good The Bad The Ugly!

Sovereign Silver Solution
Sovereign Silver Solution
Anti New World Order Party

By: Daniel J Leach

I recently started to use Sovereign Silver and I can say that I have noticed a positive difference.  I would call it Natures Viagra or energy supplement!  I also tried using it when I was sick with a sour throat and was better with in days not weeks!   So I can say with my personal experience Yes to the Good for you in a short term!   I did not use the recommended dose I would use far less.  I used 1/2 a tea spoon twice a day, once in the morning and once at night before bed and that would be about it!

Now for the Bad news about Sovereign Silver it can Kill you if you do not know what your doing.  I would say consult your doctor before using Silver products!

Colloidal silver’s proponents will often leave-out the reason why it’s no longer in use by doctors: silver can build-up in your body, make you sick and even kill you. There is a report available online of a 71 year old man who died after taking colloidal silver orally for four months. Here is an excerpt of the report: It seems that some important facts about the 71 year old man who died were left out. My understanding was that he was on pharmaceutical medications that he had just come off of to start taking the colloidal silver. His reactions were consistent for anyone coming off those types of medicines too quickly.

“Department of Clinical Neurological Sciences, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada. The authors report a case of a 71-year-old man who developed myoclonic status epilepticus and coma after daily ingestion of colloidal silver for 4 months resulting in high levels of silver in plasma, erythrocytes, and CSF. Despite plasmapheresis, he remained in a persistent vegetative state until his death 5.5 months later. Silver products can cause irreversible neurologic toxicity associated with poor outcome.”.

The Ugly is can turn Blue like a smurf?

One of the most obvious signs of silver-poisoning is that your skin turns a blueish color. Oh, by the way, this change of color is usually permanent. This condition is called Argyria.

There is a Libertarian Party politician in Montana, named Stan Jones, who took homemade colloidal silver, out of fear that theYear 2000 “problem” that had panic-stricken dupes predicting the end of the modern world as we know it, would make modern antibiotics unavailable. So, he self-medicated himself with colloidal silver and it made his skin turn a blue-gray. Here’s a picture I found of him on the Internet. I swear I didn’t doctor it:

What most of the mainstream media conveniently fail to report is that Paul Karason took homemade colloidal silver which he contaminated with salt and drank over a quart a day for years. Despite that, he was given a clean bill of health from Mount Sinai hospital after he had a checkup at the request of the Today Show he appeared on.

Likely no one has consumed more silver, even in the wrong form, than Karason and despite his cosmetic skin condition his clean bill of health stands as a stark refutation to the charges that silver causes harm.

The fact is that millions of people around the world use colloidal silver and yet there are precious few reports of any harm and the blue skin condition known as Argyria is quite rare. In virtually every instance where it is found the cause can be traced to heavy injestion of a product that is not true colloidal silver.

Properly prescribed and administered mainstream drugs, including antibiotics, kill as many as 120,000 people each year by the admission of the American Medical Association.

The main reason that silver fell out of favor was the advent of antibiotics which were patentable and thus much more highly profitable. Likewise, the main reason that colloidal silver is targeted by the trillion dollar a year world pharma empire, mainstream medicine and the media and agencies beholden to them is the threat it represents to the billions of dollars of profits they make from those antibiotics and treatment of conditions colloidal silver remedies.

Calling it a conspiracy would not be inaccurate.

Millions are estimated to use Silver products from top colloidal and ionic silver companies that I am familiar with. Still, where are all the smurfs and where is evidence of all the harm?

There are a grand total of 16 mentions of colloidal silver and argyria in all the voluminous PubMed references.  When you remove the homemade ionic silver and the colloidal silver protein that is not really colloidal silver, then you end up with only a handful that might be colloidal silver.

When I tracked down rare reported incidents of Argyria due to ingestion of alleged colloidal silver I have invariably found that it turned out to be contaminated homemade ionic silver, so-called colloidal silver protein (which is particles to large to suspend without protein – and skin has an affinity for protein) or an ionic silver product with far too high ppm silver content.

Bad homemade CS is NOT ‘contaminated ionic silver suspended in protein’. (No-one makes MSP at home). Bad homemade CS is just colloidal silver made in impure water that has been ‘generated’ for too long. Put simply it causes argyria because its way too strong. Paul Karosan and Stan Jones both made that mistake. Paul Karosan continues to do so for some strange reason. (The other famous argyria victim and anti-colloidal silver campaigner, Rosemary Jacobs, actually never drank colloidal silver in her life. She took highly concentrated silver nitrate nose drops (probably around 30,000 ppm) every day for 3 or 4 years when she was about 11. Read her story and she admits this).

The reports at PubMed ranged from bluish fingernail cuticles to one report of death of a 71 year old man, which may or may not have been actual colloidal silver. Just for grins, do a search for “antibiotic side effect deaths”. That returns 675 reports.

Of course Natural News had ads for colloidal silver and colloidal silver makers – the ads are Google ads, which key in on words and phrases in each article the same way Google does with gmail accounts when you send and receive emails. If you went to an article about cancer, you would see ads for cancer treatments.

Now, if you want to say that some products which are labeled as colloidal silver might be dangerous or ineffective, I might agree. Otherwise, it is MY belief that some people make a practice of labeling anything that is not a mainstream approved drug as quackery.

i think the “conspiracy” angle is quite valid. except i’d put it another way. a large industry looking after it’s interests.

There is a general trend to have too much faith in modern medicine. people think its way more advanced then it is. Most people have adopted an attitude that science will save them, but for most people it’s really about healthy lifestyle choices.

There is not much to back up the toxic effects of silver. We use it in silverware, drinking pitchers, jewelry. sure anything can be toxic in huge does.

Iv tried it and found out for myself when I think of all the crap I’ve wasted money on over the years…$35 ain’t much. I really can’t remember the last time a doctor helped me and that wasn’t cheap.  More People are killed at hospitals by bad medicine than anything natural.

The reason that deaths from approved drugs are well-known is that such incidents are documented in medical records and there are very real punishments meted-out if anyone tries to cover them up.

The so called Quacks always have an out by simply stating that their product is simply a supplement. The problem with alternative medicine is that most of the aftereffects upon its users are not documented by anyone. Their deaths or complications to their conditions resulting from foregoing standard medical treatment in favor of quacks is merely listed by the resulting condition (e.g. cancer spreads, poisoning, etc) so the effects of quackery aren’t as well-documented, beyond certain articles. Most people who sell these products sure as hell aren’t going to warn anyone about whatever side effects their product’s use might cause. That would be bad for sales and sales are all most company’s really care about.

If I’m cutting into some one’s pocketbook by publishing this, then that’s just too bad.

The bottom line is that silver does work and work very well and there really is very little evidence of harm from properly made and ingested true colloidal silver.

If it did not work, why do you suppose NASA uses it to purify the astronauts drinking water?  Its a fact that CS is used to sterilize water in Mir space vehicles and the International space station. There’s perfectly credible science behind this. We are not talking about pyramids and crystals.  Or Potters for Peace uses it purify drinking water in third world countries?

drawing and photo of water filter

Dietary Supplement

The Sovereign Silver Difference

  • Actively Charged
    As corroborated by several universities, Sovereign Silver contains 96% positively charged silver particles [Ag(n)+], making it at least 34 times more powerful than other brands.
  • Easily Absorbed
    Sovereign Silver’s unprecedented particle size of 0.8 nanometers (validated by Transmission Electron Microscopy) allows for easy absorption and excretion from the body.
  • Less Is More
    The smaller the particle size, the greater the surface area and the higher the efficiency. That’s why even with a low concentration of 10 ppm, Sovereign Silver is still much more effective than brands which contain up to 500 ppm!
  • Perfectly Safe
    Sovereign Silver is formulated to be safe for the whole family. Taken 7 times a day for 70 years, Sovereign Silver still falls below the EPA daily Oral Silver Reference Dose (RfD).
  • 99.999% Pure
    Sovereign Silver has only two ingredients: pure silver and pharmaceutical grade  purified water. It does not contain added salts or proteins that render other silver products less effective. Plus, It is packaged in non leaching glass bottles to guarantee purity throughout it’s shelf life.

For thousands of years, silver has played an essential role in safeguarding human health. In fact, until 1938, colloidal silver silver water  the preferred choice of physicians for empowering the immune system and stimulating the body’s innate healing processes*

Today, as more people embrace natural ways to maintain their health and well being, silver is experiencing a resurgence in popularity. And Sovereign Silver is leading the way. By developing technologically advanced refinements in the production of silver colloids, Sovereign Silver Bio Active Silver Hydrosol delivers advantages no other manufacturer can match.

For details call 1-888-328-8840

Made In USA

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Adults: 1 teaspoon, hold under tongue for 30 seconds, then swallow.

Children 4 years & older: 1/2 teaspoon.


  • Maintenance: Once daily.
  • Immune Building: 3 times daily.
  • Long Term Immune Support: 5 times daily
  • Short term immune support: 7 times daily.

*According to the EPA (CASRN7440-22-4) daily Oral Silver Reference Dose (RfD) applied to 10 ppm, one may ingest 178,850 servings safely over 70 years.

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 teaspoon (5ml)
Servings Per Container: 94.5
Silver  50 mcg*

<td* Daily Value not established.

Pharmaceutical Grade Purified Water (USP-NF)

sovereign silver
sovereign silver

For more information about the truth about colloidal silver and how mainstream medicine has suppressed alernative and natural healing, see:

“Colloidal Silver Has Mainstream Medicine Singling the Blues”

“Healthcare for Dummies – or How the Rich Got Richer and the Sick Got Sicker”

Absolutely know the the Truth about the Shroud of Turin

By:Daniel J Leach

Many claim that The Shroud of Turin is Jesus Christ but the  Knights Templar claim that this is Jacques de Molay.  I myself would like to think that this is Jesus Christ but with my research and understanding of history tend to lead me to believe that this is indeed Jacques de Molay and not Jesus Christ.

Geoffroi de Charny (the French Knight who died at the 1356 battle of Poitiers) and his wife Jeanne de Vergy are the first reliably recorded owners of the Turin Shroud. This Geoffroi participated in a failed crusade under Humbert II of Viennois in the late 1340s.[26] He is sometimes confused with Templar Geoffroi de Charney.[27]

This Section Copied from:

Any discussion of the Shroud of Turin is bound to be controversial. Those who view this sacred and holy relic fall into two camps, those that believe it to be the undisputed earthly evidence of a Christ risen and those who believe it to be a medieval forgery.

It is not the intention of this web site to cast doubt on or support the authenticity of the shroud, but rather to show its possible relationship to the Knights Templar. We receive many letters from angry people who wish to enter into lengthy debates about carbon 14 reliability. We are aware of new evidence that puts the reliability of carbon 14 dating in question, so please refrain from telling us of the findings or directing us to URLs that make the claims.

There are two theories that relate to the Templars having been involved with the Shroud, one, which would support the authenticity of the Shroud and another, which would refute it.

In 1204 the Crusaders sacked the city of Constantinople. Among them were the Knights Templar, whom some scholars contend took the Burial shroud of Jesus from the city. To support this theory, author Ian Wilson who wrote the book “The Shroud of Turin: Burial Cloth Of Jesus?” makes the claim that the head that the Templars were accused of worshipping was none other than that of Jesus. His belief is that the Shroud when folded depicted the head of Christ and was referred to as the “Mandylion.” There is a painted panel at Templecombe in England that shows a bearded head like that, which is depicted on the Mandylion.

In their two books, “The Hiram Key” and “The Second Messiah,” authors Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas paint a contrasting picture to the Mandylion theory. The authors theorize that the image on the Shroud of Turin is in fact that of the last Grand Master of the order, Jacques de Molay, who was tortured some months before his execution in 1307. The image on the shroud certainly does fit the description of de Molay as depicted in medieval wood cuts, a long nose, hair shoulder length and parted in the center, a full beard that forked at its base, not to mention the six-foot frame. De Molay was said to be quite tall.

However, many have criticized the theory on the basis that the Templar rule of order forbade the Templars from growing their hair long. What critics of the theory overlook is that during DeMolay’s seven years in prison it is highly unlikely that he would have been afforded such luxuries as good grooming.

Knight and Lomas claim that the shroud figured in the Templars rituals of figurative resurrection and that DeMolay’s tortured body was wrapped in a shroud, which the Templars kept after his death. Lomas and Knight further believe that lactic acid and blood from DeMolay’s tortured body mixed with frankincense (used to whiten the cloth) etching his image into the shroud.

When the shroud was first put on display in 1357 (50 years after the disbanding of the order) by the family of Geoffrey de Charney who was also burned at the stake with de Molay, the first people viewing the shroud recognized the image to be that of Christ.

The authors theorize that Jacques de Molay may have been tortured in a manner similar to Christ as a mockery. Certainly then, the wounds suffered by de Molay where the same as those of Jesus Christ on the Cross.

Today it is commonly believed by many, through carbon dating, that the shroud dates to the late 13th century and not to the date of Christ’s supposed crucifixion. It is interesting that the church revealed these carbon dating results on October 13th, 1989, which is the same day the Templars were arrested by Church and State. According to the authors:

“Carbon dating has conclusively shown that the Shroud of Turin dates from between 1260 and 1380, precisely as we would expect if it were the image of Jacques de Molay. There is no other known theory that fits the scientifically established facts. Through experimentation, we know that the figure on the Shroud was on a soft bed of some kind, which strongly suggests that the victim was not dead and was expected to recover.”

The Second Messiah pg. 161 – Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas

Regardless of whether the findings of Ian Wilson or Knight and Lomas are correct, it is evident that this most holy and venerated relic has found its way into the Templar mythos.

Lynn Picknet and Clive Prince, authors of “Turin Shroud: In Whose Image?” present another theory of interest on the matter. Readers will recognize the authors from the book, “The Templar Revelation.” In the authors’ earlier book the duo claim that Leonardo Da Vinci who created an early photographic technique manufactured the image on the shroud of Turin.

Stephanie Pappas
Live Science
Thu, 05 Apr 2012 17:01 CDT

Shroud of Turin

© Public domain
Full-length negative photograph of the Shroud of Turin.

A hoax or a miracle? The Shroud of Turin has inspired this question for centuries. Now, an art historian says this piece of cloth, said to bear the imprint of the crucified body of Jesus Christ, may be something in between.

According to Thomas de Wesselow, formerly of Cambridge University, the controversial shroud is no medieval forgery, as a 1989 attempt at radiocarbon dating suggests. Nor is the strange outline of the body on the fabric a miracle, de Wesselow writes in his new book, The Sign: The Shroud of Turin and the Secret of the Resurrection (Dutton Adult, 2012). Instead, de Wesselow suggests, the shroud was created by natural chemical processes – and then interpreted by Jesus’ followers as a sign of his resurrection.

“People in the past did not view images as just the mundane things that we see them as today. They were potentially alive. They were seen as sources of power,” de Wesselow told LiveScience. The image of Jesus found on the shroud would have been seen as a “living double,” he said. “It seemed like they had a living double after his death and therefore it was seen as Jesus resurrected.”

Believing the shroud

As de Wesselow is quick to admit, this idea is only a hypothesis. No one has tested whether a decomposing body could leave an imprint on shroud-style cloth like the one seen on the shroud. A 2003 paper published in the journal Melanoidins in Food and Health, however, posited that chemicals from the body could react with carbohydrates on the cloth, resulting in a browning reaction similar to the one seen on baked bread. (De Wesselow said he knows of no plans to conduct an experiment to discover if this idea really works.)

Perhaps more problematic is the authenticity of the shroud itself. Radiocarbon dating conducted in 1988 estimated the shroud to medieval times, between approximately A.D. 1260 and 1390. This is also the same time period when records of the shroud begin to appear, suggesting a forgery.

Critics have charged that the researchers who dated the shroud accidentally chose asample of fabric added to the shroud during repairs in the medieval era, skewing the results. That controversy still rages, but de Wesselow is convinced of the shroud’s authenticity from an art history approach.

“It’s nothing like any other medieval work of art,” de Wesselow said. “There’s just nothing like it.”

Among the anachronisms, de Wesselow said, is the realistic nature of the body outline. No one was painting that realistically in the 14th century, he said. Similarly, the body image is in negative (light areas are dark and vice versa), a style not seen until the advent of photography centuries later, he said.

“From an art historian’s point of view, it’s completely inexplicable as a work of art of this period,” de Wesselow said.

Resurrection: spiritual or physical?

If de Wesselow’s belief in the shroud’s legitimacy is likely to rub skeptics the wrong way, his mundane explanation of how the image of Jesus came to be is likely to ruffle religious feathers. According to de Wesselow, there’s no need to invoke a miracle when simple chemistry could explain the imprint. It’s likely, he says, that Jesus’ female followers returned to his tomb to finish anointing his body for burial three days after his death. When they lifted the shroud to complete their work, they would have seen the outline of the body and interpreted it as a sign of Jesus’ spiritual revival.

From there, de Wesselow suspects, the shroud went on tour around the Holy Land, providing physical proof of the resurrection to Jesus’ followers. When the Bible talks about people meeting Jesus post-resurrection, de Wesselow said, what it really means is that they saw the shroud. He cites the early writings of Saint Paul, which focus on a spiritual resurrection, over the gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John, which were written later and invoke physical resurrection.

“The original conception of the resurrection was that Jesus was resurrected in a spiritual body, not in his physical body,” de Wesselow said.

These ideas are already receiving pushback, though de Wesselow says he’s yet to get responses from people who have read his entire book. Noted skeptic Joe Nickell toldMSNBC’s Alan Boyle that de Wesselow’s ideas were “breathtakingly astonishing,” and not in a good way; Nickell has argued on multiple occasions that the shroud’s spotty historical record and too-perfect image strongly suggest a counterfeit.

On the other end of the religious spectrum, former high-school teacher and Catholic religious speaker David Roemer believes in Jesus’ resurrection, but not the shroud’s authenticity. The image is too clear and the markings said to be blood aren’t smeared as they would be if the cloth had covered a corpse, Roemer told LiveScience.

“When you get an image this detailed, it means it was done by some kind of a human being,” Roemer said.

Unlike many “shroudies,” as believers are deprecatingly called, Roemer suspects the shroud was deliberately created by Gnostic sects in the first or second century. A common religious explanation for the markings is that a flash of energy or radiation accompanied Christ’s resurrection, “burning” his image onto the cloth.

If anything is certain about de Wesselow’s hypothesis, it’s that it is not likely to settle the shroud controversy. Scientific examinations of the delicate cloth are few and far between – and so are disinterested parties. Roemer, for example, recently arrived at a scheduled talk at a Catholic church in New York only to find the talk had been canceled when the priest learned of Roemer’s shroud skepticism. (The Catholic Church has no official position on the shroud’s authenticity.)

Meanwhile, de Wesselow said, people who aren’t driven by faith to accept the cloth as real generally don’t care about the shroud at all.

“The intellectual establishment, if you like, is not interested in shroud science,” he said. “It regards it as fringe and it’s not interested.”

Absolutely Awesome Ron Paul First GOP Candidate to Appear on Ballot in All 50 States

Daniel J Leach

Ron Paul First GOP Candidate to Appear on Ballot in All 50 States

“Being first to appear on the ballot in all fifty states proves that Ron Paul is the only candidate with the organizational muscle, resources, and stamina to challenge Mitt Romney.”

LAKE JACKSON, Texas – 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul is the first candidate among those vying for the GOP nomination to appear on the ballot in all 50 states, and the only candidate aside from moderate-establishment Mitt Romney to have any prospects for 50-state ballot access.

The 12-term Congressman from Texas filed to appear on the ballot in New Jersey today – Tuesday,

March 27 th – with double the required 1,000 signatures, giving him the status of first candidate to have nationwide ballot access. Romney is expected to file in New Jersey in the coming days, making his 50-state ballot access likely.

Not all states require activity such as the need to file paperwork to appear on the ballot. In the case of some states, for example, the respective secretaries of state simply green-light ballot access for candidates. In the over 30 states that do require some form of filing activity, filing requirements range from formalities such as filing paperwork and paying a fee to appear on the ballot, to similar requirements plus a quota of signatures from those enrolled in the relevant political party, to stringent requirements as in the example of Virginia, which requires filing plus thousands of signatures to authenticate candidate support.

In Virginia, Paul and Romney were the only candidates that appeared on the ballot in the

Commonwealth’s primary held on March 6 th –Super Tuesday. Counterfeit conservative Rick Santorum failed to file at all in Virginia, and serial hypocrite Newt Gingrich filed but fell short of qualifying. Would-be candidate Rick Perry’s suit that the other candidates joined against the Commonwealth was struck down on appeal, and an injunction determining whether and when paper ballots were to be printed was lifted, making possible the Paul-Romney matchup. More recently, Santorum failed to file in the District of Columbia,

which is holding its primary on Tuesday, April 3 rd

or one week from today.

“Success in accessing ballots no matter a state’s requirements is a barometer for the strength of a campaign organization. Being first to appear on the ballot in all fifty states proves that Ron Paul is the only candidate with the organizational muscle, resources, and stamina to challenge Mitt Romney for the Republican nomination,” said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Manager John Tate.

“In concert with our delegate-attainment strategy, which is working well in states like Iowa, Nevada, Washington, and Missouri, we’re prepared and eager to continue on the long road to Tampa,” added Mr. Tate, referring to the Republican National Convention in to be held in Florida in September. “See you on the campaign trail.”

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